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Anna and the Alien: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 1)

Page 6

by Honey Phillips

  “I’m quite capable of carrying on an intelligent conversation without—oh. You’re talking in complete sentences.”

  He raised a brow ridge. “I have always spoken in complete sentences. You just didn’t understand them.”

  Anna ignored his haughty tone, as she realized that he must have replaced the translator. In addition to understanding all of his words, they came across with a low rumble that better reflected his actual speaking voice. She turned to Melia and the woman smiled shyly.

  “And you should understand me, too.” Here, too, the translator captured the chirping quality of her voice.

  “I do.” She returned Melia’s smile and then frowned and turned back to Jakkar. “But Melia said slaves didn’t get good translators. Where did this come from?”

  “The captain didn’t need it anymore.”

  For a moment the sickness threatened to return at the thought of having something from a dead man inside her ear but he was right. The captain didn’t need it and life would be easier if the three of them could communicate. The thought made her remember the guards, now silent.

  “What are we going to do now?”

  Chapter Seven

  The three of them looked at each other in silence and then Jakkar pushed himself back against the rock. Despite the heat, Anna immediately missed the comfort of his body but she forced the thought aside. She refused to admit that she was growing attached to the big warrior, despite his undeniable influence on her body.

  “Do you have any enemies, Melia?” Jakkar asked suddenly.

  Melia shook her head.

  “No. My family is very old and we have good relationships with most of the other families.” She flipped a wrist. “And we are not rich enough or powerful enough to be worth attacking. You were hired only as a standard precaution.”

  Anna thought she detected a skeptical look on Jakkar’s face but she interrupted before he said anything. “Why are you asking?”

  “I don’t believe in coincidence. First the transport ship was attacked. And now this ship has been destroyed. From what I could tell when gathering supplies, they must have kept the escape pod from our original ship for salvage, and that’s what blew up. That explosion was the cause of the crash. That suggests that someone is very determined to make sure that Melia does not survive.”

  “Or you,” she couldn’t help pointing out.

  He started to shake his head but stopped, considering.

  “Perhaps not me,” he said slowly. “But it would not be the first time someone under our protection has been attacked.”

  “If word got out that those who hire you are being attacked, you would not be offered many contracts.” Melia’s voice was dry. “It would have been nice to know that before my family contracted with you.”

  He tensed and growled, and Melia paled but held his gaze.

  “I do not know that it is true now. There have been some questionable incidents, but bad luck has plagued my people for the past five years,” he finally admitted.

  “If someone is after you, are they still trying?” Anna asked.

  “I don’t know. Escape pods have a tracking signal but the cargo hold was so thoroughly destroyed—” He waved a hand at the still smoldering wreckage. “—it might or might not be intact.”

  “Of course, if someone does come, we would have a way off this planet.” He smiled fiercely but Anna was already considering the alternative.

  “And if they don’t?” Her stomach knotted as she waited for his answer.

  “Then we could be here for a long time.”

  Both women blanched at the quiet words.

  “Rantor is scouting now, and as soon as he returns I will climb up and look for any signs of life.” He gestured at the rock face behind him.

  “You can’t climb with a hurt leg,” Anna said indignantly.

  “There are many things I can do with a hurt leg, little human. I suggest you don’t forget it.” His glance was threatening and she felt her heart skip a beat.

  “Sh-shall we stay here?” She decided to change the topic and for a minute she thought he wouldn’t let her but then his face relaxed slightly.

  “For tonight, yes. Tomorrow we will look for a better place. We will need water and if someone does come after us, I would like to see them before they see us.”

  Rantor returned shortly thereafter and Jakkar left him on guard as he started up the rock. Anna glared after him, sure that he shouldn’t be making the attempt. The knowledge didn’t stop her from admiring the way the powerful muscles in his shoulders and back flexed as he pulled himself easily up the rock face. Melia laughed softly and Anna pulled her eyes away from the diminishing figure.

