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Bloods Gem

Page 29

by Gloria Conway

  “It’s beautiful out tonight,” she said, searching the stars. I turned in her direction and held her hand. “Nothing compare’s to your beauty. If you were a star, you be the brightest star up there,” I said, pointing to the night’s sky.

  “Actually, you’d be your own planet. Dominating all the others, the queen of the galaxy, nothing could touch you, hurt you, or make you cry. You would stand strong and smile the whole time.”

  She glanced at me, I kept my head down.

  “There’s something wrong…” she said, touching my face.

  I gazed into her beautiful eyes and felt ashamed, foolish, and down right dumb. “Faith, I need to tell you something and you're probably going to be upset when I tell you. Maybe even hate me after but I can’t keep lying to you anymore.”

  “Lie to me? About what?” “Faith. I. I’m so… stupid. I'm a coward and I’m so sorry.”

  “What!? What is it? Spit it out already.”

  “This is embarrassing and hard to say but my feeling’s don’t count right now. I’ve done you wrong.”

  “Did you cheat on me or something?”

  “No! That would never.” I shook my head.

  “Then it can’t be that bad what is it?”

  “We…never officially made love Faith.”

  “What do you mean?” She asked, as she held her stomach.

  “I made an illusion every time and I'm sorry.”

  She shot me a glare. I felt her pain and anger. She backed away from me.

  “Faith, wait. Let me explain why.”

  “No! Screw you I'm so done!” She began walking down the road.

  I flew in front of her and held onto her. “Let me at least take you home. You don’t need to walk in the dark alone.”

  “Why do you care? You don’t care about anyone but yourself! Get away from me! I can handle myself!”

  “Listen. I can’t make love to you. This way, I'll end up… killing you if you want me to be honest.”

  “Thanks for the honesty!” She yelled, smacking my hand away.

  “Okay, look. I know it was stupid but I didn’t want to let you down and I figured, if I could give it to you somehow, I would.”

  “Look, if you can’t make love to me without killing me, why would I want to be with you? I want to have sex as normal people do and not with someone like you!”

  I paused and bowed over. She cut me, pretty bad. I knew I deserved it and understood why she was saying it but I also knew it was far from the truth.

  “How can I fix it?” I asked, bending down In the middle of the abandon road.

  She marched towards me. “You really want to fix it?” She asked.

  I closed my eyes, nodding. “Do it then. Right now!”

  “What? Do what?” I asked, hoping it wasn’t what I thought.

  “Right here, right now, do it. Make love to me or I'm gone. You wont ever see me again.”

  “Faith. that’s unfair.”

  “Were you fair to me? when you deceived me?”

  Another blow, she had one right after the other.

  “Or is it that you really don’t find me attractive? You're acting because I'm your lively hood.”

  “Damn it Faith!”

  “What? Am I making you angry? Why not just go hit something then? Like you always do!” She turned around.

  I pulled her close to my body. “Does this answer your question?”

  “No. I’ve felt that before. Unless that was an illusion too,” she said, sarcastically.

  I laughed. “Alright.” I said, feeling my instincts kick in with much more intensity then before. I firmly kissed her and straddled her body over mine.

  I dashed into the air, and headed home, abandoning the truck. I took her upstairs, and tossed her on the bed. Getting on top of her, I pressed my body against hers. She rolled me beneath her, straddling me.

  I began grunting and trembling. I closed my eyes, trying to control the monster inside.

  When aroused, my instincts automatically try to take over and the smell of Faiths blood was a hundred times more potent.

  She held my arms down. “You want my blood?” She asked, smirking.

  “This is hard enough. Don’t act smug.”

  “I have more faith in you then you have in yourself,” she said, smiling down at me. “Let me undress you Love,” I said, wanting her badly.

  She shook her head. “Not yet. I want to show you something.” Stay down, she mouthed. I followed her with my eyes. She walked into the bathroom

  “Don’t keep me waiting!” I shouted.

