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Tyrant Twins: A Dark Twin Romance

Page 25

by Isabella Starling

  Marissa and I head straight for the secluded island, where a luxurious private villa awaits us. Hodge paid for it all, the fucking fool. And as I fuck his daughter, brutally ravaging her tight little holes in the mansion her father paid for, I wonder whether I'll get away with this.

  I fucked up the first time, but now, my plan is fucking solid. I'll eventually tell Hodge I want to move to this island and make him buy both houses here. I'll live here with Marissa and my pretty little captive. And as for Kade... his death sentence has already been signed. After all, he's the one who's kept June away from me all this time. Somebody has to fucking pay, and my twin is the perfect scapegoat.

  I used to care for Kade. He was my brother, my other half. But in these past few years, everything's changed. I don't see him as my brother anymore, far from it. He's my rival now. The one standing in my fucking way. The one I have to get rid of so I can finally have what I've always wanted.

  "Bring me another canvas," I mutter to Marissa, and she nods obediently, disappearing upstairs. I've made a makeshift studio in the damp basement of the house, the one the hotel manager didn't want to show us. But I like it here. I like the dark. It matches the blackness of my heart.

  Marissa comes back a moment later, glancing at my completed painting. It's June again—it's always fucking June. She's naked this time, though I've painted her body from imagination, having never seen her bare before. But that will change soon, too.

  "Take this one outside to dry." Marissa takes the painting, feeding me some bullshit compliment about my work. I don't need the girl's praise. I know my work is stellar. If it wasn't, Marissa's daddy wouldn't be paying me all that money to keep fucking doing it.

  Somehow, being in Hawaii has fueled my creativity. I've been painting nonstop since we've arrived, filling canvas after canvas with grotesque images of my twin and stepsister. Hodge still hasn't figured out who they are, the fucking idiot.

  As Marissa places another blank canvas on my easel, I notice the curve of her ass in that sinfully short minidress she's wearing. I'm easily distracted today and have been ever since I convinced her to dye her blond locks a dark shade of brown that matches June's. From afar, they look similar now. It helps that I've been dressing Marissa like a doll—putting her in all the outfits I've seen my stepsister wear in magazines.

  I grab her ass, palming the cheek with my fingers while Marissa giggles. "Shouldn't you be focusing on work?"

  "Shouldn't you be keeping your pretty little mouth shut?" I smirk. "Trust me, you're better when you don't fucking speak."

  She smiles, making me wonder how she just accepts my abuse without question. It's like she lives for the darkness that thrives deep within me. And I'm more than willing to let her have it.

  "Take your dress off," I mutter.

  "If I do, will you take me to the main island?" she asks with a sweet smile. "I'm bored here... I want to go to the resort." Little does she know; she won't be bored for fucking long. Once Kade and June take the bait I've set for them, Marissa will be plenty busy making sure June's taken care of while I dispose of my traitor brother.

  "Fine," I hiss in response. "I'll call the mainland, and we'll go today. Just for a few hours," I add hastily when I see her excitement. But I can't resist it, either. Can't fight the urge to fuck with June and Kade some more while they have their blissful honeymoon on the hotel's main grounds.

  A boat takes us to shore later that day, and Marissa and I spend the day at the beach. I avoid spots where June could spot us but make sure to leave a pamphlet for the wilderness experience on their table so my brother sees it. The fool will think it's a great fucking idea. He won't even know he's walking them both straight into my trap.

  But that night, right before we return to the island, I can't resist taunting June. I never have been able to resist her. Marissa and I return to the secluded island, and I lick my lips, still tasting the sweet innocence of June's mouth on me. I smirk. Not too long now.

  Marissa doesn't have a goddamn clue about what's coming, and I realize I'll have to mention my plans to her at some point to make sure she doesn't freak when they come to fruition.

  "We'll have a guest joining us here soon," I tell her lazily as she massages my tanned, muscular shoulders. "An old friend."

  "Oh?" Jealousy sparks in her eyes, and I pull back, smirking at her. "A woman?"