  “Have you decided to have sex with him?”

  “What?” The color rushed into Anna’s cheeks. “No, of course not,” she added defiantly, as much to convince herself as to answer the other woman. Her reaction to him was a momentary glitch brought on by fear and close quarters.

  Melia turned to follow Jakkar’s path with her eyes before looking back at Anna, face suddenly serious.

  “Has he decided to have sex with you?”

  Shock held her silent and a shiver traced her spine as she considered the question. They weren’t captive on the ship any longer but they were apparently alone on this planet. She remembered Melia’s earlier warning. If he wanted her, would she have any choice? The sudden ache low in her belly made her wonder if she wanted a choice.

  Fortunately, Melia had turned away, not waiting for an answer, and was examining their surroundings. Anna joined her and together they decided that the cluster of rocks to their left curved in a way that would provide more protection. From Anna’s vague knowledge of equivalent earth habitats, she assumed that the area would get cold as the sun set. Together they hauled the supplies over to the chosen area and arranged them to provide additional protection. The sun dropped as they worked and the shadows grew increasingly cold.

  Rantor watched them curiously between scans of the surrounding area. Anna was standing, surveying their efforts, when he walked over to her. She held her breath, intimidated by the size of the animal. His head topped her waist and he was as solidly muscular as his master. He circled her and she stood perfectly still, clenching her fists as he disappeared behind her. A hard bump against her rib made her jump and she looked down to find his head rubbing against her side. Uneasily aware of the enormous fangs so close to her tender flesh, she reached down and rubbed her hand across one side of his head, avoiding the spiked ridge down the center. His skin was dry and rough but oddly pleasant under her fingers and she rubbed again. As soon as she stopped, he butted her again with his head and she laughed, no longer afraid.

  “You’re just a big pussycat, aren’t you?” she crooned, stroking his head and finding the spot behind his ear slit that made him emit a low rumbling noise similar to a purr.

  “Making friends?” Jakkar asked ironically from behind her.

  She jumped and turned at the sound of his voice, but Rantor had obviously known he was coming since he didn’t react. Before she could answer, Jakkar turned to survey their efforts. He didn’t comment, but proceeded to gather some smaller rocks and place them at one end of the curved wall. Anna watched curiously as he aimed one of his weapons at the stones. A burst of light hit them and after a short time, they began to glow softly. She could feel the heat radiating from the stones and realized that the rock wall behind them would also reflect heat back into their shelter.

  The warmth was welcome and Anna moved into the shelter of the wall, with Melia dropping down next to her. Jakkar handed them each one of the bread squares and then settled down as well, back turned away from the glowing rocks and watching the night close in around them.

  “Did you see anything?” Anna wasn’t sure what answer she wanted. If there was civilization here, would the natives be able to help them? Or would they take them as slaves? And yet, she wasn’t sure how long they would last without additional food and shelter.
br />   “We’re in a valley.” Jakkar spoke slowly. “The closest land rises against the setting sun and seems to have vegetation. That would indicate water so we will head there tomorrow. I did not see any buildings or roads.”

  They were all silent, thinking about his words, and Anna shivered, glad of the warmth of their fire. She suddenly realized that the guards were still chained on the other side of the rock where the heat would not reach them.

  “What about the guards? Shouldn’t we move them closer to the fire?”

  “No.” His tone was uncompromising and she opened her mouth to argue. “No. I doubt it will be cold enough to kill them. If it does, it removes one problem.” He shrugged. “If not, I will decide whether they are useful enough to let live.”

  She flinched. “You can’t just kill them.”

  “Why not?” His eyes narrowed. “Did you enjoy their attentions that much?”

  “No!” She shuddered involuntarily at the thought of the shorter guard, his cruel hands and the constant threat in his eyes. The idea of killing someone in cold blood seemed so wrong, but she was a long way from Earth and the comfortable values of civilized life. She exchanged glances with Melia and saw a similar uncertainty in her eyes but the other woman just shook her head a little, obviously telling her to drop the subject.

