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Acquiring Hearts

Page 12

by S. Donahue

  “I can and I will. By the way, money doesn’t make a man. Character does, and you, asshole, are lacking it.”

  “Whatever, Mr. Coppi, I’m going to the bar. I’ll be back later for the barbeque.”

  “Yeah, go fuck somebody else too while you’re at it,” Donato shouted to Vinnie’s back.

  Chapter Seventeen

  At the bar, Gia and Brad met up with Maria and Carson. Introductions were made and Brad thanked Carson for saving Gia when he couldn’t be there for her. Brad bought a couple rounds at the bar for all of them. Gia and Maria gossiped while the guys got to know each other.

  “You should stop by the barbeque later? Everyone would love to see you.”

  “We’ll try to come. I have to go to my brother’s house first.”

  Gia laughed as she hugged and kissed her best friend’s goodbye. Brad shook Carson’s hand. They really seemed to get along, which was always a good thing. As Gia collected her cell phone and keys from the bar, she noticed Vinnie come in the back door with a blonde chick.

  What the fuck?

  She turned to Brad. “I’m confronting him.”

  “You think that’s a good idea?”

  “I’ll be a nice bitch, I promise. Wait here.”

  Gia strolled to the back of the bar. Vinnie saw her coming his way. He had a shocked look on his face.

  “Hey Vin, what are you doing here?

  “Nothing much. Just getting a drink.”

  “Who’s this?”

  “My cousin, Trisha.”

  “Oh, I’ve never met her before,” said Gia with a bite of venom in her voice. “I’m his wife’s sister. Why don’t you come to a barbeque we’re having at my parent’s house. I mean after all, you’re family.”

  The look on Vinnie and Trisha’s face gave away his lie.

  “Well, I have to get back to the barbeque. I’ll be sure to tell my sister you’re in town.”

  “Gia,” Vinnie said in a pleading tone.

  “Yeah?” Gia responded innocently.

  “Nothing, just nothing. Forget it. I’ll be at the barbeque.”

  “I would think that it would be to pick up your belongings, not to socialize.”

  Vinnie pulled Gia to the side. He was begging. “Don’t tell Rachel about this.”

  “Fuck you, Vin.” She walked away from him without looking back.

  “Brad, let’s go, now.” She walked straight out of the bar, and Brad drove back to the house. Meanwhile, Gia told Rachel to meet her in the car when they got back. Gia told Brad what was said and he couldn’t believe it.

  Rachel was in the driveway when they pulled in. Brad went to the yard after he kissed Gia and told her that he would be a few feet away if she needed him.

  Rachel got in the car. “What’s going on?” she asked with a tired expression.

  “I don’t know if you’re ready for all of this.”

  “Well, you better tell me,” Rachel said sternly.

  “I went to the bar to meet Maria and Carson. When I was leaving, Vinnie came in the back with a blonde-haired woman. I confronted him.”

  “You gotta be fucking kidding me.”

  “Yeah, he said it was his cousin.”

  “He’s such a liar. I didn’t even know he left until Dad told me. Apparently he said some things to Vinnie and he walked out.”

  “That’s no excuse to cheat. He knows I’m telling you.”

  “I’m not going to call him. I don’t even care anymore. I’ll talk to him if he comes back.”

  “Why are you being so calm? I would’ve went back to the bar and approached him and the girl. Do you think it’s the same girl?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to ruin the barbeque. We have family here. Let’s just see what happens. It’s no longer shocking to me.”

  “It’s fucking ridiculous that I’m madder than you are,” complained Gia.

  “I don’t want Mom and Dad involved. Dad hates him and the kids are here.”

  “Can you blame Dad? The kids should know what a dick their father is!” Gia spat back.

  “Let’s drop it and go inside. I’ll deal with it.”

  “No, I don’t think you will. You already forgave him once. I love you and you don’t need him. It makes no sense to me. If he loves you like he says he does, why is he doing this shit? Oh, I know because you let him and he knows you’ll forgive him. You’re the asshole! I’m going inside.”

  Gia jumped out of the car and slammed the door. She went to join Brad. Her mother had already introduced him to everyone. Brad grabbed her hand. “Are you ok, Baby?”

  “Yeah, I’m ok. She pisses me off, but let’s forget it for now. I’m not feeling good. I think I’m worked up. I need to sit down.”

  “Come on baby, relax. I know you’re upset, but only Rachel can change things,” Brad said calmly.

  Gia tried to enjoy the barbeque the best that she could. Rachel didn’t follow her out to the backyard. She had no idea what Rachel decided to do, but at this point Gia couldn’t concern herself anymore.

  About an hour later, Gia started to get hungry. Brad got up to get her a plate of food because she said she needed to eat something because she felt weak.

