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Everly (Striking Back #1)

Page 7

by S. M. Shade

  “You aren’t going alone,” he says with a frown.

  “No, Dad, Amy is meeting me.”

  “Well, I’m coming too. Make sure some redneck doesn’t pull you into an RV.”

  “Maybe I want to be ravaged in an RV.” I laugh, locking my door before we head to the elevator.

  He glances at me after I buckle myself in his car. “You get your car back?”

  “Yep. Good as new.”

  “Still no idea who did that shit?”

  “No, some prank probably.”

  After a few seconds of silence, he asks, “Still haven’t heard from Mason?”

  “We’re done.”

  “Who decided?”

  I gaze out the window, watching the city go by as I answer, “Since he never contacted me so I could tell him I’m done, I guess he gets credit for this one.”

  “The guy’s a moron to break up with you, pup.” Ian reaches to squeeze my hand.

  “We weren’t together, so it wasn’t really a breakup.” I look around with a smile as Ian pays a guy twenty bucks to park on his lawn. “Besides, I’m ass deep in horny men at the moment. I don’t give a shit about Mason.”

  It’s far from the truth. I let him get under my skin, and I can’t seem to shake him. My usual response would be to find a cute guy to bang my brains out, someone who won’t care if I leave right after. For some reason, it just isn’t appealing this time. I’m just going to get drunk and have fun with my friends.

  We make our way through the boisterous drunken crowd to meet Amy on the corner of Sixteenth and Georgetown. She has her arm around her girlfriend, Wendy, and they wave, excited to see us. “Hey, Wendy, I’m glad you made it,” I say, giving Amy a quick hug.

  “If I get fired for calling in to work sick, I’m blaming Amy.” She laughs. “She’s a bad influence.”

  “So, where are we going, ladies?” Ian drapes his arm around me.

  “The Blue Stripe? I need a drink,” I reply.

  “You heard the woman.” Wendy laughs, and we head down the street. The best thing about the night before the race is the diversity of the people. They come from all over the country. I’ve even met people from Australia and England here. And everyone is trashed and happy.

  Ian elbows me. “Ev, look, they caught one.” We all watch with wide smiles while a young guy chases a twenty dollar bill blowing down the road. The crowd parts, letting him through. Just as his fingers almost touch the edge of the bill, it scoots a few more feet. The guy is so focused on getting the money before someone else sees it, he doesn’t realize he’s being watched by a crowd of people.

  When he reaches for the bill a third time and it moves again, he looks up and realizes he’s been tricked. His cheeks redden and he drops his forehead into his hands as the crowd bursts into laughter. The man standing on the curb holding a fishing pole and reeling in the twenty dollar bill waves at him, and the young guy flips him off before starting toward him.

  I watch as the man tosses him a beer and slaps him on the back. The young guy’s buddies join the man and his friends as they set up the bait for the next sucker. “That never gets old.” I laugh.

  We’re crossing the parking lot of The Blue Stripe when a thick stream of water douses a woman in front me, turning her shirt nearly transparent. “Asshole!” she screeches, before stalking toward the bar. A line of incredibly hot men are laughing and elbowing each other while she stomps away. Unfortunately, they notice us.

  “Ow! That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.” A stocky blond guy gestures toward their sign that reads Show us your tits. “Let’s see them, ladies.”

  Amy laughs and shakes her head until I point out the man with the water cannon. Where the hell did he get that thing? It’s a huge syringe, minus the needle, that must hold at least a gallon of water. He submerges it in a cooler and pulls back the plunger, a wicked smile on his face. Okay, so it’s flash them or get soaked.

  “Come on,” I yell, smiling. “You don’t want to see mine. They’re little!”

  “I want to lick’em baby, but I’ll settle for a peek.”

  “Hey,” Ian yells. “I could be her boyfriend.”

  “It’s okay,” his buddy replies. “He ain’t the jealous type.” Everyone laughs, and I catch them off guard by jerking my shirt and bra up, giving the guys a look. Hey, this party only happens once a year.

  “Beautiful, baby,” the blond calls.

  The man with the water cannon points at Amy and Wendy. “Next!”

