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The Un-Friendship Bracelet

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by Martha Maker


  Chapter 1: Meet MAD-ILY

  Chapter 2: Left Out at Lunch

  Chapter 3: The Un-Friendship Bracelet

  Chapter 4: Hidden Treasure!

  Chapter 5: The Inside Joke

  Chapter 6: Sam’s Big Ideas

  Chapter 7: Time to Tell the Truth

  Chapter 8: Crafty Cleanup!

  Chapter 9: Sew, Paint, Build, Repeat

  Chapter 10: Friends New and Old!

  How to Make . . . A Friendship Bracelet

  'Making the Band' Excerpt

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  Meet MAD-ILY

  “Emily! I missed you so much!”

  Maddie Wilson ran across the classroom and swept Emily Adams into a huge hug. Emily had only been away at her grandparents’ house for the weekend, but for best friends who called themselves “MAD-ILY,” two days could feel like forever.

  “You too!” Emily said. She pulled back and looked Maddie up and down. “Did you get new . . . everything?” she asked.

  Maddie laughed. “Nope, I just made some updates. Remember my ‘painting pants’?”

  Emily nodded. She and Maddie had clothing they always wore when they were crafting.

  Maddie spun in a circle. “Ta-da!”

  Emily couldn’t believe it. The jeans that used to have streaks and splotches of paint all over were now bright green. And instead of the streaks and splotches, there were now patches and buttons! Maddie explained that she had bleached the jeans, dyed them green, and then sewn on all the accessories.

  “So cool,” Emily replied.

  Unlike Maddie, Emily was happiest in her overalls. Instead of accessories, they had a million pockets for her tools and tidbits.

  Although their outfits were different, they had one thing in common: matching friendship bracelets. The girls had made them together, and they never took the bracelets off their wrists.

  Just then the bell rang. Emily and Maddie scrambled to take their seats. Emily sat between Maddie and a boy named Sam Sharma. Sam was pretty quiet, but Emily knew he liked to draw. She knew because occasionally she’d peek over at his notebook. It was always filled with doodles and drawings. He drew everything from robots to giraffes to spaceships—he even created entire worlds.

  Emily was about to tell Sam she loved the forest he was drawing when Ms. Gibbons, their teacher, entered the room.

  With her was a girl Emily and Maddie had never seen before. The girl had short dark hair, big brown eyes, and a purple backpack that had numbers and symbols written all over it.

  “Class,” said Ms. Gibbons, “I’d like you to meet Isabella Diaz. She’s a new student here at Birding Creek Elementary, and she’ll be joining our class. Let’s all do our best to make Isabella feel welcome.”

  The new girl smiled shyly and then whispered something to Ms. Gibbons.

  “Of course,” replied Ms. Gibbons. “Isabella just told me that she goes by Bella, so please, everyone, make Bella feel welcome. Bella, why don’t you take the seat next to Maddie? Raise your hand, Maddie.”

  Maddie waved enthusiastically, and Bella went to sit down. “Cool backpack,” Emily heard Maddie whisper. “And I love your key chain.”

  Emily was about to chime in when she heard Bella whisper back, “Thanks. I made it.”

  “No way,” said Maddie. “Can you show me how?”

  “Sure!” said Bella.

  Emily looked down at her friendship bracelet and twirled it on her wrist. She knew Maddie was just being friendly and doing what Ms. Gibbons had asked. And Bella seemed nice enough.

  No one could come between MAD-ILY . . . right?

  Chapter 2

  Left Out at Lunch

  Later that morning, it was math time. “As you all know, our charity bake sale is in a couple of weeks,” said Ms. Gibbons. “Let’s polish up our math skills so we can be sure to give customers correct change. Maddie, would you be Bella’s partner for math today?”

  Emily looked up, surprised. She considered reminding Ms. Gibbons that she and Maddie always worked together. But before she could raise her hand, she heard Maddie’s voice.

  “Of course!”

