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Captive Love [Highland Menage 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Reece Butler

  Fiona passed through the gate. Anna had overheard there was but one guard. Fiona easily avoided the man snoring in front of the hearth. From the smell his deep sleep had more to do with wine than hard work. He lay on one blanket with another above. She hoped that meant Gillis and Angus had blankets, as well.

  She took a couple of wineskins from the kitchen. She mentally girded her loins and set her foot on the stone stairs leading down. It was cold and damp, just like before. She fought the fear that whispered she’d never climb the stairs again. There was a torch halfway down. She took it, which meant she had no free hand to guide her as she circled down. She took a slow, steadying breath at the bottom before crossing the cellar, step by slow step. Her stomach roiled at the thought of dropping into that hole. She was glad she’d barely eaten dinner.

  It was hard to inhale though the arrow slits ensured air entered the cellars. Not the pit, though. It would stink from years of fear and terror. It didn’t matter if it had not been used for generations. Such an evil left a stench.

  She hesitated at the opening between the two rooms. This was it. If she stopped here she would be alone for the rest of her life. She may be forced to marry, but it would be hollow. If she could not conquer her fear so as to be with her men, then she did not deserve them. Though her heart pounded so hard it threatened to jump out of her mouth, she slid her left foot forward. Then her right. The torch flickered in the draft, making monstrous shadows.

  She only had a few minutes of light left. She found herself at the edge of the pit. The grate had been left open, thank God. Was it to taunt them, knowing they could not escape?

  “Are ye back to piss on us again ye Campbell barstard?”

  The words were somewhat garbled, but she knew the voice.


  “Fiona? What the hell are ye doing here?” demanded Angus.

  Her heart fluttered at his roar. She’d missed it. She held the torch over the hole. Both men grimaced, throwing up their hands to cover their eyes.

  “Quick, before the torch goes out, catch what I drop ye. ‘Tis two skins of wine, a blanket, and bread and meat in a sack.”

  “Thank God,” mumbled Gillis. “That Campbell guard stood where ye are and ate and drank what we were to have.”

  She dropped the wine. They immediately drank from it. When they were ready she tossed the blanket, and then the sack of food.

  “Thank ye, lass. Now go back to Lovat’s tent,” ordered Angus.

  “I have not walked all this way just to bring ye food and drink!”

  “Angus is right,” said Gillis. “Thank ye, but ye shouldn’t have come here. ‘Tis dangerous to walk at night, and if Lovat finds out ye are gone, he will send out troops.”

  “None saw me leave, and Anna is in my bed, pretending to be me. If my uncle asks in the morning she will tell him I have the flux and must stay abed. Anna says that’s what my aunt and cousins do when they get it.”

  An uncomfortable silence greeted her words. Her experience was that men were afraid of a woman’s moon time. They didn’t understand and so feared it. She’d been terrified her first time as no one had told her what to expect. After that she was banned from the practice grounds. It was a relief to no longer be beaten by the boys with their wooden practice swords. Even better was that Patrick’s tutor, Master Tybalt, was happy to teach her.

  Someone, perhaps Gillis, cleared his throat. “Off with ye, Fiona. Ye’ll need time to get back to camp afore the sun rises.”

  “I’m not going back.”

  “Lachlan Campbell is a beast,” said Angus. “If he wakes and finds ye, he’ll defile ye for being a MacDougal.”

  She was not a weak lady, hidden away all her life from anything unpleasant. She had practiced her knife and fighting moves all her life. However, she’d not done so in a gown. She decided that she would not wear the ungainly things again unless forced to do so.

  “I can protect myself against one drunken Campbell!”

  “Ye are our wife. It is our honor and right to protect ye, and we canna do it from the bottom of a pit!” roared Gillis.

  Someone stomped back and forth, cursing. She held the torch high and stared down at them, her silence and lack of movement giving all the answer needed. A rare curse burst forth from Angus. She waited silently until he spoke.

  “Fiona.” Angus whispered the word, his voice raw. “Sweetling, it would near kill me to hear ye bein’ harmed, and unable to stop it.”