  “You’ve kept me waiting for awhile, you can wait a few seconds!” She belched back. She was killing me. Laying there, trying to keep everything under control and my hormones in check. Her vanishing act did give me a few seconds to meditate and focus on the hardest thing I would ever have to do.

  She came out and sat on top of me, holding me down again.

  “Why are you holding me down?”

  She leaned in for a kiss. Pressing my tongue to hers, my body suddenly paralyzed. My instincts were beginning to surface. I broke free, tugging at her clothing.

  Faith placed her finger in my mouth. I convulsed, sucking her blood soaked finger. I managed to push her off. Jumping off the bed, a backed into the wall. “Are you crazy?!” I shouted furious.

  “I told you, you're not going to hurt me,” she said, inching closer. She pushed me down to the floor and straddled her naked body over me.

  “Faith, stop, please. I'm going to ki--”

  “Open your eyes and regain focus,” she said.

  I did and sure enough the need for her blood was extinguished.

  “What? What did you. how?”

  “I’m crafty too. I took the desire for my blood away from you mind,” she said, proudly.

  “Faith, my Love. thank you.” I wrapped my arms around her holding her close. I stood up and placed her on the bed. We began kissing again, and this time there was no reason to hold back. I propped myself on my knees and unbuttoned my pants. She crawled closer, looking up at me. I bit my lip and exposed my erect penis. She glanced at it and gently rubbed it with her hand. I leaned my head back as she took me into her mouth. I moaned in ecstasy. I abruptly flipped her beneath me and gently inserted my swelled penis inside of her. Our lustful desires for one another were fully explored. Finally.

  Opening my eyes I searched the room. Faith was no where in sight. The sun shone through the curtains, burning my eyes. I cursed the light, pulling the cover back over my head. It was no use, I couldn’t go back to sleep and the thought of the sun shinning through annoyed me. Climbing out of bed, I stood in the middle of the room, examining the new red walls and items I’ve never seen in here before. She must have went to the store and started redecorating. “What the hell?” I mumbled to myself. Walking downstairs I heard loud music playing. Faith danced around the kitchen while she cooked. The music blared into my ear drums. “Faith!” I shouted. She turned around and covered her ears. “Why are you yelling?” She asked. The music suddenly stopped.

  I saw something out of the corner of my eye, startled, I sprang to the other side of the room. “What the hell is that?” I said, pointing to the crazy cat staring at me.

  “What?” She asked.

  “Where was the music coming from? And why do you have a cat in the damn house Faith?”

  She walked over, smiling. “Okay, Mr. grouch. Are you delusional this morning?” She asked. I searched the room, wondering if I was still dreaming. I blinked twice, looking again to see if the rat demon was still there. I let out a hiss as it pranced closer.

  Closing one eye, I extended my left arm in front of me, scanning the room for illusions. “Ah Ha!” I yelled, when I saw the mist.

  “What is it?” She asked.

  “Love, what’s up with the illusions?” I asked, curious about her denial of the cat. “Uh. I wasn’t aware I…” She said, confused. I snapped her up, holding her around the waist. “This is a powerful tool.
You must learn the difference,” I said, pointing to her head.

  “Sorry, I didn’t imagine simple thoughts would create illusions,” she said, rolling her eyes. I chuckled. “Were you listening to music?” I asked. She nodded embarrassed.

  “In here,” she pointed to her head now.

  I inhaled. “Well, we're going to have to adjust a few things. If I have to wake up with cats and deafening music every morning,” I said, smiling.

  She laughed. “I'll tone it down.”

  “So. What’s up with the cat thing anyways?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “I just miss my cat Romeo, he died awhile back.”

  “So, you want one now?”

  She thought about it for a minute. “I dunno. Maybe.”

  “Well, as long as it doesn’t try to suck out my soul while I sleep, I might consider it.” She shot me a confused look. “What? Where did that come from? You have something against cats?” She asked.

