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Everly (Striking Back #1)

Page 12

by S. M. Shade

  “All right, chick. I have to get to work. Call me if you need me.”

  “I will.” I end the call and flop back on the couch. It’s been wonderful spending all this time with Mason. We’ve been out to dinner and the movies, spent hours curled up on the couch talking.

  I love being with him, but I don’t want him spending time with me because he’s forced to, just because I’m in danger. After tomorrow, I’ll hire my own security and go back home. I can’t hide forever.

  The day of the carnival and waterpark trip dawns bright and sunny. The temperature is supposed to top out at eighty-five degrees, a perfect day for swimming. As soon as I step out of Mason’s car, I’m seized by the waist and pulled against his hard body.

  “What are you doing?”

  He steps back into an alcove, taking me with him. “Getting a taste of you before we’re surrounded by impressionable kids.” His lips take mine in a powerful, skin tingling kiss while he squeezes my ass with both hands.

  “You’ll just have to behave yourself.”

  “I’ll do my best. Come on, you’ve been spotted,” he says with a laugh.

  Jamie flies across the pavement, pigtails bouncing. “Ev-ly! I got a new swimsuit,” she cries, spinning in place in her pink striped one piece. “You like it?”

  “It’s almost as pretty as you. Are you ready to play in the water?”

  “Yep. Are you going to play with us?” Her little friend Samantha runs up and grabs her hand.

  “Hurry up, Jamie. It’s our turn!”

  “Go have fun, girls. I’ll see you in a little bit.” Sarah glances from me to Mason and smiles before leading the girls inside.

  Once inside the park, we see the group from BTC splashing in the kid’s area. Matty spots Mason and waves excitedly. “Mr. Reed!” he calls, running to us. “I brought a ball. Want to play?”

  I grin at Mason. “Let’s spend a little time with the kids first. Then we’ll make our escape.” Mason plays ball with the boys while I join Sarah, Jamie, and Samantha on the kiddie slides. After an hour or so, I hear an announcement calling everyone to the picnic area for lunch. Mason has arranged to have pizza delivered for everyone, and the kids can’t get there fast enough.

  As I’m wrapping a towel around me, firm hands land on my hips. “Come float in the lazy river with me. We’ll have it all to ourselves.” Goosebumps race across my neck as Mason kisses just below my ear.

  “Are you going to take advantage of me?”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  He grabs an oversized innertube and settles into it before pulling me down to recline on his lap. The tube dips and sways, making me squeal as it nearly tips over before stabilizing under our weight. I laugh, lying back on his chest as we’re carried along the current. When I look up at him, he takes my mouth in a soft but demanding kiss. Carefully, I twist to bury my fingers in his damp hair.

  He tastes amazing and I can’t resist dragging my tongue down his neck and across his chest. “You smell so good, Evie,” he moans, running his nose up my cheek.

  “It’s the sunblock. They should make a perfume with that scent.”

  “No, baby, it’s just you.”

  I burrow my face into his neck, wallowing in his affection, breathing in the scent of his skin. A combination of chlorine, sunshine, and sweat that makes me want to say to hell with the waterpark, and drag him home to bed.

  As soon as we float into a long blue tunnel, he grabs my lips with his and kisses me until we run out of air. His hands roam my bikini clad body, one running across my breasts, the other slipping between my legs. “Mason…”

  “No one can see us in here.” Any further objections are forgotten when he pushes aside the crotch of my bottoms and strokes in just the right spot. It takes less than a minute to reach the end of the tunnel, and he quickly wraps his arms back around my waist.


  “I couldn’t look at you in that bikini any longer without touching you.”

  “Now I’m all worked up.”

  “Tonight, I’ll make it all worth it.” We both laugh when my stomach gives a loud growl. “I’ll go grab us some lunch and we can eat by the wave pool,” he offers.

  “Sounds good. I’ll return the innertube and meet you there.” I hop out, and he follows me out of the lazy river, delivering a quick smack on my ass before heading off.

