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Acquiring Hearts

Page 10

by S. Donahue

  “Where are we going? Wait. Let me guess, it’s a surprise.”

  “Naturally. I love seeing your face when I tell you what I have planned.”

  “Whatever,” She held in her laugh. She wanted him to think that she was disappointed but in actuality she loved his surprises.

  “Well, I’m going to get a shower and do my hair, unless maybe there is someone coming to do that too.”

  “No, smartass there isn’t, but I could probably get someone if you wanted me too.”

  “No, I can manage my own hair and make-up.”

  “I thought so.”

  “Cuteness doesn’t always win.” She walked out to take a shower and prepare for the evening ahead.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “You look spectacular,” Brad said as he looked at her with a mouth-watering gaze.

  Gia opted for the black semi sheer silk Valentino dress. It was absolutely gorgeous. Her heels and clutch purse matched perfectly.

  “Thanks, you look hot yourself,”

  “Are you ready to go?”


  They walked out of the condo holding hands and took the elevator down to the first floor. The door man, Charlie, greeted them as they exited the building. Gia was shocked to see a white Escalade limo parked outside.

  “When did you do this?” Gia was shocked. He always managed to make her feel like a princess.

  “Don’t worry. Let’s just enjoy.” Brad helped her into the limo. There was a full bar and chocolate covered strawberries sitting on a tray.

  “Maybe we can use them later?” Gia teased.

  “Possibly, if you behave yourself tonight.”

  Brad filled two glasses with champagne and handed one to Gia. He lifted his glass against hers and took her other hand in his. “Here’s to a great evening with an amazing woman who…”

  She was waiting for him to say that he loved her. He must not have been ready to because he continued on to say, “Who I care about a lot.”

  Gia replied, “And here is to an amazing man who treats me like no one ever has before.” She just left it at that. They both said cheers in unison and Brad kissed her.

  “I’m having such a great time on this vacation.”

  “The best is yet to come.”

  “Ooh, sounds terrific. I can’t wait.

  “I don’t know how I got through this day without having you once.”

  “The day’s not over yet.”

  The ride to the restaurant took about twenty minutes. When they arrived, the Maître’D guided them to a small private room with a bar. “We’re waiting for your table to be ready.”

  “No problem. What’s your name?” Gia was trying to be polite. It wasn’t his fault that the table wasn’t ready.


  “Thank you, Steve. We’ll just wait here.” Brad looked very fidgety.

  “What’s wrong with you?”

  “I was expecting our table to be ready.”

  “Don’t worry about it… We’re here together, that’s all that matters right now.”

  “I wanted everything to be perfect.”

  “Brad, not everything is perfect.”

  “If they’re not back in five minutes, I’m going to find out what’s going on.” The bartender placed two glasses of wine in front of them.

  “Brad, seriously calm down. You’re making me nuts with the fidgeting.”

  After a few minutes Brad rose up from the barstool and told Gia he would be right back. He said he was going to see what was going on. She was actually concerned at this point. They did have reservations after all. “Ok, hurry up back.”

  “Yeah, well this is so unacceptable.”

  Gia rolled her eyes at him. He was being so dramatic.

  After about ten minutes of waiting for Brad, Gia was about to go look for him. God only knew what he was getting himself into.

  Just as she was about to walk away from the bar, Steve came into the room. “Hi Miss Coppi, your table is ready now.”

  “Thank You, but I was waiting for my boyfriend to get back.”

  “He’s talking with the manager. I can take you to your table and I’ll let him know that you’re waiting.”

  “Thank you, Steve.”

  “You’re welcome, Miss Coppi. We have upgraded you to a private room for all your troubles.”

  I’m sure you have. Where the hell is Brad? Making deals with Management.

  “Thank You. That’s very nice of you.”

  “You’re welcome. Right this way.”

  Steve guided her through a gorgeous hallway and up several flights of stairs which she assumed lead to the other private rooms in the restaurant. There was the possibility that he was going to kill her, in that case Brad better come and look for her soon. As they made it to the top, Steve opened a full length glass door with French handles.

  This place was so elegant. He stood to the side and allowed her to go in before him. She walked a few more steps inside and was in total amazement at the sight before her. There were red and black balloons everywhere, with big red heart balloons hanging from the ceilings. The room was surrounded with glass windows. The view was gorgeous. As you looked forward you could see the lights of the city. The most bewildering part was that she had no idea why she was up here. She looked back at Steve and he pointed to the left hand side of the room. She was just too nervous to go further in.

  What’s going on?

