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Anna and the Alien: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 1)

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by Honey Phillips

  His eyes opened for a moment but he didn’t seem to recognize her. She tried to lift his head to let him drink but the collar around his neck was too tight for her to raise him. The guard was still watching and she gave him a pleading glance.

  “He has to drink or he will die.”

  He hesitated, but finally fingered his belt. The collar released just enough that she was able to cradle his head against her and bring the mug to his lips. He thrashed in her grip but she eventually managed to slip some of the liquid into his mouth. She was afraid to heat it and burn him but once he felt the moisture, he sipped the cool liquid thirstily. As he finished his eyes opened again, and this time the fierce intelligence was there. His body was smooth and hot against her skin and his spicy scent filled her head. Her arm was still behind his head and she was suddenly, burningly conscious of her breast against his cheek where the open sides of the gown had separated.

  “Little human.” His mouth curled and before she could react, he turned his head and fastened unerringly on her nipple. His mouth was shockingly hot and wet and she bit back a cry. She tried to pull away but he fastened down harder, pulling on the swollen bud with an intensity that sent heat curling through her body. Her body was shielding their actions from the guard and she wanted nothing more than to give in to the pleasure which threatened to swamp her senses.

  His teeth scraped across the tip and the spike of pleasure and pain made electric bolts of sensation run straight to her clit. Her body was starting to shake and the guard was calling from outside the cell. Jakkar ran his tongue around her nipple once more and then released her. He looked at her for an endless moment, his eyes darkening to deep gold before they closed and he slipped back into unconsciousness. Anna couldn’t move, her whole body throbbing in time with the slow heavy pulse between her legs. How could he have done this to her so quickly?

  “Slave.” The guard’s voice finally penetrated and she pulled away, straightening her gown as she stood. She forced her breath to slow down, but as she turned around she was all too conscious of her flushed face and her hardened nipples. The guard grinned appreciatively as he slowly scanned her body and her color deepened but she raised her chin and returned to the bars. He pulled her through the narrow opening and up against his body, but to her surprise he released her almost immediately and herded her back to her cell.

  Melia was standing at the shared wall but Anna was too embarrassed to look at her. Before the other woman could speak, the lights dimmed and Anna immediately headed for her bunk. The white cloth was still there and even though it was still damp, she was grateful for the protection as she pulled it around her body and faced the wall. Her nipples were still swollen and throbbing, her sex aching and empty. How could she have reacted like that? Even when she had had time for dating, she had liked to take things slow and she had never liked a man pawing at her. But this man, this alien, had fastened to her like a starving animal and every nerve in her body had come alive. It must be fear, she decided. Her adrenalin was pumping too hard and making her reactions unreliable. It seemed like a logical explanation but underneath, she was afraid that she would react that way again.

  It was a long night. Anna dozed fitfully, alternating between nightmares of the plane crash and erotic dreams that left her panting and breathless. Each time she woke she could hear Rantor pacing his cell, growling softly. Melia had told her his name and explained that the animal was called a linae and was part of Jakkar’s team. Jakkar was quieter but she could pick out his breathing, growing increasingly harsh throughout the night. Once she even heard Melia crying softly and the quiet desperation echoed her own hopelessness.

  When the lights finally brightened, she was tired, sore, and irritable, but as soon as she saw Jakkar she forgot her own sorrows. The big alien was lying completely still. Only the harsh sound of his breathing gave any indication that he was still alive. Melia was curled in her usual position by the wall but Anna was too worried to join her. She paced back and forth until the guard appeared. Her heart sank as she saw that it was short guard and that he was only carrying three trays.

  “I need to attend to him,” she said urgently as he slid the tray into her cell. He leered at her.

  “What give?”

  “I don’t have anything to give.”

  He licked his lips. “Give fuck.”

  Oh, God, not that. She was terrified for Jakkar but the thought of this guard touching her was unbearable.

  “You said you didn’t want him to die. He will die if I don’t take care of him.” She was trying to keep her voice calm but she could hear how much it was shaking. After a long minute he opened the cell. Anna reached for the mug, even as he grabbed her and yanked her out. Just like the other guard, he pulled her against his body but he didn’t let go. Instead he pushed her upper body forward until her hands were against the bars to Jakkar’s cell and his erection was pressing against her ass. She could feel his hand reaching between them and his horrible stench surrounding her, and black spots started to dance before her eyes.

  Dimly she was aware of Melia shouting and Rantor snarling as he threw himself against his cell bars. A deafening roar echoed through the cell block and startled the guard enough that he released her. Jakkar’s eyes were open and his mouth stretched wide enough that she could see every inch of those sharp white teeth as he let loose another roar. As Anna straightened and tried to move away, the guard grabbed her wrist again and sneered, but she saw the flash of fear that crossed his face.

