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Anna and the Alien: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 1)

Page 14

by Honey Phillips

  Once again he stopped, withdrawing his fingers, and she moaned at the loss.

  “Who do you belong to?” The words were quiet, inexorable. Her body was screaming to come, her nipples swollen and needy, her pussy throbbing in a slow, heavy rhythm that begged for relief. All she could do was shake her head.

  The chains binding her legs suddenly released, but before she could react he had flipped her over on her face, her arms now crossed over her head. He slid back between her legs and pushed a pillow under her hips as he forced her up onto her knees.

  “No.” She tried to force herself to think past the desire throbbing through her veins. “What are you doing?”

  “Whatever I want.” The words sent chills up her spine but did nothing to lessen her arousal. Before she could protest further, his hand curved around her stomach and pressed lightly against her mound. She was so swollen that she throbbed against his hand. His other hand trailed lightly down the cleft of her ass and teased at the sensitive entrance between her cheeks. Remembering the pleasure of his touch, she pushed back against his hand and he growled softly. A moment later, his hand left her and then something cold trickled down the crevice and her whole body jerked in shock. His fingers returned and the cold liquid quickly turned warm, tingling as he rubbed it into her skin. His finger circled her rim before pressing into her, spreading the intriguing warmth deep inside. She moaned and pushed back against him again.

  Another finger joined the first and she could feel him stretching her open as he began moving in and out. His other hand started to stroke her clit at the same pace, but still using the light, delicate touches that kept her right on the edge of coming. She was starting to shake, her body so sensitive that even the brush of the sheet against her nipples was both pleasure and pain.

  He removed his fingers and she moaned in protest, thrusting her ass back in demand. The broad head of his cock met her motion and she froze as she realized what was about to happen.

  “Who do you belong to?” The same words but she could hear the tension in his voice now. Her body throbbed, demanded. Fear and desire warred with each other and she could only shake her head helplessly. He growled and slowly pushed his cock past the tight ring of muscle. It burned, and she moaned, but the feel of his cock stretching her open, taking even the most secret part of her body, added to her excitement.

  “Who do you belong to?” Inch by thick inch he pushed his massive cock into her tight rear channel while his fingers played across her swollen nub. She couldn’t even shake her head, caught on the razor’s edge between pleasure and pain as he pushed deeper, stretching her open until he was completely embedded and she could feel the heavy weight of his balls against her swollen pussy lips. They both moaned and he dropped down over her back, surrounding her with the heat and strength of his body.

  He began to withdraw, and the slow slide combined with the tingling heat from the lubricant was almost unbearably pleasurable. He pulled almost all of the way out and then plunged back in, harder and faster, sending a shock of pain into her system that turned to ecstasy so quickly her head spun. Her overwhelmed body kept climbing higher, desperate for relief, and her whole world narrowed to the slow, hot withdrawals, the deep, hard plunges, and the lightning stroke of his fingers.

  “Who do you belong to?” The words echoed in her head and she stopped fighting.

  “You. I belong to you,” she sobbed, and she knew it was true. Her heart, her body, even her soul—she belonged to this man.

  “Mine,” he roared, and clamped down on her clit. She screamed and her world exploded in a blaze of pleasure. Her climax rolled through her in endless shudders, her muscles clenching so hard she couldn’t move. He shifted his hands to her hips, gripping her to him as he thrust into her over and over, causing shockwaves of pleasure to flow through her helpless body before he roared again and released a flood of hot liquid into the dark depths of her rectum, sending her flying into another climax.

  Anna was barely conscious as Jakkar rolled them to one side. He held her still quivering body close to his and the world gradually stopped spinning. Emotions battered her but she didn’t have the strength to face them, relaxing into the warmth and safety of his embrace. After a long moment, he sighed and released her. She winced as he slipped from her body and then she heard the click as he released the chains. The sound brought everything rushing back. Tears started to flow as he moved away, returning moments later with a warm cleansing cloth. He wiped tenderly between her thighs and over her sensitive anus. His gentle touch only made her cry harder. She had said the words, hell, she even meant the words, but they didn’t change anything.