  With a little more courage, Gia took two more steps and was able to see around the wall. To her utter surprise, there were red rose petals on the floor leading up to Brad kneeling on one knee holding a dozen red roses extended out in his left hand and a small blue box in his right hand.

  OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

  Gia walked toward Brad. “What’s going on? I mean I can see what’s going on but I’m confused, shocked, you name it.” She was now standing in front of him. She turned back around and Steve was gone. He handed her the flowers in her right hand and grabbed her left hand. He was still kneeling on the floor.

  “Gia, words cannot express how happy you’ve made me but I need to say this to you. I’m a better man because of you. You make me see the best in others because that’s all you see. When you walk into a room you make my heart stop. I want to live the rest of my life knowing that you’re by my side. When we were apart I felt so miserable and lost. I never want to feel that way again and hopefully I never have to. I have loved you with all of my heart and soul from the first day I laid eyes on you. It was love at first sight for me and you’re the only woman I want to be with forever. I know you say forever is a long time but give me the opportunity to show you what forever is. Will you make me the luckiest man in the world and say that you will become my wife?”

  He opened the blue box to reveal the most elaborate and magnificent ring she had ever seen in her life. Gia stood there with her mouth open and tears streaming down her face.

  “Oh Brad, of course I will marry you. You have just made me the happiest woman in the world right now. I love you so much. I thought you were going to tell me that you loved me tonight, but never in a million years did I expect all of this.”

  She put the flowers down on the table and knelt down before him on the floor. She hugged him and kissed him on the lips. Brad whispered in her ear.

  “Gia,” Brad said with a smile growing on his face.

  “Yes,” Gia asked with her head still in the clouds.

  “Can I put the ring on your finger?”

  They both laughed.

  “Oh My God. Yes, of course you can. Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  The ring was exquisite. It had a six carat princess cut diamond in the center of a platinum setting surrounded by diamonds cascading down both sides of the ring.

  “Brad, it’s beautiful.”

  “Just like you. I picked it out all by myself too. No shoppers or helpers. I walked right into Tiffany’s and said that’s the ring that I want for my future wife. You would have been proud. If you want it bigg
er or you don’t like it, we can take it back and you can pick another one out, said Brad, trying to accommodate his new bride-to-be.

  “I love the ring and I love you. You’re both perfect.”

  “Baby, I love you so much we’re going to be so happy.”

  “Yes we are...forever,” Gia promised.

  “Let’s get off the floor and sit down at the table.”

  “You did such an amazing job with the proposal and with shocking me. I thought you were off attacking the manager but here you were actually being a good guy.” She winked at him.

  “I planned all of this on Monday. I wasn’t at a meeting. I came here to work out all the details. I actually bought the ring Friday on Jewelers Row.”

  “You’re so romantic. I love you. I can’t believe I can actually say it. I have been holding it in for some time now.”

  “Well shout it from the rooftops if you want to.”

  “Does anyone know about this?”

  “Two people, your sister and father.”


  “I told Rachel what I was planning and she thought I should do it the old fashioned way and ask your father.”

  “Is she insane? And wait you did it.”

  “Well, it was the right thing to do. She said you’re his little princess. I was nervous because I don’t know him. She called and pre-warned him that I was going to call him.”

  “You have to tell me what happened,” said Gia nervously.

  “I just called the number she gave me and said, ‘Hi, Mr. Coppi, this is Bradley, Gia’s boyfriend.’ He was nervous and thought something happened to you.”

  “He’s so dramatic.” Gia rolled her eyes.

  “I told him that I’m in love with you and wanted to ask you to marry me while we were in Miami. I told I would be honored to have his blessing.”

  “Oh Lord, What did he say? I can’t believe you said that! You’re so cute.”

  “Thanks. He’s a funny guy. ‘He said you can have my blessing any day. You’re a real stand-up guy from what I hear, not like that other piece of shit,’ and I quote that.”

  “Oh my God… I’m mortified.” Gia said as her cheeks began to blush red.

  “What did this guy do?” Brad asked with a serious look in his eyes.

  She really didn’t want to say too much because Rachel works for Brad.

  “My dad’s right. He’s a piece of shit and he never treated Rachel right from the beginning,” Gia admitted.

  She had to change the subject. She would tell Brad everything but now wasn’t the right time to bring up all of Vinnie’s mishaps and she didn’t feel like spoiling her happy mood.

  “I’m so happy he gave his blessing. Uh… Are we actually eating here and when can I take you home and thank you properly for our engagement festivities, Mr. Roberts?”