  “Stay with animal.” He thrust her into Jakkar’s cell and walked away. The roar seemed to have exhausted him; his head had dropped back and he was panting. Quickly she raised his head to give him a drink, keeping further away this time but he only sipped a small amount of liquid before falling asleep. The guard didn’t return and Anna prowled the cell impatiently. She and Melia tried to resume their conversation of the day before but their words echoed in the corridor and made them both uncomfortable. Instead, she hovered over her patient, alternating between boredom and fear as he grew more and more restless. She refilled the mug with water from the sink several times but as the hours wore on, she couldn’t rouse him enough to drink. By the time the second meal appeared, he was shaking uncontrollably.

  She was relieved when the tall guard appeared with the second meal and hurried to the bars.

  “He has a fever. He needs blankets.”

  The guard shook his head. “No weapon.”

  “A blanket isn’t a weapon. Please.”

  He looked at her and shrugged. “Warm him.”


  “Stay and warm. Or leave.” He pointed back to her cell. He was giving her a choice? The last thing she wanted was to spend the night with a dying man but she couldn’t leave him.

  “I’ll stay.”

  The guard eyed her speculatively and then shrugged again. He wouldn’t give her the tray but he traded the empty mug for a fresh one and passed the bowl and bread into the cell. Her patient was momentarily quiet and she sat down at the bars and ate, suddenly hungry. When she looked up, Melia was watching her from across the corridor.

  “You try. Is good.”

  “I don’t know if I can save him.” Panic fluttered in her chest. She didn’t want anyone’s life resting on her shoulders but especially not this man’s life. Despite his wounds, he was so fierce and full of life, so disturbing to her senses; the thought of losing him broke something inside her.

  “Jakkar is strong.” Melia nodded firmly and gave her an encouraging smile. A soft growl came from her right and Anna turned to find Rantor close against the shared wall, watching her. As she returned his stare, he made another sound, almost a purr, and then settled against the glass, eyes alert and scanning the corridor once more. At least the two of them seemed to have faith in her.

  She pushed wearily to her feet and returned to her patient. He was still quiet but the shaking had not stopped. The guard had suggested that she warm him. Was he merely making a lewd joke or would i
t actually help? With a resigned sigh, she crawled up on the bunk, wedging herself between his body and his chained arm. Pressed against him, she was overwhelmingly conscious of his size and the heat radiating from his skin. Carefully avoiding his injury, she let her legs nestle against his uninjured side and her arm drape across the broad, hard expanse of his chest.

  As she lay tightly against him, the tremors slowed and his muscles seemed to relax. She held still for a long time, afraid to move and disturb him but the warmth of his body and that oddly comforting scent crept over her and she slept.

  Chapter Five

  Anna woke slowly, feeling warm and safe. The lights were still dim and she started to stretch languorously, nuzzling into the warmth of her pillow, then froze as her mind processed her position. During the night she had crept even closer to Jakkar so that almost her entire upper body was pressed against his chest, one hand curled around his neck and her head tucked under his chin. His arm was a sold weight at her back and his hand, oh god, his hand was wrapped around her upper thigh. Very cautiously, she started to pull away and froze as his hand tightened. She raised her head and saw him looking down at her, his golden eyes alert.

  “You’re better!”

  Delight filled her and without even thinking she reached up and kissed him.

  Jakkar caught his breath as the little human brushed her lips against his. They were so soft and warm against his mouth that he growled his desire. Startled, she pulled back, but she was still wedged between his arm and his body and his hand was tight around her leg. She stopped, trapped, and looked at him, those crystal eyes wide with fright or desire. It didn’t really matter; just the feel of her body against his roused his need. He wanted her and he was going to have her. Soon.

  The past hours were a blur, but he remembered her soft voice whispering to him as she bathed his skin with cool cloths and trickled liquid into his mouth when his throat was parched and dry. He also remembered a vision of her with her gown wet against her skin, dark pink nipples visible through the fabric as it clung to her body and revealed even the shadowy junction between her thighs. When she turned away, he could see the way it hugged her soft curves and dipped into the crevice between her buttocks.

  The memory of her wet body made his hand tighten and he shifted it higher, his thumb slipping into that tender crevice and his fingers parting her delicate labia. Beneath his touch, her skin was like silk and he let one finger slide deeper into the tight warmth between her legs. Her delicious fragrance deepened and he knew she was aroused.

  Her breath caught and she licked her lips, eyes widening even further. He could feel the hard tips of her breasts against his chest, one luscious breast completely free from that ridiculous slave gown. He slid his finger deeper and felt her dampness as he pressed into her soft curls, so different from a Sardoran woman. He had just enough space to trace his finger slowly along her slit and he could feel her quiver as he repeated the journey. Her eyes drifted closed and she pushed, just lightly, against him.

  He continued the slow slide up and down, his knuckle nudging the swelling button at the top of each stroke and his fingertip playing against her entrance. With each motion her breathing quickened and she pressed herself harder against him. Just as she started to tighten, he thrust one thick finger into her hot, wet passage and she came with a shudder, turning her head into his neck to keep from crying out.

  His cock was so hard it was throbbing. Her responsiveness was very promising. He could almost have come from the sound of her climax and the feel of her breath shuddering against his neck, but he wanted more. He wanted her hands on him. Even as the thought crossed his mind, she raised her head and looked at him, eyes still heavy from her climax. One small hand drifted slowly down across his chest and every muscle in his body tightened as she teased her fingers along the edge of his pants.