  I take my time walking to the wave pool. It feels so strange to be surrounded by empty slides and lounge chairs. This place usually has thousands of people waiting in line for the attractions. There are less than one hundred here today and they’re all in the picnic area, even the lifeguards. The shimmering pool with its gentle waves calls to me. Really, when will I ever have another chance to swim in it alone? Warm water laps at my legs as I wade in until it’s deep enough to swim. When I reach the far edge, I roll to float on my back.

  Sunshine pours over my skin, warming me from head to toe, and I relax, allowing the waves to slowly take me back toward the shore. My eyes are closed, my mind filled with thoughts of Mason and how much fun we have together.

  His bossy tendencies can get a little frustrating, but his loving, affectionate ways more than compensate. He loves me. I’ve never been happier.

  A shadow falls across my face and before I can open my eyes, a hand shoves me underwater. It only takes a second to register what’s happening and for panic to set in. The water is only five feet deep and I struggle to get my feet under me. When I feel the concrete on my soles, I push as hard as I can and my head breaks the surface.

  I have just enough time to take a small breath before a hand tightens in my hair, nearly tearing it out. “I gave you every chance. You bitches. Always want the rich assholes,” a voice growls, and I’m shoved under again.

  I try so hard not to panic, not to scream, but this is my worst nightmare come true. I’m back in the car. Water pours through the windows and I can’t get my seatbelt off. I scream at Mommy and Daddy, but they won’t wake up. Blood coats Mommy’s hair, and I remember how it swirls pink in the water. I scream until I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. I CAN’T BREATHE.

  The world grows hazy and dim until my lungs no longer feel like they’re full of lava. Someone is calling my name, and I hear choking and retching. It takes a second to realize it’s me, and I finally draw enough air to scream.

  Cool, wet skin presses against mine. “No, Evie. You’re okay. I’ve got you. Open your eyes.” The sight of Mason’s ocean blue gaze instantly makes me cry. He cradles me against his chest for a moment. “You’re okay. I’m right here beside you. You’re going to be fine, but I need you to go with Alex a minute.”

  “No.” I feel safe in his arms, but he hands me over to Alex, who holds me close and carries me out of the pool. I see why when I look back. Mason is beating the shit out of whoever tried to drown me. Blood mixes with the water and I close my eyes against the childhood flashbacks.

  Alex places me on his lap and wraps a towel around my shoulders, consoling me while I cry. “It’s over, Everly. Everything will be okay.” Mason drags the bloody, unconscious man to the shore and signals to Alex. “Come on, honey. You need to see if you recognize who attacked you.”

  My legs are weak and shaky as I’m lead closer to the man who’s been stalking me. “Is he dead?” Please say Mason didn’t kill him. He’ll go to prison.

  “No, but he’ll wish he was,” Mason says, taking my hand and leading me closer.

  My chest rises on a gasp, sending a sharp pain through my lungs. “Danny.”

  “Who is he, Evie?” Mason asks.

  “Danny Fennel, a counselor at Building Tomorrow’s Child. You met him for a second at Matty’s birthday party. He asked me out a few times.” I stare at his lifeless form in disbelief. “Why?”

  “Cops are on their way,” Parker says, jogging up to join us. “You okay, Everly?”

  No, I’m not okay. Right now I’m really, really pissed. This asshole has attacked me twice, just because I wouldn’t date him?

  “Whoa!” Parker yells when I kick Danny in the ribs as hard as I can. Not the smartest move when you’re wearing water shoes. Parker laughs, and Mason scoops me up before I can kick again.

  “That’s enough. You’ll hurt yourself. The cops are coming,” Mason warns.

  Less than an hour later, Danny has been arrested and I’m sitting on a lounge chair, surrounded by the Reed brothers. Mason kisses my forehead and murmurs, “Let’s get you home.”

  “No, I’m good. I don’t want to let him ruin another day. I want to go to the carnival with you tonight. He’s not making me miss out on a funnel cake.”

  Alex chuckles and kisses my cheek before getting to his feet. “This one’s a keeper, Mason.” He turns to Parker. “Let’s leave them alone.”

  My gaze alternates between them. “Thank you so much. Both of you.”