  Carlotta called Gia over. She stood up but turned toward the gate. She heard a whole lot of commotion going on. She thought she heard Rachel yelling. She was about to walk over when Vinnie came storming through. He was wasted, slurring and pointing in Gia’s direction.

  “You’re a fucking bitch, Gia! You had to go and tell Rachel. You fucking snitch. You think you’re above everyone else because you’re a lawyer and you’re marrying a rich asshole.”

  “Excuse me, you cheating fucking bastard! Who are you talking to? You’re looking for someone to blame but the only person to blame is yourself!”

  “You’re nothing but a troublemaker,” Vinnie shouted unable to control his alcohol induced rage.

  Brad walked over to protect Gia. “Vinnie, you are drunk and Gia was put in an unfortunate position. Go lie down and this can be discussed tomorrow when you’re sober. You’re causing a scene right now,” Brad said firmly but responsibly.

  “Don’t tell me what to do, asshole! Fuck You!”

  Before Brad could respond or knock Vinnie out, Donato walked past Brad and told Vinnie to get the fuck out of his house and never come back. He didn’t know what had happened, but he had a pretty good idea. Nobody was going to talk to his daughter like that.

  Rachel stood there in shock. She couldn’t believe what was happening. Vinnie quickly passed by her and got in his car. She screamed out to him. ”You can’t drive in your condition!”

  “Fuck you and your family!”

  Rachel was crying her eyes out. She turned to go back inside and Gia was standing behind her. She took her into her arms, as they walked back in the yard.

  “What the hell happened when you got out of the car,” Gia asked, still reeling from what just happened.

  “Vinnie called me and asked if I talked to you. I said no. I didn’t want him to know that I knew about what happened so he said he was coming back home. When he came back, I then told him I knew. He called me a lying bitch and he went off. There is something I have to tell you. I don’t know how to say this. It’s really bothering me.”

  “What is it?”

  Brad was watching Gia from across the room. He was very worried about her. He knew that she worried about her sister. This was taking a toll on her whether she wanted to admit it or not. It looked as though their conversation was intensifying.

  “Rach, just tell me. You can tell me anything.”

  “Do you want to know why I don’t care about Vinnie anymore?”


  “Well, because… I love someone else.”

  “You met someone.”

  “Well, not quite.”

  “Just tell me what you’re talking about.”

  “I’m in love with Brad.”

  “What the fuck did you just say?”

“You heard me.”

  “No, I don’t think I did.”

  “I’ve been in love with him. Nothing ever happened between us. He doesn’t even know.”

  “You’re my sister! That’s sick. Stay the fuck away from me.” Gia screamed at Rachel.

  “Gia, you don’t look so good. I’m getting you help,” said Rachel suddenly concerned.

  “I feel weak. Get the hell away from me. You’re the one that needs the fucking help,” Gia screamed. “Crazy!”

  As Rachel went to walk away to get help, Brad rushed over to see what the arguing was about. As he reached her, Gia passed out and Brad caught her.

  He started screaming out to the guests to call 911. “She’s still breathing,” he confirmed.

  He was yelling at Gia. “Can you hear me?” She was starting to come to. “Baby! Baby! Can you hear me?” She looked disoriented. Oh my God! Please be okay. I love you.

  She layed in Brad’s arms until the ambulance came.

  When they arrived, they put her on a stretcher, her body laying still and unaware. Brad rode in the ambulance to the hospital. He told the others he would call as soon as he knew anything. Rachel said she would drive over in her car with her mother.

  He just hoped and prayed Gia was ok.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Gia was taken back to the emergency room right away. The nurses told Brad to remain in the waiting area until they were finished running tests and examining her. Brad didn’t want to leave her side but at least she was awake at this point. She had started to come around more in the ambulance.

  “It’s ok, honey. Let them check me out,” Gia said weakly.

  “I’ll just be in the waiting room. If you need me, I’ll be back here in a heartbeat.”

  Brad found Rachel and Carlotta in the waiting room. “What happened?” Brad asked Rachel.

  Carlotta interrupted, “She won’t tell me. She just keeps saying it’s all her fault.”

  “What Vinnie said and did isn’t your fault. You can’t blame yourself for that.” Brad didn’t know the truth about what really went down between the sisters.

  “What did he do, because your father and I were very confused about Vinnie’s outburst? The only thing we knew was that he was acting like a complete ass.”

  “Mom, he’s cheating again and I’m leaving him for good.”

  “Finally, but what does this have to do with Gia.”

  “Well… She caught him, but that’s not really it. I don’t want to talk about it. It’s between me and her.”

