The Hit-Man: The Protectors Book 2

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The Hit-Man: The Protectors Book 2 Page 11

by Jordan Silver

  “You don’t belong here, make this the last time you trespass on my property, next time I’ll have you arrested. That’s more than your old man and his cronies did for my dad, you remember? You remember me standing there pleading with you to tell the truth, to speak up? But you didn’t, you chose to side with your dad even though you knew the truth. How could you believe that I would ever feel anything but hatred and contempt for you after that?

  Every time I laid with you since then I was fucking over your old man, because I knew the racist fuck was dying bit by bit knowing that I was dirtying up his precious little girl. I stopped caring about you the moment you decided to let my dad take the rap for something that he didn’t do, something that you had the proof of.”

  Her face was a different shade of pale, more like grey, but that didn’t make me feel anything more towards her than the deep abiding contempt I’ve felt since that night. My hate had grown into a hard cold thing over the years, and I was amazed at her naivety. The fact that she had actually convinced herself that I had moved past what she had done and was willing to forgive her for my dad’s blood. Hell no.

  “My dad will hear about this.”

  “Same old thing huh, only this time I’m not a helpless little boy. You and your family can go fuck yourselves. Don’t come here again.” I led Selena away because I was pretty sure her hotheaded Colombian ass had taken about all she could stand. We hadn’t even cleared the door before she started in with her shit.

  “If you go anywhere near that bruja I’ll kill you both.” She had a few other choice words for me and I listened and watched as she moved around the house dusting shit that didn’t need dusting, while she tore into me with that tongue of hers. All she was doing was making me hard, so on the next go around when she was within my reach, I nabbed her and headed for the bed that we’d just left not too long ago.

  I had her pinned and was working my way into her before she started to wind down. I eased my way past her soft folds until I was seated all the way. “You done?” She huffed up at me but her body was making adjustments to take me more comfortably. I always forget that it wasn’t that long ago that I’d breached her for the first time. That mouth of hers makes it easy to forget that she’s not an experienced woman of the world.

  I had to bring my shit down a notch though, and realize that she had every right to be pissed. I should’ve protected her from the fuckery that just took place on my back porch. “I’m sorry baby.” I trailed a fingertip along her hairline as her eyes changed from the dark furious brown they usually get to when her blood is up, to the light shade of happy. “It’ll never happen again. You believe me?” She nodded her head and that was all I needed to take her lips with mine and start moving inside her. I’d already forgotten about the irate woman on my porch.



  “For the love of fuck! “ I heard snickering and turned to look at my wife. “You think this shit is funny? Didn’t I tell you to keep your damn clone out of my shit?” I heard the little hellion’s feet running towards me and braced myself for who knows what. I knew it wasn’t Alex because he had manners, but his twin sister was a pain in the ass, who didn’t give a shit.

  “Papi, papi, papi.” She toddled over to me on her chubby little legs and I sighed in defeat. Who the fuck was I kidding? The mother owned my ass and this one had twined her way around what was left of my heart. My son wasn’t lacking in the love stakes, that was my firstborn, my heir. Hopefully the one in their mother’s stomach was another male and singular this time.

  “Alexandra, what were you doing in my office? Didn’t I tell you…?” I didn’t get to finish whatever it was that I had been about to say, because she grabbed my face and puckered her lips for a daddy kiss. She got that shit from her mother, the sneak.

  My son came in not long after, the most serious three year old you have ever seen in your life. He emulates his old man in everything, too cute. I’m not sure that I’m ready for round two of this shit, but Selena is old school, and breastfed the kids until they were about two. Don’t ask me how the fuck she managed, because our daughter is a pig, and everyone and their mother had told her it couldn’t be done. I kinda think that’s the reason she did it; with her stubborn ass.

  Anyhow, she took the kids off the tit, her body changed or some fuck, and I nailed her the first time out the gate. Now my ass was gonna pay the price for being a horn-dog.

  I kissed my daughter because, what’s a dad to do? And then went back to scolding her for tearing apart my office after I’d told her for the one hundredth time to stay the hell out.

  “I don’t get it, Alex comes in here he begs for paper and pen and sits at his little desk and doodle for hours, no problem. Why does this one have to destroy my shit? I told you not to feed her that Latin food shit; it’s making her too strong. She’s American made give her the shit the other kids eat.”

  She knows I’m fucking with her because the pediatrician is always amazed at our kids’ health and growth. From the time they could chew, their mother has been feeding them shit from the garden her and mom planted out back. Shit I didn’t even know it was possible for kids to eat at that age, but she swore her abuela had done the same for her back in Colombia.

