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Everly (Striking Back #1)

Page 10

by S. M. Shade

  “Don’t. You didn’t ask for this, and you were smart to leave when he got controlling. Come home with me. I’ll tell you about my month. Show you the true definition of stupid.” We laugh and after Macy calls her friend to bring her a change of clothes, we head to my apartment.

  We’re relaxing with two huge bowls of ice cream when Mason texts me.

  -Evie, please call me. It’s not what it looks like.-

  Noting my expression, Macy asks, “Is that him?”

  “Yes. I’m not calling him.” It’s so hard not to talk to him, but I won’t let this go any further. I’ve been cheated on before and I won’t deal with it again.

  “Men are dicks. Maybe I should just be a lesbian.”

  “Bitches are crazy too,” I point out.

  We’re up early the next morning and Macy is a bundle of nerves as we step through the back door of Striking Back. “It’ll be okay,” I reassure her, squeezing her hand.

  I called to explain her situation, and Ms. Den is waiting for her to arrive. “You have my number,” I remind her. “Call me anytime.” After we share a quick hug, Ms. Den sweeps her away to get settled. I spend the next few hours with the residents, laughing and chatting, playing a board game with the kids. I want to make the most of it. After all, this may be the last time I get to spend time here.

  Just as I’m about to leave, Mason texts again.

  -I’m leaving town for a few days. I’ve tried to give you some space, but we’re going to talk when I return. I miss you, Everly.-

  A pain settles in my chest at the thought of never seeing him again, but it has to be this way. By the time he returns, I’ll have said goodbye to everyone at S.B. and be on my way to getting over him.

  There must be some big event going on downtown because traffic is a bitch. I cut through a narrow alley to get to my car that’s parked a block away. I’m completely lost in thought when a sharp pain slices through the back of my head. “Stupid bitch,” a voice growls, and I’m shoved to the ground, my body slamming into the concrete.

  “What?” I’m dizzy and my confused brain can’t comprehend what’s happening. My eyes adjust, showing me a close up view of someone’s discarded cigarette butt. When I turn my head to see my attacker, a black boot slams into my temple, and I dive into the welcome fog of unconsciousness

  Voices reverberate through the mist, but I only catch bits and pieces of conversation.

  “Cat scan.”

  “Where the fuck were you?” That sounds like Mason. What’s he doing here?

  “I’m sorry. I only lost sight of her for a minute.”

  Darkness floats over me again. When I can finally force my eyes open, my breath catches at the sight in front of me. Mason is slumped in a chair beside my bed, his long legs stretched across the floor. He’s asleep with a frown on his face.

  I need to sit up. My head feels full of angry hornets, fighting to escape. Just a small attempt to change position sends a wave of nausea through me and I groan as pain pierces my back. “Evie?” Mason’s eyes pop open. “Don’t move, love. You’re hurt.”

  No shit. “What happened?”

  The mattress sinks as he settles his big body beside me and takes my hand. “You were attacked. Do you remember anything?”

  “I was walking from S.B. and someone hit me from behind.”

  “Did you see who it was?”

  “No, my eyes were blurry.”

  Mason presses a hand against my shoulder when I try to sit up. “It’s okay, baby. You need to be still.”

  Panicked, I reach between my legs, breathing a sigh of relief when I realize I’m still wearing my panties. “Attacked? Was I? Did he?”

  Understanding dawns on his face and he embraces me, whispering in my ear. “No, love. He didn’t touch you. Apparently, he hit you in the head more than once. He ran when someone came to help.”

  “I want to go home. Will you get my phone so I can call Ian?”

  “He just left to get a coffee. He’ll be right back, but you aren’t going home. You have a concussion and two cracked ribs. They want to keep you overnight.”

  The memories of the last few days sweep over me. He cheated. More than once. “I appreciate you coming, Mason, but I’m okay. You don’t need to stay.”

  “Shut up, Evie. I’m not going anywhere. Now, does anything hurt?”

  “Everything hurts,” I admit.

  His warm lips brush my forehead. “I’ll get a nurse.”

