Book Read Free

Resisting Temptation

Page 26

by K. C. Lynn

  “Well keep it reined in, kid. Remember—pick and choose your battles.”

  “I know, I am.”

  Our conversation ends as we pull up to the house and I want to punch myself for the way my heart rate spikes in anticipation, along with my dick, at getting to see Red. Jesus I need to be inside of her. I will make that move soon. I have already been putting shit into place, which is turning out to cost me a fucking fortune, but I haven’t forgotten it was her birthday. And after what happened at the piano bar, then everything with the kids, I want to do something for her. It took me forever to think of the perfect gift. Evans suggested the religious shop, but no fucking way was I going in there, even the store makes my goddamn palms sweat.

  As I follow Christopher inside the house, we both stop at the front entrance when we see Faith and Ruthie sitting on the couch in the living room, both looking upset.

  “What’s going on?” I walk over to them, worried that something happened and those bastards didn’t follow the restraining order. Ruthie glances up at me then drops her gaze to the ground. Faith looks at me unimpressed, and I quickly realize she’s pissed.

  “I received a call from Ruthie’s principal today and had to pick her up early,” she starts calmly, “turns out she got into a fight with a boy named Henry Winkleman. She ended up breaking his nose.”

  Oh shit.

  “I was just asking her how she learned to do something like that.” She stares at me, knowing exactly where she learned it.

  Ruthie looks back up at me and it’s hard to gauge what she’s feeling. “He wipped my hat off, and talled me names. I wawned him twice, just wike you said. He waughed and pushed me down.”

  That little fucker…

  Faith begins to rub her back when her lip starts to quiver. Ruthie takes a deep breath and steels her resolve. “So I got up den did what u towd me to, and he didn’t know what hit him.”

  Good, that will teach the little bastard. Christopher sits next to her and throws an arm around her shoulders, looking proud, which has Faith glaring daggers at me.

  She stands up. “Can I talk to you for a minute in the kitchen?” She starts out of the room without waiting for a response.

  Ruthie looks up at me anxiously. I put my fist out for her to knuckle bump me, wanting her to know I was proud of her for what she did. After she does I give her a wink then follow Faith’s pissed off ass into the kitchen. I also can’t help but notice what a beautiful ass it is, her jean shorts mold perfectly to it, making my hands itch to…

  “What the hell are you thinking?” she snaps with a harsh whisper, pulling me from my thoughts.

  I raise my gaze to her pissed off one. “I’m thinking the little fucker got what was coming to him.”

  “How could you teach her how to break his nose, Cade? What kind of example are you setting?”

  My own temper flares. “First off, I didn’t teach her how to break his nose. I taught her how to defend herself. Which she did. That little asshole has been fucking with her for a long time. You heard her—the kid pushed her down. He’s a goddamn bully and needed to be put in his place. If his nose got broken then it’s a good reminder for him not to fuck with her again. He put his fucking hands on her and he’s goddamn lucky it was her that kicked his ass and not me!”

  “Don’t you think that I should have known this? I had no idea she was being bullied. I was completely blindsided with that phone call. The principal was furious and not all that friendly so…”

  “Then I’ll go kick his ass.…”

  “It’s a woman.”

  “Then I’ll teach you how to kick her ass!” She lets out a disbelieving laugh and shakes her head but I continue over her. “She clearly isn’t doing her fucking job, since this shit has been going on for a long time. That little asshole has even thrown fucking rocks at her.”

  “Well why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t any of you say anything?”

  Before I can respond, Ruthie comes running in, upset. “Pwease don’t get mad at him. It’s not his fauwt.”

  Faith’s expression softens with guilt before she rushes over and kneels in front of her. “Oh, honey, it’s okay. I’m not really mad. I’m just upset I didn’t know. I wish you guys would have told me what was happening. I could have handled the situation better with the principal.”

  “I didn’t mean to bweak his nose, but he’s so mean to me awl da time and he gets evewyone else to join in. All I want is to fit in and have fwiends.” She covers her face with her hands and starts crying. I watch Faith’s heart break and I’m pretty sure I feel mine crack too, but anger rushes faster. I want to tear the little fucker apart.

