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Anna and the Alien: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 1)

Page 12

by Honey Phillips

  When they reached the falls, Jakkar bent down to remove his boots and pants while Anna hastily skimmed out of her jumpsuit and struck a seductive pose. He straightened and saw her, his erection springing to life instantly.

  “What are you wearing?” he asked hoarsely.

  “I suppose you could call it a bikini,” she said as she sauntered toward him, enjoying his reaction. While they were cutting up cloth for the baby, she had been inspired to take a few small strips and make something for herself. Small was the operative word. Two small strips of cloth barely covered her pussy and another just covered her nipples. Even though he had seen her naked many times, she knew the thin cloth highlighted her body and rubbed deliciously against her as she walked.

  “Do you like it?” she purred as she reached him.

  “Yes. Take it off,” he growled.

  “Not yet,” she whispered, and dropped to her knees in front of him. Before he could react, she reached out and gently ran her small, pink tongue across the head of his cock. He jerked and his whole body stiffened.

  “What—” he began.

  “Ssh,” Anna murmured, and rubbed her cheek against the soft skin of his thick cock. His spicy musk was more intense here and she inhaled blissfully as she licked him from base to tip, working her tongue beneath the sensitive end. His skin was smooth and warm beneath her hand as she stroked his strong thighs before clasping the base of his erection. He was too big for her to enclose completely with one hand but she held him as tightly as she could, enjoying the hard muscle pulsing beneath her fingers.

  A drop of pre-cum glistened in his slit and she licked it eagerly, the salty, spicy taste exploding into her mouth. Eager for more, she closed her lips around him and pulled him into the hot, wet depths of her mouth. Jakkar groaned, and she could feel the muscles in his legs trembling as he stood over her. His hand dropped to tangle in her hair and pull her closer. Teasing, she slowly drew back instead, sucking harder as she neared the tip.

  She paused and then plunged down again. He was too big for her to swallow completely but she used her hand to meet her mouth and set up a steady rhythm. She dipped as far as she could, swirling her tongue, and then tightened her mouth around him as she withdrew. His hand clenched in her hair. He didn’t force her but feeling the strength of his fingers and knowing how easily he could send a shimmer of heat straight to her pussy. Low growls came continuously from his chest now and his response added to her excitement. She could feel the tiny bikini rubbing between her pussy lips as her labia dampened and separated. Shifting her hips to increase the sensation, she used her other hand to cradle the smooth, heavy weight of his balls. Jakkar thrust deeper into her mouth and she increased her pace, her pussy throbbing and her nipples hardening like pebbles against the thin fabric of her top. Her teeth scraped gently against the underside of his cock and he came with a roar. Eagerly she swallowed as hot liquid flooded her mouth. The spicy taste of his cum filled her senses and she licked up every drop before releasing his cock with a last swirling lick.

  “Did you like that?” Anna tried to tease but she was breathless, her whole body longing for his touch. Jakkar was still hard and he barely paused before taking her to the ground. He was hot and heavy on top of her and it felt so good she almost wept. She thrust up against him, wrapping her legs around his hips but he drew back slightly and pulled her hands above her head.

  “My turn,” he whispered, and his warm breath against her ear made her moan. Lowering his mouth to her aching nipples, he sucked slowly through the fabric of her brief top. The feel of the wet cloth added to the sensation and Anna arched into him, wordlessly demanding more. Releasing her hands, he slid lower and she clutched his broad shoulders as his tongue stroked both sides of her swollen cleft. Once again, he left the fabric in place, pulling it taut so that she felt the material tighten across her throbbing clit. He lashed his tongue back and forth across the tight fabric and the swollen flesh beneath it. Anna’s blood was roaring in her ears as he sucked the distended nub into his mouth. He gave a final firm pull and scraped his teeth across the sensitive bundle of nerves, and she shuddered and came, crying his name.

