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Resisting Temptation

Page 18

by K. C. Lynn

  “Shit! Spike is still here.”

  Spike? I assume this is one of his father’s friends and that is not good. Please, God, let Ruth Jean be okay.

  “Cooper told us to wait in the truck.” Both of them ignore me and get out anyway. Oh crap! Oh crap! I quickly follow and try to calm my thundering heartbeat.

  Christopher rushes up the front steps ahead of us, but Cade grabs the back of his shirt before he gets too far. “Keep calm, kid. We will get her out. Don’t make the situation worse than it has to be.”

  Christopher complies with a nod and I watch him take in a deep breath before he opens the door and walks in. The overwhelming smell of alcohol and stale cigarette smoke quickly impales my nostrils. Cade goes next and when I begin to follow he throws his arm out, stopping me. “Stay here.”

  I’m just about to argue when a loud, angry voice snaps through the air. “What are you doing back here, you little bastard, and who the fuck is this?”

  My heart stops in fear at the sight of two greasy men that are decked out in leather, each holding a beer and looking ready for a fight. One glares at Christopher with so much hatred it has goosebumps breaking out across my skin. I’m assuming this is his father, since he was the one who asked the question. His friend looks on, amused, and when his eyes land on me, he leers at me in a way that makes my skin crawl. Cade casually moves in front of me and blocks his view.

  “I’m here to get Ruth Jean,” Christopher answers strongly, not cowering even after what they did to him.

  His father looks at all of us now, and realization quickly dawns in his expression. His blood-shot eyes turn harder. “Like hell you are. You get the fuck out of here and take these assholes with you before I fuck you up worse than you already are.”

  “Twistiphwor,” a small, terrified voice cuts through the thick tension. I look past Cade to see Ruth Jean standing at the far corner of the living room, with a stuffed animal in her trembling arms and tears running down her face. I instantly start toward her, but Cade holds me back again.

  “Ruth Jean, get back to your bed right now!” her father yells.

  “No, Ruth Jean, don’t,” Christopher says quickly. “Come over here to me. Everything will be all right, we’re going to go stay with Faith.”

  She starts forward, but quickly stops when her father shouts, “No, you get back to your fucking room, now!”

  “Twistiphwor, what do I do?” she asks with a fearful sob.

  Cade curses then breaks in. “Christopher. Go get your sister.”

  As soon as Christopher takes his first step, all hell breaks loose. His father goes after him, but Cade is faster. With lightning speed he grabs the guy by his arm, and in a swift, easy move he takes him to the ground face first. I let out a warning scream when I see Spike go after him with his beer bottle, but Cade is already expecting it. He kicks the bottle out of his hand and grabs him by his throat. Lifting him off his feet he throws him into the kitchen. The guy lands onto the table with such brutal force that it breaks underneath him. Christopher’s father has already stumbled back to his feet, and I watch in fear as he pulls a knife from his pocket.

  Oh God.

  Just as he attempts to strike, Cade grabs his arm again and twists it behind his back. I hear a sickening crack before the guy howls in pain. Keeping the guy’s arm at a weird angle, Cade forces him to the ground, face first again, and kneels on his back to keep him there. A loud groan cuts the air as the other guy rolls over from the table and starts to get back up.

  “Hurry, Christopher! Get your sister and take her to the truck!” Cade’s demand snaps all of us out of our shock.

  Christopher races toward Ruth Jean and she runs to meet him halfway, her terrified sobs filling the air. I watch him struggle to pick her up so I rush over to them, dodging over the mess of beer cans and garbage. I don’t want to scare Ruth Jean by just grabbing her, so I kneel down first. “Hey, sweetheart,” I greet calmly and wipe her tears. “Everything is going to be okay, but can I carry you outside? Your brother isn’t well enough.” She nods and I waste no time picking her up.

  “You fucking bitch. Put my kid down right now!”

  Cade does something that makes the guy howl again in pain but I don’t stop to check. I rush out of the house with Ruth Jean in my arms and Christopher following behind us. I hear more smashing and shouts from the house, and my fear escalates for Cade.

