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Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant

Page 11

by HC MacDonald

  “No, you bring me peace. I may want to kiss you, but I also feel comforted and calm around you. Please stay a while longer.”

  I scooted back over to him feeling silly I moved in the first place. He reached for my arm and moved my sleeve up to see the bruises and scars. “I know these are not all from the Koboldrone, how did you get them?”

  “Some are from my battle with Nezra. His magic was powerful, leaving marks where his curses hit me.” His hands went to my other arm, lifting that sleeve also. I felt chills go up my spine. The touch of his hands on my skin bringing heat and warmth. Now I wanted him to kiss me. “Some are from my fall. I broke most of my bones, were they penetrated my skin, it left marks.”

  “Didn’t you have healing potions.”

  “We did. My Aunt tried them all. Nothing worked. It took years to gain back my mobility and strength.”

  “Is that why no one saw you?”

  “Yes.” The memory of the pain was still fresh in my mind. I picked up my blade of grass again and fiddled with the ends. He lifted my chin to face him.

  “I’m sorry for your pain Raina.” He was so sincere. I was touched by his words. He left his hand on my chin, and giving in to temptation, leaned over and kissed me. I let it happen. I didn’t fight it. I didn’t want it to end. He was kissing me, not Pearl. I let myself be lost in the moment. I don’t know when it stopped, but I was out of breath when we did. He looked at me, his eyes wild. His hands on my neck and back. I waited. The sun was coming over the horizon. He removed his hands from my body and stood. Then reached out to pull me up. “I don’t know why I did that. I should get ready to pick up my mother. She comes in today.”

  “The interview”

  “Yes, she interviews the participants. Can I walk you to Sanna’s?”

  “No thank you, I’ll be okay. I should go. Leon, I am sorry I took your memories, or caused you any pain or confusion. I was just trying to protect us.”

  “I know. I hurt and betrayed you to. I want you to know that what ever happens, I hope we can be friends. I think I understand why you did what you did. I just can’t forgive you for it.”

  I could feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. I also had the ache of regret. The realization that he had kissed me good-bye. I turned from him and ran to the path toward Sanna’s, the sun now lighting the path.



  I couldn’t help myself. After sitting and talking with Raina all night, it felt so right to kiss her. When I first saw her in the meadow sleeping, I felt I was on the verge of a memory returning. That feeling of déjà vu hit me again. We had been here before. I had watched her sleep before. I felt a strong urge to pick her up and take her to my home. I needed to protect her. As I did, she awoke. She was quick and defensive. Again, I had that feeling of déjà vu. It was so familiar and yet not.

  I was glad we talked. It had been a long and exhausting day. After the arena, I spent some time with Lace. She needed my attention and care. Odd, I didn’t have as strong a desire to care and protect her. It entered my mind, but was easy to dismiss. When I had satisfied her needs, I went to see Erebos. He lived at the far end of the village.

  “I thought you may come at some time to confront me.” Erebos giggled out.

  “I need answers!” I was frustrated and annoyed by his giddiness.

  “And you think I will give them to you?”

  “I don’t see how it benefits you not to give them to me.”

  “I will tell you the truth, as long as you give me your word I will not be charged for my actions.” Another giggle escaped his lips.

  I ran my hand in my hair unsure if I could trust him. I had so many questions. He picked up on my frustration and doubt and began talking.

  “Leon, I was once like you. Nigh-eve, trusting, honest, but, like you, things change.” He giggled again. It unnerved me. “I met Nezra long ago. You were only a boy.” He pulled his sleeve up and showed me a small brand at the bend of his wrist. Similar to those Raina had on her arm. I looked at it. Curiosity peaked. “So, I see I have your full attention now.” He giggled and sent a chill down my spine.

  “What is it Erebos?”

  “The mark of Nezra. The promise to be ruler of this land.”

  Shocked and horror rushed at my emotions. Ruler? Promise? I had a feeling things were about to get more complicated.

  “Go on.” I insisted.

  “I met a man many years ago. He promised me wealth, power, and honor.” Another giggle escaped his lips. “In return I would give my loyalty to the High Wizard.”

  “You mean Nezra?”

  “No.” He giggled again. “Nezra branded me with this symbol of strength. It was then that my life began to change.”

  “How did it change?” I began to worry.

  “You my boy.” He giggled again. “I made you ruler so I could control you. I made Ladow the strong hold it is today.”

  I sat in shock. My mind regretting the information it was given. “My father, my mother?”

  “Yes, I orchestrated the removal of them both. So I could rule. You think you could have done anything without my wisdom. I was the ruler of Ladow like I was promised. You were merely pons to use.”

  “You killed my father for his position?” I yelled across the room. Anger now steaming from my skin. My instincts ready to tear him apart.

  Erebos giggled. “Don’t be shocked. You like being Chief. You like the power as much as I do.”

  At that I punched Erebos in the face. No longer able to control my rage. How dare he compare me to himself. It only enraged me more.

  Erebos rubbed his chin and let out a giggle. “Was working to, till that girl arrived.” He looked at me then with an eerie glint in his eyes. He took a few steps away from me and sat in a wooden chair by the window. Now looking out at the dark forest beyond.

