The Hit-Man: The Protectors Book 2

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The Hit-Man: The Protectors Book 2 Page 10

by Jordan Silver

  I looked down between our bodies at the way my dick was slicing into her. It looked like I was splitting her in two, but she took me, her little hips moving in time with mine, her pussy sucking at my meat for all it was worth.

  “I’m gonna cum, cum with me.” I think knowing my kid was in her womb was a trigger, because I couldn’t hold off the way I used to. I needed to cum in her now. I didn’t go into her womb, there was no need; and I wondered if subconsciously I had been after this, had been plotting to breed her, so I would have an excuse to keep her.

  I kissed her long and hard, before softening it into little nibbles. “I have to find a justice of the peace or some shit in this one horse town; I’m not bringing no bastards into the world.” She pinched my side hard, but I was dead serious. My kid, as well as she, were going to have my covering from day one, any self respecting man should know that shit.

  Chapter 13


  Mom is going to flip I’m sure. She’d spoken to my girl by mistake already, when Selena answered my phone with her fast self that day, but she wasn’t prepared for me to be coming home with a family. I did a quick mental check to recall the condition I’d left the house in, though I was sure mom had cleaned up after me already. When I’d left I had no idea that my life would take such a drastic change though.

  It had only been two days since she’d floored me with the news of my impending fatherhood. Two days in which I’d stuck as close to her as it was possible for one human to stick to another. It was going to take a while before the fascination wore off I was sure. I’d already been in her more than at any other time thus far, and was already feeling the need for her after being on the road for two hours.

  I had my hog in the back of a rented truck because I wasn’t about to risk her or my kid, no matter how much she tried convincing me that it was safe, no fucking way. I’ve made enough mistakes in this life, no way I was taking a chance like that.

  “Are you cool enough baby or do you need me to turn this up some more?” I reached over for the AC, but she stopped me. “Drake I’m fine I told you. The air is perfect, if you turn it up any higher we’d freeze to death.” She rolled her eyes and slouched down in her seat again. It was hot as a bitch outside and from what little I’d garnered when I went on line, it was very important that I made sure she was comfortable at all times.

  With Carlos gone she didn’t have any worries, and I was glad now more so than ever, that I had offed the son of a bitch when I did. I would’ve had to leave them to go do that shit now and that wouldn’t have been good. I was pretty much done with my job now, because I couldn’t see me leaving her for any length of time in the next few months.

  All the reading I’d done in the last couple of days had only helped to put fear in me of all that could go wrong, and I wasn’t about to let shit happen to either of them, not on my watch. She had some fears of her own as well. For some reason she was afraid that Carlos’ family or one of his men might figure shit out and come after us. I didn’t think so, but, I did the best I could while buried inside her to reassure her.

  I knew that shit only lasted as long as we were connected, but if her fear persisted I’ll have to do something, even if it means killing off every last one of those motherfuckers. I have to make sure she brought my son into a world that was safe for him. “Does my son need to eat? You haven’t had anything to eat since this morning.”

  “Drake, this morning was two hours ago, and I keep telling you, he could be a she.” She likes messing with my head. “I already told you about that shit, no girls. It’s not up for discussion.” I’d be fucked if I’m dealing with that shit. With my luck she’d bring in a ringer. I’m not built to deal with two crazy females in this lifetime, hell no.

  Pregnancy has not slowed her ass down. In fact I think she might be getting worse as the days go by. The only time I seem able to control her little ass is when I’m inside her, and even then she has the upper hand.

  Her mouth hasn’t stopped going since the day she dropped her bomb, and she stays giving me shit. It’s cute though to see her breaking out of her shell even more, she’s more relaxed now that she knows I’m not going to leave her. I guess putting my ring on her finger helped that along some.

  I lifted her hand and raised it to my lips to kiss the place where my mark of ownership sat. I’m not into symbols and shit, but she’s a nineteen year old girl who, when you think about it, only had me, and the son she was carrying. I rested our joined hands on my thigh and drove one handed as she yakked away at me about all these grand plans she had.

  I’d shown her pictures of my place and she was already redecorating to suit her colorful taste. Damn, the kid’s gonna be half Colombian, no matter what it is I’m gonna have trouble on my hand. With her temperament being what it is, and my murdering ass, there’s no telling what we’re gonna produce.


  By the time we pulled into the long, winding driveway, it was after dark. It looked like mom had done her thing, because every damn light in the house was on in both places. My little fire angel had talked herself to sleep about an hour ago and was now curled up in her seat with her head on my lap.

  I let my hand play through her hair before kissing her head to awaken her. “We’re here sweetheart wake up.” She came awake yawning and rubbing her eyes, before looking around at her new home. “Whoa!” She opened her door almost in a daze before I could come around to help her.

  “Is this all yours?” She spun around, taking in the land that went on for acres around us. Mom’s house could be seen a little ways off from this angle, but other than that there was nothing to mar the beauty of the place with its rolling green pastures and pine trees that lined it on both sides.

