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The Hit-Man: The Protectors Book 2

Page 9

by Jordan Silver

  Chapter 12


  It was easy enough getting onto the surrounding property to set up my scope and other equipment. It was still early in the day, a little before noon, so he might be home; maybe lounging around the pool. Something easy to make my job less harrowing would be good, but I was prepared to wait it out if I had to; he had to make an appearance some time.

  I watched the men come and go as they made their rounds around the perimeter, and tried to gauge the situation from their actions and body language. There were too many bodies inside for me to make a clear guess as to who was who, so it looked like I was gonna have to wait for a visual.

  The sun was starting to make its presence felt and the little pests that made their home in the woods were starting to use my exposed skin as a banquet. I had hardly moved in the two hours I’d been there, and my muscles were beginning to feel the strain.

  I was about ready to gnaw my arm off at the shoulder from the sting of a son of a bitching ant when my target finally came into view. I sighted my scope and took the shot, all in less than a minute. I was on my way back to the airstrip in five, the ring of the men’s voices, as they called out orders in Spanish following behind me.


  She wasn’t in the cottage when I got back, and my heart almost failed me, until I noticed that her stuff was still here. I went in search of her and almost offed another fucker. She was in the middle of a group of horny ass college boys who were ogling her like she was on the fucking menu.

  I didn’t stop to think, just walked right into the middle of them and dragged her ass up by her arm. “Hey, let me go.” Oh she was pissed, but not as pissed as I was. “Hey dude what the fuck?”

  “This is mine, stay the fuck out of this.” The idiot who looked like he’d had one too many margaritas held his hands up as his buddies had the good sense to stay the fuck out of my way as I dragged her off to the cottage.

  I came pretty close to turning her over my knee, and her swearing and threatening me wasn’t helping her situation any. I didn’t say one fucking word to her, too pissed to even speak. I just tore the flirty little skirt she was wearing off her body, threw her to the floor in front of the door and fell on her.

  She bit and scratched me while I wrestled with my zipper and got my jeans open. I bit into the underside of her jaw to calm her the fuck down but that wasn’t working, so instead I flipped her over to avoid her nails making mincemeat of my face.

  I pinned her body beneath mine as she called me every name in the book, in Spanish and English. When my cock was loose, I felt around inside her to get a little moisture going before feeding my dick into her. Only then did the jealous rage abate and I felt whole again. “I’ll fucking kill you.” I had no idea what I was saying, I just knew feelings and all I felt was love and lust rolled into one tight package.

  Her nails scraped across the floor as I fucked her hard enough to make me forget the sight I’d just walked up on. She threw her pussy back at me taking me all the way in and begging for more. I tore at the top she wore until my hands could reach around to her breasts. There was no finesse in my hips as I went in deep before pulling out and going back in again over and over, until I had built up a rhythm.

  It didn’t take me long to spill inside her again and when I was done and could feel my legs again, I lifted her and took her to bed.


  I spent the whole day fucking her like the end was coming. I knew that with the threat gone it was only a matter of time before I had to let her go. Any longer and it would become dangerous. I couldn’t keep her. I had to keep reminding myself of that fact.

  “Carlos is dead.” I’d just left her body for the fourth time that day. We were both sweaty and sticky from our marathon and I didn’t think my dick would ever get hard again. Her eyes flew up to mine but she had the good sense not to ask me any questions. Her only acknowledgment of my words was a quick hug and a squeeze that she cut short to let me know that she was still pissed at me.

  “Thank you.”

  “Yeah.” I let her go when she pulled away from me and headed for the shower. Once again I had to start the distancing process over, but she wasn’t making it easy.

  For the rest of the evening we skirted around each other, neither of us willing to bring up what was going on between us. I didn’t miss the tear tracks on her face or the way she held her body as if she expected another verbal blow. I wish I could reassure her, give her what she wanted, but how could I rob her like that?

  I ignored the annoying voice in my head that said I was being a fool, that there was nothing wrong with me keeping her for myself. Didn’t I deserve something that good after the hell I’d been through? How was I gonna go back to what was?

  The very thought of Trish made my stomach churn and I promised myself that I would never touch her again. If I couldn’t control my urges from now on, out of respect for Selena, I will never touch any of the women I’d known before her. It was the best I could do.

  I didn’t touch her again that night, or the next. It was past time we parted, but somehow I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Each time I thought of it, I couldn’t imagine it being the last time I saw her, was next to her, touched her. I was losing a little piece of myself more and more as the hours flew by, knowing that our time was drawing near.

  It was the third morning after I’d spent the night next to her without so much as touching, when I noticed the change in her. She was no longer sullen and withdrawn, but instead seemed rather chipper all of a sudden. It burned me the hell up to think that she was finally okay with me leaving. In fact she seemed downright jovial. I wanted to ring her damn neck, especially when she hummed her way through breakfast while ignoring my ass.

  I had to damn near bite a hole in my tongue so as not to say anything to her. I watched her from beneath lowered lids as she got her swimsuit and went into the bathroom to change. Since when does she do that shit? Since you told her that you were leaving her maybe? Shut the fuck up idiot.

