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The Daltus Conspiracy

Page 10

by Andrew Gates

  “We did it. We got the data.” Daltus turned to face her daughter. “But it’s not over. Now we need to put out a press release. We need to let the world know that Milsen and Cutter are free. We need to control the story before that pesky reporter tries anything stupid.”

  “I understand. Then it will be over.”

  “Then?” Daltus stood up from her chair and shook her head. “Lyla, are you really that naive to think this is it?”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “Gresham, leave us,” Daltus said, waving her hand.

  The hulking guard nodded his head, then exited the room.

  “There are far too many loose ends in this,” Daltus continued once the room was clear. “We may have avoided conflict for now, but we are not off the hook, not by any means. Too many people know what we tried to do here.”

  “What are you saying?” Lyla asked.

  “I mean, we can’t have anyone running around who knows about our conspiracy. The longer they’re out there, the greater the risk one of them will talk. That includes your new boyfriend.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  “Well, you know what I mean.”

  “Not really, no,” Lyla admitted.

  “Lyla, I’m going to kill them. Milsen, Cutter, Natalie, they all need to die. I’m putting a price on their heads so high, mercenaries will flock to this ship from far and wide.”

  “You can’t be serious, mother. We don’t want that kind of attention on the Patriot. This is a military ship, not a slum.”

  “My career is on the line, Lyla. Hell, your career is on the line. You’re just as involved in this as I am. You should be more appreciative of what I’m trying to do.”

  Lyla glared at her mother. She did not know what to say next. She only knew one thing: Dave needed her help and she would not let him down.

  Mercs on the Maglev

  Earth Date (Revised Julian Calendar): 04.29.5673

  Location: Prisoner Hold, Section 4, VSC Patriot, Outer edge of Thrace System, Vexa Corp Controlled Space

  Ellen pushed past the thirteen-fingered guard and darted into the hallway. Nobody stopped her. She allowed the door to close behind her and let out a gasp of joy. She closed her eyes and raised her fists to the ceiling in victory.

  “Yes!” she cheered aloud.

  We did it. Excellent job, Ellen! Yuri said. There was a tone of relief in his voice.

  Ellen spun around in a full 360, taking it all in. She could do whatever she wanted now. This was what freedom felt like. She missed the feeling.

  A guard approached, keeping his pistol holstered. He did not appear the slightest bit worried by her.

  “Corporal Ellen Milsen, congratulations. You’re a free woman,” the guard said. “Captain Daltus just shared the news with the personnel.”

  “Thank you,” she replied with a smile.

  “If you’ll please follow me, I’ll show you the way out.”

  “Thank you,” she repeated.

  Ellen followed the man without saying another word. There was really nothing more to say. She had done it. She had escaped. It was over.

  Next stop: Mateo.

  The walk out of the prisoner hold felt long and slow, but Ellen did not mind. She was just pleased to put this whole ordeal behind her.

  You know we still have a lot to do before we can go home, right? Yuri asked.

  Why do I feel like you’re about to ruin a happy moment?

  Because I think pragmatically.

  Are you suggesting I don’t think pragmatically?

  You do, but not like me.

  Fine, I’ll bite. What do we still have to do, Yuri?

  We’ll have to commission a ship to take us home. According to the records, the ship we took to get here was seized by the military.

  So we’ll commission a ship. What’s the big deal?

  How will we commission a ship without any money?

  We have the money Vexa Corp paid us for the escort to Red One.

  Right, so the next step would be to access that money. We’ll have to talk with someone at the bank about it. Your account must have been frozen for all this time.

  Alright, to the bank, then!

  You’re far too optimistic right now, Yuri teased.

  What can I say? I’m being released from a cell. Of course I’m optimistic.

  The guard suddenly stopped by a large metal door. He motioned to it.

  “This is your way out,” he said.

  Ellen nodded and pressed on the door. Her heart raced in anticipation.

  “Thank you,” she said as she exited.

  The outside world of the Patriot was just as she imagined. Men and women briskly walked this way and that through the crowded halls of the ship. It was like a city block back on Neu Taargus.

  Dave was already waiting for her with a smile taking up half his face. He darted toward her with his arms outstretched. He practically knocked her over as he took her in his arms and held on tight.

  “We’re free!” he said as he grabbed onto Ellen. She had never heard him speak so proudly.

  “We are! I can’t believe it.”

  “I’m so happy,” he continued.

  “Me too.” Ellen pulled away from Dave and stared into his eyes. He was tearing up. “I’m so sorry you had to go through this with me, Dave. I never meant for any of this to happen.”

  “No, no, Ellen. It’s not your fault. I was the one who convinced you to come to Red One. If anyone is to blame, it’s me.”

  Nonsense. Neither of you are to blame. This is Daltus’s fault through and through, Yuri explained. It’s as simple as that. Stop beating yourselves up over this.

  “I guess you’re right,” Dave agreed. He wiped some tears from his face and looked around this section of the ship. He let out a deep sigh. “There’s a maglev train nearby,” he said, turning to face Ellen again. “We should take it and get out of here before the press knows we’re free. As soon as they learn the news, they’ll come swarming here. It’ll be a madhouse.”

  “Good thinking. Let’s get going,” Ellen agreed. She patted Dave on the back and let him lead the way.

  The two of them could now go wherever they wanted. The feeling was almost overwhelming.

  Ellen and Dave hopped on the nearest maglev train, not even bothering to check its destination. Once inside, Ellen calmly leaned back in the soft cushiony seats and spread out her legs. She let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes as the train filled with travelers.

