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Lost and Found

Page 3

by Megan Fields

  She shakes her head. “Uh huh... keep telling yourself that and maybe you’ll believe it.” She kisses me on the cheek and goes to her office; I turn to leave, when Alex shouts.

  “Eleanor” I find him saying a few goodbyes and walking toward me. “Can I offer you a lift home?” He asks.

  I frown, “Are you sure you want to leave?” I know the subs will be disappointed.

  “Yes, it’s fine.”

  I bid goodnight to the bouncers. It’s a short walk to Alex’s car and I’m surprised when we reach it. It’s a Noble M600 in black. I know that these go for at least two hundred thousand pounds.

  My eyes widen. “Wow you must be one hell of an artist!” I comment.

  He chuckles as we slide into the low, sexy car. “I’ve been fairly successful in the states and I hope to be as popular here, but it’s also my work in the community that helps pay for my lifestyle.” I give him my address and he starts the engine, letting it purr. He takes the long way round, obviously wanting to show off what it can do.

  He parks near my apartment and even though I protest he walks me to my door. “Would you like a drink?” It’s nearly 1am and I assume Lottie will be in bed by now.

  “Yes, please.” I open the door and listen for a minute. All appears to be quiet.

  “Brandy, Vodka, coffee?” I ask, making my way to the kitchen, dropping my bag on the counter.

  “Coffee, please.” He sits down at the breakfast bar and I make us a drink. We talk for a while about his artwork and life as a Dom. Just as he begins telling me about a painting he’s working on, I hear a commotion at the door. Lottie stumbles in drunk, but Alex moves quickly, gripping her arms to stop her from falling over. As she looks in his eyes, I can almost see sparks flying.

  “Al... Alex?” She slurs. He’s about to respond when she bends over and throws up. Alex quickly jumps to her side and holds her hair out of the line of fire. I grab a bowl and rub her back as she brings up the rest of what looks like pure alcohol. I glance at Alex and can see both concern and anger in his eyes. Lottie finally stops being sick and before I can say anything he picks her up in his arms.

  “Which way to her room?” He asks. I point to her door and I watch him effortlessly carry her. I follow him and help put her to bed, watching him as he gently brushes her hair from her face. He mutters something, but I don’t hear him.

  I stand in front of the mess Lottie left behind. “So much for an early night.”

  “Want some help to clean up?” He asks.

  “No it’s fine. I can sort this out.” I show Alex to the door and he pauses as he glances toward her bedroom. He looks like he wants to say something, but changes his mind and leaves silently. Sighing, I turn my attention to cleaning up Lottie’s mess. It isn’t long before thoughts of Lottie’s behaviour and what could’ve happened to her invade my mind. A shudder racks my body, as I stand up and toss the soiled towels in the bin. Deciding to check on her once more before going to bed, I tiptoe into her room. She’s sleeping soundly and I sit and watch her for a few minutes. It’s something I haven’t done since our parents died. I used to sit for hours and watch Lottie sleep, as she’d frequently have nightmares and I wanted to be close by in case she needed me. Satisfied she was out for the count, I head to bed. The events of the day had exhausted me and I fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 3


  Saturday morning arrives and I’m up as usual, at 7am, regardless of the little sleep I’ve had, I make a cup of tea and relax on the sofa wrapping myself in a warm blanket. I’m checking my work emails and quietly listening to Sarah McLachlan, when I see an email from Alex.

  Date: 8th March 2014 03:17

  Subject: Home Improvements


  How’s Lottie? Hope you grounded her for pulling that shit tonight, or at least revoked her drinking privileges.

  Thanks for the tour of the club. Although I could never have foreseen you being there, I’m glad you were. I’d also like to discuss some possible improvements with both you and Izzy. Please let me know when’s suitable for you and I’ll check my schedule.

  See you later


  I re-read his email. He must think Lottie’s still fifteen years old! I can’t remember the last time I heard the word grounded. Being a Dom he’ll have a control streak a mile wide though. I’m curious about his ideas for the club and hit reply.

