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Tyrant Twins: A Dark Twin Romance

Page 1

by Isabella Starling

  Tyrant Twins

  A Dark Twins Romance

  Isabella Starling



  Also by Isabella Starling

  Author’s note



  1. June

  2. Kade

  3. Parker

  4. Kade

  5. Kade

  6. June

  7. Kade

  8. Kade

  9. Parker

  10. Kade

  11. June

  12. Kade

  13. Parker

  14. Kade

  15. Parker

  16. June

  17. Parker

  18. June

  19. Kade

  20. June

  21. Parker

  22. June

  23. Kade

  24. Kade

  25. Parker

  26. June

  27. Parker

  28. Parker

  29. Parker

  30. June

  31. Kade

  32. June

  33. Parker

  34. June

  35. Parker

  36. June

  37. Kade

  38. June

  39. Kade


  What’s next?


  About the Author

  Also by Isabella Starling


  Tyrant Twins is a dark romance that has some disturbing, cruel, and twisted scenes that may upset the more sensitive reader. Please heed this warning.

  For all questions or inquiries, you can email me directly at

  xo Isa

  Copyright © 2020 by Isabella Starling

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover design: Cassie Chapman, Opulent Designs

  Editing: Jenny Sims,

  Proofreading: T, The Plot Thickens

  To Crystal Partin, whose careful and thoughtful alpha read made this book shine in a light I couldn’t see before. Thank you for being an integral part of my team, you lovely woman!

  Also by Isabella Starling

  My favorite books I’ve written


  Peep Show

  Tyrant Twins

  Box sets

  I’m Your Daddy Now


  Teach Me Daddy

  Daddy’s Girl


  His Brat

  His Doll

  His Muse

  Daddy Dearest (FREE)

  Christmas books

  Mistletoe Kisses

  Sugar Plum

  Elite of Eden Falls Prep series

  A Hurt So Sweet Volume One

  A Hurt So Sweet Volume Two

  A Hurt So Sweet Volume Three

  A Hurt So Sweet Volume Four

  Rose & Thorn Series

  Blush Pink Rose (FREE)

  Blood Red Rose

  Pure White Rose

  Last Broken Rose

  Gilded Cage series

  Entrapment (FREE)




  Fallen Dynasty series

  Devil’s Captive

  Devil’s Toy

  Devil’s Sinner

  Princess After Dark series

  Collaring Cinderella

  Breaking Belle

  Lords of Wildwood Series

  Boys That Tease

  Boys That Read

  Empire Sin series



  The Dazzling Court series

  Rich Man’s Toy (FREE)

  Dark Castle

  Wicked Prince

  Hate & Love duet

  He Hates Me

  He Hates Me Not

  Author’s note

  Welcome to the dark and ominous world of the Millers. I hope you enjoy Parker, Kade and June’s story. If you do, I would absolutely love it you post a review for it on Amazon. It helps me out so much!

  I’d also like to invite you to join my Facebook reader group. I love hearing from my readers and I always reveal my updates and news there first. I also reply to all posts my readers make.

  You’re also welcome to subscribe to my newsletter and receive some free books when you join!

  I hope you’re ready for the darkness that awaits you beyond this page…


  “One bad apple can spoil the bunch…”

  Please refrain from spoiling this book for yourself or others.



  Every man regrets certain things in his life, and most of them have to do with a woman.

  I should have known from the moment June Wildfox appeared on my doorstep, holding her mother’s hand, that she would end up being my downfall. It was an instant infatuation. Those clear blue eyes, that pale skin. Her silky mass of dark waves. She was a walking obsession for me from the moment I met her.

  She was off-limits from the start. And I never could resist a bite of forbidden fruit.

  My name is Kade Miller, and I’ve made a huge mistake. A mistake of such epically shitty proportions, my life might fucking go up in flames at any given moment.

  Problem number one: I’ve been in lust with my stepsister for years.

  Sweet, innocent June, whom I first saw with her hair in pigtails wearing a cute little pink dress and with muddy knees. Naïve, easy to tease June, whom I bullied throughout her childhood.

  And then, when she was a teenager, I gave her the worst punishment imaginable. I ignored her. I pretended she didn’t exist, and I didn’t give a damn.

  Well, I fucked it all up. She’ll never buy that I hate her now.

  Because here’s problem number two: I just fucked June Wildfox.

  My twin brother Parker and I had a plan. A good fucking plan.