  His voice almost broke. She understood his anguish. Too often she’d heard her father’s brutes do things that, if she allowed herself to dwell on it, would give her nightmares. Though she’d hidden her face she could not escape the screams. Hearing the abuse, able to do nothing to help the women being attacked, had ripped her apart.

  “Then I’ll come down and be safe with ye.”


  “Ye dinna want to be in here, lovey.” Gillis almost crooned the words. “Lovat may keep us here for weeks until he hears from his pet bishop. ‘Twould be a hardship—”

  “I love ye both, and must be with ye.”

  “Nay, Fiona! Ye may never get out!”

  Angus was furious at her. Fiona smiled to herself. He would not be in such a state unless he cared for her. Though she was terrified of going in that hole she’d rather live with her men in squalor than be alone on silk sheets. Their love conquered her fear and heightened her arousal.

  “I am safe when I’m with ye,” she whispered, “and I dinna wish to live without ye.”

  The torch sputtered out. She tossed it behind her, where it landed with a clatter. Knowing they would catch her, knowing they wanted her as much as she did them, she sat on the edge, feet dangling, then dropped into the abyss.

  * * * *

  Angus caught Fiona in his arms. He pulled her tight. She clung to him in return. Jesu, she felt good! Gillis joined them, a solid presence in the dark.

  “Ye disobeyed me, wife,” he said once he’d could trust his voice not to break.

  “Ye’ll not sit fer a week when I’m done paddlin’ yer arse,” added Gillis.

  Angus agreed with his brother. Once they had proven Fiona was safe, and had plowed her thoroughly, she would be properly chastised.

  “Did Lovat’s men beat ye bad?” asked Fiona. “I wish to touch ye, but if ye are hurt—”

  “We’ll be the ones doing the touching,” said Angus with a growl.

  A good number of punches had connected with his face and many other places as well but he was not going to let that keep him from caring for his wife. He set Fiona down. It took a minute before his arms would release her.

  “I want yer hands on me,” she whispered.

  He swallowed hard. His cock no longer cared that someone had kneed him in the balls. It wanted action, now!

  “I want ye naked, wife.”

  “Then do something about it, husband,” she replied saucily.

  “There’s blood on our hands, and we dinna wish to ruin yer pretty clothes.”

  She moved back a step, shuffling her feet. “Are ye not goin’ to eat what I brought?”

  “Aye, in time,” replied Gillis. “‘Tis nay food we wish to take into our mouths, wife.”

  She squeaked, a sound that could be taken as eager or fearful. As this was Fiona it meant she was eager. He spread the blanket on the bare floor then topped it with his plaid. Gillis added his on top to make a half-decent pallet. Fiona’s first time had been in a dungeon with a stranger she’d not seen. Gillis said he’d made her peak a few times before taking his own. It would be different tonight. He would start her punishment by bringing her to the edge of release and then stopping. Again and again. Unfortunately, he would also need to wait.

  “Stand before me. I need to see that nothing has changed about ye,” he said.

  “How can ye see in the dark?” she asked as she shuffled forward.

  Gillis’s chuckle matched his own. “With my fingers and tongue. I’d add lips, but they got caught atween
my teeth and a Fraser’s knuckles.”

  “Nay the Campbell?”

  “The dog wouldna get close enough. He used his boots on my ribs when I went down until Hugh pulled him off.”

  “I should’ve put my boot atween his legs when I passed him snoring in the kitchen,” said Fiona with a snarl.

  “Nay lass,” said Gillis. “He is mine.” The mild words held more than a hint of steel.

  “As we are married what’s yours is mine, including vengeance.”

  “Yer a bloodthirsty wench,” said Angus with approval.

  “Aye, so you’d best get not get on my bad side.”

  He grasped her full breasts from behind, making her squeak. “Hmm, this must not be yer bad side. Let me check lower.” He ran the back of his fingers down her belly to her curls. His finger touched her nubbin, then went lower. He eased it between her lips. “Wet, as ye should be with yer husbands.” He brought his other hand around to her arse. “Yer back end is fine as well.”

  “Hold her up,” said Gillis.