  “Ruthie, baby look at me.” When she does, Faith clasps her tiny, wet face in her hands. “Some people are born to stand out and you, my sweet girl, are one of them. You are too special to be like everyone else.” The kid gives her a small smile and I see her confidence boost just a little higher.

  Of course Faith knew exactly what to say, I swear the woman is goddamn perfect.

  “Why don’t we have a small get-together? You can invite some kids who you think you might want to be friends with. We can go to the park and for ice cream, or even a movie.”

  Her smile gets bigger. “Shoure, I’d wike dat. Tanks, Faif!” She wraps her arms around her neck and hugs her tight.

  “You’re welcome. As for everything else, I will talk with your principal and make sure this stops. You need to make sure you tell me if it doesn’t.”

  “I will, I pwomise.”

  “Okay, good. Why don’t you go get cleaned up while I start supper?”

  After she runs up the stairs, Faith stands and turns to me. Her gaze is softer and she doesn’t look quite so pissed off. Either way, whether she’s mad or not, I still want nothing more than to kiss the shit out of her so that’s exactly what I do. Right when she is about to say something, I pick her up so her feet dangle off the ground and crush my mouth to hers.

  It takes her no time to snap out of her surprise. Moaning, she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back with an intensity that matches my own. My dick instantly goes hard at the sweet taste of her along with the feel of her soft, slender body against my hard one. She fits against me so perfectly I’d swear she was made just for me.

  Wrapping her legs around my waist, she starts grinding against my dick and lets out the sexiest, fucking whimper. The sound of it has me wanting to throw her up against the wall and fuck her senseless like I’ve been dying to for the last two years. Knowing I’m close to doing exactly that, I reluctantly pull my mouth away and rest my forehead against hers while we both catch our breaths.

  “No more being pissed at me, Red.”

  She gives me a sassy smile, “Mmmm, I don’t know, Walker, if that’s what you’re going to do to me when I get mad, I may stay mad at you forever.”

  “Baby, it doesn’t matter what mood you’re in, I’ll always want you.” I wait for regret to wash over me, for saying that out loud, but it doesn’t.

  “Then maybe it’s time for you to take me.” She doesn’t need to elaborate more, I know exactly what she’s saying and so does my dick.

  Before I can stop it, a low growl erupts from my throat. “I intend to, Red, very soon. Which brings me to the question I want to ask you.”

  “What’s that?” she asks softly.

  “You got plans Friday night?”

  Her lips lift in a knowing smile. “Not yet, why?”

  I clear my throat, suddenly feeling nervous for some stupid fucking reason. “I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out. Maybe we can see if someone could watch Ruthie for the night?” I don’t want to rush what I have in mind with her.

  “You asking me out on a date, Walker?” She giggles at my blank expression.

  “What if I am?”

  “Hmmm,” she muses, biting her bottom lip, which makes my cock jerk in my pants. “I thought you didn’t date?”

  I sit her down on the table and brace my arms on either side
of her. Her smile dies as I lean in closer, putting myself in her personal space. “You should know by now, Red, that those rules don’t apply to you. So are you going to quit fucking with me and say yes or am I going to need to convince you?” I start trailing my hand up the inside of her thigh, praying she will say she wants to be convinced.

  Just as she’s about to respond, Ruthie comes rushing back in, making me swiftly remove my hand. “Otay, all cweaned up. What’s fwor suppa?”

  I close my eyes and want to fucking weep. I like the kid, but she has the worst fucking timing.

  Faith chuckles at my disappointment, but before I can back away she grabs my shirt in her fist and graces me with her perfect smile, “You never need to convince me, Walker. I’d follow you anywhere you asked me to.”

  Her words stun me in place and cause that funny shift in my chest again. She doesn’t give me a chance to respond. Giving me a quick, hard kiss she hops down from the table, as if she didn’t just tilt my world on its axis.