  I don't answer her question, deliberately taunting her with my silence. Lazily, I carry on as if she hasn't spoken at all. "Anyway, our little guest might be a little... reluctant to spend time in our company. So I may need your help making sure she feels... welcome."

  Marissa's eyes bore into mine. "Are you... going to... kidnap her?"

  I don't reply. She can figure this out for herself. I'm sure she'll help me—one, because she's fucking in love with me, and two, because I'm not giving her a choice. If she disobeys me, she's gone. And I can tell she senses it already. Her eyes betray her. The eyes are always the first to tell the truth.

  "But Nox, I..."

  "Shut up," I grunt, pulling her against me. "You're so damn distracting today." My hands wander beneath her skirt. She's not wearing panties, and I feel her wetness with my fingertips, wanting to hurt her more, needing to see her in pain. "Maybe I should punish you for asking so many questions."

  "N-No..." she whispers, but I know she's just resisting for show. Unlike June, Marissa fucking loves the pain. She begs for it every day, reveling in what I give her and always asking for more.

  "No?" I repeat, laughing against her shoulder as I dig my teeth into her skin. "You're saying no to me, you little slut?"

  "No, I—"

  "All I hear are more no’s," I hiss. "And I don't like that one bit. I think you should be more obedient for me. What do you think, Marissa? Can you be a good little girl for me?" She mewls in response, and I smack her ass as hard as I fucking can. "Answer me, you little slut. Don't you dare ignore my questions."

  "Sorry!" she cries out. "I'm sorry, Nox... Please, I'll be better... I'll be good for you... You can even call me..." She giggles nervously. "You know what."

  Slowly, my grimace turns into a smile. I've gotten into the habit of calling the girls I fuck little sis. It's disturbing and bothers them, most of all Marissa, who complains every time I use those two little magic words, no matter how many times I smack and punish her for it.

  "Damn right I will," I mutter. "You think you can stop me? I'll call you whatever the hell I want to fucking call you, slut."

  I pull her onto my lap on the sectional sofa in the living room of the island mansion. She trembles in my arms, reminding me faintly of my stepsister, who was always so scared of me. She was right to be frightened. All I ever wanted was to fucking hurt her, but my damn brother got in the way every single time. But it won't be like that this time. No, this time I'm fucking ready to rip away everything my little sis holds dear and near to her heart.

  Kade and June made me who I am. They made me a sick, twisted monster. They planted this obsession in my head, and now it's time they paid for all their crimes against me. I won't stop until I've gotten rid of my twin and claimed June as my own—whatever it fucking takes.

  I think about June as I kiss Marissa roughly, stealing kisses from her soft lips. She doesn't resist like June would, though, and it's killing my fucking boner. She seems to notice and decides to take matters into her own hands, grinding on my lap until my cock gets hard again. I groan, burying my hands in her hair. I rarely hold back with Marissa. There's no point, not when she wants this as much as she fucking does. But today, I might have to. Because I'm afraid if I don't, I might just fucking kill her.

  My teeth leave bloody marks on her pale skin. I scratch her. Bite her. Smack her. Slap her. I'm finding it increasingly harder to hold back. All I want is to hurt something beautiful. And she's the most perfect, most willing victim around. Nobody could blame me for putting my mark on Marissa's body. Not when she's begging for it the whole time.

  "Take my cock out," I grunt a
t her, and she obliges, rescuing my dick from its prison and lifting her dress, positioning her tight little cunt over my cockhead. "Just like that, good fucking girl. Now ride me."

  I'm feeling too lazy to do any of the work myself, and I grunt with satisfaction as my toy obeys, riding my cock until she's close to bursting with an orgasm I won't let her have. I fucking love denying her. There's nothing like a beautiful, whimpering woman who isn't allowed the release she so desperately craves.

  "It would make everything so much better, wouldn't it?" I whisper in Marissa's ear. "If you could come right now, you'd feel so much relief... So much tension would be gone from this sexy little body of yours, little sis." She blushes when I use the words she hates so much, but she doesn't fight me on them because she is too turned on to argue. "Too bad you can't fucking have it."

  "P-Please," she begs pathetically as she brings herself closer and closer on the tip of my cock. "Oh my God, please, let me have it..."