  Just as we make it to the truck, Cooper comes screeching to a halt, his sirens blaring, with another squad car pulling in behind him. I hand Ruth Jean off to Christopher and meet Cooper as he gets out of the car. “We couldn’t stay in the truck.” I rush to explain and follow him as heads quickly to the house, “It’s really bad, Cooper. They went after Christopher so Cade had to step in. I have both kids in the truck.”

  When another bout of smashing happens, he pulls his gun and grabs my arm, stopping me from going any further. “Go wait with the kids.”

  Cooper and the deputy charge into the house with their guns drawn. I hurry back to the truck and hop in the back with the kids, but leave the door open so I can get out quickly if I need to.

  Christopher holds a sobbing Ruth Jean. “I was so stared when I touldn’t find you. I’m sowwy he huwt you again, Twistiphwor.” Christopher stares straight ahead and doesn’t respond, but rubs her back. I watch his jaw clench and his eyes turn glassy as he struggles to hold in his emotion.

  I feel my own tears form and I rub his back, since he’s rubbing Ruth Jean’s. “It’s going to be okay now, Ruth Jean,” I say soothingly, “I talked with Christopher tonight, and we are going to find a way to have you both come stay with me. What do you think about that?”

  She lifts her head to look at me and my heart breaks at her pale, tear-streaked face. “I wike dat idea. It’s betta den hewre, huh, Twistiphwor.”

  Christopher gives her a small smile and nods. “Yeah. It will be better with Faith.”

  “Do you have enough wooms?”

  “Actually, I do. I only have one extra bed, but once we get everything figured out we will buy you your own.”

  She smiles excitedly and I’m thankful it’s distracting her. Unfortunately, it doesn’t last long, as Cooper and the deputy walk out with their father and Spike in handcuffs. Both men’s faces look much worse than when we left them. Their father glares at me, and the icy disdain in his eyes causes a shiver of fear to travel down my spine.

  I tear my gaze away to see Cade come out behind them. Jumping out of the truck, I rush toward him and launch myself at him. He catches me in surprise and I wrap myself around him tightly. “Are you okay?” I ask softly.

  “Yeah, Red, I’m fine. I can take care of myself.”

  Clearly. I rest my forehead against his and watch some of the anger ease in his expression.

  “Are the kids okay?”

  “Yes. They’re scared but okay. Thanks to you.” As we continue to stare at each other, I reach up and trail my thumb across his lips before leaning in and giving him a small kiss. “Thank you for coming and helping,” I whisper against his mouth. With a low a growl, he gives me a quick, hard kiss then puts me back on my feet.

  I see him look at something over my head and I turn to see Cooper walking up to us, looking angry and stressed. “I’m taking them in. I’ll be able to hold them for at least forty-eight hours, since I can charge them with possession and a judge won’t be in until Monday to post bail.”

  “Possession?” I repeat in surprise.

  He nods. “Both he and Tommy had cocaine on them, which doesn’t surprise me. Tommy has been arrested before, for possession of cocaine.”

  This has irritation rising inside of me. “Why has no one checked into this before with Christopher? If his dad is hanging around those kind of people then why would no one check on the kids?”

  Guilt sparks in Cooper’s eyes. “I knew Floyd Dennison was trouble when he moved here, especially when I found out who he associated with. I’ve been keeping an eye on him, and waiting for the time to
come that I would get something on him. When I first picked up Christopher for fighting, I had asked him about his father and home life. I told him I could help him. He refused me and said everything was fine. Of course I knew he was lying, but if I don’t have evidence to prove any different…” he trails off and shrugs.

  I let out a frustrated breath but understand. “He’s worried that he and Ruth Jean will be put in foster care and split up. That’s why he lied. This is where I need your help. I want to take them in but I don’t know what I need to do to make that happen.”

  Surprise registers in his eyes. “Are you sure about this decision?” There is nothing disapproving in his tone, I can tell he just wants to make sure.

  “Yes, I am one hundred percent sure. He can’t go anywhere else, Cooper, or he will take Ruth Jean and run.”