  “Just so you know, you’re ogling lesbian boobs,” Amy teases as she and Wendy raise their shirts. The crowd laughs when Ian stands between them and flashes his chest, squeezing a nipple for good measure.

  The men are still yelling when we head away from them. “Did you see the blond? I’d drink her bathwater. I bet I can run faster horny than she can scared.” The comments and laughter fade when we make our way into the bar. Ian finds us a table in the back, and the shots commence. I’m lit up like Times Square when my phone beeps with a text from Mason.

  -Evie, just got back in town. Can we talk?-

  “Is that him?” Amy demands, noting the look on my face. I nod and stare at the phone, debating whether to reply when it vibrates in my hands. Amy snatches it. “Oh, no, you’re having fun. Don’t let him fuck you up.”

  She’s right. He ran out after some other chick and ignored me for a week. “Keep it,” I reply, as it buzzes again.

  “I’ll do better than that, hun.” Before I can stop her, she accepts the call. “Everly’s phone.” Her smile is gleeful as she says, “Oh, hello, Jason. Sorry, Ev’s on the dance floor shaking her ass. You’ll have to call back.”

  I can’t hear Mason’s reply, but it doesn’t sound cheerful. “She has guys lined up to dance with her, don’t think she needs another tonight. I’ll tell her you called, Jason.”

  “Mason!” I hear him shout. He’s still talking when she ends the call and mutes the phone.

  “Let him stew on that a bit.” Everyone should have a friend like Amy. “Listen, Ev, I have to tell you something. I’m sort of…moving to New York City with Wendy.”

  I nearly choke on my drink. “You’re what? When?”

  “Next week.” She looks up with a guilty expression. “I just found out a few days ago. Wendy got her dream job, and since my company has an office there as well, they agreed to transfer me.”

  I don’t know what to say. Amy has been a close friend for years. “Are you sure this is what you want to do?” She nods, and I lean to give her a hug. “I’m coming to visit you constantly, you bitch.”

  “You better. We’ll be dorky tourists together. Now, no more sad talk, let’s dance.” Nearly two hours later, I’m soaked in sweat and exhausted from dancing. I’m also regretting all those shots. I can’t remember ever being so drunk. Of course, at the moment, I can’t remember my own phone number, so it’s not surprising.

  Amy and Wendy are getting freaky on the dance floor, and Ian is sitting across the room with a giggling girl in his lap. I should go, but I’ll never get a cab on race night. I check my phone and find three text messages from Mason. I’m not reading them. It’s bad enough I’m still thinking about him. The guy at the door even looks like him. Shit on toast, it is him. How did he find me? It doesn’t matter because I’m not talking to him.

  The room spins when I stand and make a beeline for the dance floor, trying to blend in with the crowd. I’m instantly sandwiched between two guys, dancing against me. Mason’s eyes meet mine, and I reach back to put my arms around the guy’s neck behind me, deliberately pushing my breasts into the man grinding against my hips.

  I can almost hear Mason’s growl as he pushes between us. “Come on, Evie. You’re drunk and I’m taking you home.”

  “Oh, is it my turn again? Fuck off, Mason,” I slur.

  “I just want to get you home safe.”

  “You just want to fuck me. Well, maybe I don’t want you, Mr. Arrogant. Maybe I want to fuck…him,” I announce, grabbing
a random guy. The guy smiles as I grab his hips. “You won’t run away when some chick calls you and then ignore me for a week, will you?”

  “No way, baby. My name’s Brad.”

  Mason is seething. “Everly, you’re coming with me. Don’t make me beat this guy’s ass.” Mason grips my waist, pulling me toward him. When Brad gets a good look at Mason, his eyes widen.

  “You’re Mason Reed! I watched you fight The Intimidator a few years ago. You were awesome!” He steps away from me. “Sorry, I didn’t know she was your girl.”

  “I’m not his…” My protest is interrupted when the room tilts. All I can see is the floor and tons of feet, but I can hear the laughter as he carries me back to my table over his shoulder. “Put me down! Are you insane?” He ignores my fists pounding his back.

  “I’m getting there, lady. Now, sit and drink some water, then, I’m taking you home.”