  A second later his body lifted off hers and she opened her eyes in shock. He was throwing his pants and boots back on and, almost simultaneously, she realized that the roaring noise hadn’t stopped. Stunned, she followed his gaze and saw a spaceship descending into the valley below.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Anna instinctively moved closer to Jakkar and watched in amazement as the ship lowered into the valley like a giant misshapen insect. He wrapped his arm around her, but never took his eyes off of the ship.

  “Not Ithyian,” he said tersely. “But not Sardoran either.”

  She cuddled closer as the impact of the ship’s arrival started to penetrate her shocked mind. Was this another slaver ship? Was she going to end up back in a cell? She shook her head, taking comfort in the power inherent in every line of Jakkar’s body. He would never let them take her. But, and the thought stopped her breath, what if they were being rescued? Would Jakkar return to Sardor or take another one of his warrior contracts? And what would happen to her? She thought that Melia would take her back to Gliese Prime with her, but what if that meant that she would never see Jakkar again. Pain ripped through her and she shuddered against his side.

  He tightened his arm briefly, but was already turning away from the valley as the ship settled down amongst a cluster of rock spires in a cloud of dust. Anna noted uneasily that it appeared to land close to the wreck site.

  “You need to return to the cave. Now. Hurry.”

  His voice was still terse and she hurried to pull on her jumpsuit and keep up with him as he strode back to the cave. Teron and Melia were just inside the entrance, Melia clutching Demil to her chest, her eyes wide and frightened. Rantor was prowling anxiously back and forth, his tail whipping the air behind him.

  “The ship is neither Ithyian nor Sardoran. I’m going to investigate. Stay here. You should be safe inside the cave; it will block most scanners,” he commanded.

  “You’re leaving?” Anna heard her voice tremble.

  “I need to see what we are dealing with.” His voice was grim as he looked toward the valley but then he turned to her and his tone softened. “Don’t worry, little human. I’ll be back.” He dropped a swift, hard kiss on her mouth, ordered Rantor to guard, and disappeared through the cave entrance.

  Anna stared after him in dismay, tears threatening. Determined not to let her worry show, she turned to the others. Melia was looking back at her with equal concern but assumed her usual calm demeanor.

  “We should be prepared.”

  “Prepared for what?” Anna couldn’t help asking.

  Melia flipped a wrist a little helplessly, and Teron spoke quietly. “We will divide everything into two groups. In one group we will put the items that will be needed if we are on a ship, such as Demil’s clothes and diapers.” He hesitated, and then continued, “And another group of things that we will need to survive if we must…move quickly.”

  Both women shivered, and Teron put a firm hand on Melia’s arm and smiled at Anna. “We have made it this far. Have faith in the warrior.”

  Anna nodded and started turning the spare jumpsuits into the makeshift backpacks they had used before. Melia placed Demil in the sling across her chest and began sorting his supplies. Teron hesitated and then quenched the fire. It was the first time it had been extinguished since they had moved in and the chamber seemed curiously dark and cold without it, even though the air was warm and daylight was still washing down the back wall of the cave.

  The packing went quickly—too quickly Anna realized, as the bundles were stacked neatly by the entrance. Now there was nothing to do but wait. She tried to calculate the time in her head. It had taken them a full morning to cross the sands and climb the hill to the cliff; however, they had moved slowly because of Melia’s condition and paused several times. With Jakkar’s long legs and quick stride, he c
ould probably do it in half the time, but he wouldn’t have time to reach the ship and return before night fell.

  Shadows deepened in the cave and Anna was too restless to sit still. Jakkar must be at the ship by now. Would he come back as soon as he had identified the occupants, or would he need to stay and scout? And what if the occupants were hostile and they found him? What if he was hurt? The worries circled through her mind as she paced back and forth across the cave.

  “You’re worse than Rantor,” Melia scolded gently. The sound of her voice made Anna jump. They had all been silent, lost in their own thoughts as darkness approached. She glanced guiltily at the other woman and realized how tired she looked.

  “Why don’t you lie down?” she suggested.

