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The Dead War Series (Book 1): Good Intentions

Page 13

by D N Simmons

  “Well ain't shit 'organic' about those things down there,” Robert quipped.

  “About them,” Aaron looked at Cassian. “Master, they're in this building and they'll be making their way up here soon enough. I've barricaded the doors on the way up here as best I could and damaged the elevators, but I don't know how long that's going to hold them off since they're in the stairwell.”

  Cassian nodded. “You did well.” He turned back to Robert. “My lieutenants, now.”

  The order was not to be ignored or delayed any longer and Robert immediately pulled out his cellphone and began making calls to the human servants of the Master's right-hand vampires. He woke up two servants via three-way calling, who happened to be sleeping on the job. He gave them the information then ended the call. While flipping through the contact list, his cell began to ring. It was the last servant he was about to call.

  “Please tell me you know what's going on?” He asked by way of greeting.

  “Do you? ‘Cause I don't. I just know we need to leave,” Veronica said.

  “The Master wants all of his lieutenants with him, now.”

  “I figured as much, we're actually on our way. The door was a bit jammed, but we got it open.”

  “Wait, jam it again. Those things are in the building and we don't want them to get to this floor, at least not easily.”

  “Already ahead of you,” Veronica said. “Open the door, we're outside.”

  Robert raced to the door and with a quick glance at the monitor, he opened it. Two tall identical twin vampires walked past him into the condo followed by a petite human female. Well, she was petite in stature, but everything else on her came with double servings. It was no wonder the twins had taken to the tiny beauty. That's what they were known as, The Twins, Alexis and Alexias. Upon first meeting them several years ago, Robert had had a good chuckle at the lack of creativity their parents had when naming them. Still, they were two of Cassian's most viscous and ruthless vampires and two of his most loyal.

  “Master,” the twins greeted in unison as if rehearsed.

  Cassian stood by the window watching the streets below. He didn't turn around to address them, he just spoke. “I'm not going to waste time. I want you to organize the vampire Lords of my territory powerful enough to take flight and have them gather as many humans of importance as they can. Make sure the humans are uninfected by this disease. Since we are susceptible as well, I don't want us to take any unnecessary risks.”

  Alexis frowned, his eyebrows knitting slightly. “We are susceptible? Wait… 'Of importance', Master? Who do you have in mind?”

  Cassian sighed. “If you are bitten, you will turn into one of those things down there, killing blindly to feed your bloodlust. It's something we cannot risk, especially not a vampire of your stature. Now, regarding the humans, we'll need to save those who can help remedy this situation. We're going to need scientists, doctors, soldiers... people who can help us defend and protect our interests.”

  “But if they try to fly them out of the city, they'll get shot down, no doubt,” Aaron said. “Only authorized aircraft have been cleared to fly.”

  “How stupid are you?” Alexias tossed the insult at Aaron.

  “What?” Aaron asked, frowning. He was still confused but now he was also humiliated and pissed.

  “Surely, you didn't think he meant we'd use an airplane to fly? You must be extremely young,” Alexias commented with a cocked brow.

  “I'm aware of the standard human protocol in the case of emergency, Aaron.” Cassian looked at the young vampire. “A few of my vampires will be slightly inconvenienced, but they are strong enough to take flight during the day.”

  “Holy shit,” Aaron gasped under his breath.

  He had heard rumors about the ancient vampires, the ones who held high positions under the Master, but he had no idea they were that powerful during the day. He could only imagine how powerful they would become once the sun set.

  “They are simply superior beings, even to you,” Cassian said, his tone as arrogant as the smirk that followed. He had read the young vampire's mind and knew he wished to be held in high regard. In fact, he now knew the young vampire went to his club the night before, looking for him dressed in the best he could afford on his hotel salary. He wanted to be one of his Elite. What better way to keep an inferior being in their position than to remind them of where they stood in your eyes?

  He turned toward the Twins. “You have your orders.”

  “As you wish, Master. May I ask where are we taking them?” Alexias inquired.

