Monroe, Melody S. - Lydia's Passion [Pleasure, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Melody S. - Lydia's Passion [Pleasure, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Pleasure, Montana 2

  Lydia’s Passion

  Lydia Nestman has her sights set on two rugged men—Sheriff Justin Bradford and Deputy Tom Carnes of Pleasure, Montana. She can’t resist these hot, broad-shouldered men in their uniforms, but because of her less-than-flawless past, she’s afraid neither man will want to be hers forever.

  When a former lover begins to harass Lydia, she wastes no time in using her newfound confidence to turn him down. He exacts his revenge by threatening her life, but her two lawmen come to her rescue. Promising to protect her, Justin and Tom insist Lydia stay at the station and be under their watch at all times.

  She’s more convinced than ever these are the right men for the long-term commitment she’s always desired, but she isn’t sure how to read their protectiveness.

  Are Justin and Tom simply fulfilling their roles as policemen, or is it something more? What more can she do to entice them to make her their own in a ménage relationship?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 37,785 words


  Pleasure, Montana 2

  Melody S. Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2011 by Melody S. Monroe

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-098-0

  First E-book Publication: December 2011

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  This is Melody S. Monroe’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Monroe’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To Eliza March. Thank you for your editorial insights and your support.


  Pleasure, Montana 2


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  The wind beat against the Mountain View Bar and Grill’s front window, slanting the snow horizontally across the street. Lydia Nestman loved the beauty of winter, but she wasn’t too keen about driving in the wet stuff. By the time her waitressing shift was up, she bet the roads would be in need of plowing and slippery as hell.

  She returned her attention back to her customer and friend, the good reverend, who didn’t seem to notice her distraction.

  “Last week’s session went very well, I thought.” He brought his plain, black, hot tea to his lips with both hands.

  Embarrassed for anyone to know about her counseling sessions, she leaned forward, holding the pad and pen in her hand. Anyone watching would hopefully think she was taking the reverend’s order. “Me, too. I haven’t strayed for three months now.”

  A sense of pride coated her heart. Good thing straying didn’t include lusting. The moment she’d set her sights on Justin Bradford, the relatively new sheriff of Pleasure, Montana, and his deputy, Tom Carnes, she hadn’t slept with anyone. She wanted those two heroes, bad. Not only did they treat people fairly, but they represented men who were morally good.

  Her big dilemma was how to get them in bed. Hmm. Justin was as ethical as they came, but she’d heard Tom had a kinkier side she’d like to explore. Every time she looked into his dark brown eyes, the image of bondage, sex toys, and exotic positions came to mind, stimulating her pussy something fierce.

  “I have some ideas I want to discuss with you next time we meet,” he said, drawing her attention back to him.

  She’d be happy to discuss how to get a man in bed, and a host of other things, but she was sure that wasn’t his specialty. Too bad. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  The restaurant’s front door opened, bringing with it cold, damp air. It was the other server’s turn to pick up the next customer, so she continued her conversation with her new mentor.

  Once she gave him his bill, someone at a nearby table banged the tabletop with what sounded like the saltshaker. She swung around and her heart dropped to her stomach. Nothing moved, not her feet nor her mouth. Johnny, aka Snake, Ransaro sat there, smiling at her. The slime was the reason she’d reformed.

  He curled his fingers, motioning she come near. She stayed glued to the floor.

  “Hey, woman, aren’t you going to give your old beau a hug?”

  Who was he kidding? She’d slept with him for a few weeks, and then he walked out on her. He’d never sent a note, never called, just disappeared. He acted like she’d be jumping for joy he’d come back. Fat chance. After he left, she realized her life needed to change. Hence her sessions with the good reverend.

  Lydia inhaled and repeated the reverend’s mantra.

  I am worthy.

  I am worthy.

  The server popped through the swinging doors from the kitchen, carrying a tray full of meals. Lydia held up her hand to indicate she’d take the table and forced herself to go over to Snake. The last thing she wanted was a disturbance. Her boss had been kind enough to give her a job, and she never wanted to disappoint him.

  “Johnny. What brings you
back to Pleasure?” And when do you plan on leaving?

  “I came back to see you, sweet cheeks.” He reached around and squeezed her ass.