  He’s quiet for a moment before he responds. “Okay. Take the kids home with you tonight. I will come in the morning and bring Vicki Jameson with me. She’s the social worker from child services that we work with. I will need a statement from all of you, and we can find out from her what steps you need to take. I know her well, and will vouch for you. In all honesty, it shouldn’t be too hard. Nowadays it’s really hard to find foster homes that aren’t already at capacity with kids. It’s even harder to find one who has enough room to take in siblings, especially one who is considered a trouble teenager.”

  My back goes stiff. “He is not trouble. He is misunderstood.”

  Cooper’s expression softens. “I agree and I’m glad you are taking them in. I just meant that is how others would see it.”

  “Oh sorry,” I say, feeling guilty that I jumped to the wrong conclusion.

  “It’s fine. Go ahead and head home. I’ll see you tomorrow morning and fill you in on everything.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Cooper.”

  He walks off, but stops by the truck and speaks to Christopher. Cade and I make our way over, and I catch Cooper give Christopher a pat on the shoulder before closing the back door. “Has he seen a doctor?” he asks, looking enraged.

  I shake my head. “No. He refused, but Cade checked him over and I’ll make sure to take him to a doctor after we finish with you tomorrow, just to be safe.”

  Nodding, he heads over to his squad car while Cade and I get into the truck. I hop in the front then look back at the kids and see Ruth Jean staring at Cade with wide-eyed curiosity.

  “Ruth Jean, you remember Cade from when we went to the bakery, right?” She nods and doesn’t say anything. Neither does Cade but I catch him glance at her in the rearview mirror.

  I look to Christopher now. “Did Cooper tell you he is coming to see us tomorrow?” He nods and I can see the anxiety in his eyes, so I reach over the seat and put my hand on his knee. “It will be okay. He knows the social worker, and he said he will help us sort everything out for you guys to stay with me.” Some of his tension eases, and the rest of the way home is silent.

  Once we arrive back at my house I get the kids situated, and ask Ruth Jean if she would like to sleep with Christopher or me, since I only have two beds. She looks at Christopher and opts to sleep with him. She follows me as I grab extra pillows then quietly tells me that she chose him because she needs to make sure he’s okay. I smile when I realize she’s worried she hurt my feelings so I reassure her by saying I think it’s a good idea too.

  Next I take them downstairs to the spare room on the third floor and get them settled for the night. Bending down, I kiss Ruth Jean on the head. She wraps her tiny arms around my neck and gives me a kiss on the cheek, which completely warms my heart.

  When I look at Christopher he narrows his eyes. “Don’t even think about kissing my head.” I giggle and decide to blow him a kiss instead. Just as I’m closing the door he calls out my name. Stopping, I peek my head back in. “Thanks for everything,” he whispers.

  I smile then realize he can’t see me in the dark. “You’re welcome. I’m glad you guys are here with me.”

  Closing the door, I head back upstairs, suddenly feeling exhausted. I come to an abrupt stop when I see Cade sitting in the living room. “You’re still here,” I whisper in surprise. Although I don’t know why, I should have known he wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye.

  He watches me silently for a moment before he stands and starts making his way over to me. My heart kicks up and my mouth goes dry as my eyes travel down his big, powerful body. Lord, he is seriously sexy.

  I can’t decipher his expression and I’m hoping he doesn’t lecture me on my decision, as I’m too tired to argue right now. But thankfully he doesn’t. Instead he reaches up and traces his thumb under my eye, which is probably swollen and puffy after the emotional night we just had. My eyes fall closed from the warmth and peace his touch brings me. “I’ll stay tonight.”

  My eyes snap open in surprise. “What?”

  His gaze is warm and intent as he stares down at me. “I said I’ll stay tonight. I’ll sleep on the couch in case you guys need anything. That way I’m here tomorrow, for when Cooper comes by early to get our statements.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” I say quietly and without much muster, because the truth of the matter is I desperately want him to stay.

  “I know I don’t.”

  I smile up at him tiredly. “You don’t have to sleep on my couch. You can sleep in my bed with me.” I know that sounds inappropriate but I don’t mean it that way and I know he knows it too.

  “Not a good idea, Red.”

  I try not to let his quick rejection sting. “Oh. Okay,” I reply lamely. “Well, I’ll go get you a pillow and a blanket then.”