  “Our boy is going to have a whole lot of running around room up here on our mountain.” I wrapped my arms around her from behind and kissed her neck. My hand strayed to the flat of her stomach where my son was probably asleep in his little sac.

  “Well it’s about time you two.” I turned to see mom making her way over with a pot in her hand. Selena pulled away from me and went to meet her halfway. I held my breath when my two favorite people met for the first time.

  This could set the precedent for years to come. And though I didn’t expect mom to be outright rude, she’s a bit of a wildcard. Not to mention she’s never approved of any female I’ve ever had dealings with in the past.

  “Well now, let me look at you. Yes sir, my prayers have been answered. Come on in here child you look plum tuckered out.”

  “Oh let me take that for you ma’am.” My eyes almost met my hairline at the polite way my wife spoke just then. You could’ve blown my ass over with a feather.

  The two of them walked towards the house chattering away like two ole friends, totally ignoring my ass as I brought up the rear. Mom saw the ring and you would’ve thought she’d hit the jackpot the way she screamed and carried on.

  “Well ma, if you like that you’re gonna love this. You wanna tell her?” I looked at Selena who had tears in her eyes for some reason that went right by me.

  “Tell me what son, what’s going on?” she looked back and forth between the two of us in curiosity. I walked over to my wife and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. “We’re pregnant.” Oh shit, I barely got out of the way in time. The shouts and squeals started again and the two of them were loud enough for an army.

  I rescued the pot of stew or whatever it was that mom had made, and went on inside, while the two of them stood out on the porch planning junior’s high school graduation: women.

  For the rest of the night all I heard about was the baby. We needed to get this for the baby; we needed to do this before the baby came. Shit sounded like the Normandy invasion to me. I still didn’t understand why one little being that was going to weigh no more than six pounds should cause all this disruption, but the two of them seemed to think the mountain wasn’t big enough to hold him when he got here.

  I ignored them and left them to it a
s I went about my regular routine when I first come back home. After making sure that all was as it should be, I turned my thoughts to what came next. I had a business to take over and a few lives to destroy. I was gonna have to speed things up by a couple months, but everything I needed was already in place anyway, so there was no real need for the wait.

  I felt a sense of pride that I was going to have a legacy to leave to my son or sons some day. Dad’s patent was being fine-tuned right now, and the benefits from that would keep mom set for the rest of her life. I’d held off on that purposely, until now. My life had taken an unexpected turn, but as I looked at the two of them, I knew I had lucked out in a big fucking way.

  “What are you grinning at son?” Mom smiled as she glanced over at the smile on my face.

  “Nothing, just enjoying the sight of my two favorite girls together.”

  “I like her, she’s exactly what I imagined after our conversation on the phone. Thanks son.”

  “For what mom?”

  “Oh nothing much, just for doing me proud, for brining me home a daughter I can love.” She didn’t have to say anything more than that for me to get the message. I guess now she could stop worrying that I was going to bring Trish home some day.


  I had to practically throw mom out of the house when the hour grew late and my girl was starting to wilt. You would think she didn’t have anyone to talk to while I was gone, which I knew was a lie, because she had plenty that were always in my damn business.

  I walked her over after ordering Selena to take a shower and hit the sack. “Son, that other thing you’re doing.”

  “That’s done mom.”

  “Oh thank heavens. And the other?”

  “What other?” She couldn’t know, I’ve been very careful to keep it hidden from her all these years.

  “You know,” she stopped in the middle of the yard between our places, “when your dad first took the coward’s way out I was so mad and hurt, I wanted to kill everyone involved in that mess. It took me a long time to accept that your father was wrong.”

  “What?” I stepped away from her in shock.

  “Oh not about the money, I knew he didn’t take it; but he put his pride before you and I, and for that I didn’t think I would ever forgive him. When I first realized what it was that you were doing, I couldn’t figure out who it was that you were erasing every time you pulled the trigger, him or them? Then for a time there your soul was in jeopardy and I was so afraid for you, but I still didn’t understand why.

  Then when you got mixed up with that girl again I couldn’t figure why you would do such a thing, but then I started putting the pieces together, and it all made sense. Now son, you’ve got a beautiful young wife and a baby on the way, let it go.”

  “I can’t; don’t ask me.” I would give her anything under the sun but that. I had blood on my hands, maybe on the very soul that she had once believed in peril, because of these men. Everything I’d done I’d done to get me closer to this point, there was no way I was going to let it go now, not after all that I had done.

  “Does she know?” She looked back towards the house.

  “No and you are not to tell her.” She placed her hand on my cheek with a look of sadness in her eyes.

  “Let it go son, for her and that little baby’s sake let it go.”

  That night I fucked Selena so hard she was climbing the headboard. It was as if I was possessed or running from something inside of me, and only the sweet feel of her wrapped around me could bring me any peace. She held me through it, not once complaining about the rough way I tossed her body around when doing her missionary wasn’t enough, and I wanted to pound into her from behind.

  I pounded out my frustration on her body, going deep and staying hard, longer than ever before. I had her in every position known to man until we were almost off the bed and her body was covered with the marks from my teeth. It was the first time I’d marked her like that, something I’ve never done to another woman, because it had always seemed so personal, so intimate.

