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Misadventures with a Speed Demon

Page 17

by Bliss, Chelle

  “I’m almost done,” Mamma says from inside the bathroom.

  “You’re not mad?” I haven’t moved. I’m still in shock because I expected my dad to lose his mind when he found out that not only were we sneaking behind his back, but I had been careless enough to get knocked up.

  He stops and leans forward, cupping my chin in his hands. “Baby girl. You’re a woman, and how could I ever be mad that you’re going to give me my first grandbaby?”

  “But we’re not married.”

  He shakes his head and laughs. “Neither were your mamma and me when we conceived Roscoe.”

  “I know, Daddy.”

  “Your mamma and I are old-school. It was a big no-no to have sex before marriage back then. Today things are different.”

  I blink and stare at my father. Who is this man before me, and where’s my daddy?

  “Brooks,” he says and storms toward Brooks.

  Just like me, Brooks expects my father to lose his shit at any second, and he starts to back up. “I’m sorry, sir.”

  “Don’t be silly.” My father wraps his arms around Brooks and lifts him into the air. “We’re having a baby.”

  Brooks stares at me over my father’s shoulder, helpless in his arms as my father gives him a bear hug. “We are.”

  When my father finally places Brooks back on the ground, he grabs him by the shoulder and leans forward. “Now listen, son.”

  “Yes, sir,” Brooks replies and takes a deep breath.

  “No more sir or Beau. You can call me Dad from now on. Ya hear?”

  My nose twitches, and tears fill my eyes as I stare at them from across the room.

  “Yes,” Brooks says and pauses, sounding like he’s choked up too. “Dad.”

  My father knows exactly what he’s doing. He knows every bit about Brooks’s past because he did an extensive background check before letting him step foot in Buxton. None of it matters to my father.

  “What’s all the commotion out here?” Mamma says as she steps foot out of the bathroom in a pair of dark blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a white blouse. “I thought we weren’t going dancing for another half hour.”

  My father practically floats across the floor and sweeps my mother off her feet. “You ready to get down, Grandma?”

  “What?” She tenses in his arms, and her head practically snaps in my direction. “You’re pregnant?”

  “Yeah,” I say with a forced smile because she may not be as overjoyed as my father.

  “We’re going to be grandparents?” she asks my father because she doesn’t quite believe it.

  Brooks comes to my side and rests his hand on my shoulder. I place my hand over his and stare at my parents. My father holds my mother like she’s the most precious thing in the world. With parents like them, I have no doubt we’ll raise our baby with so much love, they’ll want for nothing.

  I glance up and smile at Brooks. I love you, I mouth.

  “I love you too,” he replies and gets down on one knee. I tangle my fingers in his hair as he places his hands on my stomach and leans forward. “I love you too, baby. I haven’t even met you yet, but I already know you’ve stolen my heart. I’m going to be the best daddy anyone’s ever had.” Brooks glances up at me with a smile that touches his cheeks and tears in his eyes, matching mine. “I’m finally going to have something I never had… A family of my own.”

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  Thank you to the entire team at Waterhouse Press. Your help and support from start to finish of Speed Demon meant the world to me. This book wouldn’t have been possible without your dedication and hard work.

  Jeanne — Thank you for challenging me. Even though you liked the first version, I was over the moon you loved the second.

  Don’t miss any Misadventures!

  Misadventures with a Manny

  Available October 9, 2018

  Keep reading for an excerpt!

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  Misadventures with a Speed Demon?

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  Excerpt from Misadventures with a Manny

  I run my hand through my hair and inhale and exhale deeply before my next sip of wine. I haven’t left the island since my fight with Charlie. Looking at the computer screen, I search through each of the nannies on the site. None of them are qualified enough for my kids. They’re either too young and not able to drive or too old and would probably die of a heart attack when my kids do whatever they are gonna do to them. I need someone strong, someone able to handle three rough, tough, hurting boys.

  God, I hate that they are hurting.

  Leaning back in my chair, I shut my computer and shake my head. I’m going to have to take the day off tomorrow. My boss, Richard, will not appreciate that, but what else can I do?