  Before Cassian could reply, there was another knock on the door. Robert checked the monitor then he let the other lieutenants and their human servants inside the condo. Chloe entered trailed by her human companion, Patrick. After her was Cassian's second in command, the vampire strongest to take over in the event of his death, Sajan. His human servant, Nicole followed behind him. She gave Cassian and the other vampires a bow in show of respect and subservience.

  “Did you see if those things have gotten any closer?” Aaron asked apprehensively. He had never been so close to vampire royalty—that's what they were considered. The Master and his lieutenants lived in the tallest building in the city in the most luxurious condos. It was well known that Cassian owned the condos they resided in. He hoped that his efforts would one day place him in an elevated position among the Elite. Hell, he'd even accept being considered for the position of a lord. Lords were the lowest ranking of the vampire royalty, but it would put him one step closer to where he wanted to be.

  The other vampires and their humans ignored Aaron's question, their gazes were concentrated solely on Cassian. Their Master turned around, looking at them.

  “Well, did they?” he asked, bringing focus to Aaron's question.

  Chloe nodded. “I did inspect the stairway and heard them attacking humans on the fortieth floor. They'll be on this floor soon.”

  “I see,” Cassian said, turning back to address Alexias' earlier question. “Once you gather them, take them to St. Louis.”

  “Gather what?” Chloe asked.

  “Not what, who. We're to gather important people in significant positions,” Alexis answered.

  “Like scientists and doctors?” Chloe pointed out.

  “Exactly.” Alexias nodded.

  Sajan whistled. “Concerning St. Louis, Cassian, is he expecting us?”

  “He will be,” Cassian replied with utmost certainly in his tone.

  “Shouldn't we make sure? I don't want to land in his territory only to find out I'm not welcome. It could start a war, among other things,” Sajan said, stepping a bit closer to Cassian.

  “Ovidius will know better than to wage war with me. He will not like it, but he will not deny me either. Now, do as I say. Something tells me our time in this city is limited,” Cassian ordered.

  “Master, they've grounded all aircrafts,” Chloe said.

  Alexias and Alexis rolled their eyes and Aaron stifled the smirk and any remark he may have wanted to make that it would seem even the Elite could be “stupid” as he had been accused of being.

  “You're point, Chloe?” Cassian turned toward her.

  “Well, if we try to fly them to St. Louis, they'll shoot our plane down,” she said.

  “Really, Chloe?” Alexias gave her a sideways look. “We're not taking the jet.”

  “Oh.” Chloe frowned. “This is going to be exhausting.”

  Cassian's expression grew hard. “It is my orders and it is necessary. Follow Alexis and Alexias; they will give you my instructions as I don't like repeating myself. I will contact you with more information soon. Right now, you have work to do.” He dismissed his lieutenants with a wave of his hand.

  The four vampires nodded and left the condo with their humans in tow.

  Cassian turned towards Robert. “My cell phone, I need it.”

  Robert nodded and ran back into the master bedroom and returned as fast as he could, carrying the sleek, black iPho
ne. He handed it to Cassian.

  “Gather a few of our belongings, only those we need. We don't have time to concern ourselves with luxuries,” Cassian ordered.

  “Yes, Master. Umm, may I ask who are you going to call?” Robert asked, the wavering in his tone betraying the brave face he tried to put on. Inside, he was terrified, his only comfort was in knowing that he was the Master's servant.

  Cassian didn't answer him. Instead he punched several numbers on the touch screen then held the device up to his ear. Robert decided to leave it alone and left to carry out the order he'd been given. He pulled two of his designer duffel bags from the hall closet and walked into his Master's bedroom first to gather a few articles of clothing and other important items.

  Cassian waited several seconds until finally, his call was answered. “I'm sure you're aware of my current crisis,” he said, foregoing a polite greeting.

  Ovidius groaned. “Aware and concerned. My territory isn't far from yours and those zombies are killing and reanimating at an astronomical rate.”

