Monroe, Melody S. - Lydia's Passion [Pleasure, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Melody S. - Lydia's Passion [Pleasure, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “You cunt!”

  Like the effect of a small caliber bullet on a bear, he didn’t go down, didn’t run, didn’t do much of anything other than swear and stomp.

  Oh, shit.

  As Snake swiped at his eyes, she managed to shove him out the door and lock it before his eyesight returned to normal and he attacked her for real. She raced to the phone and dialed 911. In this storm, she wasn’t sure if anyone would or could respond before Snake renewed his efforts.

  “This is Connie. What’s the emergency?”

  Thank God someone answered. Justin had told her the regular dispatcher was out on medical leave. “Snake attacked me.” She gave the dispatcher the details.

  “You want me to send Deputy Tom to arrest him?”

  Tom was her dream man. “Yes.”

  “Is Snake gone?” Wonderful Connie always appeared calm.

  She looked out the window. He was sitting in his truck with the light on examining his eyes. “Not yet.”

  “You got something to defend yourself if he comes back?”

  “You bet.”

  Lydia disconnected and retrieved the gun from her drawer. After double-checking her mother had put bullets in the weapon, Lydia closed all the drapes and brought a kitchen chair into the living room. She placed it about ten feet from the front door and settled herself with her gun in hand. If the bastard broke down the door, he’d be in for a real surprise.

  Chapter Two

  When Connie told Tom Carnes about Lydia’s call, his gut squeezed. Any attack by a man was uncalled for, but Lydia seemed more vulnerable than most.

  His dispatcher took off her headset and blew out a breath. “I feel so sorry for her.”

  Tom grabbed his coat, amazed at how she seemed to be able to read his mind. “Me, too. No one deserves to be roughed up. For all her flirtatious ways, Lydia is a sweet woman.” His mind shot to her image. He shook his head. “Christ, I can’t imagine growing up with a mother like hers.” He’d been called in by neighbors to break up a shouting match between her mom and some john a few times, and it didn’t take long to figure out the woman was colder than a winter’s storm.

  “You did know her brother died when she was about fourteen. That’s got to be tough.”

  That helped explain a lot about Lydia’s insecurities. “No, I didn’t.” He and Justin only came to Pleasure four years ago.

  “Rumor has it her mom doesn’t know who Lydia’s dad is either.”

  “Christ.” Her situation was worse than he thought. At least he knew his dad, even if the man split when Tom was eleven. The pain still hurt.

  It was a wonder Lydia had survived her teenage years at all.

  Maybe that was one tiny reason why he wanted her. She was a survivor. Yes, the sex would be spectacular, but he knew in his heart she was the type of woman who would respond to him. Not only did she have guts, but he also got the sense she’d like a man who took control but who treated her with respect. “I’ll call in when I get there. And thanks again for taking the extra shift.”

  She nodded. “Be careful of Snake, too. He’s a mean one.”

  “Don’t I know it.” He’d thrown the man’s ass in jail twice last year for being drunk and disorderly. Fortunately, assault wasn’t the guy’s usual MO. Even still, he and Justin had celebrated when Snake moved up to Deer Lake a few months back.

  Making sure he’d secured his weapon, Tom headed out. The winds had died down, and the snow was only coming down in light flurries, but the drive wasn’t any less treacherous.

  The lights were dim inside Lydia’s place, and no one appeared to be sneaking around, but he needed to be cautious. With gun drawn, Tom strode up the steps. “Lydia? It’s Deputy Tom Carnes.” He knocked, inhaling to keep his beating heart from racing.

  The door opened right away. Maybe it was the glow from the yellow porch light, but her skin looked pale and her eyes glazed. A gun dangled from her fingers. He tightened his grip on his weapon, praying she hadn’t taken things into her own hands.

  “Come in.” Her voice wobbled as if she was working hard to keep it together.

  He’d just closed the door when she threw herself in his arms. “I know he’ll come back, but I’ll be ready when he does.”

