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Safe Harbour

Page 33

by Helene Young

  In the cove the whales surfaced with their distinctive sighs, their plumes rising like shimmering mist. Their majestic humps broke the still waters as they passed close enough to the jetty for Darcy to smell their breath. In the middle of the pod a cow kept her young calf tucked close to her as she guided and shepherded it into the deeper water.

  The lead whale blew, arched and disappeared with a graceful flick of its tail flukes and in quick succession the others followed. Merle’s song died to a murmur, her arms now limp by her side. She turned to Darcy with a sad smile.

  ‘She’s there now, watching over us, watching over the Cove.’ With a wave of her hand Merle walked down to the boat ramp to her waiting dinghy, leaving Noah and Darcy in the twilight.

  The cold deepened as the sun shot its last rays over the sky. The lights of the waterfront glowed while the moored boats disappeared into the gloom. ‘Do you think they approve?’ Darcy asked.

  ‘How could they not approve?’ His voice was husky, low. ‘A place with a bloody and violent past is now a safe harbour, a haven for their young. A place of courtship, of love.’

  Darcy knew he wasn’t only talking about the whales. ‘Courtship and love.’

  His hands tightened on her arms, turned her to him. There was just enough light for her to see his face, see the tears on his cheeks.

  She stretched up on tiptoes and placed her lips against his, felt the blood race through her veins. She spread her hands around his waist and his muscles contracted as she slid her palm higher until it rested on his chest where his heart beat, steady and strong. He drew her hard up against him; his arms warming her as the night breeze fluttered her hair. She was the one who finally broke the kiss, leant back in his circle of safety.

  Somewhere deep in the waters of the cove, the sigh of a whale cast a phosphorescent mist in the air as the dusk turned to night.


  Firstly, thanks to all my readers, friends and family who’ve supported me since my first book, Border Watch. Your emails and messages are a joy. I hope you enjoy Safe Harbour, a story that is very dear to my heart.

  Flying into remote areas I’ve always been conscious that young people have limited options for their future. Sport, particularly footy of any code, provides opportunities. When I met Sergeant Howard Pratt at the Cooktown PCYC I knew I wanted to explore the important role policemen like him play in rural communities. Then it was over to Darcy, Noah, Conor and Rosie to tell the story of Banksia Cove, a village I’ve dropped onto the Queensland coast near Bundaberg.

  As usual, many people added much to the story. Thanks to my wonderful publisher, Ali Watts, who believed in Safe Harbour when it was only nine pages long, and who continues to provide wonderful support. To Louise Ryan and her Penguin Australia sales team, thanks for working so hard behind the scenes. Thanks to Caro Cooper, who edited tirelessly, and a very special mention to Chantelle Sturt for her infectious enthusiasm. Clare Foster, my agent, has been a rock this year – thank you.

  Colleen, from Raven’s Parlour Bookshop in the Barossa Valley, took the time to tell me about her son’s work in the Australian Defence Force, recruiting indigenous teenagers who don’t make the cut with sports teams.

  Donna Gallagher generously shared her insights into rugby league – and writes a great story herself. Thanks to Wendy Johnson for revisiting her courageous battle with ovarian cancer. Wendy and Bronwyn Parry are responsible for Capt G and I frocking up in November to raise funds for ovarian cancer research.

  Thanks to Glenn for advice on general policing and to ‘he who can’t be named’ for a peek into a Special Emergency Response Team.

  Thanks to the Volunteer Marine Rescue and Volunteer Coastguard, who took our radio calls as we travelled the Queensland coast in Roo Bin Esque. The boating community is safer because of your tireless efforts.

  A huge thank you to the Get Reading team. Bethany Clark told me to ‘put on my big girl panties and get writing’ at a moment when I couldn’t see the tunnel, let alone the light at the end. Ali Crisp made me feel like an author. Thanks to the wonderful community of romance writers, too numerous to name, who’ve kept me company on this journey.

  My sister, Bronwyn, continues to provide support even when life gets in the way. 16,798 kilometres is nothing between sisters.

  Lastly, without my husband I would forget to eat and probably wear sarongs all day. Without him Zeus the Salty Seadog would be lucky to get a walk, let alone a game in the park. Most importantly, without Capt G there’d be less laughter in my life. Thank you just doesn’t say enough.


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  ‘Helene Young is a very accomplished writer, building her romance and suspense with verve and skill.’ Sisters In Crime


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  First published by Penguin Group (Australia), 2013

  Text copyright © Helene Young 2014

  The moral right of the author has been asserted

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  ISBN: 978-1-74348-228-5


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