  My nurse is a plump pleasant older woman with a comforting smile. She adds a painkiller to my I.V. and shows me how to call for her before leaving the room. My eyes droop from the drugs, and Mason pulls the blanket over my chest.

  “Rest, baby. I’ll be right here beside you.” As much as I hate to admit it, his reassurance is comforting. I want him beside me.

  When I come to again, Ian is sitting next to me, his eyes bloodshot. “Hey, Pup. How do you feel?”

  “Thirsty,” I reply in a strained voice. He helps me sit up and hands me a cup of ice water.

  “I’m so sorry. I never should’ve taken you home.” His voice cracks.

  I reach to squeeze his hand. “Don’t, this isn’t on you. I can’t stay with you forever. It’s not your fault some psycho attacked me.”

  He nods, wiping his eyes. “The cops want to talk to you when you’re up to it.”

  “Because that’s done me so much good in the past.”

  “We’re going to find out who’s doing this. I promise.”

  “Have them check the women in the pictures. My car was vandalized during my first date with Mason. The pictures and note were delivered after we went away for a few days. I was attacked outside his organization. It’s someone he’s fucking or someone he dumped.”

  The doubt on Ian’s face pisses me off. “You don’t believe me?”

  “I’m not saying you’re wrong. It could well be a disgruntled ex, but you need to talk to Mason, Ev. The pictures don’t necessarily mean he was cheating.”

  Tears fill my eyes. It’s too much, the pain in my head and body doesn’t compare to the ache in my heart. Listening to Ian side with Mason again makes me feel like I’ve lost him too. “No, Everly.” Ian crawls in bed beside me, careful not to pull my I.V. He guides my head gently to his chest. “I’ve got your back, always. You know that. You’ve been through a lot the past few weeks. Right now, you just need to rest. Don’t worry about anything but getting better.”

  “I want to go home.”

  “I know, but it isn’t safe.”

  “I can’t keep staying with you.”

  “I want you to, but I won’t be home during the day, and until we catch this asshole you can’t be alone.” He holds me tighter. “God, Everly, he could have killed you. I’ve never been so scared in my life. When Mason called me…”

  “Wait. How did Mason know where I was?”

  Mason enters with a duffel bag and answers my question. “My security detail was monitoring you.”

  “You had me followed?” I demand.

  “I had you protected.”

  “They did a bang up job,” I snap.

  His face softens. “The guard lost you in the crowd. When he figured out you cut down the alley, he was too late. He got a brief glimpse of the man who attacked you. We’ll catch him.”

  I bring my hands to my head, closing my eyes. It’s all too much. My boyfriend was having me monitored without my permission while he was probably off with some new bitch. Someone is out to hurt me, even kill me. A wave of nausea sweeps over me and I take a deep breath. Throwing up would be excruciating right now.

  “You have to take it easy, love, and let us keep you safe.”

  “You’re sure it was a man?”

  “Yes,” Mason replies. “I promise he won’t touch you again. I’ll have security at my house around the clock.”

  My eyes pop open. “I’m not going home with you.”

  Ian sighs. “It’s the safest place for you.” His pleading eyes meet mine. “Please, E
verly, just trust me. I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

  With a deep sigh, I give up. “Fine, whatever you want.” I’m too exhausted and in too much pain to argue. “Will you ask the nurse if I can have something for nausea?”

  “Of course.” Ian scoots off the bed and plants a kiss on my forehead.

  Mason sits on the edge of the bed. “I know I’m not your favorite person at the moment, Evie, but I’m just trying to do what’s best for you. When I found out you were hurt, I couldn’t get here fast enough. I don’t really remember the drive here. Just a lot of honking and cursing.”

  “From you or the other drivers?”

  A small smile tilts his lips and he adjusts my blanket. “A little of both.”

  “You said you were leaving town.”

  “I was at the airport when I got the call. Parker went in my place.”

  “I’m sorry. This isn’t your problem.”

  I close my eyes as his fingers sweep lightly across my forehead, brushing a strand of hair from my eyes. “You could never be a problem, Panda.”