  "No." I smirk. "Just ride me and shut the fuck up, little sis."



  After a long day of making love and exploring the island, we decide to make dinner for ourselves. Kade and I have a housemaid at home who prepares most of our meals, plus we eat out a lot, so actually preparing something from scratch is a little strange for us. But seeing the fridge and pantry stocked with so much amazing food, I can't help but feel inspired by the local produce. I even end up picking some fruit and vegetables from the garden in the back.

  Kade helps me with dinner, and we make grilled fish with steamed veggies and potatoes. The way we work together in the kitchen makes me happy. When we finally sit down in the dining room with the feast before us, I'm ravenous. The dinner is delicious, and I choose to ignore the fact we've burned the fish a little and eat the blackened parts anyway, which Kade makes fun of me for. We both shower and get ready for bed, but just as I'm coming out of the bathroom into the bedroom, there's a buzzing sound, and after that, we're surrounded in complete and utter darkness.

  "Kade?" I ask, my voice already filled with panic.

  "Don't worry," he says reassuringly, and I can hear him moving to reach me across the room. "It's probably just the buggy electricity here. Everything should be fine in a few minutes. If not, I can start the generator in the back."

  Despite his words, I can feel a panic attack fighting its way out of me. The room is pitch black, and Kade has to help me find my way to the king-size bed. He holds me tightly in his embrace, never letting go, but even when he's fast asleep, I can't catch a wink of sleep. Finally, he rolls over, and I break free of his embrace, which isn't reassuring me at all now. I can feel the panic taking over, and I stumble through the room, somehow finding my way through the French doors leading down to the beach.

  As soon as my feet hit the sand, I'm illuminated by moonlight, and the fresh air finds its way into my lungs. I take deep, heaving breaths of the thick air, and I feel like an addict getting their hit. I stumble down the beach until my feet are in the water, telling myself I need to calm down in my head. I've been on edge for years now, but somehow, it seems like this trip isn't agreeing with me even though we both thought it was exactly what I needed.

  My hand flies to my chest as my breaths become a little less ragged, and I finally feel the air entering my lungs, as hot and oppressive as it is.

  A pair of strong arms wraps around me, and for a split second, I'm sure it's just Kade coming down after me to check on me and make sure I'm fine. The embrace is loving and sweet... but only for a moment. Then it turns vicious. The hands tighten around my body in a deadly embrace, and I gasp, taking in a sharp intake of breath just before a hand flies up and presses against my mouth forcibly. I feel a hot breath on my neck.

  "Missed me, little sis?" he whispers in my ear, and I start feeling the darkness around us, pulling me under. I'm sure my legs will buckle under my weight. My chance of blissful, dark ignorance is gone forever. I felt his presence ever since we came here, but I refused to let myself believe it. I had convinced myself he was still in the city, that he would never come here to haunt me—that his sick obsession with Kade and me was finally over.

  "Don't you dare black out on me," Parker growls in my ear. "We have a long trek ahead of us."

  I whimper against his palm, too weak to fight him off even though I'm desperately thrashing in his arms. His grip on my mouth is so tight I'm barely getting any air in my body, and my heart is pumping blood through my veins at such a fast rate, it's a wonder I don't pass out. I wish I could go back in time and tell Kade. Tell him this would happen, ask him to save me. Parker's cruel lips mar my neck, sliding his tongue across my delicate skin, and I shiver under his touch, trying to twist myself out of his arms.

  "Oh, you don't like that?" he mocks me, biting hard on my shoulder. I let out a muffled scream, right into his palm, which is still covering my mouth. "Seemed to like me just fine on the beach the other day... Wished you were my little friend, didn't you?"

  I have no idea what he's talking about, but slowly, the memories start trickling in. The other day, seeing Kade with another woman, grabbing her ass. Only... it wasn't Kade. It was Parker all along. And this time, I couldn't tell them apart.

  I whimper again, and he emits a low chuckle against my skin, sending goose bumps over my flesh. I'm more afraid than I've ever been in my entire life.