  Damn it.

  Just before I dial his number, I hear my name.


  It’s Riana.

  I almost cry out in joy. I didn’t want to ask her to come; she’s done enough. But being the great sister she is, she is here. I stand up, throw back the rest of my wine, and put my glass in the sink. “I’m in the kitchen.”

  I hear the sounds of the boys running down the stairs and then their chatter as Riana scolds them. “Really? Duct tape?”

  “She was awful,” Charlie says simply.

  “She didn’t like loud noises,” Elliot adds.

  “And we’re loud,” Louis says.

  The trill of her laughter mixed with Phillip’s runs down my spine as I head toward the living room. I don’t want them to feed into the boys’ madness, but that’s their right as their aunt and uncle, I guess. Turning the corner, I try to smile, but I’m caught off guard when a pair of light-gray eyes meet mine.

  And they do not belong to my sister or brother-in-law.

  Holy. Shit. Who the hell is this?

  I’m stunned and blinking as I take in the man. I always thought Phillip was tall, but this guy towers over him. His shoulders are broad but not too broad—the perfect size. His waist is trim and his legs so darn long. His dark hair is a mess at the top but nicely shaved up the sides. He wears a simple pair of jeans with a button-down flannel that looks tight at his shoulders. I have never been attracted to someone who wears flannel. Simon normally wore suits, or dress shirts with pressed jeans, yet I am drooling over this guy in flannel.

  But that isn’t what has my gut in knots. No. It’s his eyes—such a light gray, they remind me of beautiful storm clouds. I feel lost in them as we look at each other. Blinking, I take in the sweet freckles on his face, which remind me of Elliot’s. Those freckles are the only thing that helps me tell the boys apart, but on this man, they aren’t adorable; they are sexy. And holy shit, he has a beard. It’s nicely trimmed, giving him a distinguished look.

  A fucking sexy look.


  It’s hard to tear my gaze from his. He’s drinking me in. I feel his stare burn all over my skin. As he turns his gaze down my face to my neck, he stops. What the hell? Following where his eyes are aimed, I realize I have a few too many buttons undone. Heat explodes along my chest as I hurriedly fasten up my blouse so there is a lot less of me exposed. Looking up to see if anyone notices, I see him watching me, those light eyes wanting more.

  Who the hell is this guy?

  And why am I hot?

  I look to my sister, my eyes wide. She looks back at me, and I don’t miss the little grin that pulls at her lips.

  “I am here to rescue all of you.” The man smiles.

  “Hey! Linc! What’s up?” says Charlie.

  He holds out his hand to shake Charlie’s.

  “Been on the field?” Charlie asks.

  Linc—and what kind of name is “Linc”?—laughs. “No, man. I’ve been so busy.”

  “That sucks!”

  “It’s the life of an adult.” Linc laughs again, and I find myself smiling. His laugh is deep and throaty

  Jesus, he’s pretty. I want to rub myself on him. Ack. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Clearing my throat, I ask, “I take it you two know each other?”

  Everyone looks at me, but Phillip’s smile grabs my attention. “This is my buddy, Lincoln Scott. We went to school together. The boys have met him a few times.”

  “Oh,” I say simply. I don’t miss the way that Lincoln is looking at me. I may have been out of the game for a very long time, but I know when a man likes what he sees. Unfortunately, I know that because I watched my husband look at other women.

  He steps toward me, and I find I’m holding my breath. He holds out his hand, his eyes dancing with mine. “Hi. I’m Lincoln.”

  “Oh.” I take his hand with every intention to shake it quickly and be done with it, but apparently he has a different plan. Within seconds, his hand swallows mine and holds it tightly as his eyes burn into mine. Heat runs up my arms, my breath catches, and I swear I feel like I am the one who ran into duct tape and fell to my death.

  I blink. He grins.

  Riana claps her hands together. “So, I found your replacement for a nanny.”

  The spell broken, I pull my hand from his quickly, begging my body to behave. I try to ignore Hotty McHot and pull my brows up. “What? How?”