  Melia hesitated, then nodded. “I suppose I should. I should rest.” While I can, hung unspoken in the air. Teron helped her to her feet and escorted her and the baby into her sleeping chamber. Anna sat down, trying to force herself to relax, but her fingers played nervously with the chair arms and fiddled with the handle of the gun. Teron walked back into the room, seating himself by Melia’s door. Anna watched him absently and suddenly froze. Teron was wearing the other gun.

  “Jakkar didn’t take a weapon?” Her voice was shaking.

  “He hasn’t worn one since…since Smerg escaped. He thought it was safer for both of you if I was armed and the additional weapon was here in easy reach. You knew that.”

  Of course she had—she had seen Teron wearing the blaster and had even watched as Jakkar rigged the holster to the chair to keep the other gun close by. Idiot, she berated herself, you watched him leave and never even noticed that he hadn’t taken the time to collect a weapon. He always seemed so invincible but she knew only too well that he could be hurt. The thought that he might be lying on the ground, his leg or some other part of his body torn open, was more than she could bear.

  “I’m going after him.” Anna said, jumping to her feet.

  “How can you? It’s almost dark. And how could you help him?”

  “I can take him this.” She drew the weapon from the holster.

  Teron stepped in front of her, shaking his head. “I can’t let you do that. He said to stay here. Trust the warrior.”

  “No. I’m going after him. I can’t leave him alone and unarmed.” The desire to be with Jakkar, combined with the relief in having a purpose after the hours of inactivity, left no room for doubts as she moved toward the entrance. Teron reached out to stop her but his hand paused at the last moment.

  “I swore that I would not touch you,” he said slowly. “But this is a mistake.”

  Anna ignored him and reached the passage only to have Rantor push against her. He whined anxiously, his eyes moving from Anna to the now silent man behind her. She reached down and hugged him, running her fingers along the sensitive edge of his crest.

  “I have to go,” she whispered to him. “Stay and guard them.” She slipped past him and into the twilight.

  By the time the ship came into view, Anna was exhausted and her feet hurt. Finding the way had been less difficult than she expected. The twilight had held while she made her way down the wooded hillside, turning to full dark just as she reached the sands. However, the moons were rising and the pale light illuminated the desert floor enough for her to see where she was going. She headed straight for the rising moons, knowing that the ship lay in that direction. The night was cold and silent around her, with an occasional soft slithering sound that made her skin crawl as she remembered the snakes. Reminal, she reminded herself, not snakes.

  Now she paused behind a rock spire and peered cautiously at the ship. It was much larger than she had expected and very different than her notion of a spaceship. A conical nose section was followed by two much larger cylindrical sections, each linked by sets of tubes, and terminated by a circular array that she could only assume was the engine. The whole thing was propped on several short legs and looked surprisingly ungainly. Even in the moonlight, she could tell that the metallic skin was pock-marked and worn.

  A large hatch was open to the rear of the second cylinder but there was no sign of life, although dim lights were visible through circular windows high in the cylinder walls. The idea of finding Jakkar suddenly didn’t seem as simple as it had back at the cave. She left her hiding place to make a slow circle around the ship, keeping to the shadow of the rocks and moving as quietly as possible. A short while later, she was back in her original spot with even less idea of what to do. She hadn’t seen Jakkar and she was sure that he would have found her if he had been there. That meant he had to be on the ship.

  The fact that no guards were posted would seem to indicate that whoever was on the ship didn’t expect trouble. Did that mean that they were friendly? She prayed that it meant that Jakkar was alive. Sighing, she looked down at the gun in her hand. She hadn’t come this far to stop now. Clasping the weapon tighter, she crept across the sand and up the open hatchway. An enormous room was the only thing that met her eyes as she peeped cautiously into the opening. There were some small machines parked against one wall and stacks of boxes secured against the other, but the vast center of the room was empty.

  Her heart was pounding so hard she could barely hear her own footsteps as she edged along the side of the huge space, heading for a smaller door at the rear. A button to one side opened the door and she peeped out into an empty corridor which stretched in both directions. The walls and floor were metal, with a dim glow coming from the base of each wall. It was utterly silent. Clenching her teeth to keep them from chattering, she headed toward the front of the ship.