  Emily watched as Maddie and Bella pushed their desks together. It makes Maddie happy to help people, Emily reminded herself. Plus, Ms. Gibbons probably chose Maddie because she knows I’m good with numbers and can work without a partner.

  Emily tried to be a good sport, but seeing Maddie and Bella whispering and laughing made her heart sink. And her stomach rumble. Thank goodness it’s almost lunchtime, thought Emily.

  In the cafeteria, Emily joined the hot lunch line. Maddie and Bella had both brought lunch. They made a beeline to the tables with their lunch boxes.

  “Save me a seat!” Emily called after them.

  When Emily finally made it to the table, she was glad to see an empty seat. But when she slid into it, Maddie barely noticed. She was too busy telling Bella about a science experiment disaster.

  “No way!” said Bella, laughing.

  “It’s true!” Maddie insisted. “It just went fwoosh and sprayed everything! I was completely soaked.”

  Emily was about to remind Maddie of another story when she suddenly smelled something . . . amazing.

  “Wow,” Emily said. “Bella, is that your lunch?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” said Bella. “It’s roasted corn salad and a vegetable quesadilla. My dad is the chef at the Mexican restaurant El Gallo,” she explained.

  “You’re so lucky!” said Maddie. “My parents can’t even make a decent peanut butter sandwich!”

  “Neither can mine!” said Bella. “My dad’s a great chef, but the one thing he always messes up are PB&Js. It’s like they’re too easy. So I make them myself.”

  Maddie laughed. “That reminds me of the time I tried to make chocolate-chip pancakes,” she said. While Maddie elaborated, Emily finished her food silently and stood up.

  She waited for a break in the conversation.

  And waited.

  Finally Emily announced, “I’m going to the art room.”

  “The art room?” Maddie gave Emily a funny look. The girls had spent years begging their art teacher, Mrs. Lee, to use the art room after hours. And Mrs. Lee had finally told Emily and Maddie that they could use the room whenever they wanted! But the girls always went together.

  Emily nodded. She was about to tell Maddie about the birdhouse she was building. But just then Maddie turned back to Bella. “Wait. I have to tell you about the time I tried to make tomato soup!” she said.

  Emily sighed and cleared her tray. Alone, she headed for the art room.

  Chapter 3

  The Un-Friendship Bracelet

  The next day Emily brought lunch from home so she could sit down at the exact same time as Maddie and Bella. But once again the other girls chatted nonstop and Emily felt invisible. When Emily finished eating, she went back to the art room.

  The following day at lunch, Emily retreated to the art room even sooner. Mrs. Lee often left the radio on, which made the art room feel extra cozy and homey. Plus Emily was really enjoying seeing her birdhouse project progress.

  On Thursday, Emily didn’t even sit down in the cafeteria. She just took her lunch to the art room and got to work as soon as she finished her sandwich.

  When everyone returned to the classroom after lunch, Emily noticed something new on Bella’s wrist.

  “Where’d you get that bracelet?” Emily asked.

  “Oh, it’s a friendship bracelet! Just like yours!” Bella said excitedly. “Maddie made this one for me. But she taught me how to make them myself too.”

  Emily’s stomach did a flip-flop, but she didn�
��t say anything. Maddie was teaching Bella how to make friendship bracelets now?

  On Friday morning the class had art. Emily was adding a few details to her birdhouse when she heard someone say, “Whoa! That’s awesome.”

  She turned and was surprised to see Maddie admiring her work.

  “Thanks,” said Emily. “I’ve been working on it all week. See, this is where birds can perch, and then this chamber is for bird food.”

  “So creative,” said Maddie. “Want to get together tomorrow? I was thinking we could make friendship bracelets for the charity bake sale.”

  When Emily looked confused, Maddie laughed. “Not to eat,” she said. “Cookies are awesome, but wouldn’t it be cool to make something totally unique?”