  She pulled away, heat rushing up her face. “Johnny, please don’t.”

  He dropped his jaw in an exaggerated fashion. “When did you get so uppity?”

  Not wanting to be mean in public, she tried to let him down gently. “I’ve moved on. After all, you’ve been gone three months.”

  “I don’t mind sharing. Never did. When one is with a whore like you, he expects it.”

  His words nearly shattered her newly built self-confidence, but she knew he was trying to rile her. It wouldn’t work. Not anymore. In truth, she hadn’t slept with many men. People just assumed she was loose because of her mom.

  Her hand bent the pad she was holding. “I’ve changed.” And if it weren’t illegal, I’d grab that table knife and stab your balls to show you.

  His lip curled up at one end, but she bet he thought it represented a smile. “Your titties look the same, but I can see you’re not dyeing your hair blonde anymore. Is that what’s different?”

  Pressing her lips together and forcing her pulse to slow, she put her pen to the pad. She leaned over and kept her voice low. “Fuck you.” She straightened and smiled. “Now, what can I get you? Coffee? Tea? Or are you interested in a hot meal?”

  He swung around in his chair, grabbed the back of her thighs, and drew her close. “How about some of that snatch you used to give me?” His breaths came out fast through tightly clenched teeth.

  “Snake!” She didn’t control her anger this time.

  Using her weight, she leaned back to break his hold. Her boss came from behind the bar and stormed toward them. Dread mixed with relief slammed into her at the possible ramifications of not giving a customer what he wanted.

  “There a problem, Johnny?” He loomed over the table, his glare harsh enough to quell any asshole.

  Snake waved a hand. “Just leaving. Wanted a hot cup to warm me up, but your little waitress here wasn’t willing to give me what I asked for.”

  She opened her mouth to protest when her boss stayed her with a hand. “I think she’s made her opinion clear. Now get out.”

  Thank you.

  Snake stood, knocking the chair to the ground. His lips curled, and his finger nearly poked her in the face. “We aren’t finished.”

  “That’s what you think.”

  With that, he strode out. The second the door closed, her legs weakened.

  “Let me bring you some coffee,” her boss said, probably realizing what the threat meant to her.

  Her heart melted, and she almost gave him a hug.

  After the calming drink she returned to work. The rest of her shift was uneventful since there was no sign of Snake. She prayed he’d keep his distance and that he was merely passing through town. The last thing she wanted was him putting down roots again, but her gut knew the man didn’t back down easily.

  Leaving work after the last of the lunch crowd left, she shielded her eyes against the driving snow. They’d just had a blizzard. Two storms in three weeks wasn’t fair or right, even for Montana. The icy, biting wind tore through her thin jacket, and she shivered.

  Her mom lived nearby, and since she hadn’t stopped by to see her in two days, now might be a good time. She dreaded the confrontation, though. Last time she visited, her mom was drunk and hadn’t eaten in a few days, but then again, depression had a way of eating at a person’s soul. Lydia understood. Her younger brother, Alex, was autistic, and ever since her mom had him committed, she’d never been the same. She told everyone he’d died, when in reality, his home was only an hour away. Lydia had tried to get her to visit, but she never would.

  On her way to her car she’d parked across the street, Lydia passed the town’s small grocery store. She stopped in to pick up some milk, eggs, and bread, knowing how her mom hated to cook. At the last moment, she grabbed a pack of Hershey bars, which she hoped would cheer up her mom.

  A snowplow rumbled past, sending a heap of snow to the side of the road, drenching her work shoes. Great. The driver honked. He held up a hand as if to say he was sorry. That was one of things she enjoyed most about the Pleasure folks. They had open minds and a friendly attitude, even if their aim was off. Only a few of the more established residents had looked down on her. She couldn’t blame them. Even in the few years she and her mom had lived here, her mom had taken away too much of their husbands’ hard-earned money.

  She climbed in her cold car, cranked up the engine, and pulled out to an empty road. Fortunately, the roads hadn’t iced over yet. She arrived at her mom’s in no time and parked in front of the duplex. Making sure she’d buttoned her coat, she plodded down the slippery walkway, watching her step. She knocked but didn’t really expect an answer. Good thing she had a key and could let herself in.