  A lot had happened in the last four years, and most of it good, though some was bad. One week after Trish showed up on my doorstep I had carried out my coup.

  Her dad and his partners had no idea what was about to hit them. They’d believed that the downward spiral in their corporation was due to the drop in the economy, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

  I’d systematically syphoned off their business, buying stocks here and there, gaining controlling interest in some branches, and setting up other companies. The key though, had been a disgruntled employee here and there, or past executives who believed they’d gotten the shaft from these men, coming on board and helping me set that shit up.

  Without those men I would never have been able to pull it off so spectacularly. I would’ve probably got as far as tearing their business apart, but there’s no way I would have the company I now headed, that I would some day leave for my kids.

  Trish’s dad had taken it the hardest, though the one that I’d really gone after hard was the fucker that had started the whole thing off, that led to my dad’s suicide. I destroyed him completely. From the secret pictures I’d had taken of his wife in some rather compromising positions in what had been later dubbed, ‘the country club saga’ to taking down his company to the bare bones. I think it was fitting that he’d taken a gun and blown his brains out.

  Trish was a wreck. I do believe she’d never quite grasped the magnitude of what her betrayal had done, and that might be even worse. She was now a shell of herself, hiding away from the world, living off of distant relatives or some shit last I heard.

  The day I’d called the special meeting, when no one was any the wiser as to my identity; was a great fucking day in history. I walked into that boardroom with the handful of men and women I’d handpicked from the cast of many, who’d been fucked over in one way or another by these bastards.

  I remember the looks on their faces, and their exclamations of ‘what are you doing here?’ There were a lot of surprised faces in the room that day, but my main focus had been on the head honcho.

  It had given me great joy to see every ounce of color leech out of his face when he realized what I had done. It was poetic justice watching him scramble to save his pride, to hang on to something, anything, but I left him nothing; just as he’d done to my father.

  It was a broken man that was dragged out of there when I served him the final insult, by having him thrown off the property.

  My hatred had started to die that day, but hadn’t fully diminished until the night I stood in a hospital room and watched my babies come into this world. It was like a rebirth, a new era so to speak.

  My wife had been behind me one hundred percent once I’d shared that part of my life with her. In fac
t she had some pretty scary ideas about what I could do to repay their treachery. I’ll remember never to cross her crazy ass that’s for sure.

  The one blemish in our otherwise storybook existence came out of left field. When the dust had settled after Carlos’ execution, it had come to light that he’d been the one responsible for her father’s death, and maybe her mother’s as well.

  From his personal journal we learned that he’d had a sick fascination with her after catching a glimpse of her one-day, while he’d been on a trip to Colombia.

  I made her sue his estate for damages and she won. Mostly because the attorney general hated drug dealers and was looking for any way to sock it to Carlos’ brother who had been set to take over.

  No one ever figured out my part in his death. It wasn’t something she and I discussed, so the shit was dead. Now my days were spent running the company that I had worked so hard to overtake, something I was coming to like, since it kept me home where I was needed.

  Mom had a new beau who I had to warn myself on a daily basis not to take out on principle, and the two of them were always playing granny to the kids, who had them both wrapped around their fingers.

  All in all life was good, except for my daughter who I was sure was gonna be the death of me. If she didn’t finish me off soon, I’m pretty sure her teenage years might do the trick.

  She stiffened up on me when I tried to put her down. “Daddy no.” I just looked at her little face so much like her mother’s.

  “What do you mean no? I have to clean up your mess.”

  There was shit strewn all over the floor and she’d taken the crayon to the walls and furniture again. I’m not painting shit this time. “Isn’t it time for your nap?” I guess her mother picked up on the fact that I was at the end of my rope and took her from me.

  “Come on little girl, nana brought you your favorite ice cream. You keeping Alex?” She looked back over her shoulder at me. “Yeah you got your hands full with that one.”

  When my baby girl looked at me all hurt I relented. “Give her here.” The little shit grinned and reached out her arms to me. The mother rolled her eyes and got up on her toes for my tongue.

  “Later: I like the way your ass looks in that dress. I’ma do you hard and rough as soon as the munchkins go down for their nap.” I had to whisper that shit in her ear because this one repeats every damn thing she hears.

  Selena pinked up and I rubbed her ass and stole one last tonguing before sending her on her way. Naptime couldn’t come soon enough.



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