  Emily thought about it. It was a great idea. And she especially liked the thought of working on a project, just her and Maddie. But then she remembered something. “Ugh! I have a soccer tournament this weekend,” she told Maddie. “So . . . I can’t.”

  “Can’t what?” asked Bella, coming over.

  Maddie explained her idea for the bake sale.

  “That’s such a good idea!” said Bella enthusiastically. “Do you guys need help?”

  “Actually, Emily has soccer this weekend,” Maddie told Bella. “But I could definitely use some help! Let’s make a plan later!”

  • • •

  That weekend, at the soccer tournament, Emily felt totally off. I wonder what they’re doing right now, she kept thinking.

  “Wake up, Emily!” one of her teammates yelled as the ball and several players flew past her.

  When the final whistle blew, Emily trudged off the field. Usually she’d average two or three goals per game. Today she hadn’t scored a single one. She reached for her water bottle—

  And gasped! Her wrist was bare. The friendship bracelet Emily always wore—the one that matched Maddie’s, that they’d made together, that represented MAD-ILY—was gone.

  Emily searched the field, running up and down it. But the bracelet was nowhere to be found.

  You can make a new one, she tried to reassure herself. But she couldn’t help worrying that maybe the bracelet’s disappearance wasn’t an accident.

  Maybe it was a sign. Maybe her friendship bracelet was actually . . . an un-friendship bracelet.

  Chapter 4

  Hidden Treasure!

  When the doorbell rang on Saturday afternoon, Bella glanced nervously around the room. Was everything ready? Was everything perfect? Bella was worried that her new home, which didn’t even have all the furniture moved in yet, would look bad and boring to her new friend.

  But her worries disappeared when she opened the door and saw Maddie holding a tower of crafting supplies. Bella laughed and led her into the dining room. Maddie spread out her supplies on every available surface.

  “I love your house!” said Maddie.

  “Thanks!” said Bella. “My parents have been making my brother and me unpack boxes for, like, ever. So . . . let’s see what you brought!”

  “Okay,” said Maddie, “I’ve got my bracelet-making materials, but I also brought some other jewelry-making supplies. And I couldn’t forget my button collection—I’ve made some amazing bracelets out of buttons. Bottlecaps, too, see?”

  Bella admired all of Maddie’s creations, and the two girls quickly got to work. The afternoon flew by as they assembled bracelet after bracelet in all colors of the rainbow.

  “Are you hungry?” Bella asked Maddie.

  Maddie nodded. “Is your dad going to whip us up something awesome?”

  “He’s at work,” said Bella. “But if we make popcorn, we can put his homemade spice mix on it.”

  “Perfect!” said Maddie.

  When the two girls had assembled a big bowl of popcorn and two ice-cold glasses of lemonade, they suddenly noticed there was no room to enjoy their snack. The table was completely covered with bracelets and crafting supplies.

  “We can sit in the backyard,” suggested Bella, leading the way.

  As they stepped outside, Maddie noticed a small, rickety structure behind Bella’s house. “What’s that?” she asked.

  Bella shrugged. “I guess it’s a shed? We just moved in, so I haven’t checked it out yet.”

  “Really?” said Maddie. “But it could be filled with hidden treasure! Gold or diamonds . . .”

  “Or bugs and snakes,” suggested Bella.

  Maddie shuddered at the thought.

  “But,” said Bella, “we’ll never know unless we look.”

  The two girls examined the door to the shed. There was a latch, but no lock, so they were able to get the door open.

  Bella fumbled around and then flicked on the light switch. The two girls gasped at what they saw.

  It wasn’t snakes or bugs. It was . . . stuff. Ropes, tools, wood, paints, glass jars of buttons, nuts, bolts and other fasteners, bicycle wheels, chains, planters, and so much more!

  “Whoa!” said Bella.

  “I know!” said Maddie. “I thought there might be treasure, but I had no idea it would be this amazing! Look at all this cool stuff! And so much of it. Where do we even start?”