  He exhaled a sigh of relief and concentrated on what she’d said. Next time implied Snake was still alive. For that he was thankful. He would have hated to bring her in on charges, even if it had been in self-defense. He never forgot the first person he’d had to kill. The memory still rattled around in his brain every time he drew his weapon.

  With her body pressed tightly against his, he absorbed her warmth for a moment. Her hair smelled like strawberries, and her face was smooth against his cheek.

  Don’t do this to yourself. You have a crime to solve. He held her out at arm’s length. Only then did he notice the bruising on her cheek and the cut on her lip. “Snake do this to you?”

  “Yes, but I got him back. I bet his eyes are going to sting for a long time.”

  “What did you do? Get him with pepper spray?”

  Her bottom lip stuck out a little. “Yes.”

  “Good.” He thought he caught a hint of defiance from her stance.

  “If I hadn’t sprayed him when I did, I’m thinking he might have raped me, or worse, killed me.”

  “I’m glad you were prepared for him.” Acid roiled in his stomach at what could have happened. With an arm around her shoulder, he led her into the kitchen. “Sit, and I’ll get some ice. But first I need to take a photo.”

  Her hand covered her mouth. “I look terrible.”

  Her dismay upset him, but the documentation had to be done. “We’ll need some pictures if you want to press charges.”

  She lowered her hands to her side. “You know I do. If I see him again, he’ll be sorry.” She waved the gun, acting like she would use it the next time.

  He took the weapon from her fingers and placed it on the table. “Leave Snake to me.” Christ. If she went after the man, Snake might succeed in killing her.

  He raced out to the cruiser to retrieve the digital camera, not wanting her to be alone for a minute longer than necessary. When he returned, he had her sit near a lamp and took a few photos. Poor Lydia. The physical wounds would heal, but the emotional ones would stay with her for a long time. He wished he knew what he could say or do to make things better.

  Her jaw tightened. “Why can’t he understand the word no?”

  He felt her pain. Tom dropped a few ice cubes in a dish towel and handed it to her. She winced as she placed it on her cheek.

  “Some men are asses and don’t understand how to treat a woman.” He was a dominant male himself but was never violent. He liked using a little aggressive force in the bedroom but took a firm hand to a woman only when she was ready and willing. Lydia might be that woman if he could get her to trust him. “Tell me exactly what happened.”

  Their exchange didn’t take long. Snake wasn’t inside for more than a minute, but Tom wanted to find the bastard and beat him to a pulp. “So, basically, what you’re telling me is when you turned him down, he hit you.”

  “Yes. Just so you know, we had been intimate three months ago. When he disappeared, I decided I was finished with men like him.”

  He almost cringed thinking about Snake touching her supple body and violating her. Tom studied her solemn expression and believed she might be telling the truth about swearing off violent men. If she’d sworn off all men, he would have been disappointed. His relief surprised even him.

  “That’s good thinking, but I don’t trust him not come back for a little revenge.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  While he appreciated her spunk, she was no match for a man like Snake. “I don’t want to let you out of my sight. Get dressed. You’re coming with me.”

  She opened and closed her mouth so fast, he figured what she’d been about to say might not be appropriate. He studied her as her gaze roamed the room. He bet her independent natu
re was warring with common sense.

  He inhaled. She looked adorable in her fluffy robe and slippers. Even with no makeup, and a bruise fast forming on her cheek, she was beautiful and vulnerable, making her that much more tempting to his own dominant nature. His urge to make her his own woman reared. He yearned to give Lydia what she needed but would take only what she voluntarily gave up to him. Thank God she didn’t lower her glance and see his cock pressing against his trousers.

  Christ. He needed to get a grip.

  “You sure you don’t mind?”

  He shot back into police mode. “The man attacked you. He didn’t get the name Snake for nothing. Go on. Get ready.” Thank God she didn’t put up more of a fuss.

  She hurried off. His shift officially ended at midnight, but he couldn’t leave her by herself. Besides, sleep was highly overrated. She returned a few minutes later in jeans and a jacket, looking way too cute.

  “Bring a pillow and a blanket, too. In case we have to drive around for a few hours, you’ll be able to catch a few winks in the backseat.”

  She nodded. “I’ll bring my gun, too.”