  Next to her, Jakkar shifted his back against the rock and stretched his wounded leg. His face was as impassive as ever but she could tell that he was uncomfortable and she couldn’t resist needling him.

  “I told you that you shouldn’t have climbed with a hurt leg.”

  “Enough!” The roar split the night and Jakkar jumped to his feet, pulling her up with him. “You will not argue with me at every turn.” He leaned closer and her heart stopped beating. “And we have unfinished business.”

  He turned to stride away from the shelter, yanking her after him while he yelled for Rantor to guard. Panicking, she fought against him but her feet had no purchase in the soft sand and her struggles had no impact.

  “Jakkar.” Melia’s soft voice did make him stop and look back, his big hand still tight around her wrist as she skidded to a halt beside him. Anna couldn’t read the look they exchanged but then he focused on her again. His eyes were glowing gold and the breath caught in her chest.

  “Come.” The words were a demand but he was not pulling her closer. She hesitated for one long moment, her mind protesting but her body reacting to the desire in his eyes. His face darkened as she paused, but he waited. The night was utterly silent around them and she had the oddest notion that her entire life had led up this moment. Terror and desire fought in her veins but his hand was warm and hard around hers and almost imperceptibly, she swayed toward him. It was enough. He gathered her up in his arms and strode into the darkness.

  Chapter Eight

  Jakkar carried the little human close to his chest, enjoying the feel of her small, warm body as she trembled against him. He was surprisingly gratified by her surrender, although he had not really intended to give her a choice. Her delicious scent teased his nostrils and grew stronger as he held her closer. One hand crept around his neck, her soft fingers tentative against his skin. His mood softened and he was no longer angry as he laid her down in the warm sand, close to the base of one of the rock clusters. The shelter was still close but the soft glow of the fire stones did not reach them.

  Two small moons were starting to rise, and they provided enough light that he could see her crystal eyes shining with the combination of fear and desire he found so tantalizing. Impatiently, he unfastened the slave gown, exposing her body to the night. She was perfect, her generous curves causing his pulse to quicken. Her lush breasts were pale in the moonlight, topped with ripe, dark nipples that stiffened under his gaze. Unable to wait any longer, he took her mouth in a demanding kiss and groaned as she responded, her small tongue meeting his and the taste of her sending more blood rushing to his cock.

  Still plundering the hot, sweet depths of her mouth, he ran one hand down her side and across the soft swell of her stomach, her skin like silk beneath his touch. Dipping lower, he let his hand slide between her thighs. The soft curls teased his fingers as she gasped, opening her legs to accommodate him. His fingers slowly explored the damp folds as he released her lips and nibbled a trail from her neck to her nipple. Her small hands fastened around his neck, urging him closer. Teasing, he flicked his tongue back and forth across the tight bud several times before finally pulling her nipple into his mouth with fevered intensity. She gasped and arched her back as his mouth tightened and he let his teeth scrape the hardened peak.

  He pulled back, raising his head just enough to let the cool night air blow across her damp flesh. She uttered an inarticulate protest, trying to drag his mouth back to her breast but he held his position easily.

  “Who’s in control now, little human?” he growled softly, enjoying the sight of her taut bud growing even harder in response to the warmth of his breath. Her eyes flew open and she frowned, obviously trying to concentrate on his words even while her hands still tugged at his neck. He let her pull him closer and closed his teeth around her engorged nipple, biting down just hard enough to feel her jerk against his mouth, her fingers clutching his shoulders now. A small cry escaped her lips and he soothed her with his tongue before lifting his head again.

  “Who is in control?” he repeated.