  “Probably by cleaning it out,” said Bella, running a finger through the dust on a shelf. “That is, if my parents let us.”

  “Are you going to ask them?” asked Maddie. When Bella nodded, Maddie grinned. “And you know who’s going to be just as excited as we are?”

  “Who?” asked Bella.

  “Emily! I can’t wait to tell her the news!”

  Chapter 5

  The Inside Joke

  On Monday, Emily got to school early. She wondered if she should have worn a long-sleeved shirt so Maddie wouldn’t notice that her bracelet was missing. Emily hadn’t seen or talked to Maddie since Friday. Her mom mentioned that Maddie had called while Emily was at the tournament, but Emily was so tired on Sunday night that she went to bed right after finishing her homework.

  Emily looked up as kids filed into the classroom. Bella waved to Emily, and Maddie flashed her a big grin.

  “How’d the bracelet making go?” asked Emily when the girls sat down.

  “Awesome,” said Maddie. “Wait until we show you!”

  The hands on the clock seemed to be moving very slowly that morning. Finally the recess bell rang and the girls went outside to the playground. Maddie pulled a big box out of her bag and lifted the lid. It was stuffed to the brim with bracelets.

  “Wow!” said Emily. “You guys made so many!”

  “And we’re not even done yet,” said Maddie. “We’re just getting started, really.”

  Emily was about to offer to help when Bella added, “We would have made more if it hadn’t been for—”

  “Marco!” Maddie groaned.

  “Who’s Marco?” asked Emily.

  “He’s my big brother,” explained Bella. “He said we were making them too small. . . .”

  “Because he thought they were dog collars, not bracelets.”

  “Yeah, he was all—”

  “No, no, he was like—”

  Bella and Maddie started to talk over each other, laughing the whole time. Emily touched her wrist where her friendship bracelet would have been. It didn’t matter what shirt she was wearing. Maddie certainly wasn’t going to notice that her bracelet was missing.

  Chapter 6

  Sam’s Big Ideas

  When Emily slid back into her seat before recess ended, she was surprised to find Sam already in his seat, drawing. Out of habit, she glanced over to see what he was creating.

  She gasped. Sam had created a huge, incredibly detailed city of birdhouses. In the sky he had drawn all sorts of birds. And each bird had a different kind of home!

  Emily tapped Sam on the shoulder.

  Startled, Sam covered his notebook.

  “Sorry!” said Emily. “I just wanted to tell you that I like your picture. Plus, I think it’s extra cool because I’m making a birdhouse in the art room. That’s where it is now.”<
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  “Really?” said Sam.

  Emily nodded. “I designed and built it myself. Though it would be cooler if it looked like that!” she said, pointing at Sam’s drawing.

  “Maybe I could help you with it,” suggested Sam.

  “That would be great!” said Emily.

  At lunchtime Emily waited for Sam, and then they headed for the art room together. Sam’s eyes grew wide when he saw Emily’s birdhouse.

  “That’s awesome!” he said. “It would be fun to paint the base yellow. And you could make both sides of the roof go all the way down, then curve up, sort of like wings?”

  “Great idea,” said Emily.

  “Thanks! But it’s already pretty cool,” Sam told her. “I wish I could build things like this. I guess I’m better at drawing and painting.”

  “I could help you with that,” Emily replied. She got out some tools, and Sam gathered paints. Together, they worked on adding pieces to the roof. They did sort of look like bird wings!

  “Hey, can I ask you something?” Sam said as he carefully painted the base of the birdhouse.

  “Sure,” said Emily.

  “Where’s Maddie?” Sam asked. “You guys are always together.”

  “Yeah . . . ,” Emily said, trailing off. Then she told Sam how Maddie seemed to only want to hang out with Bella now. And how Maddie had made a friendship bracelet for Bella. “And meanwhile,” Emily continued, “my friendship bracelet fell off last weekend and it’s lost forever. So I guess it’s official: Bella and Maddie are friends, and I’m not.”


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