  Chapter Eight

  I’m allowed to leave the hospital the following evening under strict orders to stay in bed for a few days. Ian meets me at Mason’s house with a bag of clothes and my phone.

  “Good,” Mason tells him. “You’re just in time to help me get her stubborn ass into bed.”

  “I’ll sleep in the guest room,” I insist, starting down the hall. I make it about three steps before I’m scooped up and cradled against Mason’s chest.

  “My room has an attached bathroom. You’re staying there.” I don’t have the strength to argue anymore as he carries me down the hall to his room.

  Ian grins at me, and I flip him off while Mason places me on the bed and tugs off my shoes. Leaning to kiss my cheek, Ian puts my bag beside the bed. “I can see you’re in good hands, Ev, so I’m going to go. I’ll come by after work tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” I reply, lying back. Just the trip from the hospital has left me exhausted.

  “Call me if you need me. Love ya.”

  “Love ya.”

  Mason slips his fingers under the waistband of my sweats as soon as Ian’s gone. “Don’t.” I resist, twisting away. The movement sends a sharp pain through my back.

  He shakes his head at my gasp. “Evie, you’re going to hurt yourself. I’m just trying to make you comfortable. You’ll burn up in those sweats.”

  Giving in again, I allow him to remove my pants and sweatshirt. He pulls one of his t-shirts over my head and covers me with a fluffy comforter. The bed dips as he sits beside me. “Better, love?”

  “Mmm Hmm, thanks.” I snuggle into the bed, fighting to keep my eyes open.

  “Get some sleep and we’ll talk in the morning. Just call for me if you need anything.”

  “I will.” I feel his soft lips against my forehead as my eyes slam shut.

  When I wake, the room is dark and my pain is back with a vengeance. My head feels like an overinflated tire, and my back is full of needles. Mason hears my moan when I try to roll over. “You okay, baby?”


  “Your head?”

  “And my back. Fuck, everything. I need to lie on my side, but it hurts too bad to turn over. Why am I getting worse?”

  “They doped you up pretty good before we left the hospital, but that was nearly twelve hours ago. The pain meds have worn off. Lie still a minute.” He dashes to the kitchen for a bottle of water, then grabs a container of pills from the bedside table. Gently, he helps me sit up and scoots to sit behind me so I can lean back against his chest while I swallow two pills.

  Strong arms wrap around me and I’m surrounded by his warm scent. “Just relax and give the medicine a few minutes to work.”

  I can barely make out his tattoos in the dim room. “Why flowers?” I murmur.

  “You don’t like them?”

  “They’re beautiful. I just thought there may be a story behind them.”

  His chin rests on my shoulder as he responds. “More than one story, love. Each flower stands for something.”

  I trace a purple flower on his bicep. “What’s this one stand for?”

  “Purple hyacinths are given as an apology.” Oh, what’s he sorry for?

  “This is a magnolia.”

  “Yeah, it represents perseverance and stamina.”

  “Well, you have no shortage of that.”

  His deep chuckle makes me grin. “You sure know how to test it. Are you feeling better?”

  “Mmm Hmm, high as a giraffe’s tit,” I slur, and Mason laughs aloud. He stretches out beside me, and I lie down on my side, resting my cheek in the crook of his arm. Whew! That pill is kicking my ass. My mind is full of fog and I realize I’m falling asleep again. “I really fucked up.”

  “No, baby, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I fell in love with a cheater again.”

  * * * *

  Mason’s side of the bed is empty when I wake. Shit. No wonder, it’s nearly noon. Those pills wiped me out. I feel a little better, my head is bearable, but my whole body still aches. Slowly, I manage to make my way to the bathroom to pee. My image in the mirror is disgusting. Nearly three days without a shower has left my hair limp and oily.

  A large purple bruise covers my temple, stretching from my cheekbone to my hairline. I’m grateful to find my toothbrush on the counter and waste no time brushing my teeth. After pulling my hair into a ponytail, I hear Mason call my name from the bedroom. “Coming,” I reply.