  Ian, Amy and Wendy return to the table, eyeing us cautiously. “Want to introduce us?”

  “Sure, Amy, Wendy, meet the cave man who suddenly thinks he owns me.”

  Mason flashes a heart stopping smile at my friends. “I’m Mason. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Where you been, Mason?” Amy demands.

  “I had an emergency to take care of. When Evie is sober enough to remember, I’ll explain. For now, I’m taking her home. I’m happy to give you guys a ride if you’d like.”

  “Thanks,” Ian replies. “I don’t see making it back to my car tonight.”

  It’s the middle of the night, but the crowd outside hasn’t thinned. It usually doesn’t until dawn. The cool night air sobers me a bit, and I laugh at the sight of the same men still loitering at the far end of the parking lot. They’ve retired the water cannon and have apparently settled for fucking with people as they walk by. “I know those boobs!” the blond calls with a drunken smile, gesturing to me, Amy and Wendy.

  “We’re hard to forget,” Amy calls.

  The dark headed one points at me. “Hey, beautiful, can we get one more peek?”

  Mason’s arm tightens around my waist, and I consider flashing them again just to show him he can’t control me. And to piss him off, because even though I know we weren’t really dating, his disappearance hurt me. “She’s mine, asshole,” Mason says, not unkindly. He’s trying to make light of it, go along with the party atmosphere. I’m sure he spent time out here with a Free Breast Exam sign of his own.

  “Just because there’s a goalie doesn’t mean I can’t score,” the guy calls back, his buddy slapping him on the back.

  I feel Mason tense, and Ian looks prepared to intervene. Damn it. “Sorry, my goalie’s stick is bigger than yours,” I shout, slurring a bit. The crowd laughs along with the guys. Crises averted.

  “Did you really show them your tits?” Mason asks.

  “Don’t see why you’d care,” I reply.

  “They liked the way she shook them,” Amy adds, stirring up shit in the best way.

  Mason shakes his head, but doesn’t comment.

  “Where did you park?” I grumble as we turn another corner. I’m not sure how much longer I can stay on my feet.

  “We’re almost there.”

  “We really appreciate the ride,” Wendy tells Mason, and Ian and Amy agree. Ugh, I’m going to smack them all just as soon as I can see them again. Shit’s getting blurry. I barely remember climbing into Mason’s back seat with Amy and Wendy, trying to separate from him. He must’ve dropped them off first, because at some point I realize they’re gone, and Ian and Mason are talking in low voices.

  “If you aren’t into her, man, then leave her alone. She’s had enough shit from guys.”

  “I am into Evie. Fuck, I’ve been thinking about her all week.” Really couldn’t tell on my end.

  “Then don’t give up. She gives a new meaning to the word stubborn.” Ian chuckles, climbing out of the car. Traitor.

  “Any other advice?”

  “Yeah, if she remembers you carrying her off the dance floor, guard your balls.” They laugh before Ian shuts the door. I need to remember to kick him in the balls.

  My head spins and the next thing I know sunlight is streaming through my bedroom window, and someone has planted a hatchet in my head. I wince at the sound of the front door slamming. God, why did I drink so much? “Ian?” I call, my voice hoarse.

  Instead of Ian, Mason’s grinning face appears in my doorway. How did he get in? “What the hell are you doing here?” I ask, closing my eyes and trying to quiet the thump thumping of my brain.

  Doubt flashes across his face before he shakes his head. “Do you remember last night at all?”

  I have to think about it. Mason showed up at the bar and acted all Neanderthal. I flashed some guys. He dropped off my friends. Damn, it appears my memory ends in his car. Did I fuck him? I jerk back the covers to see I’m wearing a t-shirt and panties, and not the ones I left the house in.

  “Nothing happened, Evie. You had alcohol spilled on your clothes. I helped you get a shower and put you to bed. That’s all. I slept on the couch.” While I’m grateful he didn’t take advantage, I can’t help but see it as evidence he isn’t interested in sex with me anymore. So why is he here?

  “What are you doing here?” I repeat, forcing myself upright, groaning when my head protests.

  “I brought you home. You were trashed, and I didn’t want to leave you alone.”

  “That was nice of you. I’m fine now. You can go.”

