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Page 88

by Tarah Scott

  He draped an arm over the top of the couch. "As bad as all that?"

  She grimaced. "Worse. How have you been? I haven't seen you in some time."

  "The damn property Albery has in Coventry is giving me trouble," he replied. "I've had a devil of a time with the carpenter hired to reconstruct the walls in the blue bedroom."

  Phoebe frowned. "I was there three years ago and didn't notice that house was in such disrepair."

  He shook his head. "Wood rot. I only just discovered it myself."

  He couldn’t be any more surprised by the wood rot than she could by his caring about the house. Was her cousin finally accepting responsibility for the property that would one day likely be his?

  "I understand congratulations are in order," he said, and she was even more startled by the brotherly expression on his face.

  "Oh. Yes, thank you."

  His brow lifted. "You don’t seem ecstatic."

  "As I said, the never ending visitors have grown tiresome."

  "That'll end soon enough," he said.

  "Not nearly soon enough."

  "Surely that can't have you so disheartened? What's wrong? Has something happened with Ashlund? Is he getting cold feet?"

  Embarrassment rushed through her at the realization that Ty must know what had transpired between her and Lord Ashlund. Of course, that made sense. Her uncle might not tell him, but his mother, her aunt, would.

  "Not at all," Phoebe replied with light airs. "If anything, he's too ardent."

  "If he's giving you trouble, I'll pay him a visit."

  She snorted. "If he gave me any trouble, his father would deal with him." Damn the duke.

  Ty scrutinized her. "You're not keen on his suit."

  "You're aware that I am not interested in marriage."

  He shrugged. "I knew you weren't interested in any of your recent suitors, but surely you knew marriage was inevitable?"

  "I did not."

  "Ahh," he intoned. "You believed you would be left to amuse yourself with your inheritance."

  "Why not?" she replied irritably, then released a sigh. "Forgive me, Ty. You're being kind, and I'm not."

  "Ashlund is filthy rich. How could he possibly need your paltry fifteen thousand pound yearly income?"

  "He said I could keep the money," Phoebe replied.

  "There you have it. Once your new husband has his heir, you'll be free to go on as you always planned." Ty rose. "I'll see you tomorrow night."

  Frustration welled up in her, but she nodded.

  "Chin up, Cousin," he said. "You love a good party. Especially of late." With that he was gone.

  Phoebe stared at the door after he'd closed it, wondering what had inspired her cousin's familial interest in her, and what he meant by 'especially of late.'


  Kiernan looked up from the article in the Satirist. The newspaper wasn't his regular read, but he'd found it with his morning mail, sent from someone signed A Friend. He could well imagine the friend was any number of London society women who delighted in vicious gossip. Even a so-called gentleman or two might be the culprit. Either way, by now, all of London society would have read or been told about the article.

  Regan took a swallow of coffee, then set the cup on its saucer and picked a piece of bacon off the plate that sat alongside a platter of scrambled eggs. "Miss Wallington is going to be none to happy with this turn of events."

  Kiernan set the newspaper on the table beside his breakfast plate. "News of our time together in Scotland was bound to reach London. She was foolish to think otherwise."

  "True. But one wonders who filled in the intimate details."

  "Yes." Kiernan looked at the paper and the headline, London Heiress kidnapped by the Marquess of Ashlund.

  "Who do you think sold the story?" Regan asked.

  "No one in my household," Kiernan said. "It must be someone in Phoebe's house."

  "Her coachman, Calders?"

  "Perhaps, but it's just as possible one of her other servants got their greedy hands on my father's letter to Lord Albery."

  As if Kiernan had summoned the duke, he appeared in the doorway.

  Regan rose. "Your Grace."

  "Sit down, Regan," he said, his eyes on Kiernan, "What is it?" he asked as he seated himself at the head of the table.

  Kiernan passed the newspaper to him and poured coffee for his father, then refilled his and Regan's cups.

  A moment later, his father folded, then laid the paper on the table. "A year's engagement is unreasonable. Every move you and Miss Wallington make will be scrutinized."