  She picks up Ruthie and gives her a big kiss on the cheek. “How about we all go out for pizza tonight?”


  “Is that okay with you, Christopher?” Faith asks as he comes walking into the kitchen.

  He nods then starts shifting uncomfortably. “Yeah, but, uh before we go I need to tell you something.” He glances over at me and I give him a nod in encouragement.

  Faith watches the exchange and her expression becomes apprehensive. She puts Ruthie down and gives him her sole focus. “Okay. What is it?”

  He clears his throat and it takes him a minute to find his courage. Jesus, the kid is more nervous than I thought.

  “It was my birthday two days ago.”

  Faith’s eyes flare in surprise before they darken with guilt. “Oh, Christopher, I am so sorry,” she rushes over and gives him a hug, “I didn’t know. I wish you would have told me.”

  He pats her back awkwardly. “It’s not a big deal. It’s something we haven’t celebrated for a long time.”

  This makes her step back. “What? What do you mean?”

  Before Christopher can reply, Ruthie does. “Dad doesn’t wet us cewebwate his bwirfday.” Walking over, she wraps her arms around her brother’s waist and looks up at him sadly. “I’m sowwy I fowgot, Twistiphwor. I’ve had awot on my mind wately.”

  “It’s okay, Ruthie. You know how I am about it. I don’t care.”

  I doubt that.

  Anger darkens Faith’s expression and I watch her take a deep breath before she speaks, “Well that stops now. We are going to have a big celebration and…”

  “No! Look, Faith, I don’t want a big deal to be made out of it. That’s why I didn’t tell you. I’m sorry, but I just… I really don’t like that kind of thing.”

  I can tell she wants to argue but knows it’s pointless. She sighs sadly, “Okay, well, will you at least let me have a supper for you with family and friends? Please? Just something simple, I promise.”

  The kid still isn’t keen on the idea but he gives in, not being able to say no to her. It’s another thing we have in common.

  “I’ll plan it for not this weekend but the following weekend.”

  He nods then shifts nervously again, “Uh, I have something else I need to tell you.”

  “Okay,” she replies slowly, bracing herself for bad news.

  “Alissa asked me to the school dance and I said yes, but…”

  “Eeeeeekkkkk!” she squeals and starts jumping up and down like a lunatic, reefing on the poor kid’s shirt.

  Ruthie jumps out of the way, giggling, then comes over to me. I pick her up and we both watch on with amusement.

  “Oh my gosh, Christopher, that is so exciting! I told you she liked you. Okay, we will go get you a new outfit. I know Katelyn would love to come and give her…”

  “Whoa, stop!” He grabs her shoulders. “I don’t know if I’m going to go.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “Because I’m not much in to dances and… well because I can’t. I don’t know how.”

  She waves away his concern, “Oh don’t worry about that. I will show you. It’s really easy, I promise.”

  He shakes his head. “I don’t know, Faith. I just think it’s better if I say no. Nothing good can come of this.”

  She grabs the kid’s shoulders, her expression determined. “You listen to me, Christopher, plenty good will come from this. Alissa will be the luckiest girl there because you’re taking her.” He rolls his eyes but she doesn’t let him interrupt. “So you are going to let me show you how to dance, you are going to let me buy you a new outfit, and you are going to take her to that dance because both of you deserve to go and have a good time. Got it?”

  Her tone brooks no further argument so he nods reluctantly. “Fine. But no new outfit. It’s just a dance and I’m not dressing up like some pretty boy…”

  “I’m not going to dress you up like a pretty boy because that’s not who you are. We are going to go buy a new ‘you’ outfit. One that suits your personality and style, because you are perfect just the way you are.”

  He rolls his eyes again and I watch his face turn red. Before the poor kid can register what’s about to happen, Faith grabs his face in both her hands and gives him a big kiss on the cheek.

  “Hey!” He rips out of her grasp and glares at her. “Stop that!”

  She smiles, looking proud of herself. “I had to catch you off guard and do it quick, or else I wouldn’t have gotten the chance.”