  “Anytime, Everly,” Parker replies with a grin. “You’re Mason’s girl. You’re one of us. Better get used to it.”

  They walk off, leaving us alone. “You saved me,” I murmur, laying a palm against Mason’s cheek.

  “I never should’ve left you alone.”

  “You can’t be with me every minute.”

  “We’ll see about that.” He plants a soft kiss on my lips. “You’re shaking. Are you cold?”

  “No, just need to sit down a minute.” The scrape of plastic on concrete makes me wince as he pulls a two person lounger into the shade.

  “Come here.”

  I take his hand and stretch out beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. I must be exhausted because it’s late afternoon when I wake. Mason’s covered me with a beach towel, and he sits a few feet away, talking on his phone.

  He’s breathtaking with the sun pouring over his shoulders, highlighting every line and muscle of that incredibly toned body. How the hell did I get lucky enough to win the affection of such a man? A wide smile appears when he sees me staring at him, and he ends his call. “Hey, sleepyhead. Feeling better?”

  “Much. What did I miss?”

  I hear Calliope music in the air as he answers, “Not a thing. The carnival is just starting. Do you feel up to it?”

  “Absolutely. I need to grab a shower and dress. My stuff is in a locker.” I hop up and stretch my sore muscles. “Meet you back here?”

  I’m presented with a look that says I’m one twist short of a slinky. “You aren’t going anywhere without me.”

  “Danny’s in jail. It’s over.”

  “You’ve taken years off my life the past few weeks, Evie. I’m not letting you out of my sight.” He wraps an arm around my waist and we start toward the lockers.

  “You just want to watch me shower,” I tease.


  The sun is just dipping below the horizon when we enter the carnival, hand in hand. “Where to first?” Mason asks.

  “Food. I’m starving.”

  Mason chuckles. “Lead the way, baby.”

  After pigging out on corndogs and funnel cake, which Mason insists on paying for, we stroll down the midway. “Race you,” I dare, gesturing to the Fire Fight game. I loved this game when I was a kid. The object is to aim a stream of water through a target, which moves your wooden fire truck to the finish line.

  Mason grins and grabs the water hose. “If I win, you have to go through the haunted house with me.”

  “Damn, I really wanted to see the haunted house, but there’s no way I can lose.”

  The bell rings and everyone focuses on their targets. Leave it to me to choose the hose with a wussy little stream. Mason pulls ahead of me instantly, but we both laugh when the two little girls beside us leave our fire trucks in the dust.

  The younger girl cheers when she wins, and the young man tending the game hands her a stuffed animal. He smiles and gives the other girl a large lollipop, and they both run away laughing and happy.

  “Looks like you get to see the haunted house after all.”

  “You didn’t win!” I smack his arm, and he grabs me by the waist.

  “I beat you. You chickening out?”

  “Never. I can’t wait to get you alone in the dark.”

  Mason grins, his face lit by the colored lights. Grabbing my hand, he leads me to the haunted house ride. A young man checks our wristbands and ushers us into a car, pulling the safety bar across our laps. After warning us to keep our arms inside the car, he sends us down the track.

  We make a sharp right turn through a wall of rubber strips into pitch darkness. The car makes a few abrupt turns until I’m a little disoriented, unable to tell what direction we’re going. I jump when a loud siren blares and a strobe light flashes on a man hanging from a noose, his feet kicking the side of the car. Mason laughs and slides his arm around my shoulders.

  We laugh and tease each other as we travel through a room of zombies, and another set up to look like a butcher shop, littered with dismembered limbs. The car makes another turn and we’re face to face with an evil looking clown. Mason stiffens up and curses under his breath as the bloody clown with a too wide grin reaches toward us.

  It’s my turn to laugh at his reaction. “You’re scared of clowns. Don’t worry,” I tease, cuddling into him. “I won’t let big bad Bozo get you.”

  Mason pinches my nipple, making me squeal, and says, “Look up, love.”

  A giant spider creeps across the ceiling to a web full of tiny spiders. I know they’re fake, but every inch of my skin crawls at the sight of them. Suddenly, a few of the spiders rain down on us just as we travel through an archway laced with spiderwebs. The spiders falling on me and the feel of the silky strings clinging to my face and hair have me beating at myself like a mad woman.