  Angus put his hands firmly around her breasts, thinking Gillis would kneel to taste her. Instead, he lifted her and stepped between her thighs. She grabbed for Angus’s forearms. She gasped as Gillis grunted. He must have filled her to the hilt!

  “Och, aye, Gillis! More!”

  “Brother,” said Angus tightly, “I wish to keep our wife on the edge as punishment.”

  “Dinna worry,” said Gillis between grunts, “she’ll not be coming afore me.”

  Wet, sloppy sounds filled the pit. His words came true a moment later as he roared his possession of their wife.

  “Och, dinna stop!”

  Chapter Eighteen

  She was that close, and Gillis had peaked without her! She dug her fingernails into Angus’s forearms. Though it was Gillis who’d denied her, Angus wanted to punish her by denying her orgasms.

  “Is that how ye treat yer new wife, Gillis MacDougal!” she demanded.

  His chuckles were blocked by the deep heaving breaths he sucked in.

  “Aye, when she throws herself into a dungeon with a pair of husbands who’ve been wanting her for too long!”

  “I’ve gone just as long without!”

  “Aye, but women are different,” replied Gillis. He straightened, still breathing hard. She locked her heels behind his hips, but he easily broke her hold, released his cock from her, and stepped back. He set her boots on the stone floor.

  “Maybe the women ye kenned afore, but this one is different.”

  “How different?”

  Angus murmured the words, then nipped her ear. He still had a hold on her breasts. Her desperate need to come had slightly diminished but her arousal had not. Nor had her need to make them see her as herself, not just any woman. She tilted her head to reply.

  “I have a brain and a body trained to fight as well as a pussy and a womb. Dinna push me away and say what I think has no value. If we are to stay married, ye’d best get that through yer thick skulls.”

  “Aye, ye have a brain, and more,” said Gillis. “We’ll fill yer pussy with our seed and yer womb will swell with our babe. Then ye’ll no longer have a body trained to fight.”

  Did they not understand she’d been taught that to gain value one had to fight for it, physically, as in man to man? Not being able to defend herself would demean her, turning her from someone of value to a thing to be used, like a stool or a table.

  Angus gently kissed her temple. “Ye canna be both man and woman, wee Fiona. We have planted our seed in yer belly. One day, God willing, it will take root and ye will grow us a babe. Would ye deny us bairns to raise as our own? I mean the three of us, not just Gillis and I.”

  “Ye canna be a man, sweetling,” added Gillis gently.

  “I ken that, but I wish to be more than a walking womb and pleasure toy!”

  “Do ye say I rutted with ye just now, thinking ye were nothing but an empty hole to shove my cock in?”

  Gillis lashed her with repressed fury, his kind words gone. Fiona realized she’d insulted him. They’d played with her before, denying her a release, which, when it came, was far greater than if she’d peaked earlier.

  “Nay, Gillis. It’s just that—”

  “Everything ye were raised to be, is gone,” said Angus. “Ye dinna ken what yer place will be, or where, or with who.” He sighed, resting his chin on the top of her head. “Neither do we, but who we are willna change.”

  He placed his big hand on her belly. The heat of it made her shiver. She was naked and the dungeon was cold. Gillis moved and a plaid was wrapped around her, though they stayed naked.

  “Lass, 'tis a miracle that a woman can take a man’s cock, milk him with her joy of release, and then give him a babe made from their joining. Our father didna see it as a miracle, but a way to make warriors to avenge his anger and pride.” Angus kissed her shoulder where it escaped the plaid. “We are happy that ye ken how to defend yerself, but to be men we must protect ye and our bairns. If not, we are merely brutes with a randy cock. Aye, Gillis and I have pride, but it is that an educated, beautiful, smart—”

  “Headstrong, cantankerous—” added Gillis.

  “—warrior woman chose to marry us. Both of us. We are surely blessed.”

  Silent tears leaked onto her cheeks. If she kept her jaw tight and her lips closed Angus and Gillis would not know how deeply their words touched her heart.

  “Did ye truly think we’d not give ye release, wee Fiona?” asked Gillis. “My cock has recovered and will last much longer now.” He found her hand and placed it on his groin. Sure enough, he was hard. He grew even more at her touch. Her pussy throbbed in return.

