Pearl Harbor Betrayed
Page 44
Herron, Charles D.
Hewitt, H. Kent
Hewitt Investigation
Hickam Field
Air Depot
aircraft as targets at
B-17s landed at
losses at
vulnerability of
hidden word code
Hideki Tojo
Hill, Edwin J.
Hirohito, Emperor
Hitler, Adolf
Holtwick, Jr., Jack S.
Honolulu (CL-48)
Hopkins, Harry
Hori Teikichi
Hornbeck, Stanley K.
Hornet (CV-8)
Hull, Cordell
and attack on Pearl Harbor
and export controls
“Four Principles”
and message No. 902
and modus vivendi
and negotiations with Japanese
and Nomura
Ten-Point Note
and war warnings
Huseman, Howard
Hu Shih
Hypo Station
Ickes, Harold
Idaho (BB-42)
Iguchi, Takeo
Imperial Navy Operations Plan for War Against the United States, Britain, and the Netherlands
incidents at sea
Indianapolis (CA-35)
occupation of
see also French Indo-China
Ingersoll, Royal E.
Inoue Shigeyoshi
denied to commanders
denied to Kimmel,
regarding Japanese strike force
location of Japanese carriers
mishandling of
withheld from Pearl Harbor
see also Magic (intelligence)
intelligence (Japanese)
from Honolulu Consulate
messages intercepted
about U.S. Fleet in Pearl Harbor
intelligence services
intercept stations
see also message intercepts
Tripartite Pact
Itaya Shigeru
“Jake” planes
in China
codes and ciphers destroyed
conflict with U.S. regarding China
deceptions by
disarmament compacts
flaunting of international law
“fleet faction”
Foreign Ministry
government structure
Imperial Navy
import of raw materials
Liaison Conference System
losses at Pearl Harbor
movement toward war
naval construction program
Pearl Harbor attack plan
strategic theory
strategy hokushu nanshin
tactical victory became strategic defeat
trade with America
“treaty faction”
war preparations
Japanese Army
war preparations
“Japanese Attack Plan”
Japanese Consulate, Honolulu
intelligence agents
Japanese Fleet
Japanese inhabitants in Hawaii
Japanese Mandated Islands
Japanese Navy
war preparations
Japanese strike force
approach to Oahu
see Joint Congressional Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack (JCC)
Johnston Island
Joint Board
Joint Coastal Frontier Defense Plan
Joint Congressional Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack (JCC)
bomb plot messages in
Elliott testimony
Hull’s statement to
Kimmel testimony
Marshall testimony
McMorris testimony
Safford testimony
Schulz testimony
Short testimony
Stark testimony
Stimson testimony
Turner testimony
Judd, Walter Henry
Kagoshima Bay
Kalbfus, Edward C.
Kaminski, Harold
Kaneohe Bay
Kaneohe Naval Air Station
Kate planes
Kato Kanji
Kato Tomosaburo
Kearny (DD-432)
Kensuke Horinouchi
Kenyo Maru
Khota Baru
Kido Butai
Kimmel, Husband Edward
and attack on Pearl Harbor
and attack on Wake Island
blamed for Pearl Harbor
charges against
colloquium on
command of Pacific Fleet
criticism of
and defensive strategy shift
emphasized carrier operations
friendship with Stark
and his sons
and intelligence
JCC testimony
Marshall’s alert to
messages not sent to
messages sent to
not informed
not warned about Pearl Harbor attack
performance evaluations
relationship with Short
relieved of command
and Roberts Commission
Stark’s warning to
War Plan WPPac-46
and war warnings
King, Ernest J.
Kinkaid, Thomas C.
Kirk, Alan C.
Kita Nagao, Consul General
Kitts, Willard A., III,
Knox, Frank
and attack on Pearl Harbor
and decrypted messages
and negotiations with Japanese
report to Roosevelt
and Roberts Commission
Kokuyo Maru
Kondo Nobutake
Konoye Fumimaro, Prince
Konoye Cabinet
Kota Bharu
Kramer, Alwin D.
Kuroshima Kameto
Kurusu Saburo
Kusaka Ryunosuke
Kyokuto Maru
Lahaina Roads
Landon, Truman H.