  The low growl stopped Anna in her tracks before she made it more than a few feet. Pulse racing, she turned cautiously to see a Sardoran standing behind her. His skin was much lighter than Jakkar’s—sand to Jakkar’s bronze—and he was shorter than Jakkar, but still towered over Anna. He wore the same twin daggers that Jakkar wore and his hand rested threateningly on the hilt of one of the knives. They stared at each other in silence for a moment while he took in her short stature and the grey jumpsuit.

  “Ithyian,” he snarled and stepped closer.

  “N-No. I’m human,” Anna protested, backing away. The sound of booted footsteps echoed along the corridor behind her and she pressed her back to the wall, trying to see who was approaching without taking her eyes off the first man. Terror slicked her palms as she realized that she was now surrounded by four Sardorans, all of them glowering at her. Under other circumstances, she would have been impressed. There were all tall and magnificently built, corded muscles revealed by the tight pants and sleeveless vests that apparently compromised the Sardoran uniform. And while their skin tones were in various shimmering earth tones, they were all attractive, except for the one who took over as spokesperson.

  He was as tall as Jakkar and even more muscular, but two terrible ridged scars ran from beneath his eye to one side of his mouth. The scars twisted his features and turned a handsome face into a frightening parody. More scars were visible across his arms and in the open neck of his vest.

  “Human?” he asked skeptically, his voice a cold, deep rumble that sent shivers up her spine. He nodded at the warrior who had originally accosted her and the man reached for the weapon hanging forgotten in Anna’s hand. She cried out and tried to pull her hand back as his fingers tightened around her wrist and he froze as his nostrils flared. He inhaled deeply.

  “Not Ithyian,” he agreed. The leader stepped forward and lowered his head toward her neck, also breathing deeply. A small cold smile touched his face, twisted by the cruel scar.

  “I agree, not Ithyian. Almost edible. What do you have concealed under here, human?”

  His hand reached for the opening of her jumpsuit and, terrified, Anna tried to press further into the unyielding wall of the corridor. A deafening roar filled the passage and then Jakkar was there, sending the man who held her wrist flying, and knocking the scarred leader back several steps before he pulled h
er into his arms.

  “Mine,” he growled. His hands were bruising her arms and his eyes were white with battle rage, but she didn’t care. He was alive and safe. Flinging her arms around his neck, she held on to him, burying her face in his broad chest and breathing him in. The tension left his body as he felt her nestle against him and, after a warning glare at the other men—who had all backed away to a safe distance—he kissed her. His mouth was hard, demanding her total surrender, and she melted into his arms and met it eagerly. Despite their audience, her body responded as it always did to his touch, her nipples hardening against his chest and an ache starting low in her belly.

  When he finally lifted his head, she was dazed and breathless, her lips swollen.

  “Mine,” he repeated, glaring at the other Sardorans. Anna’s cheeks flamed as she realized that all of the men were grinning as they eyed her with considerable appreciation.

  The tall leader laughed and ran his eyes slowly over her body. “A luscious little morsel,” he said. “I never thought I would see you take a slave, Jakkar, but I can see why you started with this one.”

  The corridor spun dizzily around Anna and her mouth dropped open. “Slave? I’m not a sl—”

  Jakkar’s hand clamped down over her mouth and he held her fast against his body with his other arm. Angry and confused, Anna started fighting against him but he held her easily.

  “She looks very spirited.” The tall man laughed again. “Are you going to share her?”

  Shock held Anna motionless for a moment, but Jakkar was already growling a rejection. She couldn’t see Jakkar’s face but the other man immediately sobered and took a step back, bowing his head. “Yes, Chief.”

  Relief only lasted a moment before her original anger returned and she started struggling again. One foot found Jakkar’s shin and with an aggravated grunt, he pulled her up into his arms, one hand still clamped across her mouth and started down the corridor.


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