  “Oh, it’s an old Ill-suen tale. It’s said that cats will suck our souls out when we sleep if we have demons inside of us. They say cats have thousands of souls stuck in their bodies and when they can’t hold anymore, they commit suicide. The demons are then released to hell and the cats spirit is then free.”

  I observed her expression, she seemed interested. “Wow, hmm. Okay.”

  “Yeah. So uh, they freak me out a little.”

  “So, you believe that?” She asked.

  “I guess so. that’s why I freaked when I saw it. Hasn’t your mother ever told you old stories that stuck with you? That are always in the back of your mind?”

  “Yeah, I see your point.”

  We sat down and ate blood soaked eggs and talked.

  “So Faith have you thought anymore about the change?”

  She looked up and smiled.

  “What? Why are you smiling?”

  “You’ll like this,” she said, as she put her plate in the sink. She turned around and sat down on my lap. I glanced up, hoping she would say after the wedding, or not at all. I didn’t want her to become that and hated even contemplating it. The only reason I was, is because Father insisted.

  “Not yet.” She said.

  “Then when?” I asked.

  “Well, actually maybe never.”

  “Hmm, alright that’s great news. But why the change?”

  “Truthfully?” She asked.

  I nodded, overly anxious.

  “Because, I would like to have a baby eventually and Celeste said if I was a vampire too it would be harder to conceive.”

  I choked on the egg, I tried swallowing hole. “Uh, I.well. We--” I stumbled over my words.

  “Don’t worry,” she said kissing my cheek. I want to have a lot of love making before we try and plus Celeste says--” “Stop listening to her! Shes giving you bad ideas!” I shouted out, nervously.

  “So. You don’t want to have a baby with me?” She asked.

  “Not if it’s going to kill you.” I said, standing up. I began pacing, thinking of something to say to convince her that it wasn’t a good idea.

  “I know the risk. Your Mom sent me that book for Ill-suens on how to have a healthy baby and smooth birth.”

  “What? My mother too? We barley-- We haven’t even had much time!”

  “Shh, calm down Dan. Not anytime soon. I just know eventually I'll want one… or two.”

  “Enough!” I yelled. I couldn’t talk about it anymore. The thought made me sick, knowing there was a slim survival rate.

  “We can always use precautions until were ready.” She said trying to comfort me.

  “Please. I can’t talk about this right now.” I went and sat down on the sofa feeling light headed.

  “I thought you’d be happy. I changed my mind and wanted to have your child!” She shouted across the room. I laughed and shook my head. “I’d rather you be one of us then carry a monster in your belly!” I immediately regretted the words.

  “I can’t believe you!” She yelled. Tears rolled down her cheeks. I went to her, hugging her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. You surprised me and the risk of loosing you in the process--”

  She pushed me away. “Don’t touch me. You called our unborn baby a monster. Knowing I’d risk my life to have our child, you're so ungrateful!”

  “It’s not… it wouldn’t be one. I just. I'm sorry. Sometimes I say things I shouldn’t. Please forgive my ignorance.”

  Faith glared at me, disgusted. She took off upstairs and told me with her mind to leave her alone, so I did. I couldn’t take the words back and she was pissed. I decided the best thing to do was give her some time.

  Celeste called my phone but I ignored her. Wanting to sleep most of the day. Faith was at school, and I had the house to myself. Trying to go back to sleep, Celeste pounded on the door downstairs.

  “Go away!” I shouted, stumbling out of bed. Opening the door, Celeste barged in. “Good morn to you,” I said, annoyingly.

  “Two months,” she said, staring at me.

  “Okay. Two months. Should I know what that means?”

  She shook her head. “I’m sorry, Daniel.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Faith is going to die in two months damn it!”

  I flew over to her, reading her but she blocked me out.

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “She’s going to be pregnant soon. She can’t carry a child.”

  “Fuck!” I flew around the room, tearing the house apart.

  “What did I do?!”

  “Calm down Daniel. I'm not sure if she is yet or not but if you guys continue, she will definitely be, you need to stop.”

  “How will I know?” I asked.