Layton, Edwin T.
account of Pearl Harbor attack
and bomb plot messages
and winds code
League of Nations
Lend-Lease Act/program
level bombing aircraft
Lexington (CV-2)
Leyte Gulf
“lights code”
Lockard, Joseph
London Naval Disarmament Conference
London Naval Treaty
Luzon Island
MacArthur, Douglas
war warnings
McCain, John S.
McCollum, Arthur H.
McCoy, Frank R.
McDonald, Joseph
McMorris, Charles Horatio “Soc”
McNarney, Joseph T.
“Magic” (intelligence)
Kimmel did not receive
preserving secrecy of
Mahan, Alfred Thayer
Main Navy
Malay Barrier
Malony, Harry J.
Marine Corps/Marines
Marine Corps Air Station
Marshall, George C.
alert message
and attack on Pearl Harbor
blame in Pearl Harbor defeat
and decrypted messages
JCC testimony
and Magic
preparedness for war
and Roberts Commission
and wa
r warnings
Marshall Islands
Martin, Frederick L.
Martin-Bellinger estimate
Maryland (BB-46)
Matsudaira Tsuneo
Matsuoka Yosuke
message intercepts,
message No. 902
midget submarines
Midway Island
carrier battle at
destruction of documents on
Japanese attack on
as possible target
Miles, Sherman
Mindanao Island
Mississippi (BB-41)
Mitsumasa Yonai
Mollison, James A.
Molotov, V. M.
Moltke, Count Helmuth von
Momsen, Charles B.
Monaghan (DD-354)
Montgomery (DM-17)
Morgan, Edward P.
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.
Mori, Dr. and Mrs. Motokazu
Morison, Samuel Eliot
Murata Shigeharu
Murfin, Orin G.
Murphy, Vincent
Nagano Osami
Nagao Kita
Nagumo Chuichi
death of
Naval Air Station
Naval General Staff (Japan)
Naval Operations (OpNav)
Navy Court of Inquiry
Navy Department
did not send information to Kimmel
intercepted messages
responsibility and blame for defeat at Pearl Harbor
war warnings
Navy Yard
Signal Tower
NCI, see Navy Court of Inquiry
Station NEGAT (Code and Signal Section)
Netherlands East Indies (NEI)
Neuleib, Robert
Neutrality Acts
Nevada (BB-36)
New Mexico (BB-40)
New Orleans (CA-32)
New York (BB-34)
New Zealand
Newton, Admiral
Niblack (DD-424)
Nihon Maru
Nimitz, Chester W.,
command of Pacific Fleet
relieved Kimmel
Nine-Power Treaty of Washington
Nomura Kichisaburo
failure to meet deadline
North Carolina (BB-55)
Noyes, Leigh
attack on
intelligence regarding
in Japanese attack plan
Japanese population
probability of attack on
radar stations
reconnaissance flights out of
surprise achieved at
vulnerability to air attack
Oerlikon gun
Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)
Oglala (CM-4)
Oikawa Koshiro
Oklahoma (BB-37)
Okuda Otojiro
Onishi Takijiro
“one o’clock message”
Onishi Takijiro
Orange Plan
OS2U “Kingfisher”
Outerbridge, William W.
Ozawa Jisaboro
P-40B, Curtiss “Warhawk”
Pacific Fleet
Army responsible for defense of
Aviation Expansion Program
Battleship Division Three
command of
damage to capital ships of
defense of
flagship of
Japan’s plan to destroy
makeup of
offensive operations
at Pearl Harbor
put in danger by Roosevelt
radio intercept towers
ships transferred from
show of force by
Task Forces
weekends in harbor
see also Kimmel, command of Pacific Fleet
Palmyra Island
Pan-American Security Zone
PBY-3/PPY-5 Catalinas
in battle of Pearl Harbor
dawn patrols
in Pearl Harbor attack
Patterson (DD-392)
Pearl Harbor
Army responsible for defense of
cause of defeat at
harbor channel
intelligence regarding
Pacific Fleet stationed at
possibility/probability of attack on
security measures
susceptibility to surprise attack
warships at
Pearl Harbor attack
blame/responsibility in
deliberately provoked (charge)
hit wrong targets
investigations of
Japanese plan for
Japanese strategy in
rumor of
as strategic defeat
surprise in
Pearl Harbor Striking Force
attack on Pearl Harbor
objectives of
ordered home
under way
Pennsylvania (BB-38)
Perkins, Frances
Phelps (DD-360)
Philippine Islands/Philippines
Army thought about
attack on
defense of
Japanese decision to attack and occupy
possibility of attack on
reinforcement of
war warnings
Phoenix (CL-46)
Phillips, Walter C.
picket ship
“Plan Dog” memorandum
Plan Optional Dash One
Pogue, Forrest C.