  “They are. Which is why I need to seek shelter for my vampires and myself in your territory—I wouldn't make this request unless I had no other option,” he said the last line through gritted teeth hoping he didn't sound as annoyed as he felt. The last thing he ever wanted to do was need another vampire Master to offer him and his protection. Especially not one he had turned himself. A vampire indebted to another was never a good situation to be in. Albeit, it was an unavoidable necessity at times like now.

  “That may cause a problem, surely you can appreciate my concerns,” Ovidius said.

  “It would still be your territory. I have no desire to claim it. However, if this virus spreads, more cities will be in my predicament. Maybe even yours. We should combine our forces now, strike preemptively before we're caught off guard. I've taught you that much, I know.”

  Ovidius sighed. If it was one thing he knew, it was his sire's ironclad will to survive made even more frightening by his merciless and methodical means to ensure his survival. If he were to deny Cassian entry into his territory, it would be a declaration of war—one he'd lose. He was no fool and his desire to survive was just as strong. He thought briefly about his answer.

  “As long as you respect my territory, we can work together.”

  “Excellent. I will instruct my vampires to go to you. They will be accompanied by a few humans we're trying to save.”

  “Why bother to waste time saving random humans when I have plenty here?” Ovidius asked, curious about his sire’s actions.

  “These will not be random humans. Understand, Ovidius, I'm standing in my living room looking down at what could possibly be the end of humanity if this epidemic can't be stopped. At this point, every human life we save guarantees our own. This virus, whatever it is, can affect us as well.”

  “What?!” Ovidius' voice increased a few octaves in his bewilderment.

  “You see, now, why I am so concerned? One of the vampires in my territory was attacked and he went into a bloodlust rage and I'm sure he isn't the only one. All he could remember is the hunger. If enough of us are infected, especially repeatedly, we can drastically deplete our food source. Vampires cannot allow that to happen. I cannot allow that to happen and neither should you.”

  “Is this vampire you speak of still infected?” Ovidius asked, the uncertainty he felt was evident in his tone.

  “I really have no way of knowing. He appeared to be of sound mind when he came to me and his thirst for blood seemed to have waned,” Cassian replied.

  “This is going to get much worse before it gets better. Send me your people. I'll have mine prepare a few of my properties where we can protect our investment.”

  “Fucking humans,” Cassian cursed, thinking about the current events. “We'll need locations with more resources than your current properties. The humans will need space, food, water... other amenities. We'll also need buildings where windows are limited and doors can be easily monitored and fortified.”

  There was a short pause while Ovidius pondered. “I have a few ideas.”

  “Enlighten me.”

  “But first, are you sure we're not overreacting at this point?”

  “Ovidius, if you were standing where I am right now, you wouldn't be questioning me. Do you realize, if vampires can be infected, just how quickly this will spread?” Cassian's tone had grown darker as did his mood. “If these steps we're taking prove to be—”

  “I simply prefer to wait before exposing ourselves to the humans. What you're talking about doing will no doubt cause hysteria among them. It has only been a few hours, give the humans time to find the problem and fix it,” Ovidius suggested.

  Cassian huffed. His hand wrapped tightly around his phone as he struggled not to throw it against the wall in a fit of rage—or crush it for that matter. Instead he took another deep breath before speaking.

  “They have lost control of this city. Those things are faster and stronger than the humans and already this virus has spread to the outer cities and suburbs of Chicago. Your territory of St. Louis isn't that far away when you really think about it, especially when these creatures have no need to rest. The only thing that slows them down is when they're killing. The government will no doubt attempt to quarantine this area. Their only recourse is to lay bombs to this city, but it's already too late. However, it won't stop them from trying. Meanwhile, the virus will continue to spread and while you're sitting back worrying about exposing vampires to the world, we'll be losing the advantage to protect our food source.” He paused to give his child a chance to mull over what he'd said. “St. Louis is your territory and part of my agreement with you is to allow you to run your territory as you see fit. If you chose to not heed my warning, I'll accept that. I simply hope we won't suffer a worse fate in the end.”