  “It only takes a week for the signs, the normal stuff, puking, wanting weird food and so on. You’ll know.”

  “Then what? Can we get it out or something before it grows?” I asked, hopeful. “Only a doctor can do that and a human doctor would freak out if he saw--”

  “That’s fine I'll study surgery online. What about pills? They have abortion pills right?”

  “Daniel, you're going to slip her an abortion pill?”

  “If that’s what it takes to keep her alive then what the hell do you think Celeste?” “She’ll never forgive you, you know that.”

  “She’ll never know then, will she?” I glared at her, telling her with my mind she better not tell on me.

  “Fine! I'm not judging you, it’s just wrong not to tell her.”

  “And if I do. She’d try to keep it, then what?”

  “You're right.”

  “I can’t wait a week, maybe I should just go grab one of those now, do I need to buy ten? Or maybe twenty would do it.”

  “You're going to kill her by stuffing all those pill down her, you don't need that many. Are you mental? Plus, I wouldn't do anything right now, you don’t even know if the pill will work against a mixed breed fetus.”

  “It will. I'll make sure of it.”

  She kept shaking her head glaring at me. I knew what she was thinking, that I was a monster for even contemplating this. But, I couldn’t just let her die.

  “Why not just change her Daniel?”

  I laughed, “Ha-ha. Funny sis. Real funny.”

  “It’s not a bad idea, I mean she will be one of us eventually anyways.”

  “Oh yeah? Says who?”

  “You know she wants to be a vampire too, everyone knows. Eventually you're going to cave. You give her everything she wants, you know this.”

  “Not when it comes to that, you know how I feel about that.”

  “You’ll change your mind in a few years, just like you told her a few months back that you would consider changing her, because of Fathers request.”

  “Alright, whatever you say. I can’t talk about this anymore. I need to go kill something.” I ran out the door and into the woods.

  Chapter Thirty-four


  I was at work, at my siste
rs store. We were stocking custom made jewelry in the shelves. “These look awesome sis. You really need to show me how you make these.” “Thanks, Their pretty easy. You know if you want anything, Just take it. I don’t mind. I mean, you work your ass off for me every time I need you.”

  “Thank you. I think I'll take some of the black and red bracelets, I love those.” “Whats up with you and black lately? You’ve been wearing a lot of it.”

  “I dunno. I just like the color, I guess.”

  “I remember you used to wear girly things. What ever happened to the girl who liked pink and liked to have makeup parties?” She laughed.

  “I was eight Tania. I still do like pink but I’ve grown up. Like you're one to talk. You have a strange style too. The belts you wear with everything and the hoop earrings that are like bigger then your head.”

  “You're funny, it’s called fashion sis… maybe I should teach you a few pointers.” “Ha-ha, not a chance. I'm fine with my black jacket and sketchers. You can save the pointers for a later date.”

  “Uh huh…” We laughed. I went over to the wall, I wanted to add shirt to one of the outfits that was on display. I extended my arm, stretching above on my tiptoes, trying to latch on the shirt on the hanger. I suddenly felt a pulling sensation in my stomach, then heard a ripping sound. I fell to my knees, screaming in pain.

  Tania ran over to me. “Whats wrong? what is it!?”

  “I ripped something in my stomach! Help!”

  Tania called the paramedics. I started to black out. I tried staying propped up but the pain was too much. I rested my head against the wall, blacking out completely.

  Opening my eyes, Daniel stood above me. My vision still blurred.

  “What happened?”

  “Shh. Try to rest Love, you're okay now.”

  I tried to sit up but my stomach was wrapped in gauze. It was difficult to move.

  “What is this? What happened?”

  “You had a miscarriage Faith your stomach was tore open.”

  “How is that even possible?”

  “We'll talk more later. You need to rest.”

  I laid my head back down wondering. First, how I could even be pregnant so quick, it had only been a few weeks since we first made love. It didn’t seem possible, or likely. I fell back into a deep sleep, hoping this was all just a bad dream that I would soon wake from.


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