  “Do you want me to?” She hesitated, her cheeks turning pink. “To touch you?”

  He growled and she smiled.

  “I guess that’s a yes.”

  Anna’s body was still trembling from aftershocks as her hand traveled across the hard warmth of Jakkar’s body. A small part of her mind was trying to warn her to be careful, but she refused to acknowledge it as the fear and tension of the past days disappeared into a wave of sensual pleasure. His spicy musk filled her head and she let her fingers slip down across his erection. Even through the leather she could feel the heat of his cock as it throbbed against her fingers. He was as enormous here as he was everywhere else and the head of his cock thrust against the waistband of his pants. She ran a soft finger across the tip, feeling it wet against her fingers. That much seemed to be the same as human males, anyway. She took another long stroke, harder this time, and felt him jerk beneath her hand. An entirely feminine satisfaction filled her and she stroked him again, relishing the long hard length. He was growling softly and continuously now but even as she went back for another stroke, the lights brightened.

  Startled, she jerked away. His hand was still circled around her thigh but as she looked at him pleadingly, he let go and she slipped off the bunk.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Soon, little human,” he growled.

  A shiver ran up her spine at the words but she stepped away from the bunk, hastily straightening her gown. The tall guard approached and eyed the two of them. When he saw that Jakkar’s eyes were open and aware, he jerked his head at Anna.


  She didn’t argue, merely stopping long enough to give Jakkar a drink before moving obediently to the bars. The guard’s nostrils flared as she came near and he looked back at Jakkar before pulling her through. As before, he jerked her against his body but this time he ran his fingers between her legs. It didn’t hurt but she cringed as he lifted the wet digits to his face and licked his fingers.


  Her face burning, Anna walked into her cell with all the dignity she could muster. Melia was in her usual place and Anna took the tray and sat down beside her, unable to look the other woman in the face.

  She poked absently at the tray. The food hadn’t changed and she didn’t have much appetite, but she forced herself to eat. There was no point in getting weak and her body needed food. She ate slowly, still not looking at Melia, and the other woman let her finish before she spoke.

  “Is dangerous.”

  Startled, Anna looked up.

  Melia nodded toward Jakkar. “Warrior is dangerous. Hard. Take what he want.”

  “But he is your guard. He took care of you.”

  “Contract. Must honor contract.” She paused. “No contract Ann-Ah.”

  Great. She had just had the most intense orgasm of her life with a man who had only used his finger, and now Melia was telling her he was dangerous. The most infuriating part was that she wasn’t sure that the knowledge made any difference. Every time Jakkar touched her, her body responded and her brain just seemed to shut down. The pleasant, if embarrassing, afterglow faded and Anna fumed silently for a few minutes before she shrugged and frowned at her companion.

  “I’m not afraid of him. He’s tied down and I’m in control.” The words came out louder and more emphatic than she intended and she winced. Even before she turned her head, she knew Jakkar was glaring at her from his cell. She deliberately turned back to Melia, refusing to acknowledge him.

  The tall guard appeared shortly thereafter, taking the trays and used cloths and replacing them with clean ones. This time Anna was prepared and stepped back before the liquid began to flow from the ceiling. The guard had moved over to Melia’s cell and was watching closely as the Gliesh woman removed her gown. Anna was tempted—the fabric had been cold and uncomfortable as it dried—but she looked across at Jakkar and couldn’t summon the courage. He obviously read her reluctance and his mouth curled derisively.

  She stepped under the flow of liquid with her eyes closed, but she could still feel him watching her. That knowledge and the mockery in his expression sent excitement
coursing through her veins along with a sudden reckless defiance. Opening her eyes, she locked her gaze on him as she slowly began to wash. Raising her hands, she ran the cloth through her hair, knowing that the position thrust out her breasts and made the gown cling even more tightly to her figure. The cloth was smooth and slippery as she let it drift down across her neck before sliding it under her gown and stroking it across her breasts. Her nipples hardened until they throbbed and even the slick dampness of the cloth was almost painful. She slid the cloth down the soft curve of her stomach and circled it across her mound, never losing eye contact with Jakkar. She continued the slow circles for a few more seconds, feeling her own excitement build before raising the hem of the gown, just a fraction, and sliding the cloth between her legs.

  The glide of the wet cloth across her swollen cleft was so pleasurable that she gasped and the soft sound brought her back to her senses. Jakkar’s eyes were so intent that she could feel the heat across the distance that separated them. His expression was no longer mocking, but a fierce combination of anger and desire that sent a tremor along her spine. What was she doing? Why was she playing with fire? Her cheeks flaming, she turned her back, casting a quick glimpse next door. Fortunately, the guard was still focused on Melia and her little show hadn’t been observed. She let the liquid rinse her skin and stepped quickly to the bunk to wrap the larger cloth around her body, refusing to look in Jakkar’s direction.

  Later that day, her curiosity got the better of her and she asked Melia how she had ended up on the slave ship.

  The woman tilted her head, thinking.


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