  “My God, Cassian, the world isn't coming to an end. There's still time to see where this is heading. Bring your people, if it looks like matters are completely out of control, we'll take action as you suggested. Fair enough?”

  “I have to abandon my home right now. Those creatures are in my building, killing and turning the residents as we speak. From where I stand, the world is ending. However, we'll do it your way. I have to wrap up one thing here before I settle there. I will bring you my servant, though. Thank you for your hospitality.”

  “See you soon,” Ovidius ended the call.

  “Idiot,” Cassian hissed as he slipped his phone into his pocket. He turned facing Robert. “Is that everything we need?”

  Robert nodded. “Just the necessities as you requested. What is it you needed to do before we go to St. Louis?” As far as he was concerned, the further away from Chicago, the better.

  “I want to check out this SciTech Labs since it's been reported as the point of origin.”

  “Do I have to go with you?” Robert asked nervously.

  “Of course not. Your weakness will only hinder me. I'm taking you to St. Louis where you'll be safe... at least for the time being. Come.” Cassian beckoned for his servant.

  Aaron coughed disruptively, purposely bringing attention to himself.

  “Yes?” Cassian inquired.

  “Well, what about me, Master? What do you want me to do?” he asked humbly.

  Cassian smirked. “I have a very important job for you.”

  Aaron eyes grew wider with excitement as he awaited his new orders.

  “I want you to contact as many vampires as you can, organize them and prepare them to leave the city immediately. They are to head to St. Louis where they will follow the instructions and rules, mind you, of the current Master there, as we will be his guest for the time being. Do you understand?” Cassian studied the young vampire before him.

  Aaron nodded. “Yes, Master, I understand.” He turned, leaving the condo. He knew he had to be careful upon exiting the building. The last thing he wanted to do was be bitten again.

  “Shall we go, Master?” Robert asked. He had stood silently as th
e two vampires spoke, as was expected of a human servant.

  Cassian nodded. “We shall.”

  Robert approached him carrying two duffel bags full of clothes and cash and one cooler filled with the Master's rare blood supply. Cassian turned back toward the window and with one great blow, punched through the glass sending shards down to the streets. He walked back to his sword, snatching it up then he wrapped one arm around Robert's waist and hoisted him upward as he levitated. His powers were drastically weakened during the day and flying was going to take a lot of strength on his part. It was also going to take longer than it would have had he gone at night. But he had no choice. Cassian pointed himself in the direction of St. Louis and propelled himself forward.


  Standing on the roof of the Trump Tower, the four lieutenants looked at one another, then at their human servants.

  Sajan turned toward the twins. “All right, what is his master plan?” he asked, with arms folded across his chest.

  “Cassian's master plan is relatively simple. We're to gather as many humans who can better serve us in the event that this virus gets completely out of control,” Alexias said.

  “Like if every city looked just like Chicago, 'out of control'?” Patrick asked, presenting the question to anyone willing to answer.

  “Exactly.” Alexis stated. “Perhaps it would be best if we took our human servants to the new location.”

  “Ugh, I hate flying during the day. It's going to take so much longer with my power only at half mast,” Chloe complained.

  “It'll take much longer the more time you spend bitching about it,” Sajan remarked.

  Chloe refrained from releasing the scathing, yet witty, comeback she had at the tip of her tongue.

  Being Second in Command, he outranked her and therefore, he could speak to her any way he chose. Still, it didn't settle well with her, especially not in front of her human servant. Sajan watched the silent battle rage within the feisty female vampire and he couldn't stop the smirk that appeared at the tip of his lips.

  She knows her place, he thought to himself. “Before we leave the city, we need to take at least one other human with us. To best use our time effectively, we should split up. I'll search downtown. Alexis, you take the south side, Alexias—the north. Chloe—the west side. These will be our targets until we're given orders otherwise, understand?” Sajan watched the others waiting for confirmation.


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