  “No. I can’t allow that. For one, you don’t have a permit. Two, you’re emotionally involved.” In truth, he didn’t want Snake to shoot her and claim self-defense.

  She huffed out a breath, no doubt deciding whether this was a battle she wanted to fight. “Fine.”

  * * * *

  Lydia sat up front with Tom, enjoying her occasional glance at his strong profile. Being next to him gave her such comfort and a feeling of safety, something she hadn’t experienced in a long time.

  When they got to the edge of town, he pulled over. “I want you to get in the back and stay low. Snake might be watching to see if I come to his hotel. I’ll go in and check, but there’s no guarantee he’ll be there.”

  He made sense. “I should have brought my pepper spray.”

  He chuckled. “Leave the arresting to me, darlin’.”

  Darlin’? Her heart skipped a beat at the inadvertent endearment. “Fine.” When she opened the door, cold air blasted her and she shivered. She hurried to the backseat, tossed her blanket and pillow on the seat, and jumped in.

  As soon as they neared town, she lay down. She hoped he dragged Snake’s sorry ass to jail, but maybe not until tomorrow. She liked spending time with Tom, getting to see how his mind worked. Listening to him talk was easy on the ears, too.

  He pulled to a stop, she guessed in front of the hotel. “Don’t open the doors for anyone, you hear?”

  “I’m not stupid.”

  “Never said you were.” While she couldn’t see his face, his voice held a hint of a smile.

  Even with the blanket over her legs, with Tom gone, chills claimed her body. Knowing Snake wanted to harm her made her jittery. A few minutes later, the driver-side door opened.

  “It’s me.”

  She didn’t dare sit up until they were out of town. “So now what?”

  “We know what his truck looks like. I’m going to cruise around and see if I can spot it. Try to get some shut-eye. It might be a long night.”

  She didn’t want to sleep. She wanted to talk with Tom, make jokes to help him stay awake. Unfortunately, between the drone of the engine and the sound of the tires on the pavement, she conked out.

  Next thing she knew, faint light speared the back window, and someone was shaking her shoulder.

  “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

  Wow, had she really slept? “Where are we?” She opened her eyes.

  “At your house.”

  “You find Snake?” Of course not. If he’d found the man, Tom would have tossed his ass in the backseat, after he moved her to the front.

  “Not yet.” He helped her up. “I think you need some food.”

  “What I need is to get ready for work. Can I make you breakfast?”

  “I have to get back to the station and file the report.”

  That was lame. She grabbed her blanket, pillow, and purse and followed Tom up the stairs.

  “Your key?” He held out his hand and she gave it to him. “Wait here.”

  “You think Snake’s inside waiting to ambush me?” She was kidding, but when Tom said nothing, a shiver of fear crawled up her body.

  He returned about thirty seconds later. “All clear.”

  The house had a chill to it, but it was a lot warmer than the outside air. The clock on the mantel read 6:03 a.m. “You sure I can’t make you something?”

  “Some other time.”

  Really? “Thanks for worrying about me and trying so hard to find that jerk.”

  He lifted her chin. “I will do everything in my power to keep you safe.”

  Before she could respond to his hero words, he was out the door. After making sure the door was locked, she dragged herself to the bathroom. Had she really just spent all night with Tom Carnes, male extraordinaire?

  The fact he took her injury so seriously convinced her he was a man she could spend her life with.

  She wanted to take an hour-long, hot shower, daydreaming about him, but work called. By the time she got out and dressed in her uniform, the sun was shining and the snow on the trees looked glued onto the leaves like cotton balls on brown, bumpy sticks. Lydia yawned, needing a nap before she went to work, but that wasn’t going to happen. She had gotten a few hours of sleep in the cruiser. All she remembered was dreaming about the sexy deputy naked, with his broad shoulders and slim hips pinning her underneath him. Her hands had been tied above her head and her legs strapped far apart. His large cock was poised above her wet pussy, ready to take her either front or back. Her mental gaze went to his beautiful face. How the man maintained a tan all year still remained a mystery to her, but his rugged appearance always had turned her on.