  Mason’s laughter echoes through the ride, and I smack him on the chest as the car bursts into the night air. “Souvenir?” he asks, still chuckling while he holds up one of the plastic spiders.

  It’s a damn ring, and in the light, it couldn’t look more fake. “Asshole,” I grumble as he slides the ring on my finger and we exit the ride.

  “Where to next?” he asks, sliding his hand in the back pocket of my jeans.

  I give him a wide smile when I spot the fun photo exhibit. Multiple wooden characters are scattered about, the faces cut out so we can poke ours through and become a cowboy, or a princess, or a zombie. “Let’s pick one!” I drag him through the display until I see one that was seemingly made for us. Two giant panda bears hug, a trail of hearts bubbling up between them. “What are you doing?” I ask when I notice Mason glancing around.

  “Making sure my brothers aren’t around. I’d never hear the end of this.” He pulls me behind the wooden cutout. “Come on, Panda.” We poke our faces through the holes and a man takes our picture.

  “You can pick it up at the counter,” he advises us, pointing us in the right direction. While we wait for our picture, Mason spots a photo booth.

  “You got your picture. Now I want mine,” he says, leading me into the booth and pulling the curtain. “Ready?” he asks, feeding a few dollars into the machine. It takes four photos, ten seconds apart.

  I press my cheek to Mason’s for the first one, and he wraps me in a hug for the second. His lips land on mine a second before the third flash. Before I realize what he’s doing, he pulls up my sweatshirt, showing my bare tits to the camera just as the last click sounds. “Mason!”

  “That one’s for my wallet,” he says with a roguish grin. We step out of the booth and almost collide with Alex. A cute athletic man stands beside him, holding his hand.

  “Everly.” Alex greets me with a smile. “You having a good time?”

  “It’s been fun. We’re just waiting for our photos to process.” I glance toward the slot where the pictures will be delivered.

  Alex looks a bit reluctant as he introduces his boyfriend. “Cooper, this is my brother, Mason, and his girlfriend, Everly.”

  “Such a pretty name,” Cooper says, shaking my hand.

  “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you.” A small d
imple dents his cheek as he grins at me. Oh, yeah, I can see why Alex likes him. He’s a cutie.

  “Nice to meet you,” Mason agrees, shaking his hand.

  Abruptly, the machine clicks and our photos drop into the slot. Alex picks them up, a mischievous grin breaking across his face as he peeks at them before handing them to me. “Glad to see we aren’t the only ones having fun with the photo booth.”

  “See what you did!” I smack Mason on the arm, and he shrugs. The photo center worker chooses that moment to bring us our panda photo, and I waste no time holding it up for Alex and Cooper to see. Payback is a bitch.

  Alex snorts, laughing until his eyes are full of tears. “That’s fantastic, Ev. I need a copy, please.”

  “You got it.”

  Mason shakes his head, and we say goodbye to Alex and Cooper. I glance back as they climb into the photo booth. I can only imagine the amount of inappropriate pictures that booth will take tonight. Mason slides his arm around me, tucking me against his side, and I yawn. “You ready to go, love?”

  “Yeah, I’ve had a great time, but I’m done in.” Mason leads me to his car and we head back to his house. It’s been such a great day, I don’t want to dampen his mood by announcing I’m going home tomorrow. I’ll tell him in the morning.

  As Mason shuts his front door behind us, I wrap my arms around his waist, stepping into his warm body, and he holds me tight. “Attempted drowning aside, it was a wonderful day.”

  His chest vibrates with a deep chuckle. “You make my days wonderful, Evie.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, baby.” His bright eyes meet mine as he releases me. “I need to make a few calls, then we’ll go to bed, okay?”

  “Sure. Can I borrow your laptop to check my email? My phone’s dead.”

  “Of course. It’s in my office.”

  I’ve never been in his home office before. A large cherry wood desk sits near the far wall. The room is warm and inviting. A crimson colored sofa and armchair provide a splash of color among the dark wooden furniture and flooring.


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