  “You should’ve waited. I’d have helped you.”

  “I’m okay. What’s all this?” A large tray laden with food waits on the bedside table.

  “You need to eat. Are you hurting?”

  “Not as bad as last night.” When he picks up the pill bottle, I shake my head. “I don’t want knocked out again.”

  “Lightweight,” he teases. “Put some food in your stomach and then just take one. It won’t fuck you up so bad. Then you can soak in a hot bath to help your sore muscles.”

  God, he’s being so sweet. “Okay, look, Mason…”

  “Eat, baby, then we’ll talk.”


  “If only you were always this agreeable.”

  “Give me a day or two to recover, then you won’t be able to boss me around.” I laugh. Once I start eating, I realize how hungry I am and scarf down the oatmeal, toast, and banana in record time. I can hear Mason running a bath and a lump forms in my throat. He’s been right beside me the whole time, just like he promised. How can he be so caring and sweet, then run to other women?

  I don’t argue when he pulls off my t-shirt and pushes my panties to my feet so I can step out of them. “Oh, Evie.” His voice is low and tortured as he takes in the bruise stretching from my back around to the right side of my chest. Another covers my left hip.

  “I’m okay.” He holds my hand as I step into the hot water. The tub is massive and the water reaches my chin when I lie back. “You don’t have to babysit me. I’ll be fine.”

  “And miss out on this view? Even covered in bruises, you’re stunning, Evie.”

  “Mason, please. You’ve been great, but I can’t…”

  “Shh. Let me show you something and explain before you finish that sentence.” He produces his phone and holds it up where I can see the photo of him with his arm around a blond woman. He flips through the remaining pictures that were mailed to me, then zooms in on the blonde’s face. “Look at her. Does she look happy?”

  On closer inspection, I see her eyes are red and puffy. “She looks like she’s been crying.”

  “How about here?” It’s the one of Mason’s hand on the shoulder of a tall brunette. “Look romantic? Like lovers in the sunshine?”

  I close my eyes, soaking in the hot water as it soothes my muscles. “She looks miserable. What’s your point? Are you trying to tell me your stalker caught you breaking up with your harem for me?” Does he really think that’s much better?r />
  He snorts. “No. I was never with them. You know how most of the women feel when they come to Striking Back. They’re heartbroken and terrified. I meet with each woman in a public place the first time for an intake interview, somewhere they feel safe. That’s what the pictures show. I’m reassuring them I can protect them.”

  I study the photos again. “None of these women are living at your shelter,” I point out, sitting up carefully so I don’t slosh water onto the floor.

  Mason grabs the shampoo as I reach for it and turns on the shower attachment to wet my hair. “The blonde woman is named Tracy Long and she’s at S.B. She moved in the day you were attacked. The tall woman decided she felt safer out of state so we sent her to a sister shelter in Florida.”

  “And the last woman?”

  “Backed out and went home to her husband.” His hands feel so good lathering my hair while I remain silent, thinking it through.

  “You haven’t been with anyone else?”

  “No, baby.” He gently washes my back before handing me the cloth so I can finish. “Ready to get out?”

  I nod, and he takes my hand, helping me out of the tub. Before I can protest, he dries me off from head to toe with a fluffy towel and helps me dress. I wrap him in a hug. “I’m sorry I accused you.”

  His chin rests on my head. “I understand how it looked.”

  “But I don’t think I can keep doing this. I just can’t handle a relationship right now. I’ll screw it up, and you’ll end up hating me.”

  His large palms cup my jaws and bright blue eyes burrow into mine. “I could never hate you. This isn’t easy for me either. We have the same abandonment issues. We just cope differently. You try to leave before you get left, and I hold onto to what’s precious to me with all my might. I’m overprotective, and I know it can be smothering, but I don’t cheat. You can trust me.”

  His lips part mine with the softest of kisses, and his next words tear down any remaining doubt that I’m in too deep to see out. “I love you, Everly. Please stop running from me.”

  My tears overflow and I can’t stop them. “I’m sorry. You’ve been so good to me. I should’ve let you explain.”


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