  "Phoebe has expressed an interest in returning to Scotland," Kiernan said with caution. "We won't be under the critical eye of London society."

  "Ashlund will be little better, and," he added when Kiernan started to reply, "Brahan Seer is out of the question."

  "You've become a mind reader, Father." Though he knew his father was right. It didn't matter that Brahan Seer was crawling with servants, soldiers, and villagers, all of British Society would believe that he had whisked Phoebe off to the castle in order to continue their affair as portrayed in the Satirist.

  "I can't force her to the altar," Kiernan said.

  The duke reached for the platter of eggs. "A shame you didn't consider that when you forced your way into her carriage."

  "I know. It's too bad, really. When I saw her at the party that night, I fully intended to make her acquaintance. Had she not been in that coach, I would have pursued her."

  "The way you pursued her the other night at the Halsey ball?" The duke spooned eggs onto his plate.

  "Damnation, Father." Kiernan broke off at sight of his father's brown eyes lifting to meet his. "What would you have me do?" Kiernan asked.

  "You may begin by not adding fuel to that fire." He motioned toward the paper and set the plate on the table.

  "Then you might consider hiring a chaperone."

  His father looked at him, nonplussed. "You're no rake."

  "No. But I won’t lie. Phoebe…excites me." Kiernan winced when his father's jaw tightened. "I won't make love to her until we're married," he said. His father's expression turned speculative, and Kiernan shook his head. "No. I haven't taken that liberty—and neither has she offered."

  "She likely won't."

  "I seem to recall that didn't stop you with Elise." The words were out of his mouth and even Regan stilled. "Father—"

  "That was a different time and a different place," the duke cut in—to Kiernan's surprise, without rancor. "And as you know, not all my choices were the wisest."

  "I'm sorry," Kiernan said. "I shouldn't have said that."

  "Nay," he replied. "But I knew you someday would. You might ask yourself why that time was now."


  Her Grace, the Duchess of Ashlund, insisted that Phoebe avail herself of her dressmaker and Phoebe agreed. She had to choose her battles between now and the time she parted company with the Ashlunds, and she had, after all, been ordered to agree to the marriage.

  Phoebe stepped from the dressmaker's shop behind the duchess, who was resolute that she be present for the final fitting. She had supervised the design of whitework embroidery with sleeves of puffed and ruffled mancherons, and had chosen the delicate ruffles for the skirt. Elise MacGregor had exquisite taste.

  The duchess pointedly ignored her guard Niall, who stood beside their carriage on the bustling London side street, and turned to Phoebe. "I'm relieved that is over with," she said.

  Phoebe laughed. "I was afraid you would be offended if I said that."

  "Not at all. I despise fittings—even when I love the dress. I imagine the gown will arrive at your uncle's home before you do."

  "Oh," Phoebe said, and Elise laughed.

  "I don't intend on keeping you out all afternoon. Mrs. Gilly will be quick about the final touches on the gown and will have it delivered immediately. Do you like sweets?"

  "Why, yes," Phoebe replied.

  "Good. There's
a confectionary nearby. Well worth the walk. I visit every chance I get." The duchess didn't look as though she indulged in sweets and Phoebe said so. Elise patted her arm. "You and I are going to get along very well. Niall," she said, "Phoebe and I plan to walk to Madam Araquette's."

  "Aye, Your Grace," he said, and motioned to the driver.

  The driver snapped the reins and the carriage started forward as Elise and Phoebe began walking, with Niall following on foot.

  "So, tell me the truth," Elise began, "what do you think of marrying Kiernan?"

  Phoebe had wondered when she would ask this question. "I have agreed to a year's engagement. You might ask me six months from now or perhaps even nine months." Honesty was the best policy—as long as it was possible.

  "If you find in the year you can't tolerate him, do you plan to call off the wedding?"

  "I imagine few women would not be able to tolerate Lord Ashlund."

  "He's a good man," Elise said. "But that alone isn't enough for marriage." She lapsed into silence for a moment. "You do seem to find him attractive." Phoebe cut her gaze onto her, and Elise said, "I have eyes."