  “Why are you doing this?” she whispered.

  “It is the only way we can be together.” His voice was cold as he stood up, but his eyes were haunted and she wondered if he had reached the same conclusion. As much as she wanted to be with him—and she could think of nothing she wanted more—she couldn’t live the rest of her life as a slave.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Anna fell asleep sometime after Jakkar left the cabin, physically and emotionally exhausted. She woke a few hours later, still exhausted, to find him asleep behind her, curled protectively around her body as usual. Despite the abundance of her earlier sobs, slow, quiet tears once again trickled down her cheeks and she stiffened and tried to pull away. His arms immediately tightened and he turned her into his chest, tucking her head into his shoulder as he stroked her hair. His spicy scent surrounded her and, however unwillingly, she felt the tension start to leave her body as she gave into the comfort of his presence. How ironic that the source of her despair was also the source of her consolation. With a tired sigh, she closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep.

  The next time she woke, Jakkar was gone and light was streaming through the round window high above the bed. From the glimpse of the sky, she could see it was at least midday. She sat up and looked around, really seeing the cabin for the first time. It was a small room with the bed occupying an inordinately large amount of the floor space. Everything she could see was strictly utilitarian from the metal walls to the rubber matted floor. A compact work desk and chair occupied one side wall, while the other held some fitted metal cabinets and a narrow door.

  All of her clothes had disappeared, even the bikini, and she wrapped the sheet around her as she stood up. The movement caused a twinge in her still tender body and the reminder of the previous night sent a confusing mixture of anger, arousal, and sorrow racing through her brain. Despite her confusion, she really wished that Jakkar was still here with her. Determined to speak to him, she headed for the door to the corridor.

  The door was locked. Giving it an annoyed glare, she explored the cabin. The cabinets were empty but the narrow door led into a tiny but functional bathroom. There was even a shower and after a brief struggle with the operating mechanism, she was standing under a stream of hot liquid. As on the Ithyian ship, it didn’t appear to be water but at least this liquid had a faint tangy scent that was curiously refreshing. There was even actual soap instead of just the endless cleansing cloths, so she could wash her hair properly. There were no towels so she wound the sheet back around her damp body.

  Stepping back into the main cabin, raking her fingers through her hair because of course there was no comb, she felt refreshed and more in control—until she looked at the locked door. She was still scowling at it when it opened and to her surprise, Melia ducked her head through the opening. The other woman was wearing a softly draped pale blue gown that accented her lavender skin and she looked rested and happy, her hair swaying gently.

  “Did I do something wrong?” she asked as she saw Anna’s expression.

  “No, of course not, come in.” Smiling, she hugged her friend and pulled her inside the cabin. “I’m so glad to see you’re all right. Where’s Demil?”

  “Teron has him, along with two very nervous and rather appalled Sardoran warriors,” she said.

  “Because of Teron or because of the baby?”

  “I suspect a little of both.” She hesitated and then sat down on the bed, patting the space next to her for Anna to join her. “Which is partially why I have decided to have the binding ceremony now. Once he is bound to my house he is formally protected under my contract with Jakkar’s clan.” She hesitated again. “And we would both like it.”

  “Binding him to your house?”

  “Yes, as my jalka.” Melia cheeks flushed slightly and Anna’s mouth dropped open.

  “You mean as your concubine? But why? I mean, I didn’t know that you felt like that.”

  “You and Jakkar are enough to give anyone ideas,” she said drily, and it was Anna’s turn to flush. “And he is a good man—quiet, respectful, loyal.”

  “And you think that you are compatible, uh, sexually?”

  Melia laughed and gave her another dry look. “Of course. We have been limited by my pregnancy but I know enough.”

  Anna’s mind reeled. How had this been going on under her nose without her even noticing? She remembered something else.