  Ignoring my petulant comment, he leaves the room and returns with a glass of orange juice and two ibuprofen. “Take these. You’ll feel better. Do you think you can eat some toast?”

  Food is the last thing I want. “No thanks. I appreciate the ride home and all, Mason, but I just want to sleep off this hangover. I’ll call you later,” I lie.

  He frowns and sits on the edge of the bed. “Evie, I’m sorry I didn’t call.”

  “Stop,” I interrupt, holding up my palm. “You don’t owe me an explanation. I’m not your girlfriend.”

  “I know, but we had a lot of fun together and I really like you. I want to spend more time with you, and I hope you want that too.”

  I lean back against the headboard, keeping the covers pulled to my waist. “A week with me, then a week with her? Sorry, just because I’m not looking for a relationship doesn’t mean I’m cool with sending you off to fuck someone else when we aren’t together.” His brow furrows as I continue. “I like you too, and I did have fun, but I think it’s time to give it a rest.” Before you tear my heart out and stomp on it. I have no doubt he can. I’ve really missed him this week, drove myself half crazy wondering why he didn’t call, and that’s just not me. I’m the one who doesn’t call. I’m the one who moves on.

  “I’m not fucking anyone else. Why would you think that?” His gaze is intense.

  “I’m sure Selena would be heartbroken you’ve forgotten her so quickly.”

  He looks at me like I’ve just escaped the nuthouse. “You think I’m fucking Selena?”

  “Everything was fine until she called, then you couldn’t get away from me fast enough. Your quick escape was followed by a vanishing act. It’s not hard to figure out.”

  He sighs and runs his hands through his hair. “Selena works for me, that’s all. She’s married, and I’m certainly not fucking her. I wasn’t lying when I said I had to work. It was a last minute emergency that took me out of the country for a week.”

  “What kind of emergency?”

  He moves to sit beside me. “My job is complicated and sometimes shit happens at the last second that I have to deal with.”

  Could he be more vague? “Outside the U.S.?”

  “Striking Back helps build and fund abuse shelters in a few other countries. I don’t get called away for that long very often, but it happens. Usually, Alex or Parker handle the overseas management.”

  “Oh.” It’s all I can say. I’ve been a jealous wreck and I feel foolish and embarrassed.

  He tak
es my hand, entwining our fingers. “I wasn’t with anyone else.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t have the right to tell you who you can see when we aren’t exclusive.”

  He grins and wraps his arm around me, tucking me against his side. “I’m glad you missed me, and I’m not opposed to exclusivity. I want you to myself.”

  “I didn’t say I missed you,” I point out, stalling as his offer sinks in. I think I just argued myself into a relationship I’m completely unprepared for.

  “Well, I missed you. Go away with me.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’ll take a few days off work, and we’ll go somewhere. I want to spend some time with my girlfriend.”

  Girlfriend. Do I want to be his girlfriend? He’s too good to be true, too good to last. I’m already crazy about him. Can I really deal with another heartbreak when he leaves? He isn’t giving me time to think. It shouldn’t be a hard decision, should it? Stay home and stick to my same boring routine, or run away with a tattoo covered God and fuck our brains out. No decision really.

  I know spending more time with this man I’m already too attached to isn’t a smart choice. Unfortunately, my brain doesn’t seem to be all that active in the decision making process. I want to be with him. “Camping?” I suggest, after a few moments of silence.

  A wide smile appears and he chuckles, “You’re perfect.”

  “Yeah, don’t forget it again.”

  “Why don’t we leave in the morning? I know you don’t feel well.”

  “Okay,” I agree, stretching back out on the bed. Call me when you wake up tomorrow?”

  He huffs and gets to his feet. “Quit trying to get rid of me, Evie. It’s not happening. I’m going to hang out today and take care of you.”

  “You are, huh?”

  “Yep, Deal with it. I’m not giving you a chance to change your mind.”

  “You think because you have a big cock, I’m going to give you your way all the time?” I tease.

  “No, that’ll be because I know how to use it to make you scream. Now, I’m going to get us some takeout and movies.” He leaves the room and returns with a bottle of water. “Drink this, and take a nap.”


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