  “She was a threat to my plans. I couldn’t have that. She needed to be dealt with. When I found out she had magic. That just made it easier for me to betray you both. When you presented your contract of alliance, I took the opportunity to turn her against you.”

  “What did you do?” I said through clenched teeth.

  “Nothing. She did it all. All I had to do was present an alternative. A new contract, a potion of confusion. I couldn’t have ever hoped for the retaliation she did to you. It was perfect! You with no memory. Me with all the power.” He sighed at the memory.

  “So how did it go wrong, you are obviously not in power and will never be because of your betrayals.”

  Erebos pounded his fist on the chair rail. “Don’t you see!” He shouted back. “I was betrayed. I was to be ruler. The war was to go around Ladow. If that tramp hadn’t returned I would still be in power!”

  I was shocked by the admission, and appalled by the actions of our Elder. “Where does your loyalty lie now?”

  Erebos laughed again. “I will always be loyal.” And he stood and gave me a majestic bow.

  I growled back at his response. Gave a short whistle and waited for a guard to arrive. Erebos sat back in his chair and stared out the window. We no longer talked. Only the sound of a soft giggle penetrated the tension between us.

  When the guard arrived, I explained Erebos’s confession and had him escorted back to the prisons until we could put him on trial. As for now, it would have to wait till the contests were over.

  I headed to Gregory’s home next. I needed a familiar face and to talk out what I had just heard, about my family and Raina. Gregory had been on the council then, as well as, when I was captured and taken to the fortress, somehow, I thought maybe he could help me somehow. I wanted some clarity and confirmation from someone I trusted. I hoped I could trust him, he was a loyal advisor to my father at one time.

  We talked for hours. He was just as dumbfounded about Erebos' admission as I had been. He promised he would look into the events of my father’s death and investigate for a trial with the council. I felt I had made the right decision in trusting him. The co
nversation then changed to Raina. Gregory went to his study and found an old dusty wooden box. He pulled out a scroll wrapped in twine.

  “Erebos deceived you both. I knew it when your argument changed. Then when you threw your contract in the trash I retrieved it. I knew one day, you would come asking about it.”

  “Why didn’t you come to me sooner with this information?”

  “I knew you had changed. You no longer had your memories. Instead you were mean and bitter towards anyone different. You were no longer the man I knew you to be. I also knew it wouldn’t be enough to change your mind, change your feelings, change you back to who you were. You needed to do that on your own.”

  “Now, what do I do now? Trust a woman I don’t know. Hope she isn’t this all ‘High Wizard’ manipulating us all? I can’t do that.”

  “Ah, that’s where your wrong. You always trusted her. She, unlike Nezra or Erebos, has never given anyone a reason not to. Besides, we have never seen any other wizards besides Nezra and Raina. So where is this High Wizard? He said he met a man then said it was Nezra. It makes more sense that Nezra sent someone to recruit for him and that he is the High Wizard.”

  “I get what you're saying. You should have come to me. I would have changed.”

  “Look over the last few years, you were quick to justify your actions of hate instead of seeing Raina for her. Think about it. What did you say when I found her on the ground broken and bleeding?”

  “I hoped she was dead.” A sick feeling entered my body. I was disgusted with myself for the hateful things I thought of her and said to others. She had only helped us. The wall she made, the fight with Nezra, the protection of our elderly and children. That was all her. I had given her no credit for her generosity.

  “This is the contract you had written.” He handed me the dusty paper. I read the contract. Glimpses of my emotions coming back to me. The feelings of excitement that I solved a problem, the hope of a new future. I knew I had written it. It didn’t seem real. Felt like a dream again. Something just out of reach.

  “Do you have the other one as well?”

  “Yes.” He pulled the second scroll that was ripped in half out of the box. I placed them together, at the bottom my signature was clearly scribed. I began reading again. My stomach sick with anxiety. It was a slave contract. I would never sign a contract like this even if I hated the person. I felt the anger towards Erebos swell up inside me again. I thought I should go back and kill him for his treachery.

  Gregory put his hand on my shoulder. “When you pleaded with her to sign the contract, I saw her heart break in two. I know she took something from you. I saw her mumble the words. That’s when you no longer knew her. When she left, Erebos was up in arms. He instilled fear into most of the council members. All our signatures were on that document. Erebos convinced us all she would retaliate against us. It wasn’t until she appeared again to ask for our help in the war that I realized Erebos was a liar. He had been manipulating all of us for his bidding. We in turn did her a huge injustice by listening to him. Now that you know the truth. What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. What can I do? I have responsibilities. It’s not like I can end our traditions and start over.”

  “But, that’s exactly what you should do. You told me once you were bound to this girl. You proved that in your contractual proposal. Now, you choose not to make an effort. You have every right to end this tradition.”

  “No, I will not throw away a chance with one of these other women I do love at a possibility that my not exist anymore. I’ve changed. I am different.”

  “You are different. You are not the person I knew.”

  I handed him back the contracts and left. I no longer wanted to talk to him. I was angry. Angry at him. Angry at myself. Angry that he may be right. I headed to Sanna’s. It was getting late, I wanted to talk with her.