  “One more thing before ye start yer screaming again,” said Angus. “No matter what, we will work it out. Aye, we are at the bottom of a pit in a Fraser towerhouse but we will get out. And then we will live our lives as we choose. All of us, together.”

  “I will have a say in my destiny?” asked Fiona.

  “Aye, ye will speak, and we will listen. But in private, mind. And as yer lawful husband under God I will say yea, or nay.” She felt him lean closer. “And ye will obey, wife.”

  She shivered in anticipation. She could see them having fights. Loud, tempestuous fights. Things would be thrown. Not knives, but boots, perhaps, and old, wizened apples. She would fight them, running and struggling, until they subdued her. And then they would show her who was master. After, when they’d caught their breaths again, they would share a slow and gentle loving.

  And then she would show her mastery over them.

  “I swore afore a priest to obey my husband,” she replied. Her lip twitched as she held back a smile. “He didna say it had to be each and every time.”

  “And feisty,” said Gillis. “Add that to yer list.”

  Angus yanked away the plaid. He grasped her waist and lifted her. She went up, then flopped, her belly over his shoulder.

  “If ye are trying to shove me out of this pit, ye are doin’ it wrong,” she said.

  He carried her a few steps, lifted, then flipped her around again. He sat, hauling her down. She realized, too late, his intentions. By then he had her across his lap, her face inches from the pallet they’d created.

  “Nay!” His hand descended anyway. She shrieked when his palm hit her lower cheek.

  “Aye! Ye disobeyed me and must be punished.”

  “If I hadn’t joined ye here ye wouldn’t be touching me at all!”

  “‘Tis true,” added Gillis. “Mayhaps ye paddle only one side of her arse, instead of both.”

  “Nay, I like to keep things balanced. Ten spanks, instead of twenty?”

  She fought with all her strength. Not in fear, but in exultation. She couldn’t break loose, especially with Gillis holding her legs down, and apart. Every spank Angus gave her was followed by sensuous kisses from Gillis. He worked his way up her thighs, spreading them wider until he got to her core. Her soaking wet, throbbing, core. Hot fingers of pleasure radiated out.<
br />

  Angus lifted her off his lap. He set her down on her hands and knees where he’d been sitting. She barely had a chance to inhale when his cock impaled her. She clamped down, her need building from where Gillis had left off.

  “Count with me, Fiona,” ordered Angus. “Dinna come afore I count to ten!”

  She gripped the plaid, her fingers tight with tension as they counted each stroke. Each slow, deliberate, pleasure-increasing stroke. At five she was ready to come. Eight had her gasping, fighting to stop the tremors in her pussy. Nine…he drew it out, the beast! She was ready for ten, quivering to hear the word.

  “Nine and a half.” Angus panted as hard as she.

  “Damn you, Angus MacDougal, say ten!”

  “I am yer master. Ye'll wait until my word!”

  She felt the wave of her orgasm pull out from the shore, sucking all the air from her lungs. It rushed back to her core, all the energy of the sea behind it. The weight towered over her, cresting…


  She screamed as the wave crashed onto her, obliterating her as it pounded her into the sand. She erupted into a thousand water drops. Each shot into the sky, bright like stars. Waves of pleasure so great they were almost painful flowed over her as Angus pounded deep.


  Chapter Nineteen

  Lovat knew how to work a silence. Iain had asked to speak to him first thing that morning, even before he broke his fast. He’d been denied, told to wait outside the tent. Anna flittered around nervously, not at all her usual self. She was no doubt worried about Fiona and if she’d be punished for his niece’s absence. He hadn’t asked about her as he knew exactly where Fiona was and that she’d not be returning without the help of a rope.

  As ordered, Hugh, his new captain, had followed Fiona to the towerhouse, and within last night. He’d heard everything said, and reported it. Lachlan Campbell would be punished for abusing the prisoners. He’d taken food, water, and blankets intended for the MacDougals and done things to debase them. No matter who the prisoner, men must obey their laird. Lachlan would be whipped and sent back to the Campbells of Cawdor.


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