  Date: 8th March 2014 07:41

  Subject: Re: Home Improvements


  Lottie’s still asleep, but as soon as she gets up we’ll be having a little talk. I look forward to hearing about your improvement ideas. Izzy and I meet every Wednesday at 2pm before the club opens to discuss business. You’re more than welcome to join us.

  Please let me know if this suits you


  I make myself another cup of tea when my phone alerts me to a text message. I see a Whatsapp message from an unknown number.

  You’re up early. You should be doing more than having a little talk with her. I’ll be at the club this Weds for the meeting. AC

  It’s Alex. How the hell did he get my number?

  Always up early! Leave Lottie to me. I know how to handle her. How’d you get my number? E

  Why’s he so hell bent on punishing Lottie. It doesn’t take long for a message to come in.

  Fine. Izzy kindly obliged. See you later. AC

  I hear a door, followed by footsteps and look up from my phone to see my sister plonk herself down next to me and pinch most of my blanket. “Morning; want a cup of tea?” I hear a grunt and take that as a yes, so make us both a drink. “How’re you feeling?”

  She rubs her forehead. “Did I throw up on your date?” She asks.

  “No. You almost threw up on Alex! Don’t you remember?”

  She buries her face in her hands. “Oh my God, how embarrassing. Wait, what was he doing here? Are you brother hopping?”

  I stare at her with a bemused look on my face until I realise she’s being deadly serious. “No, of course not!” I raise my voice and she winces.

  “What’s he doing in London?” Thank God she hasn’t asked me how I met up with him last night.

  I finish replying to an email before I respond. It gives me enough time to think up something that I know will keep her mind occupied. “He and Jack have moved here and opened a photography/art studio.”

  Her jaw nearly hits the ground. “Jack’s here too? Have you seen him?” Her eyes bore into mine and she’s almost on the edge of her seat.

  I knew Jack would side-track her. “Yes, I saw him yesterday afternoon.”

  “Oh. My. God! Why didn’t you tell me? How is he? Is he single? Is he still gorgeous?”

  I hold my hands up in surrender. “Whoa!” She sits cross-legged and focuses all her attention on me. “Okay, one, I forgot to tell you,” I didn’t, but couldn’t face telling her, “Two, he’s fine. Three, I’ve no idea if he’s single.” The thought that he might not be is like a knife in my heart. “And four, he’s all grown up now, but he’s still Jack at the same time.”

  “That means he’s gorgeous!” She winks. I take a sip of my tea thinking he’s more than gorgeous. He’s super, freaking hot! Just being across from him had made me wetter than I’d been in a good long while.

  Lottie smacks her hand to her forehead. “Oh, my god I threw up in front of Alex! Major turn off.” I’d forgotten Lottie had a crush on him when we were younger.

  “Don’t go getting any ideas about Alex!” I say in a stern voice.

  “Why not?” She asks.

  “He’s too old for you!” I reply.

  She snorts. “I’ve dated older.” I whip my head to her and she’s staring at me wide-eyed with her hand across her mouth.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing.” She jumps up off the couch and makes a mad dash for her room. I’m about to go after her when my phone rings. “Saved by the bell!” I shout to her halfway through answering.

/>   “Hello? Ella? You okay?” It’s Alex.

  “You just gave Lottie a temporary get out of jail free card!” I say crossly.

  “Ah, are you disciplining her for her behaviour?” He asks.

  I’m not in the mood for him after Lottie’s omission. “What do you want, Alexander?” After the email, the text and now the phone call. I’m almost on stalker alert.

  “I just have a few questions about the club and protocol, but if you’d prefer I can talk to Isobel?”

  I sigh. “No, its fine, how can I help?” We discuss the ins and outs of how the club operates and I grudgingly agree to let him pick me up tonight to take me to the club. Lottie is still AWOL and I leave her to stew. I need to talk to her about her behaviour. There’s no need to go overboard like I know Alex would like to, but she needs to be more aware of her drinking limits. I’d hate to think about her going through something like I did all because she drank too much and made herself vulnerable. I decide to go back to bed for a mid-morning nap to catch up on lost sleep.