  Phoebe returned her attention to the sidewalk. "He is a…" A couple passed them and she felt her cheeks heat.

  "A fine specimen of masculinity?" Elise finished.

  Phoebe thought she heard Niall groan, and could only manage, "Indeed."

  The carriage stopped behind two other carriages that had halted to let other vehicles pass at the intersection, but Niall kept pace with them. Amidst a hackney driver shouting at a carriage driver that had veered too close, Elise said, "It's all right to admit you like him."

  "I-well, yes, Your Grace," Phoebe sputtered.

  They reached the intersection. "Turn right," Elise instructed. They started down the block and she added, "I should warn you, the MacGregor men are relentless. The only way he will give up the chase is if you can prove you…dislike him."

  Or if I denounce him as a traitor, Phoebe thought, but said, "I suppose if I don’t dislike him, I may not want to call off the wedding."

  "Exactly," Elise said. "And I don't blame you one bit for wanting to be sure he's worth having. Some of England's most respected husbands care nothing for pleasing their wives."

  Phoebe looked at her. What was she saying?

  "I suspect that isn't the case with Kiernan." The duchess looked Phoebe in the eye. "After all, the apple doesn't usually fall far from the tree."

  Phoebe stared. Was the Duchess of Ashlund saying that the Duke of Ashlund was a good lover; therefore, his son would be as well?

  Elise cast a glance behind her and Phoebe couldn't help following suit. Niall had fallen back a few paces. Elise leaned into her and whispered, "The damage has already been done to your reputation. If you have any doubts about the marriage, it's only right that you investigate his suitability."

  "Investigate?" Phoebe repeated dumbly. "Suitability?"

  "Try out the goods beforehand," Elise prodded.

  Phoebe recalled Kiernan's words the night of the Halsey soiree, "I will pursue you, court you, and, lastly, seduce you.” By heavens, if she didn't know better, she would swear Kiernan had colluded with his stepmother.

  "I see," Elise said.

  Phoebe jarred back to the moment.

  "Perhaps your investigation is already underway," she said. "Or…," her gaze turned speculative, "Kiernan has begun a campaign of his own."

  Phoebe realized her cheeks were flaming. "Ma'am," she began, but Elise cut her off.

  "Here we are." She entered the shop with Phoebe following on unsteady legs. "There isn't a thing here you won't love," Elise said. She stepped up to the counter where various pastries were displayed.

  The petite, middle-aged woman behind the counter looked up. "Your Grace," she said with a slight French accent. "How lovely to see you."

  "And you, Madam Araquette. How are you?"

  Phoebe watched them, lost in the wonder of what sort of duchess suggested that her stepson's future wife should try out the goods beforehand. Were Scots that…loose?

  "Why, Miss Wallington."

  Phoebe turned at hearing Jane Halsey's voice. "Lady Halsey."

  Lady Wilmington stood alongside her with a look in her eye that Phoebe didn't like. Jane, too, looked self-satisfied and Phoebe had the sneaking suspicion she was about to discover why.

  "Lady Wilmington," Phoebe said with a deferential cant of her head.

  "You look well," Lady Wilmington replied. "I suppose a Scottish marquess can do that for a woman."

  "I am fond of His Lordship," Phoebe said.

  "Fond?" Lady Wilmington exchanged a glance with Jane. "Is he fond of you?" Phoebe frowned, but before she could answer, Lady Wilmington added, "How long do you think his fondness will last now that all of London knows you made a fool of him by trapping him into marriage?"

  "I beg your pardon?"

  Lady Wilmington opened her reticule and produced a newspaper clipping and handed it to her. Phoebe's gaze snagged on the headline London Heiress kidnapped by the Marquess of Ashlund. She caught the word Green Lady Inn and her heart thumped so hard she couldn't hear anything save the rush of blood that pounded in tandem to the beat.

  "What's this?"

  Phoebe snapped from the horrible spell. Lady Wilmington and Lady Halsey's faces went white and they stared at Elise as she stepped up beside Phoebe.

  "Your Grace," they murmured in near unison, and curtsied deep.