  She just grins, and even with the shit day I’ve had, I can’t help but smile. She is glowing and beautiful with her dark-blond bob and thick yellow glasses. I’ve always admired her style. I’m just plain, but she’s always been intriguing. When I was pregnant, I looked like a cow, but she is stunning. I can’t wait to meet my little niece. I envy Riana, and while I know it’s wrong, I hope I always envy her. Because that would mean she’d always be happy. I want that for her. Always.

  “The family this person was with just moved three months ago,” she says. “He comes with great credentials, and we know him really well.”

  My brows come together in confusion. “Excuse me. Him?”

  “Yeah. Lincoln,” she says, hooking her thumb to him. “The manny.”

  My furrow digs deeper into my forehead, but I don’t miss the pure excitement on my children’s faces.

  “No way!” Charlie exclaims.

  I point to the guy I was just ogling ten seconds ago and almost had a coronary touching. “Him?”

  Lincoln’s grin pulls at his lips. “Me.”

  I fumble on my words. “But, but…you’re a man.”

  Everyone laughs except me.

  “Good observation. I am.”

  Oh, a smartass. Wonderful.

  Elliot is hopping on his heels. “Mom, this would be so cool. Lincoln is so much fun.”

  I don’t want fun. I want someone who can throw the hammer down! Someone to keep them alive and get them from point A to point B. Fun is the last thing I need. And a man to take care of my children? That just isn’t what I want. I want someone nurturing—nice but hard—and someone who doesn’t awaken my wild loins.

  My wild loins! Wow.

  Leaning toward me, Phillip whispers, “Change your face before Riana starts yelling.”

  I didn’t even realize I was making a face until I glance back at Riana. She is, of course, glaring and very annoyed. I clear my throat and ask, “Can I talk to you in the kitchen?”

  She squints before leaning down to kiss Louis’s head. “Yeah, come on.”

  I turn and notice Lincoln watching me. His eyes are intent on mine, his gray gaze so deep I swear it’s as if he is challenging me. As if he is daring me not to hire him! I don’t know this man from Adam, so why the hell would I hire him? He doesn’t know what I want to talk to my sister about. Why do I care about what he thinks of me? Why do I like the way his lips quirk?

  Oh, yeah, he’s trouble.

  My annoyance runs deep as we reach the kitchen. I shake my head as I move around the island, and I look up to see Riana crossing her arms across her chest, gently resting them on her growing stomach.


  “What? He’s great,” she says, cutting me off. “Honestly, Vera, he is amazing. He was with his last family for six years, and they love him. I had him forward all his credentials and letters of recommendation to you. You won’t find anyone else like him.”

  “Well, no, ’cause he’s a man!”

  “Just open your computer and read through his stuff. I don’t know why the fact that he has a cock swinging between his legs matters, but for real, drop it.”

  It matters because I wouldn’t mind seeing said cock.

  Continue Reading Misadventures with a Manny

  More Misadventures

  Misadventures of a City Girl

  Misadventures of a Backup Bride

  Misadventures of a First Daughter

  Misadventures of a Virgin

  Misadventures on the Night Shift

  Misadventures of a Good Wife

  Misadventures of a Valedictorian

  Misadventures of a College Girl

  Misadventures with My Roommate

  Misadventures with a Rookie

  Misadventures with the Boss

  Misadventures with a Rock Star

  Misadventures with a Speed Demon

  Misadventures with a Manny

  Misadventures with a Professor

  Misadventures on the Rebound

  Misadventures with a Country Boy

  Misadventures with My Ex

  Visit for more information!

  About Chelle Bliss

  Chelle Bliss is the USA Today bestselling author of the Men of Inked and ALFA P.I. series. She hails from the Midwest but currently lives near the beach even though she hates sand. She's a full-time writer, time-waster extraordinaire, social media addict, coffee fiend, and ex-high school history teacher. She loves spending time with her two cats, alpha boyfriend, and chatting with readers.

  For more information, please follow Chelle Bliss at:




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