  “You’re mine, you’re fucking mine.” I eased my strokes and slid into her nice and slow when the fever had passed. She ran her hands up and down my back soothingly as I fucked towards completion. “I know papi, I know, ssh.”

  When I came, my body shook as I fought back the emotion that had come out of nowhere. I held so much in my arms then, so much of what I had planned to deny myself. Mom was right to a certain degree. At least I no longer felt the need to kill them, but there was no way they were getting away with what they had done.

  “I love you.” It was getting easier and easier to say those words to her while she was awake. Slipping out of her, I made my way down her body until I came to rest between her thighs. Lifting her to my lips, I kissed the place just beneath her navel, as my eyes closed in reverence. For my son, I will continue what I had started, and then I will put it all behind me.

  Chapter 14


  Fuck, what the hell is she doing here? It’s way too early in the morning for this shit. I’d been about to go for my morning run through the woods, good thing I was running a little behind. The Spanish cussing started and I knew I’d better get out there before crazy lady forgot that she was with child and started swinging. I hadn’t exactly thought on how this meeting would go, though it was a given that the two of them would run into each other at some point in time, but damn, I’d only just got back.

  “What’re you doing here Trish?” I walked over to where they were standing on the back porch, both breathing fire. I folded my arms and waited for her answer, like I didn’t have a fire-breathing dragon shooting daggers at me with her eyes. The sweet girl that had crawled out of my bed after a morning of thorough loving was no more. In her place was something I did not want to fuck with.

  She gave me the stink eye, while Trish sized her up. It didn’t help that Selena was wearing one of my shirts and nothing else, since we’d been planning to hang around the house all day. Not that I gave a shit what Trish thought, I just would’ve preferred to forego this little showdown thank you very much. I’d rather wrestle a gator barehanded than deal with this drama bullshit.

  “Who is she?” Trish finally broke the silence. I heard the hurt in her voice but wasn’t touched in the least. It wasn’t her turn to be dealt with, this was totally out of order of the way I had things set up in my head, but now is as good a time as any I guess.

  “I’m pretty sure you know I don’t owe you any explanations.” I moved over and stood next to Selena, facing Trish, who was looking worse by the second. I wonder what the hell had propelled her to come this way since she tended to avoid mom like the plague, and had never set foot here before. Not since I’d first built the place and she’d been under the delusion that I was about to set up house with her anyway.

  “You were in my bed just a few weeks ago, I think that gives me the right.” I saw my little hen pose up out the corner of my eye, and reached a hand out to grab her by the nape. “Settle down princess you have no worries here, don’t lose your composure.”

  “You sure you want to do this now?” I looked over at Trish and raised my brows at her, because she either had to be stupid, or she had a new drug habit I didn’t know anything about. For years I’d been telling her that I had nothing in me for her, that shit died a horrible death the first and only time she’d betrayed me for her family.

  How the fuck she could think I would still want her as anything more than a dump after that shit was beyond me. Or maybe she put more stock in her worth than I did. “How could you bring her here knowing what everyone would think?”

  “Puta de carajo…” Selena tried making a grab for her.

  “Geez cut it out will you?” I started to shake her before I remembered the kid in her womb. So instead I brought her back closer to my side and gave her a look to settle her little ass down. I was pretty sure she was going to tear a strip off my hide behind this crap, but I could handle her mess. This shit ri
ght here was a whole other ballgame though. Scorned women are worse than a torn bag of scorpions.

  “Trish, first of all you know by now that I don’t give a fu…damn, what anyone in this town thinks one way or the other.” I caught myself just in time; have to start cleaning up my language before the little one gets here. Good luck getting his mother to do the same, that shit would take an act of divine intervention. Either that: or me washing her mouth out with twenty- mule borax.

  I really didn’t want to do this here and now, I had a whole scenario worked out in my head as to how this was gonna go down. I especially didn’t want to be doing this shit in front of Selena, because what was between me and Trish was part of my past. I didn’t want that bleeding over into my future.

  “Why don’t you go on home and I’ll talk to you later?” Fuck! The little whirlwind beside me went into turbo mode at the drop of a dime. I caught the elbow to my gut without a wince and was fast enough to block the right jab to my face. “Culo!”

  “Calm the hell down Selena.” I had to hold her arms behind her back but she remembered that she had legs and tried to knee me in the balls. “Think about the baby, you hurt my kid I’ll tan your ass.”

  The harsh indrawn breath coming from the left assured me that the jig was up. A quick look told me all I needed to know; I had two very pissed off women on my hands. Since I didn’t give a shit what Trish felt or thought I concentrated on the one in my arms.

  Holding her head in my hands so that I could look into her eyes, I waited until she calmed down a little. “Stop it babe, I told you about this shit. Now either you’re gonna trust me, or you can make yourself miserable thinking that I’m gonna fuck you over for something I don’t want, the choice is yours.” I turned to Trish suddenly more pissed than I’d ever been.


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