  Elise took the clipping from Phoebe's hand. Her eyes flicked over the paper, then she looked at the two woman. "Jane, you will inform your mother that His Grace and I will not be attending your party this week as planned. I will send a note explaining why. As for you, Katherine, if I'm not mistaken, His Grace was recently considering a business venture with your father—shipping, I believe. My husband will not be investing as your father had hoped, and His Grace will send a letter of explanation. In fact, I feel certain His Grace will visit your father. It's only right, wouldn't you agree?"

  "Your Grace," she began, but Elise faced Phoebe.

  "Come along, Phoebe."

  Phoebe's attention caught on the clipping as it fluttered to the floor in their wake.


  Phoebe waited until Gaylon had closed the door and left her alone with Alistair. The shock of seeing the article in the paper that afternoon had worn off, and now she was furious—for several reasons.

  "I arrived home to find a note from Lord Briarden asking when my wedding date was," she said.

  Surprise flickered in his eyes—barely.

  "Don't toy with me, Redgrave," she said. "Does Her Majesty now expect British spies to marry their quarry?"

  "Of course not."

  "Then what is Briarden about?"

  "Something's happened, but I have no idea what."


  He gave her a sharp look. "Now who's playing games, Phoebe?"

  "All right. She pulled from a drawer the copy of the Satirist she had had Calders purchase for her, and handed it to Redgrave."

  His face remained impassive as he read the article and Phoebe wondered how many times throughout their friendship he'd worn that same look while hiding something from her, something like the fact he knew her father was still alive.

  His gaze shifted back to her. "You can't be surprised by this."

  "Indeed, I can. There are too many intimate details in that story for this to be someone who happened to see Lord Ashlund and me in Scotland."

  He lifted a brow. "You suspect me?"

  "You have your reasons for wanting to see me married to the marquess."

  "Once we are sure he's an honest man, yes, but even then I wouldn't stoop to these tactics."

  She snorted. "You would."

  "All right," he said. "I might. But I didn't."

  "Briarden?" she asked.

  Alistair shook his head. "He would not stoop to such tactics."

  Phoebe wasn't so sure. Briarden had made it clear that she was employed b
y the Crown to gather information, and as the future wife of a suspect she was in a perfect position to carry out that duty. But how much better would her position be as wife…and lover?

  "The only other person who knows enough is Calders, and he wouldn't do it," she said.

  "No," Alistair said, "I don't believe he would. But he isn't the only possible suspect."

  "My aunt and uncle, but they would never report to the papers." Or would her aunt?

  "True," Alistair replied. "Remember, you stayed in that inn on the English border. From what you told me, the innkeeper's wife sounds like the type to sell such a story."

  "But she would have to know there was a story to sell."

  "What about someone in Ashlund's entourage?"

  "If what I saw in Scotland is accurate, highly unlikely. Those men practically worship him and his father."

  A rush of emotion barreled through her. There was one other candidate, and she suddenly wondered just how much he hated losing a battle.


  The emeralds Phoebe wore around her neck seemed to seer into her flesh as she paused in the entry of the Ashlund mansion ballroom. Everyone's attention turned toward her, eyes on the jewels that proclaimed she was an Ashlund.

  "Easy, girl," her uncle said. He patted her left arm.

  His wife stood to his left, and Ty stood next to her.

  The crowd to Phoebe's right parted and she drew a breath at sight of Kiernan MacGregor passing through their ranks, his gaze fixed on hers as though she was the only woman in the room…the only woman in the world. He wore a black dress coat, ivory silk waistcoat, white shirt, and black trousers—and white gloves. By heavens, he embodied the perfect gentleman. And he was stunning. When he reached her side and grasped her hand, she felt the tremble in her fingers as he lifted them to his lips. As always, his mouth was moist, warm, and deliberate in its work on her flesh. Heat crept up her cheeks and, from her belly, moved downward to where a now familiar ache tightened.

  "You are the Devil," she murmured when he released her hand.

  "Phoebe," her aunt remonstrated in a whisper.

  The Devil danced in Kiernan's eyes and Phoebe read the message, who better than the Devil understood wicked pleasure?


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