Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant

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Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant Page 9

by HC MacDonald

  “Well, no, but I haven’t been out there looking either.”

  “So you see, your competition is three of the same women. You my spunky friend are different, that’s what makes you intriguing.”

  “I don’t believe your logic, but I will agree to get you off my back.”

  “Best thing you’ve said all morning, now get ready, we have a man to rescue.”

  I got up, got ready. My mind drifted back to Sanna’s words. Why was Leon angry? Was it me, or something else. Was she really right about him liking something different? I was certainly that. I heard the front door open and a mumbled set of voices. I stepped out of the bedroom. Leon was there. He turned and looked at me. I realized I had not put up my appearance of Pearl.

  “Raina? I thought you were someone....” He trailed off in his surprise.

  “Good morning Leon.”

  “I forgot, how are you feeling?”

  “Fine thank you.”

  “You're moving about okay?”

  I realized he was looking at the bruises and scabs on my arms and legs. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

  “Yes, I am doing fine. Only visible damage. Nothing more.”

  His face saddened a bit. He turned to look at Sanna.

  “What did you want to talk about?”

  Sanna looked at me. We had decided she would talk to him without my presence. We didn’t want to upset him to much. I took the cue.

  “Leon it was pleasant seeing you.” On that note I headed out the front door. I stood on the porch for a few moments, checking for any prying eyes. Then with a silent spell, I blinked Pearl into place. I began the slow scenic walk to the arena alone.



  “You want me to believe that I knew her, and that I had my memories wiped.”

  “Yes, I have proof!”

  “Why would someone do that? I knew we couldn’t trust her. I shouldn’t have saved her.”

  A slap stung the cheek of my skin. I looked at Sanna. Anger seething below the surface.

  “Yes, you should have. If you read the darn contract you made, and the one Erebos switched out you would see your error.”

  “But you don’t have them?”

  “No, I said, Erebos destroyed your contract. Go talk to him. He’ll tell you what it said. What you wrote.”

  “Why would I trust that babbling lunatic? Ever since the war he has been nothing but insane.”

  “Because he regrets his actions and will tell you the truth. He is the one that did this to you both.”

  “Even if he did. Why would she take away memories? That makes no sense.”

  “She was hurt and felt betrayed. Can you blame her.”

  “Yes, that’s the point!”

  “Forgive her, talk to her. You’ll see that you love her.”

  “Oh, so now I love her. It’s not just that the contracts were switched or that I was given some kind of potion to hide the truth. I loved her now also. That is outright ridiculous.”

  “It’s not. You went to rescue her from the fortress. You wanted to forge the allegiance with a marriage proposal. You.”

  “If she did this, then why not just give me back these so called missing memories of mine and it will all be cleared up.”

  “I told you she can’t. Something happened in the war and she doesn’t possess those abilities anymore.”

  “I find it all convenient. I knew she would cause trouble. Here it is. Some made up story to stop me from happiness.”

  “Is that what you think? She doesn’t want you to be happy, I don’t want you to be happy.”

  “I don’t know what you want from me lately. You have been distant and cold. You won’t even talk to Lace. We only talk sporadically at best and of things of no consequence.”

  “You did that when you began listening to that harlot. Not me.”

  “Don’t call Lace a harlot. You don’t even know her.”

  “I think I do. Better than you anyway.”

  “You may not have a choice. She will be my bride.”

  “Will she, and what if she doesn’t win? Then what little brother?”

  “Look Sanna, there is no conspiracy that took place. I don’t love Raina. I certainly would know if she took my memories. Erebos cannot be trusted. We are done here. I need to get to the arena.”

  “Fine, but you do yourself no favors in not talking with him, or with the other members of the old council.”

  I was done arguing with my sister. I needed to clear my head. It had begun throbbing five minutes after we started the argument. I also needed to get to the arena. Lace would have my head if I didn’t go and support her. She was still mad at me for disappearing last night at the celebration.

  The women were so competitive. Lace was over protective. I didn’t have a chance to get to know any of them. It was frustrating and flattering at the same time. I had been hidden in the trees for some time when I smelt Lace coming. As I looked out, it was Pearl. I was pleasantly surprised. I had forgotten that they smelled the same. Then again this morning at Sanna’s, I smelled Pearl, and it was Raina. I would need to talk with Raoul about this. In fact, maybe Raoul could shed some light on what Sanna was arguing about.

  He could talk with her and set her straight. I would need to ask him to do that today. The quicker I straightened her out, the faster I could concentrate and enjoy the next few days. I ran to the arena. The event was about to start.

  I got to my seat high above the beams and rafters laid out below. There were levels upon levels of thin beams. Mazes of dead ends, twists, turns, vertical and angled ramps. The goal, get to the other end without falling off. First three on to the platform, move on. A safety net stood a healthy ten feet from the ground. Ready to catch any who fell.

  The Duggars, a small animal made with interlocking spines and fur, the shape of a round ball. It had taloned feet, and a sharp beak. They would be dropped onto the beams when the bell rang. They were fast. The spines in their fur covered with poisonous slime. If spiked by one, your muscles would be paralyzed for hours. We had healers on hand to deliver an antidote potion to those stung. You not only had to navigate the beams, but you had to avoid the Duggers.