  I sat there steaming as she sung in the bathroom, before exiting with her suit under some see-through bit of crap that was more scandalous than the barely there scraps of material she had covering her tits and ass.

  I wanted to forbid her to go out the door dressed like that, but I knew it would only cause an argument and I wanted to avoid that at all cost. I sat there after she left feeling sorry for myself, and wanting things that I knew I couldn’t have. How the fuck had my life come to this? Why did this have to happen now? There were no answers forthcoming and I forced myself to sit there instead of going after her.

  I had to go home soon, there were things that I needed to tend to and besides, this was the longest I’d ever stayed away from home on a job. Mom was bound to start worrying. I made myself stay busy so that I didn’t lose my mind thinking about what she was doing out there with her body, no fuck that, my body on display.

  I stormed out the room checking my watch. I’d lasted a full fifteen and a half minutes. Of course she already had an admirer, thank heavens because of the early hour there wasn’t more than one. “You, make tracks. I glared at the grease ball who was sitting on the lounger next to her chatting her up. He looked from her to me and when she didn’t object, got up from his seat.

  “Hey man I'm sorry I didn't know she was yours.”

  She sat there with a little smile on her face as the asshole slithered away.

  “You think that shit’s funny do you. You're gonna fuck around and get someone killed.”

  “I don't know what you're talking about.” Yeah, alright

  “Don't give me that innocent little girl look. I've had you under me; I know you're a hot little bitch. Just remember whose.” Fuck! Did that sound like I was begging? The fuck did she put on me anyway?

  Her tinkering laugh and ‘I’ve got you’ smile told me that I’d been played. “Why are you doing this shit to me? I told you how it has to be, why won’t you just leave it alone?” Her smile fell away and I felt like
a jerk for doing that to her, but she had to listen. But she’s not the one who came out here acting like a Neanderthal, maybe you should stop sending her mixed messages? I wasn’t trying to do that shit; I just couldn’t seem to let go.

  “Fine, if that’s what you want, I’ll leave now.” She got up to leave and I heard a rushing in my ears. I reached out my hand to grab her but she evaded me and kept going. I guess this was it; I had to let her go as hard as it was. I sat there like a stump for all of two minutes before going after her. I had to try one last time to get her to see reason. I couldn’t let her leave without doing at least that much.



  He’s such a pendejo. I threw my stuff in my bag haphazardly, not caring one way or the other. I hate him. I wish I could tear his eyes from his head and spit in their sockets. No that’s too easy. I’d like to cut his balls off and boil them while he watches. I thought of anything and everything except the pain that was growing inside of me.

  Why did he have to be so stupid? I know he’s in love with me, I heard it that night he thought I was asleep, so why? It’s not like he had a wife and kids somewhere waiting for him; I know, I asked. So what was it that was keeping him at arm’s length?

  We were so good together. I knew there would never be anyone else for me as long as I live, and that knowledge hurt like nothing else ever has. So much had happened to me in the last few weeks; I’d lost so much already must I lose him too? My hand went to my tummy where the pain was almost unbearable, and I wanted to crumble to the floor.

  I heard him come through the door but paid him no mind. He didn’t want me, fine; he could go straight to hell for all I care. I wasn’t about to beg him, to debase myself. I felt his eyes following me around the room as I gathered up my stuff. Each article of clothing I packed away felt like I was getting closer to the end.

  I wasn’t even aware that I was sobbing until I heard him swear out loud and storm across the room. I wiped my face furiously, not willing to give him another piece of me, I was so mad. He came and stood right behind me, but I refused to turn and look at him, and the stupid tears wouldn’t stop coming.

  I took a deep fortifying breath; I had one last shot at this if he gives me the chance. All I need is an opening, because so much is at stake here now. I couldn’t let the anger and the hurt make me act rashly, not if I wanted to win the hardheaded jackass for keeps.

  I sniffled and carried on with my packing, if you could call it that. It was more like a stampede through the room where we had shared so much of each other, with each other. When I thought of the nights when he’d let his guard down and opened up a little, the way he held me like he’d never let me go; I could knock his lights out.

  How could he even think of giving me up so easily? Wasn’t I worth more than whatever it was that was holding him back? This thinking was only making the blood boil under my skin, best I think of something else. Of course my hothead prevailed and I dragged my suitcase off the bed and headed for the door without a word.



  “I’m not doing this with you, look at me.” Her stubborn ass refused to look at me. Her face was set, ready for mutiny, until I gripped her cheeks and made her eyes meet mine. “There’s blood on my hands don’t you understand that shit? You’re too good for that…”

  “That’s not your choice, I get to decide.” I wanted to shake the shit out of her, maybe knock some sense into her hardheaded ass. Why must she always give me shit? “Selena listen to me…”

  “Fine, I’ll go back to Colombia and find me a real man who’s not afraid of his own feelings.”

  “Are you fucking crazy, or stupid?” I squeezed her cheeks until she pinked up and threw a punch at my gut. “I’ll slap the shit out of you if you say some shit like that to me again.”

  Her words left me cold; how the fuck was I gonna live with this shit if the mere thought of someone else having her makes me want to die? She’d turned me into a complete ass with her bullshit, just couldn’t leave well enough alone. She’s one of those females that digs under your skin, and bores her way into the very heart of you when you’re not looking.