  Turning around, I’m just about to walk away when he locks an arm around my body and pulls me back against him. I gasp and my heart kicks into overdrive again, at feeling his erection against my lower back. He leans down, and when his breath whispers by my ear I have to bite my lip to keep from moaning.

  “It’s not what you’re thinking. I’m saying no because I can’t trust myself to be in the same bed with you right now. My dick has been fucking aching to be back inside of your warm, tight body since I laid eyes on you again. No, scratch that, it’s been like that for the last two years, but tonight is not the time for that to happen. So I’m going to stay on the couch and try to sleep, even though you are all I will be thinking about. Okay?”

  I stay silent, unable to think of a coherent word at the moment while his warm, hard body is wrapped around me, his amazing scent consuming my senses.

  “You get me, Red?” I nod, since I’m worried what my voice will sound like if I speak at the moment. “Good.” With a slight flick of the tongue he licks my earlobe before grazing the gentle flesh between his teeth and gives it a slight tug.

  Unintentionally, I release a small whimper and push back against his erection. He groans and his arm tightens around me while his other hand grips my hip. “Go get me that pillow and blanket, baby, before I end up losing control right here and fucking us both into oblivion.”

  Oh god. I try to move. I really do, but my mind is a fog and my body is not responding to anything but his touch. Letting out another growl, he pushes me away himself, and, instead of looking back, I quickly head up the stairs to grab him a pillow and blanket.

  I see him waiting at the bottom of the stairs and decide it’s best to just throw them down to him. When he catches them I can’t help but give him small smile. “Good night, Cade Walker. Sweet dreams. I will be thinking of you.” I giggle at his tight expression then blow him a kiss before heading into my bedroom. I leave my door slightly open, just in case Ruth Jean or Christopher need me.

  After I change and crawl into bed, I think about everything that happened tonight with the kids. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous taking them in, but I know with all my heart I’m making the right decision. It’s going to take us all some time to get used to each other and find a good routine, but I know we will. I meant what I said to Christopher, I am happy they’re here with me.

I’m a little worried about what my parents and papa are going to say. Even Katelyn too, for that matter. I know they will be shocked, and probably a little concerned, but I also think they will be supportive. At least I hope so.

  And then there’s Cade. I think about what just happened a minute ago, my body still on fire from his touch. There is definitely no denying that our relationship has shifted since my visit to him at the gym, however, I also know that taking in Ruth Jean and Christopher may very well deter him from starting anything with me.

  I shake myself of my thoughts when I start feeling a headache come on, and before too long I’m drifting off into a deep slumber.



  An hour later I’m still awake with my dick hard as fuck, while I think about Faith sleeping only a short distance away from me. My mind is a jumbled mess of thoughts and emotions over tonight’s events.

  I expected to come back here with her after the bar, and… well, I don’t know what exactly. I’m not sure what she would have been ready for, but I would have done anything she needed. If that meant giving her pleasure, I would have gladly fucking done it. If it meant just holding her while she slept, I would have. Well at least I would have tried.

  Except none of that happened. Instead we ran into the kid on the side of the road. Rage still pumps through my blood, furious with what his father did to him, and I’m glad I got a few shots on the prick for it.

  I think back to the way Faith was with the kid. She never let him push her away, no matter how much he tried. She was calm and patient, never giving up. And when the kid finally broke—the way she locked her arms around him in the pouring rain and held him… It’s not like I’m surprised by it. I know what kind of person she is, what kind of person she always has been, but it still did weird shit to my chest. I grew up with a mother who acted like her kids were nothing but a fucking nuisance, always choosing her next fix or next guy over us.

  Faith barely knows these kids, and what does she do? She offers to take them in. Which I’m still not sure is such a good idea. I have no doubt she is strong enough to help these kids, but she’s young and has a life of her own she needs to live too. She’s still dealing with her own shit and shouldn’t be adding to it by taking on someone else’s. And, if I’m being completely honest, I also don’t like it for selfish reasons. Because now that she made this choice, we won’t be able to have anything more than friendship. There is no way I will situate myself with these kids. I’m only staying tonight to watch over Faith and to be here for Cooper in the morning, but that’s it.


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