  “You are,” she whispered. “Please don’t stop. I need—”

  He didn’t give her a chance to finish. As soon as she conceded, he covered her lips with his, thrusting into her mouth the way he would soon be thrusting into her body. She responded eagerly, drawing his tongue deeper, and his cock throbbed painfully but he held back, continuing to kiss her as she pressed against him, rubbing the hard points of her breasts across his chest while he stroked her swollen cleft. He wanted her helpless with pleasure, surrendering completely to his desires as he taught her who was in control.

  Releasing her mouth, he returned to her breasts, sucking and biting the tender flesh until her nails were digging urgently into his shoulders. Beneath his fingers she was slick and needy, writhing against him as he circled her clit with his thumb, and slowly slid a finger into the hot, wet depths of her pussy. Goddess, she was tight, and he worked his finger back and forth, trying to ready her for his cock. Another finger and a firm press of his thumb and satisfaction filled him as she cried out, pulsating against his hand while her passage clamped down on his fingers. Slowly she lifted her lids, and the sight of her dazed eyes and trembling mouth shattered what was left of his restraint. He couldn’t wait any longer.

  The intensity of her climax left her shaking, and Anna cried out in confusion as Jakkar moved away. In his absence, the cool night air swept across her body, making her nipples tingle and sending a shiver across nerves still aching with need. She wanted him back on top of her, inside of her, and she could have sobbed with relief as she realized that he had only moved to take off his pants. His huge body was silhouetted against the sky and she drank in the sight of his taut muscles and lean hips. As he lowered himself back down, she caught her first glimpse of his naked cock and her mouth dried. He was as enormous as he felt, shaped like a human but longer and thicker than she had ever seen. Terror and excitement surged through her veins and left her trembling and on fire.

  “Please,” she begged, though she didn’t know what she was begging for. He didn’t seem to have any doubts as he lowered his enormous body over hers and she felt the hot, hard length of his cock settle between her thighs. He was supporting enough of his weight that she didn’t feel crushed, but she still felt small and helpless and totally aroused as his warm strong body covered her completely. His spicy scent surrounded her and left her dizzy and breathless. With agonizing slowness, he parted her labia with his cock and stroked it up and down the slippery folds. Each time he slid against her clit, her pussy pulsed and ached. By the time the broad head of his cock pressed against her tight entrance, her whole body was shaking. Despite
the slick fluid easing his passage, her body resisted the intrusion. Growling, he cupped her ass and pulled her closer, forcing the thick head into the snug opening. The intensity of the feeling shocked her and she cried out.

  “So tight,” he growled. She could feel the tension filling him as he forced his body to pause and let her adjust to his size. Her pussy ached as it stretched open around him, but fiery tingles of pleasure kept shimmering through her and every part of her body was alive and throbbing. He was watching her face intently, eyes blazing molten gold, and his concentration added to her excitement. She panted rapidly, knowing she was spread wide and helpless beneath him. Need fought with fear, and almost involuntarily her hips tilted toward him.

  The slight movement was enough. He growled again and started pushing— opening her narrow channel with excruciating slowness so that she felt each thick inch of his massive cock. His breathing was as harsh as hers but he didn’t pause until he had filled her completely. She moaned as he finally stopped, impaling her on his rigid cock, her body still strung on the knife edge of pleasure and pain. With one hand, he reached between them and ran a firm finger over her clit and she came immediately in a blinding flash that had her screaming and thrashing.

  As her pussy rippled around him he groaned and pulled back, the sensation extending her climax. He paused with the head of his cock just inside the tight opening and then began thrusting into her, harder and harder while the aftershocks still quivered through her body. She could barely move, only grab his neck and hold on as he pounded relentlessly into her vulnerable body. Every thrust ground his body against her swollen clit and the tension built again. Each stroke was deeper, harder, and her over-stimulated body soared ever higher. A last powerful thrust seemed to split her open and she felt his hot liquid spill into her as he roared out his release. The sensation sent her over again and she shattered around him, crying out his name as the stars whirled overhead and she slipped into darkness.


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