  We wanted to take what was rightfully ours and reclaim my father’s fortune. But I never, not once thought I would become lost in those soft blue eyes, the curve of her breasts, or her hair falling down her naked back like a waterfall.

  I hated her. Only months ago, I wished her dead. Hurt.

  I wanted revenge. We both fucking did.

  I was sure it would work. We both fucking were.

  June would pay, and we’d get what our father had worked so hard for.

  But as I look at her form under the duvet, her chest rising and falling softly with each breath she takes, I realize I care for June. I want to protect her from the darkness festering in my soul. The darkness she ignites with her fucking innocence. All fucking gone now because I took it in my fist, and I crushed it.

  Just as I did fifteen years ago.

  I’m torn between loyalty to my real sibling and a budding love for this girl—no, woman, because I just made her that—and this decision will tear me apart. I already know that.

  I stroke her silky soft hair; my lips lightly brush her porcelain skin. She breathes a sigh of pleasure, and I rub my temples, realizing just how utterly fucked I am.

  As far as regrets go, June Wildfox’s no-longer virgin pussy tops my motherfucking list.



  “What would you like to wear today, Miss Wildfox? How about your new Chanel two-piece?”

  “I don’t care,” I groan, pulling my feathery-soft pillow over my head. “God, Maggie. Please shut the drapes. Nobody should be aw
ake at this time of day.”

  “But Miss Wildfox, it’s time for your four thirty a.m. yoga lesson!” Maggie clicks her tongue, torturing me by pulling the duvet cover off me.

  “Please, Maggie, can’t we move it?” I’m pulling at strings, but I don’t want to get up and face another day of my boring routine. It doesn’t bring me any joy. Nothing has for freaking months. “I’m so exhausted… I’ve gotten up before five a.m. for six weeks in a row!”

  “I’m sorry, Miss, but your schedule is jam-packed.”

  I want to cry, but instead, I push my legs down to the hardwood walnut floor and stretch my limbs like a cat. “It’s okay, Maggie. It’ll calm down at some point, I’m sure. Any word from Kade or Parker?”

  I should really stop asking at this point. Even my maid feels sorry for me. Well, they probably all do. I have four maids who work in shifts because some days, I’m on my feet for twenty hours. Each one looks at me with pity when I mention my stepbrothers.

  And as I stare with empty hope at yet another one of her embarrassed-for-me frowns, I realize they’re just never going to call.

  “Why don’t they want to talk to me?”

  “Not this again, Miss Wildfox,” Maggie begs, groaning. “They are mean boys. You don’t want boys, Miss Wildfox. You want a man.”

  “They’re my brothers.”

  “Stepbrothers,” she reminds me. This time, I don’t fight her on the statement. The truth is, I only see one of them as my brother. The other is… well, the other one is Kade. “You will have to forget about them, Miss Wildfox. Keep yourself busy, and you will move on in time. They don’t deserve your energy.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to move on. Maybe all I want is...” My words falter off, and I bite my bottom lip.

  “Would you rather be in pain?” Maggie muses. “Hurting by blaming yourself forever? No, Miss Wildfox. It’s time to move on, don’t you think?”

  I don’t answer her question. It’s too loaded for me to even consider an answer. With a sigh, I head to my bathroom, where my rigorous beauty regime begins.

  I take a frustratingly short shower and let Maggie choose something for me to wear. She loves going through my clothes. I’m fairly sure she or one of the other maids have nicked a few things from my wardrobe too, but I’m too busy to deal with that on top of everything else on my to-do list.

  Maggie helps me do my hair and makeup, sprays my wrists with my mother’s perfume, and brings me one of my Dolce bags. I scrutinize my appearance in the mirror.

  Waist-length dark hair falls in rich waves down my back. My outfit is worth thousands, but I’m worth more. At twenty-one years old, I have the world at my fingertips. I could have any one of the eligible bachelors in this city. Unfortunately, I only have my eyes on one... and he's the one I can't have.

  Once I get ready, my trainer is already waiting. Before six a.m., I’ve finished my yoga session, drank a disgusting green smoothie, and went for a swim in the heated pool in the house. Then I'm off to the offices downtown to meet some investors—my least favorite part of the business.

  While my employees are mostly running the place on their own, Wildfox Miller Inc is first and foremost a family company. So, I'm required to come in daily to keep up morale and appearances.

  I prance around the office in too-high heels and too-expensive clothes. I eat a little and work out a lot, making myself look perfect from the crack of dawn to the late hours of the night. I work myself until I'm so tired I collapse on the fluffy pillow in my bedroom with my clothes and heels still on. Another one of my maids, Patty, has to force me to get up again and wash my makeup off, change into pajamas, and complete another rigorous beauty regimen.