  Going to Sanna’s was a bigger mistake. She was as stubborn as Gregory was. Her and Ethan both ganging up on me. They didn’t get the complication I was in. It was easier to not see Raina and not find out more than it was to end my relationship with Lace or stop the process. I wasn’t convinced that Raina was the right decision. I still loved Lace.

  After last night, talking with Raina. I was now more confused than ever. I went to the village square where my mother would be arriving by coach. I hoped she could give me some good advice. The coach arrived on time and after a welcome greeting, we walked back to my home.

  “What’s troubling you son?”

  “I don’t know what to do?”

  “Your father was the same way. Torn by feelings that changed in the competition.”

  “It’s not just that. There is something else to. Can we wait till we get home first? I don’t want any gossip spreading through the market. I have enough troubles as it is.”

  We made it home, I got her set up in my spare room. Her interviews were to start in an hour so I had little time to talk.

  “Mom, when you went through the competition, Dad had his own nominee right?”

  “Yes, I wasn’t even on his radar. It was when the games were over and we had the dance to start the final three. He had danced with Carmen, his nominee. From the looks of it, they were in love. As the night went on, I waited. I didn’t want to be caught in the competition on the dance floor. I liked your father, but I only knew him in passing.”

  “So did he finally ask you to dance?”

  With a laugh, “He did. It was the last song of the night. As we danced, he said nothing. He didn’t even look at me. When it was over, left without a word. I was horrified. I thought he hated me.”

  “But he loved you.”

  “Yes, he did. He was fighting his wolf. Our inner bond was instant. It was his emotions he struggled with. He felt obligated to Carmen, but was attracted to me. As the events took place, he found himself hoping I would make it, not Carmen, even though he told her he loved her.”

  “How did he know you were the one, besides you winning?”

  “He listened to his instincts. They led him to his true feelings and when I was announced the winner, he allowed himself to forget his vow to Carmen to become mine. Best decision of his life.” She added with a smile.

  “What if my instincts are pulling me to more than one women?”

  “Oh, that is a problem. Your instincts should only pick out the one scent that is a match to you.”

  “Maybe that’s the problem, they all smell the same to me.”

  “That is a problem. Are your sinus’s okay?” She grabbed my face and began pushing my nostrils wide and opening my mouth to look down my throat. I batted her hands away. “I’m fine mother.”

  “Then their must be another explanation.”

  “Yeah, but what, and what do I do in the mean time.”

  “I would spend as much time with them as you can. Try to work it out.”

  “Fine and dandy, but when do I have the time?”

  “This is important son, you must make time.”

  “Who are you seeing first, maybe I can spend time with the other one during your interview.”

  “Lace is first.”

  “Well, that won’t work, I don’t know where Pearl is staying. I can’t seem to find her unless it’s at a challenge.”

  “Interesting? Pearl is next and the third, Teela, she is last, you could go see her now.”

  “Why would I see her?”

  “You said more than one. I assumed it was all three women.”

  “It is three women, but one is not in the competition.”

  “Why not?”

  “I .. It’s a long story, but I told her to leave Ladow and not come back.”

  “Yet you have feelings for her?”

  “I did once, now not so much, but I am drawn to her like the others.”

  “Well, maybe I can help. You can listen in on our conversations from the other room. Hopefully their answers will add some clarity to your situation.”

  “I don’t know if
I should.”

  “Nonsense. There is nothing wrong with it. Fact is your father did that as well. Now when is Sanna coming over?”

  “She should be here any second…”

  The door flew open and Sanna ran to our mother for an embrace. They gushed over one another then went about getting caught up on Sasha and Ethan. They were having a great time. Sanna turned to me. “I need to speak to mom alone, can you leave for twenty minutes?”

  “Twenty minutes, but the interviews start in ten, mom!”

  “Son, let us be. We will figure something else out to help you.”

  I stomped out the door. I wanted to hear the interviews. I wanted help easing the turmoil in my mind. I may not be able to hear Lace’s interview, but I could still sneak back in before Pearl’s I thought. At that, I strolled off toward the market.



  Today I was meeting Balera. Leon and Sanna’s mother. Sanna said I had nothing to worry about. I was still anxious. Our meeting was late in the afternoon. I had all morning to think about it. Sanna talked me into staying again when I returned early this morning. I wanted to hope it wasn’t goodbye. Now, with both of them out for the day, I had nothing to do but sit around an empty house all by myself. I cleaned everything I could which only took an hour. I still had hours to go. I found some old books and decided reading might pass the time faster than watching the empty fireplace.

  I had read the same paragraph now for an hour. Nothing was calming my mind. I went and changed my outfit again for the fifth time. It was less than an hour till I needed to head out. I opted for a soft turquoise green short sleeved shirt and a short white skirt allowing the breezes to cool my legs. I knew the scars would be hidden in my rouse, so I wasn’t as self conscious as I normally was. My feet I clad in a soft leather sandal. It was going to be a hot day. I was happy with my pick. The colors made my eyes shine and my skin look soft. One last twirl in the mirror and I was ready to go. If I walked slow enough, I would be there right on time. I put my disguise in place and left the house.


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