  I looked around the arena. The women were lined up on there prospected colored platforms. The bell rang. The Duggars were dropped. I watched as the woman ran toward the Duggars.

  I looked around the room. Raoul was here. He was sitting a couple sections over, I weaved my way over to him. He caught my eye and waved me to sit.

  “How are you fairing Leon?”

  “I could be better.”

  “Yes, when one is hunted, it can be tiring.”

  “It’s not the women. Well, I do have some questions about that too, but right now, I need to ask you a favor about Sanna.”

  “I am here to help Leon. Shall we go somewhere more private to talk?”

  “Yes, that would be a good idea.”

  He followed me up the stairs and into one of the council chambers glass box seating. It would be private here, no gossips or spies to worry about. From the glass, I could still keep an eye on Lace in the competition.

  “Please tell me how I can help?” Raoul asked as he sat next to me.

  “Sanna. She has this crazy conspiracy theory about the council and me, I was hoping you could talk with her and straighten her out. Let her know she is putting her faith in the wrong person. You know, let it go.”

  “What is this theory of hers?”

  “She claims, Erebos tricked me. Used a potion on me. I in turn had my memories stolen from me because of it.”

  “How did Erebos trick you?”

  “Sanna believes I loved Raina. I wrote an allegiance contract for her. I would know if I did I would think. If I recall, we did ask her to sign a contract. It was fair to both sides. She refused.”

  “You have gone back and looked at these contracts.”

  “No, Sanna says they were destroyed. I find it all convenient. She has a soft spot for
Raina and is trying to push her feelings onto me. I just need her to hear from someone she trusts that she is wrong.”

  “Did you request an audience with the old members of the council to discuss these claims?”

  “No, I don’t see the point. If she had proof, then I would investigate. Without it, it’s just a far fetched story. Would you talk with her?”

  “I will, let me ask you. Does Sanna normally lie or tell far fetched as you say, stories to you?”

  “No. She’s never done this before in her life.”

  “Now you think she is?”

  “I don’t think she is, I think she’s confused. Has her stories mixed up.”

  “Who is she getting her story from?”

  “Erebos of all people.”

  “Oh, I see. And he is not to be trusted?”

  “He’s crazy. Everything out of his mouth is nonsense.”

  “So why do you think Sanna would seek him out?”

  “I don’t know, I’m sure she had a good reason.”

  “Yet, you don’t believe her.”

  “If I believe her, than what. I stop the challenges. End my relationship with Lace. All for what, a memory of a love of a person I don’t know and can’t remember. As chief, that is not the wise decision. Who’s to say I would love her now. Things have changed.”

  “What if your memories return to you one day. Will you regret not getting to know her again.”

  “I can’t think like that. If I looked back on what I know now would I have done some of the things I did. No, but I have learned from them. I can’t stop my life now for a maybe.”

  “I guess you are correct in that. So it is best you not consider any alternatives to the path you are on.”

  “When you put it that way, it makes me sound like a stubborn fool.”

  “I do not mean to insult you.”

  “No, you didn’t. I will talk with some of the others if you would please talk to Sanna.”

  “And what of Raina?”

  “I can’t talk to her. If she did take my memories away, how do you forgive someone for that.”

  “That is a choice you have to make. If you find what Sanna says to be true, then maybe you can see why Raina would do what she did.”

  “I doubt that. Whatever the truth is, it’s in the past. Down there, that is my future.”

  Raoul stood and left the box. I sat there thinking about his questions. I looked down at the field of play. I could see Pearl comfortably moving across the beams. Jumping down a level, then pulling herself back up. Her moves reminded me of someone. I had seen them before. I couldn’t place it. My head began hurting again. I looked for Lace. She was moving the wrong direction. A heard of Duggers on her trail. I made up my mind, after the event was over I would look into Sanna’s claim. Raoul had a point. She has never lied. Most trustful person I know, so if she trusted in Erebos, then there was a good reason. I should at least believe her, regardless of how far fetched her claim was.



  I was making good time. The beams were similar in size to that of the fortress. I was at home on them you could say. The wood had a slight bounce to them. I could use this to my advantage when jumping from one to another. I had perfected the technique of balancing and moving when I was very young. The heights didn’t bother me. The narrowness was nothing new to me. Honestly, I felt at home and at ease on the beams.

  I stopped for a moment. Listening to the tapping of the Duggars, and looking around to strategize my moves. Teela was in front of me. She moved swiftly shifting back and forth from wolf to human form. Lace and Aida were behind me. Aida was moving back to the safety of the starting platform. Lace, was about to be cornered if she wasn’t careful. I could see the path I needed to take. Below me, I could hear the clucking of the Duggers. Behind me a glance back told me they were making there way up a ramp and would be on my beam in no time. I took off running. I would need to leap across the open section between beams. If my luck held out, the Duggers wouldn’t continue up the ramp to the upper beam and cut me off.