  No answer. She most likely was asleep. It’s what she did best after drinking. After putting the groceries away, Lydia emptied the ashtrays, put the two dishes from the table in the dishwasher, and knocked on the bedroom door.

  “Go away.”

  “Mom, it’s me.” When her mom didn’t respond, Lydia went in. She was under the covers, her head partially exposed with tangled hair sticking out. Lydia’s heart ached. Her mom used to dress real nice and looked like a million bucks. When had she fallen so far? Lydia knew. It was the day Alex left.

  Lydia sat on the bed and ran a hand over her mom’s shoulder. “You okay?”

  Her mom grumbled something. It took a lot of effort on Lydia’s part, but she managed to get her into the bathroom and under the shower. That seemed to perk her up, if one ignored all the cursing. While her mother did her washing, Lydia fixed some eggs, toast, and coffee.

  About fifteen minutes later, her mother came out with a towel around her head and had even thrown on a robe. Too often, naked was the norm.

  “To what do I owe the honor of your presence?”

  Lydia ignored her mom’s sarcasm. “I wanted to make dinner for you.” She tried to sound as upbeat as possible.

  “I’m not hungry.”

  She’d fought this battle too many times. Her mom’s dark circles, sunken cheeks, and bony shoulders implied her health had already started to deteriorate. “If you eat the eggs, I’ll give you some Hershey bars for dessert.”

  That almost got a smile out of her. “Okay.”

  Once her mother was seated, Lydia broached one of the reasons for her visit. “Snake stopped by the diner today.”

  Her mother stuck up a middle finger—her nonverbal opinion of the man, which Lydia happened to share. “What did he want?”

  She suspected he’d slept with both her and her mother, but she couldn’t be sure. “Sex.”


  “I told him no, but I don’t think he’s going to listen.”

  “You want my gun? You’d do the women of the world a favor if you shot off his cock.”

  She swallowed a smile. She’d been hoping her mom would offer the weapon, but Lydia had no intentions of spending jail time for that ass. Now she wished she had listened to her mom’s advice about taking some lessons in order to protect herself.

  “That would be great, if you don’t think you’ll need it.” While few men visited her mom anymore, a bad apple might stop by.

  “You know where it is.”

  She hadn’t practiced shooting since high school, but she figured aiming and firing was like riding a bike. You didn’t forget. Even if she missed, it might scare away Snake.

  The candy bars were a hit, and her mother seemed to be in better spirits when Lydia left. Snow had layered a nice powder on the ground, which made driving a little dangerous, but the chains on the tires helped. Once home, she took a shower and flipped on the TV, ready for a little relaxation. She hid the cute little twenty-two in the side drawer next to her bed, along with her pepper spray.

  Around ten, someone knocked on her door. Her muscles t
ensed. She wasn’t expecting anyone and hoped to hell it wasn’t Snake, but at this hour it could only mean one thing. Trouble. An extra can of pepper spray sat next to the TV, and she slipped it into her robe pocket.

  She must have taken too long to answer, for her visitor pounded on the door again. She made sure to secure the tie on her robe before peeking through the shade. It was Snake. Shit.

  “I see you. Open up,” he yelled, followed by more pounding.

  He’d smash the window if he really wanted to get in, so she pulled open the door. “What do you want?” As if she didn’t know.

  Instead of answering, he barged in, nearly knocking her down. He carried with him a six-pack of Bud. Did he think she’d be up for a party with him? He must have lost his mind.

  “It’s late.” She fingered the pepper spray.

  “I guess it’s time for bed, then.” He grinned, flashing yellow, stained teeth. He walked past her to the living room coffee table and put down the beer.

  Yuck. Why had she thought he was an okay guy? She’d been desperate for the attention, she guessed.

  This aggressive behavior was getting tiresome. “I told you. We’re done. Finished.”

  He strode back to her, and like a snake’s tongue, his arm lashed out and drew her face to his. He kissed her hard and squeezed one breast as if that would make her want to melt in his arms. With the hand not holding her weapon, she pushed back.

  His eyes widened. He took a step back and slapped her face hard. It took a second for the pain to register. When it did, she lifted the can of pepper spray and blasted him in the eyes, making sure to turn her head and squeeze shut her eyes.


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