  Kade was always the bad seed on the outside, rebellious and darkly brooding. Parker was my sweet stepbrother, my best friend... until he gave in to the darkness.

  Kade loved me; Parker tortured me.

  Kade took care of me; Parker only wanted to destroy me and be victorious over his brother. It's a game of brothers, and I've gotten caught up in the middle of it.

  "So much to tell you, little sis," Parker whispers deliriously in my ear, and my eyes widen at what's about to happen. I'm slowly realizing I can't do anything about the predicament I'm in. He's got me, and this time, he won't let go. "Remember that little dinner we had? I tried so hard to act normal for you. I even saw your quack doctor a few times... All he wanted was to pill me up, June. I don't need meds. I need you."

  I reach up and pull hard on his arm, for which I'm rewarded with a curse and a slap across my face. Parker finally turns me around to see him. When our eyes meet, his hand still clasped over my mouth, I'm left speechless. The resemblance is uncanny—he has the same haircut as Kade, the same face, and the same eyes. They're the same build, too. No one could tell them apart except for me. Because I know that dark glint in Parker's eyes all too well, and I know whatever awaits me won't be good.

  "Time to play, little sis," he growls at me and drags me off as I kick and try to scream, but I'm no match for his sculpted body and strong, muscular arms. My eyes fall to my last hope, thankful Parker didn't notice it. When I tugged on his arm, I tugged on my pendant too, and it came off in my hand. I let it fall on the beach, the only trace left of my presence there. Now the only thing I can do is pray my husband finds me.

  I'm dragged across the island, the shrubbery beneath my feet cutting into my skin and scraping my heels as I fight to regain control over my body. But it's no use—Parker's grip is tight and death-like on my arms, and I know this time he won't let go as easily as he did before. Finally, he has enough of my muffled screams, and he tears a piece off my nightgown, stuffing it in my mouth maliciously so I can't make a sound. Hot tears of humiliation flow down my cheeks as I realize how exposed I am now, and to the person I despise and fear most in the world, no less.

  He drags me for a long time, and I struggle the whole way there. Finally, we arrive at a house that looks the same as Kade’s and mine but is supposedly the other one on the island. The house that looks welcoming and warm in the sunlight but is ominous in the darkness with only a few rays of moonlight illuminating it. A woman stands at the door, and as we come closer, my eyes widen. It's the woman from the beach whom I now realize I saw with Parker, not Kade—but something else about her is familiar.

Move out of the fucking way, Marissa," Parker hisses as soon as we're close. The brunette quickly does what she is told, which makes me wonder why she is so fast to react. Guess she knows what happens when she doesn't obey, and it can't be good. Not when Parker's fully succumbed to his dark side.

  I mumble into the fabric, and Parker drags me inside the house, letting me drop to the floor like a rag doll. I look up at him with pleading eyes as he stands over me, asserting his dominance. The woman, Marissa, comes up behind him like a lost puppy, and she looks at him with such insane adoration it sends chills down my spine. I have no idea what I've stumbled upon here, but these two both seem completely, utterly insane. My thoughts are confirmed when Parker laughs shrilly in my face, taunting me with his laughter and the manic look in his eyes.

  "Thought you could escape?" he asks me with a devilish grin on his face. "You never will, June... Every time you think you're safe, I'll be one step ahead, waiting to claim you. Just as I have been for years. You're mine, June. You've always been mine."

  My eyes flutter to Marissa, but she seems unbothered by this information. Really, it's as if they're working together somehow because she doesn't even make a scene or so much as ask him what he's doing, dragging a gagged woman into their house. Sick fucks. Parker comes for me and I let out a muffled cry, but all he does is pull the rag out of my mouth, a finger raised in warning before my face.

  "Now if you know what's good for you, you'll keep that mouth nice and shut unless you want your smile to grow bigger."

  To consolidate his words, he waves a knife in my face, and the steel glints in the moonlight. I feel the tears coming through again, realizing how fucked up this whole situation is. I should never have trusted him or let him back into our lives. The bastard was just looking for a way to hurt us both again. Parker grabs me by the shoulders next and drags me downstairs to the basement. It's cold and damp, and I hate it as soon as I see it.


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