  Ruthie giggles and Christopher shakes his head, but I don’t miss the slight twitch of his lips. “Whatever, we’ll be in the truck.” He takes Ruthie from me and throws her on his shoulders.

  “I’ll be right behind you,” Faith calls at his retreating back as he heads out the door.

  She looks at me with a beaming smile then starts dancing around excitedly, “Oh my god, Cade, this is so exciting. Oh man, me and Katelyn are going to spiff him up.” Walking to the back door she bends down and starts putting on her sandals. My eyes immediately drop to her ass and I unintentionally zone out her excited babble. My focus stays there as she moves around the kitchen, gathering her things.

  When she stops at the entrance of the kitchen, I suddenly realize it’s become quiet. I lift my gaze and see her watching me with a knowing smile. “You coming, or do you need me to convince you?” She busts a gut laughing, finding my expression fucking hilarious. It makes me want to haul her upstairs and fuck the sass right out of her. Instead of waiting for a response, she walks her sassy ass out of the kitchen and out the front door, her laughter still echoing behind her.

  Shaking my head, I follow. Come Friday her ass is mine and she will not be fucking laughing by the time I’m done with her. I just hope to christ I can wait that long.



  Later that evening, the kids and I are having ice cream at the kitchen table while Cade is out back on a phone call when the doorbell rings. I look over at Christopher. “Are you expecting anyone?”

  He shakes his head.

  Getting up, I head over to the door and feel the kids follow. I look out the peephole and my stomach drops when I see a furious looking man in a suit and a little boy next to him with a bandaged nose.

  Uh oh!

  Taking a deep, shaky breath, I open the door and attempt to paste a confident smile on my face.

  “Hello,” I greet kindly, hoping to smooth this situation over as much as possible. It doesn’t work.

  The man glares at me and I don’t miss the way his furious gaze roams down my body. “You Faith Williams?”

  “Uh oh!” Ruthie says quietly, and steps behind me.

  I grab her hand in reassurance and keep my smile in place. “I am. And you must be…”

  My words get stuck in my throat and I back up when he steps into the house, pulling his son behind him. “I am not here for pleasantries, lady. I’m here to show you exactly what that kid,” he seethes pointing at Ruthie behind
me, “did to mine, and I am not leaving here until my son gets an apology.”

  Christopher steps closer to me but I put my hand up to stop him from going any further. I take a minute to assess the arrogant man’s anger then look down at his son who is glaring at Ruthie.

  “Look, Mr. Winkleman, I’m not sure what you were told but I think they should both apologize to each other. Your son…”

  “My son is not apologizing for anything!” he shouts, pointing his finger in my face. “The only one who will be apologizing is…” he trails off and I watch his eyes briefly flash in alarm as he looks at something behind me before quickly schooling his features.

  I turn around to see Cade standing in the entrance between the living room and kitchen, his powerful body on full display as he wears his usual loose, black athletic pants and white muscle tank that’s showcasing most of his tattoos. His cold, hard expression and commanding presence add to the tension in the room, making him look as powerful and lethal as I know he is.

  “What’s going on?” he asks me while keeping his gaze trained on the angry man in front of me.

  I clear my throat. “This is Mr. Winkleman and his son Henry, who Ruthie had the altercation with at school today. He wants Ruthie to apologize and I am telling him I think they should both apologize to…”

  The man gets furious again and steps into my personal space, “And I told you my kid is not apologizing for…”

  He stops, and before I can register it Cade is in front of me, standing between the man and me. “You back the fuck up.”

  I watch Mr. Winkleman try to keep his confidence but there is no denying the fear in his eyes. Henry backs up; his eyes going huge and his head craning all the way back to look up at Cade’s menacing face.

  Mr. Winkleman foolishly doesn’t back down, and straightens to stand taller but barely reaches Cade’s chin. “I want my kid to get the apology he deserves and I expect full coverage on the medical expenses.” Judging by his suit I’d say money is not an issue for him at all.


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