  “We’re eating dinner here. I have another surprise for you at home,” Brad said as he winked at the future Mrs. Roberts.

  “I’m starting to get use to all this spoiling. You better watch yourself,” Gia teased.

  “Finally,” Brad said with happy relief, “that’s all I’ve wanted.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Brad and Gia arrived back at the condo around ten thirty. “Why don’t you put something comfortable on? I have a surprise for you but its outside.”

  Gia had no idea what Brad had planned but it had to be something spectacular because he was fidgeting with excitement. She was still in shock over the engagement. He was now her fiancé. She had to get use to that. Brad came into the room to get her.

  “Come on, baby, hurry up,” Brad urged.

  “Ok, Ok, I’m coming.”

  Brad grabbed her hand and pulled her along. They took the elevator back down. “We’re going to the beach.”

  “It’s a little late for swimming. And you could have easily seduced me in the bedroom.”

  “Shh… Wait until you see what I have planned for you. I want to end the evening with something romantic,” Brad said with anticipation thick in his voice.

  When they arrived at the beach Brad had laid a blanket set up on the warm white sand. There was a huge screen set up on the beach. He had wine and a whole dessert buffet set up.

  “So this is why you told me I couldn’t have dessert. What’s with the screen?”

  “Well, remember on our first date you said your favorite movie is Moonstruck but when we watched it we fell asleep?”


  “I figured we could watch it out here on the beach and eat dessert. I called a company and had them come out and set it up for us.”

  “You never cease to amaze me! I love you more and more every minute of the day. You really know how to make me feel loved,” exclaimed Gia, gushing with excitement.

  “And I always will. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the show.”

  Brad pressed play on the movie. They laid back under the moon holding each other. Brad started to caress her neck.

  “Do you seriously want to get through this movie? If so, stop, because I’m about to jump you.”

  “I know, I know. I just want you so badly. You smell so good. I just want to suck your neck right now,” and he did so in a teasing manner.

  “When we get upstairs, you can do whatever you want to me.”

  “Oh you have no idea what I want to do to you.”

  “I can only imagine.”

  Somehow, they made it through the movie, both in dying heat. Brad actually enjoyed it. He’d never seen it before and last time he passed out. As soon as it was over, they ran back to the condo laughing and giggling like two teenagers. When they reached the door to condo, Brad unlocked it and waited for her to get in. He then threw her up against the door playfully and ripped her shirt off her. He started licking, sucking and biting her neck, shoulders and breasts. He grabbed her face and kissed her wildly.

  “Oh My God, you’re like a beast right now.” Gia was hardly able to contain herself.

  “I wanted to make slow passionate love to you all night long, to end our romantic night, but I have no control.”

  “Uh, we have the rest of our life for that! Ravish me!”

  “Are you sure about that?”


  “Tonight is all about you.”

  Gia let out the breath that she was holding. Everything about tonight was spectacular, more than she could have ever imagined. She knew it wouldn’t stop there.

  Brad dropped to his knees and removed her bottoms. She was standing naked against the door and he was mesmerized.

  “Hold on,” Brad said. He spread her legs apart. He teased her mid-section with his tongue.

  “I’ll be back in a second.”

  “What in the world?” Gia ask confused.

  Within seconds he was back with a bucket of crushed ice.

  “I’m really scared of what you’re going to do with that.” Gia said jokingly.

  “Just relax. I’m going to need you to lie on the floor.”

  “You do realize that we’re in the tiled entryway and you have a bucket of ice.”

  “Just lay back. Shhh. Relax.” Brad took off all his clothes. “I knew that ice machine would come in handy one day.”

  He grabbed a handful of ice and put some around her nipples and belly button.

  “Patience… “Within two seconds you won’t even feel it.”

  “Hurry…” Gia urged.

  Brad slurped up the melting ice that was running down her body. He rubbed some ice over her lips and down her neck.

  Next, he grabbed a fistful of ice and inserted it into her dripping hot insides. Gia was squirming all over the cold tile floor.

  “Stay still… let the intensity take over,” Brad insisted.

  Her insides melted the ice rather quickly, so he grabbed another fistful and inserted that. This time he lifted her legs up and lowered his mouth onto her. She was now freezing cold but not for long.

  Brad ate the ice until he found her warm center.

sp; Gia didn’t know how much longer she could hold on. Brad devoured her hot juices that were now flowing everywhere. Gia was screaming at the top of her lungs with ecstasy.

  Brad quickly stopped and buried himself inside of her. He rocked her world so hard that she was being pushed over the edge yet again, this time, together with the man she loved.


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