  I feel rested when I wake a couple of hours later to the smell of something cooking. I grab my robe and head to the kitchen to see Lottie making pancakes. She eyes me cautiously as I sit at the breakfast bar and she pushes a glass of orange juice toward me. “Thanks.” I take a sip, as she hands me a plate with two rolled up pancakes sprinkled with sugar. Just the way I like them. She smiles apologetically at me, but she’s not getting out of this one easily. “You know, it’s going to take more than pancakes.” I tell her, as I shove a slice in my mouth. Mmm, just like mum used to make.

  “I’m sorry.” She replies sheepishly.

  “Do you have any idea how drunk you were last night?” She starts to open her mouth to respond and I hold my hand up halting her in her tracks. “Not only did you throw up on my floor, embarrass yourself in front of Alex, and wake up this morning feeling like crap, but anything could’ve happened to you!” My voice has started to rise and she hangs her head low. “Lottie, you could’ve been hurt or worse-” the last word catches in my throat and she looks up at me to see a tear slide down my cheek. She comes round and pulls me into a tight hug and I fight back my emotions.

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to let myself get that out of control, but one drink lead to another and-” I pull back to look at her, cupping her face in my hands.

  “If anything ever happened to you-you’re all I’ve got. I can’t lose you”

  “I know Ella. I’m so sorry. I promise to not let myself get into that state again.” I look her in the eyes. They are hazel just like mine and are rimmed with unshed tears. Our eyes are where our similarities end though. Lottie’s the spitting image of our mum from her facial features and dark brown hair, to her build and even her voice. While some people may find it hard to be around someone that reminds you of such a hard loss in your life, I couldn’t imagine not seeing her every day. It makes me feel like mum’s still here. I kiss her on the forehead and she wipes it away in a silly gesture like she used to do when we were little.

  “Yuck, I’m not a baby anymore Ella.” I chuckle and go back to eating my pancakes.

  After lunch I take a hot bath and relax. I’m wrapped in my silk robe, painting my toe nails when there’s a knock at the door. Hobbling to the door on my heels, so as not to smear my fresh polish, I peer through the eye finder and gasp; “Jack.” I can’t see him looking like this. I’m not dressed and my hair’s piled messily on top of my head. I’m about to walk away, when I hear him speak up.


  Alex peers over my shoulder. “Who’re you looking for?”

  “Ella. I’m guessing she still lives locally. I need to see her.” I‘m using to find Ella’s address, providing she’s registered to vote. I hit search and wait for the results.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea? What happened to inviting her to the opening, and seeing if she shows up?” He walks to the kitchen and flicks the kettle on. “Maybe you should give her some space.”

  “She’s had ten years of space. I should’ve contacted her before now.” I reply forcefully. “I’ve regretted not keeping in contact with her and I’m not going to go another day without talking to her.” I stare at his back, my fists clenched.

  “Well just go careful brother. It’s been a long time and she may not be the same girl you remember.” I eye him suspiciously, but his face remains stoic.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” I ask.

  He faces me, crossing his arms across his chest. “Nothing, but people change. Are you still the same person you were when you were seventeen?” He challenges.

  I push my hand through my hair. “Of course I’m not, but I can’t believe she could’ve changed that much. She seemed like the same Ella to me yesterday.” I reason.

  “Okay, but I’m just looking out for you, both of you really. I know we had no control over moving away, but it broke both of you back then.”

  “Well thank you for your concern, but we’re both adults now and can take care of ourselves. I know it hurt like hell to leave Ella, but things are different now. Just being with her for a brief moment yesterday made me realise I’ve never gotten over her.” He joins me at the dining room table with a cup of coffee. “How was the club last night?” I ask changing the subject. I try to stay out of his affairs when it comes to him being a Dom. It’s not that I disapprove or anything, I just like my women to have a bit of fight in them. I love women who own who they are and are confident about what they want.