  “Don’t you already have a jalka?”

  “Actually, I have two.” She laughed again. “Teron knows and he understands.”

  “Wow. I can’t imagine Jakkar going along with that.”

  “Neither can I; Sardorans are remarkably territorial.”

  Melia’s words reminded Anna of her own current situation and she looked away. The other woman immediately noticed her change in mood and put a gentle hand on Anna’s shoulder. “What’s the matter?”

  “He told me that I belonged to him, as his slave.” Her voice was bitter.

  “Is that so bad?” Melia asked softly.

  “What?” Anna gasped.

  The other woman shrugged a shoulder. “I know you want to be with him. I am just as he sure that he wants you.”

  “But he only wants me as a possession,” Anna said. “And what if he decides he wants another one? Or if he gets tired of me and decides to sell me to someone else?”

  “Considering how possessive he is, I doubt that would happen.”

  “But it could. And what if he decided to take a Sardoran wife?”

  “There would be nothing to stop him,” Melia slowly agreed. “And yet, he is showing all the signs of having chosen you as a mate, as being bonded to you —oh.” Her eyes widened.

  “Oh, what?”

  “He can’t declare a mating bond with you because you are not Sardoran. I suppose that’s why he has claimed you as his slave.”

  “And he just expects me to accept it,” she said bitterly.

  “Do you?”

  “No!” A memory of the previous evening swept over her and her cheeks flamed. “Well, briefly. He said that if I do not accept him then I am simply a prisoner and I have no rights.”

  “Hmm.” Melia’s head tilted to one side and she regarded Anna thoughtfully but didn’t continue. Instead, she jumped up and pulled Anna to her feet. “Let’s go back to my cabin and get you dressed for the ceremony. They actually recovered some of my luggage and I’m sure we can find something for you to wear.”

  “Just as well. He took all of my clothes.”

  Melia smothered a laugh and urged Anna to her feet. “Come on.”

  “You’re assuming I can leave the cabin,” Anna muttered.

  Melia’s eyes widened. “What is Jakkar going to do? Keep you naked and chained to the bed?”

  Anna’s eyes flew to the head of the bed, hoping that the chains were no longer visible but she could still see the metallic gleam among the tumbled bed coverings. Melia followed her gaze and shook her head.

  “My goodness, he is determined to keep you, isn’t he?” Without waiting for a reply, she tied the sheet firmly around Anna and pushed her gently to the door. The door didn’t open at first, but after a peremptory knock from Melia, a warrior appeared at the opening.

  “We are going to my cabin,” she announced.

  He looked at Anna and hesitated, but she simply pulled the sheet higher and both women swept past him in a swirl of skirts and sheets. Without a word, he followed them quietly down the corridor.

  Jakkar paced the bridge while Rantor curled around the base of his chair and watched him, tail whipping at its usual fast pace. The linae was picking up on his frustration. Jakkar had discovered a flaw in his plan to force Anna’s compliance. While she had surrendered to him—and so deliciously that the memory had his cock stiffening right here in the command center—as soon as her body stopped quivering and her mind started functioning, her reluctance had returned. Her refusal to admit his claim infuriated him but her silent despair in the night tore at his heart.

  He took another turn around the bridge, fighting the urge to return to his cabin and bury himself in her soft body until every ounce of resistance drained away. Nadodar appeared at the door and Jakkar scowled at him.

  “The human left her cabin,” the man said nervously.

  “What?” he roared.

  “She left with the Lady DuLass,” the man continued quickly, dropping his head. “I did not want to restrain her by force.”

  “Never lay a finger on her,” Jakkar growled and then sighed. He could hardly object to her continuing to spend time with Melia, even though he had intended to leave her naked and waiting in his cabin. Naked…

  “What was she wearing?” he demanded. The look on his face had the officer backing away.

  “A-a sheet, sir.”

  Behind him, Dragar let out a roar of laughter and Jakkar left an unwilling smile curl his lip.