  I lay down a pair of panties and silk pajamas for the night in the bathroom and drop my dirty underwear to the floor. Jumping into the steam walk-in shower, I allow the hot mist to envelop my tired body.

  Ages later, I come back out and reach for my panties as I wrap a towel around my wet hair. But they aren't there.

  Confused, I check the spot where I left them, but there's nothing there. I grab another towel from the rack and wrap it around my torso.

  "Patty!" I call out, but there's no answer.

  I find the late-night shift maid in the hallway dusting a vase.

  "Patty, did you take my clothes?" I demand, and she gives me an empty stare.

  "No, miss, not yet," she says apologetically. "I'll have them taken down to the laundry room and cleaned now."

  "But I..." I furrow my brows, wrapping the towel tighter around my chest, my hair now falling down my back in wet tendrils. "Never mind. Sorry."

  I return to my quarters to blow-dry my hair and pin it up in curlers for the night. As I go back to my bedroom, I notice the balcony doors are open, the white silk curtains billowing in the wind. How strange. I never keep those open. The white-washed French doors keep rattling if I do.

  I close the doors and pick a new set of pajamas and underwear to wear, trying not to worry about my mind playing tricks on me.

  As my head hits the satin pillow, I'm thinking about the twins again, hoping I'll dream of them that night. The nightmares that plagued me as a little girl seem to be gone… But the memory of my night terrors is still there—frightening, dark, and as alarming as ever.

  15 years ago

  Little girls develop dangerous crushes. And from the moment I laid eyes on Kade Miller, he was my new obsession.

  I could tell the twins apart from the first time I saw them. Kade—with his dark, intent gaze that spoke of intelligence beyond his ten years of age, and Parker—goofy, sweet Parker, who would move mountains to give me what I wanted.

  Our parents introduced us. Any other pair of brothers would have shunned me, but not Kade and Parker. No, they took one of my hands each and led me out to play while the movers unpacked mine and my mother’s things in the new house.

  The twins took me into the backyard. The house we were to live in had a big backyard, and the boys had a treehouse on a large oak tree by the fence. They helped me climb the rickety stepladder leading up to their haven. When I stepped into their abode, a special feeling settled over me. I was in their sacred place now, and I wanted to be respectful. I wanted them to like me. The need to please, to be their friend, made me desperate.

  They showed me their things. Weather-beaten comic books that were stained from the rain that fell through the cracks in the treehouse roof. Bones they found buried in the backyard. Tiny, pretty, fragile white bones, licked clean by the earth and the weather. I was as mesmerized by their possessions as I was by them. They were enchanting. Different. So very beautiful.

  I admired what they were showing me and said the right things so they’d like me. Parker did so from the start, admiring me, trying to impress me. But Kade was a tougher nut to crack. He was mostly silent, contemplating before speaking out loud. Parker was his bright opposite. They were yin and yang, the sun and the moon—opposites that completed each other in the most intoxicating way.

  It took me an hour to be comfortable around them. Just one hour until Parker took Kade aside and begged him to show me something. Kade didn’t want to. I flushed a deep shade of red as the twins argued on whether I was trustworthy enough. I buried my little fingers in the pockets of my pink dress, biting my lower lip.

  My eyes met Kade’s. He didn’t like me, I could tell, but he was being nice for his brother’s sake. I wanted to cry, but I forced the tears back and managed a tentative smile instead.

  Kade groaned, turning his attention back to his brother. Finally, they seemed to agree on something, and Parker proudly brought over an intricately carved wooden box.

  “It’s beautiful,” I breathed as my fingertips glided over it.

  “It’s our mother’s old jewelry box,” Parker explained.

  “What’s in it?”

  Parker grinned before lifting the lid. Inside the box, there was a wooden plaque. A white butterfly was pinned to it, the pins holding it down. The insect was still alive, but b
arely. It flapped its wings pathetically. It was dying, dying in a horrible way that made me feel sick and twisted my stomach into a painful knot.

  “Why…” I swallowed thickly. “Why are you hurting the butterfly?”

  “Because it’s beautiful,” Kade answered me resolutely. “And we want to keep it. If we didn’t do this, it would get away.”

  I stood then. I was tall enough to stand in the treehouse while the boys had to crouch. I put my hands on my hips and glared at the older one of the twins.


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