  “The club was interesting. It needs a little work, but the foundations are solid. I met up with a few Dominants that I’ve been conversing with. It was nice to finally meet them face to face...” As Alex is talking, I notice my search has finished and I’m now looking at Ella’s address. I can’t believe she lives so close. I can be at her apartment in the next ten minutes. I barely hear what Alex is saying. “... Jack? Jack, are you listening to me?”

  “Yeah, sorry.” I cast him an apologetic look.

  “You found her?” He asks.

  “Yeah and she lives closer than I thought, opposite Richmond Green.” I’m already putting my shoes on and grabbing my coat. The decision already made to go and see her before I realised what I was doing.

  “Go. I hope I don’t have to say I told you so though.” I glance back at him before I leave, his face is still blank. Shrugging off his curious attitude, I quickly headed out the door.

  I walk to Ella’s place, my pace quicker than usual, taking the short cut through the park and find myself outside her building staring stupidly at the intercom. I really don’t want to buzz her, but how else am I going to get inside. Lingering for a bit, I finally make the decision to stop being a pussy and push the button for her apartment, when someone comes out. He kindly holds the door open for me and I quickly enter, flying up the stairs two at a time. Feeling hesitant, I knock on her door and push Alex’s concerns to the back of my mind. I see a shadow move in the crack under her door, so I know she’s in there. She must’ve looked through the view hole and seen it was me though. Okay, maybe Alex was right and she needs space, as she clearly doesn’t want to see me. I give her a few more seconds and then make the decision for her, “Ella? I can see your shadow under the door.”

  The door unlocks and my jaw almost hits the floor, as she opens it. “Hey, Jack.” She fidgets and pulls her robe tighter.

  I clear my throat and try to get my raging hormones under control, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” We linger in the doorway awkwardly, until she holds it open further in silent invitation. As I walk in, I take in the details of her apartment. I don’t know how I know, but it so fits Ella. From the projector I see for movies, to the way she’s decorated it with warm honey tones. It gives the room a welcoming homey feeling. Family photos are spread out around the room and I’m surprised to see the one of us both under the oak tree at school. It reaffirms to me that she hasn’t changed all that much over the years.

  She gestures for us to go sit in
the living room and we sit at opposite ends of the sofa. Turning to face her, the sight of her takes my breath away. “You okay?” I ask.

  She frowns at my question, “I’m fine. Why?”

  “You ran out on me so fast yesterday.” She looks down at her hands fiddling in her lap. She looks so nervous and all I want to do is reach out and touch her.

  “I'm sorry Jack. Seeing you again, it just brought up a lot of feelings and memories and I... I panicked I guess.”

  I’m sure that’s not the reason she took off and I’m a little hurt that she can’t confide in me. I guess I can’t expect her to though, so I go along with it for now. I get up and sit on the coffee table opposite her, needing to close the distance between us. “I'm sorry. I wanted our first meeting to be anything but awkward, but I guess it was inevitable really.” I rest my elbows on my thighs and look down at the floor. My hands are so close to touching her that I have to look away to control myself. She tucks her legs up on the sofa, but in doing so her robe slides open exposing her thigh.

  My eyes drift to the expanse of skin and I swallow hard, as I reach out to pull her robe over her leg, my knuckles graze her skin. A static shock catches me off guard and crackles in the silence of the room. I’d heard of the old cliché of people feeling a touch of electric from someone else, but this is a shock so strong it makes the hairs on my arms all stand to attention. My hand lingers on her skin and her eyes meet mine. My fingers slowly caress her softly. Withdrawing my hand, I watch as her eyes close briefly. The moment is spoiled when the front door’s thrown open and Lottie comes in.

  “Jack?” She shouts excitedly. She lets out a squeal and launches herself in my direction. I barely had time to stand to greet her before she was throwing her arms around me. Giving her a big cuddle, I pulled back to look at her.

  “Hey, kid.” She frowns and pulls away from me, hitting me in the chest.

  “I'm not a kid anymore Jack!” She retorted narrowing her eyes at me.


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