  “Rachel, you’re forty years old. You need to get your shit together. Get rid of Vinnie, take your kids home and go on with your life. You’re a beautiful woman and you can do way better than him. You don’t need that kind of person in your life. There’s someone out there who’ll love you and treat you the way you should be treated.”

  Brad chimed in, “Listen to your mom, Rachel. She’s right.”

  “I just need to see Gia.” She got up and walked over to the window.

  “It’s probably going to be a while. I’ll go check on her status.”

  “Thanks Brad,” Carlotta replied. She was hurting for both of her daughters. She wished she could help them, but she wasn’t sure what was really going on.

  Brad casually walked over to the nurse’s window. He didn’t want to be a pest, but he wanted to know what Gia’s status was.

  The nurse was not the least bit upset and was actually very nice.

  “I was about to update you. Her blood has been drawn and we have her hooked up to an IV machine.”

  “Can I go back and see her?”

  “I’ll ask the doctor. Have a seat and I’ll let you know what he says.”

  Brad had billions of dollars. If he threw his money around, they would let him back. He could even call his mother. She was a powerful and well respected surgeon. He didn’t want to look like a pompous asshole and flaunt the fact that he had money. He decided to wait until the doctor said it was ok for him to see Gia. He also knew that Gia would probably be mad if he did something like that.

  Brad hated hospitals. They reminded him of when his father passed away. He tried to avoid them at all costs. He never even visited his mother at work. He was trying to be strong for Gia and it was hard because crazy thoughts were running through his head, especially because he didn’t know what was wrong. He would be devastated if anything happened to her. He didn’t even want to go that route.

  Brad was waiting impatiently for the nurse to come back with an answer. He noticed that Rachel and Carlotta were having an intense conversation by the window. Everyone seemed to be going through something.

  What’s taking so damn long?

  Mrs. Coppi approached Brad and asked if he had any information.

  “She’s awake and resting, which I had already knew. They drew blood and hooked her up to an IV. I’m waiting for the nurse to come and say if it’s okay to see her. If you want to head back to the house to get some rest, I’ll call if I hear anything. I’ll stay. I know it’s been a long day for everyone.”

  “It’s ok, Brad. We can wait here,” Rachel said rather absentmindedly.

  They sat in silence until the nurse called Brad over.

  “Mr. Roberts, can I see you for a moment?”

  Brad rushed over to the window. All of a sudden he had a nervous feeling. “What’s going on?”

  “Miss Coppi requested that you’re present when the doctor gives her the blood results.”

  “I’ll let you know as soon as I find out what’s happening,” Brad said to Rachel and Carlotta.

  The nurse ushered Brad to Gia’s room. She looked drained and tired. “Hey honey,” she said weakly.

  “Baby, how do you feel?”

  “I’m tired, probably dying.”

  “You’re not dying. Don’t talk like that! If you were dying, I’d drink the poison too.”

  “Awwww, you’d drink poison for me. How sweet!”

  “See, there’s the Gia I know and love.”

  The doctor came through the sliding doors. He was fairly young with light brown hair. He looked like he was probably in his mid-thirties. It was kind of shocking because normally you expect an older doctor to walk through the door.

  “Mr. Roberts, I’m assuming.”


  “Hi, I’m Dr. Hill. I’m handling your fiancés care. It’s nice to meet you.” He extended his hand.

  Bradley shook his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”

  “Miss Coppi and I spoke briefly about recent events in her life as well as her medical history. Based on the information provided and her test results, I have a diagnosis.

  “I hope it’s not serious,” Brad asked.

  “The first thing I’m going to say is that Miss Coppi needs to take better care of herself. When she came in tonight, she was completely dehydrated. I believe the dehydration along with all the stress had caused her to pass out.”

  “Oh, thank God. I thought I was dying.”

  Dr. Hill continued, “Also, Miss Coppi is pregnant. She is approximately one month along.”

  Brad and Gia both looked at each other in shock.

  “Did you just say that she is pregnant?” Brad thought that was what he had heard.

  “Yes I did.” Dr. Hill was use to this kind of reaction. “She’s very early on in her first trimester, so she needs to be very careful and take very good care of herself. I mean it. She’ll need plenty of rest and absolutely no stress.”

  “I drank alcohol. Will that affect the baby?”

  “You should be fine, just don’t drink anymore. You’d be surprised to see some of the things people do before they find out they’re pregnant. I’m going to leave you two alone now. I’ll be around if you have any questions.”

  “Thank you so much, Dr. Hill.” They both said in unison.

  “This is amazing. I can’t believe I have a baby inside of me, our baby. I’m so happy.”

  “I’m so happy too. This baby
is going to be beautiful, just like his or her momma.”

  “I love you, Brad, so much. We have so much to figure out and discuss.”

  “I know I want to get married, ASAP.”


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