  “Very well. Return and stand guard outside Lady DuLass’ door. If the human leaves, follow her and do not let her out of your sight. But Do. Not. Touch. Her. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Chief.” Nadodar bowed his head again and left quickly.

  Dragar was still chuckling and he turned on him with a growl.

  “Very ingenious, your human. Did you really expect her to spend the rest of her life locked in your cabin?”

  “Possibly,” he admitted and went back to making circuits around the bridge. Dragar watched him thoughtfully for a few minutes before changing the subject. “The test results have all been positive so far. The complete scan should be finished late this evening, but I am confident that we will be able to make a positive report to the Council in the morning.”

  Jakkar forced himself to concentrate. “Arable land?”

  “In more than ample quantities. And sufficient mineral resources to support our metallurgy needs but not enough to create a competing claim for mineral rights.”

  “I wonder,” he said slowly. “Every time we have been close, a complication has appeared. Have you considered that we are being deliberately sabotaged?”

  Dragar nodded grimly. “Our luck was getting a little too bad. And then this mission—they were even willing to destroy the escape pods rather than let someone escape. I contacted the Council last night about reinforcing our warriors—but you know we are already stretched thin.”

  “I’m not sure it’s a good idea anyway. If we suddenly start doubling the size of our contingents, it alerts the enemy that we are aware of their intentions and it makes us look weak. Rather than reinforcements, it might be better to have shadow teams who could remain hidden and make random checks on other missions, possibly even catching this mysterious opponent in the act.”

  Dragar nodded thoughtfully. “That could work. Are you going to lead one of these shadow missions?”

  Once again that odd confusion tugged at Jakkar. He should have been excited about the idea—he had always loved this type of strategy battle—but now…

  “I don’t know. What about you?” He looked at his friend but Dragar only shrugged.

  “I’m not so sure, either.” He sighed. “Maybe we’re getting soft in our old age?”

  “Maybe,” agreed Jakkar, and both men sat in silence, watching the holographic planet slowly turning in front of them.

  Jakkar strode up the stairs to the reception chamber, temper tugging at his
nerves. Several times throughout the afternoon he had given in to his desires and returned to his chamber, only to find Anna was still with Melia. He had seriously considered going to Melia’s stateroom and hauling his little human back to his cabin but eventually decided that it wasn’t going to accomplish anything except to upset Melia and amuse Dragar. And now he was in full ceremonial dress which always left him feeling confined and slightly ridiculous.

  His temper calmed a little as he stepped into the spacious chamber at the top of the stairs. Apparently the Gliesh used this ship for trading functions because this room was designed for ceremony. A large overhead window showed a breath-taking panorama of rocky spires and setting sun. Unlike the utilitarian surfaces in the rest of the ship, every inch of the space was covered in rich textures, from the deep carpet that covered the floor to the elaborately embroidered wall hangings that draped the walls. Opposite the doors, a raised dais was already prepared for the binding ceremony. A rectangular table was set up in the center of the table, with ten chairs for Melia, Teron, Anna, and the seven Sardoran warriors.

  Dragar beckoned him over to where his men were grouped uncomfortably around an elaborately carved bar.

  “Here,” he said, passing him a tumbler. “You probably need this.”

  Jakkar took a deep swallow and let the warmth of the Gliesh brandy settle into his stomach. A sudden silence fell and the men all looked at the double doors. Melia was there, standing regally in her formal gown, Teron correctly one pace back to her left and carrying the baby. Then she stepped forward and Jakkar saw Anna. Her usual cloud of golden brown hair had been pulled back into an intricate design that accented her delicate features. The ceremonial half veil covered the bottom half of her face and her crystal eyes had been made up to look enormous and inviting. The sheer veil fluttered with each breath, creating tantalizing glimpses of her full lips only partially concealed behind the fabric. She looked breathtaking and his eyes locked on hers for a long moment before he noticed the rest of her outfit.


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