Portland (CA-33)
Powell, C. A.
Prange, Gordon W.
Pratt, Julius W.
Pratt, William V.
“Purple” (cipher)
Pye, William Satterlee
radio silence
radio direction-finding (HF-DF)
Ramsay (DM-16)
Raleigh (CL-7)
Ramsey, Logan C.
Ranger (CV-4)
Rankin, Jeannette
readiness conditions
Reeves, Joseph M.
Reuben James (DD-245)
Richardson, David C.
Richardson, James O.
Roberts, Owen, J.
Roberts Commission,
Rochefort, Joseph J.
Robin Moor
Rohwer, Jürgen
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
addressing Congress
and attack on Pearl Harbor
attitude toward Germany
attitude toward Japan
charge of provoking Japan to war
commitment to support Britain
executive orders
Knox’s report to
and message No. 902
and movement toward war with Japan
and negotiations with Japan
ordered formal investigation
and Roberts Commission
“shoot on sight” order
trade embargo
and war plans
and war warnings
Royal Air Force
Royal Navy
Russell, Henry D.
Russo-Japanese Neutrality Pact
Russo-Japanese War
warnings about
Sacramento (PG-19)
Saeki, Saeki Bay
Safford, Commander
Safford, Laurance
Saipan Island
Salinas (AO-19)
San Francisco
Saratoga (CV-3)
Savannah (CL-42)
Schofield Barracks
Schuirmann, Roscoe E.
Schulz, Lester R.
Second Hague Peace Convention
Second London Naval Conference
Seki Kohichi
Shaw (DD-373)
Shigekazu Shimazaki
Shimada Shigataro
Shimizu Mitsumi
Shimkoku Maru
Shivers, Robert L.
“shoot on sight” operation orders
Short, Walter Campbell
and attack on Pearl Harbor
blamed for Pearl Harbor
commanding general of Hawaiian Department
Marshall’s alert to
messages not sent to
no access to Magic
not informed
not warned about Pearl Harbor attack
relationship with Kimmel
and Roberts Commission
war warnings
Showers, Donald M. “Mac”
Sino-Japanese War of 1896
Smith, William “Poco”
Soong, T. V.
Sotoyomo (YT-9)
South Dakota (BB-55)
Southern Operation (Japan)
second and third phases of
Spaatz, Carl A.
Special Attack Unit (Japan)
Special Naval Attack Unit (Japan)
Spruance, Raymond A.
Standley, William H.
Stark, Harold A.
and attack on Pearl Harbor
and decrypted messages
defensive strategy shift
failure of judgment charge
friendship with Kimmel
and Kimmel
and negotiations with Japan
and one o’clock message
opposed show of force
on Pacific Fleet
“Plan Dog” memorandum
preparedness for war
and Roberts Commission
and security measures
and sinking of Reuben James
on torpedo nets
and war warnings
Steel Seafarer
Stimson, Henry L.
and attack on Pearl Harbor
and decrypted messages
failures of
and negotiations with Japan
and Roberts Commission
and war warnings
Stinnett, Robert B.
“Strategy and Tactics in Operations Against the United States”
submarine fleet (Uboatwaffe)
submarine force (Japan)
submarine attack
in attack on Pearl Harbor
security measures against
strike force
Suetsugu Nobumasa
Sunnadin (ATO-28)
in attack on Pearl Harbor
surprise attack
air reconnaissance and
in Japanese strategy
possibility of
prediction of
preparations for defense against
warnings of
see also war warnings
Takagi Sokichi
Tankan Bay (Hitokappu Wan)
Takeo Iguchi
Tanner, William P.
Task Forces
Tatsuta Maru
Taussig, Joseph K., Jr.
Ten-Point Note
Ten Point Program
Tennessee (BB-43)
Tetley, W. H.
“this is no drill” message