  Move. She made a quick breakfast of cereal and headed out to work.

  As she neared Mountain View, someone honked and she waved even though she didn’t recognize the car. Snake’s truck wasn’t parked in front of the bar and grill. Good. The wind had died down to nothing, and the roads hadn’t turned to slush, making the scenery beautiful. It was what she loved about Montana.

  Inside, the teenage server hustled about pouring coffee for a woman and her two husbands at one table and the small animal vet at another. While the doc was a really good-looking man and had given her a break many times on neutering the kittens she’d stumbled upon, her interests remained focused on the two lawmen. She knew they were out of her league, but she was determined to make something of herself and change her ways. They were her guiding light, whether they knew it or not.

  She hadn’t been there more than fifteen minutes when Justin rushed in. His tie was askew under his large jacket. He rushed over to her.

  “Are you okay? Tom told me about the attack when I got into work.” He lifted her jaw and tilted her head right and left.

  “I’m a little sore, that’s all.”

  His teeth clenched. “That bastard.”

  “Did anyone catch him?” She held her breath.

  “Not yet. I’m on my way out now to look for him.”

  “Be careful.”

  His cheeks softened, and what looked like a smile lifted his lips. “I was about to tell you that. Be sure to have someone walk you to your car when you go out.”

  “I can cross the street by myself.”

  He lowered his gaze. “I have no idea what Snake has in his mind. Once you’re home, either Tom or I will periodically drive by to make sure nothing looks amiss.”

  Her heart melted knowing they cared. “I appreciate that.”

  He nodded then left. Her day turned dimmer. Getting to see one of the men brought such joy. If only they knew how much she wanted to be in their life.

  Fortunately, business picked up and she kept too busy to think about Snake. She was halfway through the morning when two men she’d gone out with last year wandered in. They were prison guards up in Deer Lake, and she wondered what they were doing in Pleasure. She smiled and ambled
over to them.

  “Afternoon, gentlemen.” She handed them menus.

  “Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes? Long time no see.”

  Her response to them was nothing like she’d had when seeing Snake. These men had been gentlemen. Kind of. They’d come in a dark time in her life when she didn’t like herself very much. With the help of some good people, her life was looking up.

  “What can I get you?”

  “Two coffees, black.” Ed, the better looking of the two, smiled, and she could see why she fell for him.

  “Coming right up.”

  From the table on the far side of the room, she got the hot pot and poured them their drinks.

  “You know of anything fun to do at night around here?” Harold looked around, acting as if there’d be entertainment supplied in the Mountain View.

  “You lived here for a while. Not much has changed, though there’s some new movie coming out tonight. I can’t remember the name. I think it stars Tom Cruise. Or maybe it’s Ashton Kutcher.”

  “Thanks, sweetie. Either works for me. Say, you wouldn’t be interested in joining us, would you?” Harold leaned forward and winked.

  She’d expected the come-on. “I’m afraid I can’t, but I appreciate the invite.”

  A dark cloud flashed through his eyes before disappearing. She took their order, pushing aside an uneasy feeling. Fortunately, the place got busy, and after delivering their meal, they left her in peace. She had hoped either Justin or Tom would have stopped in, if only to give her an update on Snake’s whereabouts, but both were no-shows. Most likely Tom was sleeping. The poor man had been up all night.

  Once her shift was over, she decided to walk next door to check on the progress of their investigation and to thank Tom again for going out of his way to keep her safe. So as not to look like she came just to socialize, she brought both hot cups of coffee and two chocolate chip-cinnamon muffins, a house specialty.

  Tom sat at his desk in the middle of the room. There were shadows under his eyes and his whiskers seemed more pronounced than last night. Justin was inside his glass-enclosed office, wearing a freshly pressed uniform. He ran a hand through his short, black, wavy hair, his shoulders straining against his uniform shirt. The slant of his jaw seemed more sharp than usual, but he remained an amazing-looking man. He hadn’t looked up to notice her, but her pussy got moist just gazing at him. Sure, Pleasure, Montana, was a small town, and was made up mostly of men, but even if she’d lived in New York, Justin Bradford would stand out.


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