  “I’ll kill you before I let that shit happen.” Way to make sense Drake, you’re not sending mixed messages or anything. Fuck that, if I plan to live like a damn monk for the rest of my life then so can she. You know you’re not making any sense right? I thought I told you to shut the fuck up?

  “You can’t have it both ways jackass, if you won’t have me someone else will; me and your son.” I think bells went off in my head, I couldn’t be sure. I do know that my knees went weak and my heart moved out of its place. “My what…? You’re…” I dropped my hands from her face like it was on fire, my eyes going instantly to her tummy that didn’t look any rounder or fuller than the first day we met.

  How can she be pregnant? I’d only taken her the first time like a little more than a week ago. Was she playing me, was this another ploy to get me to stay? Somehow I didn’t think she had that in her, but how could this be? Ugh, you remember the fifty or so times you emptied yourself inside her Einstein? That ought to do it. I knew she was going to make me want to shoot myself in the fucking neck; now I’m talking to myself, the fuck!

  A baby? I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be feeling. Stark terror came to mind, followed quickly by some kind of warming emotion. If this was true…

  I saw the truth in her eyes, even as mine dimmed with sudden moisture. The first thought was to get her home where I could hide her away and keep her safe. My blood ran cold at the remembrance of the bounty that had been on her head just a few short days ago. She gasped out loud in surprise when I grabbed her and pulled her into my chest. I held her head protectively as I closed my eyes in silent prayer.

  Everything I’d done and been in the last few years came down to this moment. All that came before faded as if it were nothing, and it was nothing compared to what I now held in my arms. “I love you so fucking much.” The words were practically wrenched from my gut, but they weren’t as hard to utter as I’d always thought. Her reaction made it all worthwhile, the way she molded herself into me.

  I was suddenly hungry for her, starved was more like it, as if I hadn’t had her in forever, and it felt like it. My mouth wasn’t as gentle as it could be when I covered hers, and my hands weren’t as smooth when I ran them over her back and around to the place where my son laid. I had enough control left to not ravish her where we stood, but instead led her back to the bed. There was a raging need inside of me for her, I wanted in her in the worse way.

  My hand went under her dress in search of her heat. I made short work of tearing her panties away so that I could get to her. I used my fingers to test her readiness, and like always she was more than ready for me. “You’re so wet baby.” Did she know what her body said to me? More than any words from her mouth, her body’s answer to my call told me over and over just how much she was with me.

  I couldn’t resist examining her. Her pretty dress barely survived as I pulled it up and off over her head so I could see her. She watched me in silence as I swept her body with hungry eyes. “Here, how did I miss this?” Her breasts were already showing signs of my seed growing inside her. I weighed them in my hands as I searched diligently for even more evidence, but there was none.

  Lowering my head I kissed the softness of her belly with reverence. I was actually shaking as I placed light kisses on her flesh, my head filled with visions of a little boy with my image. I licked and nibbled my way up to her nipple, even as I found her opening with my tip and slipped in. She welcomed me by spreading her thighs wider to take me.

  I was more careful than I’d ever been with her as I fed her my whole length. “Am I hurting you sweetheart?” I wiped the escaped tear from the corner of her eye as she shook her head. “Then why are you crying?” She hiccupped and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. I barely made out her words between her tears. “You love me.” I rolled my eyes as I buried
my face in her neck and rocked into her.

  With one hand on the plump flesh of her ass and the other holding her neck protectively, I held her as close as possible. I didn’t even need to move, just being inside her, her heat wrapped tightly around my meat, was more than enough. “You please me.” I started moving inside her then as her flesh quickened around me, the fluttering answering the throb of my rod as it surged into her.

  That need to pound into her was there. I think it will always be, but I was able to hold myself in check and to give her and my kid love and tenderness. There was no more thought of leaving her, letting her go. I’m pretty sure that’s why I’d come rushing in here in the first place. When it came down to it, I couldn’t let her go. Now with my kid inside her, there’s no way in hell. She’d be lucky if I ever let her out of my sight again.

  “Stop crying baby, I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.” I didn’t stop moving inside her as I dried her tears. I was nervous as fuck about lying on top of her all of a sudden, and pulled out. “What’re you doing?” Her eyes were wide with uncertainty.

  “Am I supposed to lie on top of you like that? Wouldn’t that hurt my son?” Her mouth fell open in surprise and next thing I knew she was rolling around on the bed howling with laughter. I guess that meant no, but I didn’t appreciate being laughed at.

  She stopped mid-laugh when I slid my meat back into her at an angle that was sure to hit her spot. She almost choked on a moan. “Oh yeah, you’re not laughing now are you?” She lifted her legs up around my back and shifted her pussy in a way that I was fucking down into her, hitting the back of her sex, going places I hadn’t before.

  “Oh shit!” Where the hell did she learn that shit? I flattened my hands on the pillow next to her head, lifted my lower body off of hers, so that we were connected, only by my dick pinning her beneath me, and pile drive into her. It was the best fucking feeling in the world.


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