  I held my breath as I leapt. It was a bit farther than I anticipated. My back foot slipped off and I fell to my knees on the beam. I held the sides with both hands, getting my balance back. I could hear the clucking behind me. They were on the beam I had just left. I needed to pull myself up a beam and head to my right. Then I could cross down on a ramp and continue to the platform. I hurried myself to the crossbeam and jumped high reaching for the beam. My fingers barely curling around the edge. I had a good grip. I used it to hoist myself onto the beam. I no sooner got up and on my feet when I could hear the Duggers closing in behind me. They took the ramp and were gaining fast. I would have to drop down an extra level to avoid them. I ran to the end of the beam then letting myself slide on my backside, flew down the ramp onto the lower beam. The Duggers were hot on my trail. Rolling down the ramp at faster speeds than I did. I needed to get off this beam. I tried a sideways jump to the parallel beam. Missed. I could feel myself falling. I stretched out my arms and with a painful bang, caught myself with one arm on the lowest beam.

  I could feel my arm dislocated from my shoulder. I needed to stay in the game. If I fell, the game was over. I would be the fist one out. I swung and turned my body so my other arm could grab the beam. I pushed up, trying to keep the pressure off my dislocated shoulder. The pain was immense. I needed to pop it back in to eliminate some of the pain and be able to use it again. I looked behind me. There was a vertical beam. If I ran my shoulder into the beam, maybe it would knock it back in place. I turned on toes and ran shoulder first into the beam. A loud pop echoed in the arena. I felt the bone shift into the socket. I wanted to let out a scream of pain, but held my tongue.

  No sooner did I get my shoulder into place, I could hear the tapping of claws on wood, and the clucking of the Duggers. I looked behind me and saw them coming down a beam.

  I jumped trying to grab the beam above me. I missed. I ran further, grabbed hold of the vertical beam and wrapped my legs around it. I began pushing myself up the vertical beam to the rafter above. I could hear the Duggers jumping and snapping there beaks below me. I reached the top of the rafter and hoisted myself back up. I took a moment to look around.

  Lace was trapped hanging from a vertical beam. She had Duggers on both sides of the lower beam and Duggers on top. She wasn’t going anywhere without being stung by their fur. Aida was prancing along the start line. Looking for a way to get around the Duggers that had trapped her. They were following her every move. I looked for Teela and saw her just in time as she crossed the finish line and the crowd burst into cheer. I looked back at the others. I saw the determination on there faces. They were going to make a run for it. Stings and all.

  I turned and ran as fast as I could to the finish line. I could hear the Duggers behind me. I could see Lace, or I think it was Lace in wolf form, gaining on me from the side. Then I heard the scream. I stumbled from the distraction. Gathering my balance with ease, I didn’t look back. I kept running. Jumping from beam to beam. I heard the ring of the bell. The contest was over. I slowed to stop. I could see Lace and Teela at the finish line. I looked behind me. Aida was no where in site. Down below, I could hear the argument taking place between Aida and a grounds keeper. She had fallen. The contest was over.

  I was relieved to move on. Then I heard the clucking. I looked back to see a hoard of Duggers racing toward me. I took off running again to the finish line. With a dive onto the platform, I barely escaped the sting of the Duggers.

  I laid on the platform for some time. Shoulder aching. The others just scoffed at me. Lace asked for assistance. I could see her one leg was paralyzed. She had taken a few hits from the Duggers. Their spikes sticking out of her leg.

  A healer worked his way up the ladder and administered the antidote potion. After a few moments she was moving her leg around. Then stood. She then continued down the ladder. I could hear her asking Leon to assist her home. I rolled to the edge and watc
hed as he put his arm around her and escorted her out of the building. I laid back down on the platform, the healer now hovering over my body.

  “That was some fall you took. Held my breath for you. Can I check your shoulder?”

  “Yeah, I dislocated it, but I think I popped it back in.”

  “I saw. Must have hurt.”

  “Sure does.”

  “We were all pulling for you.”


  “Yeah, the other workers and me.”

  “Thank you. That’s very kind.”

  “Well, you inspire us. You're not like the others.”

  “Inspire. I don’t know about that. You don’t even know me.”

  “You aren’t selfish like they are. They only want to win. You, to us anyway, you seem to care about people. Look at the games. You helped all those people in the obstacle course. And I don’t just mean from the Koboldrone. We watched you encourage others. Help them out.”

  “Well, it was the right thing to do.”

  “Then, in the cage, you were kind to the animal. The others weren’t. Shows you respected them.”

  “I’m sure the others would have been kinder to if they knew the song. I feel I had an advantage there.”

  “Yeah, but they did know the song.”

  “Still, I have done mean and bad things to in my life. If you knew me, you would not think so highly of me.”

  “I think we would. You remind most of us of the girl wizard, Raina.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  “Yeah, most of us, me included, were saved by her. She also helped numerous village members escape torture and death from the fortress. Granted, no one is facing death, but you remind us of her. We were a bit sad to hear she was here in the village but not competing.”

  “So you wanted her to compete?”

  “Yeah, but you're the next best thing. No offense!”

  “None taken.”

  “We heard she got rid of the Koboldrone for us. No one has seen her since. I hope she’s okay.”

  “I know she is.”

  “Do you know her?”

  “Yeah, I do.”


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