  It was strange being in public again, but it filled her with a sense of comfort she had not felt in a long time.

  Where are we off to? Yuri wondered.

  According to you, we’re off to the bank, Ellen responded.

  You don’t even know where you’re going, do you?

  No, and for now, I don’t care. I just want to go somewhere away from where I’ve been for the last several days.

  The maglev train pulled into the next station. Ellen opened her eyes. Passengers filed up by the doors, ready to exit. The travelers poured out as soon as the doors opened. The next passengers entered only seconds later. It all happened like clockwork.

  Ellen watched as a couple entered the train in long black trench coats that covered their legs. The man had slick black hair and a clean-shaven face. His skin was shiny and smooth, almost as if it were made of metal. The woman had similar slick black hair and shiny, metallic skin. They resembled each other well. Ellen wondered if they were siblings. They both hobbled as they walked, as if trying to keep their knees perfectly unbent with every step. They each shot Ellen a quick glance, then stared forward again.

  Ellen sat up and kept her eyes on them. It been a long time since she was part of the SDF, but there were some skills she could never lose, like how to spot someone hiding a weapon.

  Yuri, are you seeing this? Ellen asked.

  I see them. I’m already dispersing nano to take a closer look. Data coming in now… Yuri said. You’re not going to like this. They’re
have weaponry concealed beneath their jackets.

  What are we dealing with here?

  Pulse rifles. Military grade.

  Dammit. The captain must have sent them. I was a fool to think she would let us go that easily.

  I don’t think they’re military. I can’t find anything on them in Vexa Corp’s database.


  I would guess so. They certainly look like mercenaries to me. I’m warning Dave and Gloria, Yuri said.


  Dave quickly sat up as his face went white. Ellen placed her hand on his lap, hoping to calm him down.

  Don’t worry, Ellen said to Dave. Stay calm. I’ll deal with them.

  The train pulled into the next stop. Once again, passengers filed in by the door. The two mercenaries took this opportunity to move their way toward Ellen and Dave.

  Ellen adjusted herself in the chair, ready to spring up at any moment.

  The door opened. Passengers exited the train and new passengers entered. This must have been a popular stop, wherever they were. For every five people who exited, only one entered. This train was about to get a whole lot emptier.

  And then the doors closed.

  Ellen immediately sprung up as both mercenaries pulled out their weapons. Ellen kicked the rifle out of the man’s hand, hitting him in the face with the weapon before it fell onto the floor. The woman wasted no time unloading her own rifle. A blast scathed Ellen in the left leg, but did nothing more than burn through her pants. Ellen quickly turned and slammed her fist into the woman’s throat, causing her to double back in pain.

  Passengers screamed in panic and crowded to the opposite end of the train car. They looked on in horror as the fight raged.

  Dave jumped up now and grabbed the man’s pulse rifle from the floor before the mercenary had a chance to reach it. Dave raised the weapon and unloaded a few shots at the man, but his metallic skin deflected the blasts, sending the shots ricocheting in every direction.

  “Watch it!” Ellen shouted. “We don’t want to hurt the passengers in the crossfire!”

  Ellen reached for the woman’s weapon, still in the mercenary’s grip, and pointed the barrel away from everyone. They wrestled for control of the rifle. The woman was strong, maybe even stronger than Ellen.

  “Let go!” the mercenary shouted. “You can’t beat me.” The woman angled the weapon down now, almost pointing it at Ellen.

  In that moment, Ellen kicked the woman in the left knee. The woman stumbled, allowing Ellen a brief window of opportunity. She used all the strength she had to pull the weapon from the woman’s grip and used nano to disable it. The pulse rifle was now useless. Ellen dropped it to the floor and kicked it against the wall.

  The train pulled into another stop now. Every passenger aboard crowded to the exits.

  Dave, when the doors open, run for it, Ellen ordered.

  What about you?

  Don’t worry about me. I’ll deal with these guys. Just run. Keep the rifle with you and don’t stop. There might be more of them waiting for you when you get off the train.

  The doors opened. A flood of passengers raced out in an instant. Dave joined them, sprinting through the station as fast as he could, rifle in hand.

  The man tried to follow Dave, but Ellen grabbed ahold of his long jacket and pulled him back, forcing the mercenary to spin around and face her.

  Ellen swung her right fist toward his head, but the man managed to block the strike with his left arm. Hitting his thick skin was like hitting a wall. It stung, but Ellen ignored the pain. Before she could deliver another punch, the woman grabbed Ellen by the shoulder and pulled her down to the floor. Both the man and the woman leaned over her now, ready to deliver a beating as the train doors closed.

  The three of them were all that remained in the car now.

  The woman held her down with both hands as the man raised his fists, preparing for another strike. Ellen extended her arm as far as she could, just barely able to grab ahold of the neutralized rifle lying on the floor beneath the woman’s feet. Ellen pulled it toward herself and used it to parry the man’s punches at the last second. Surprised, the man pulled his hands away, allowing an opportunity for Ellen to swing the weapon up and strike him in the face with the handle. He stumbled back in shock.

  “Stop moving around, you bitch!” shouted the woman, who released Ellen and grabbed ahold of the neutralized gun.

  Ellen quickly swung her legs to the side, tripping the woman. Her metallic skin clanked against the floor of the train as she fell. Ellen took this opportunity to stand up again. She held onto the barrel of the weapon as if it were a bat, ready for another bout.

  The man grunted as he recollected himself. He wiped some sweat from his face, then charged. Ellen swung the weapon, bringing its handle to the man’s face. She heard metal cracking. Not sure if it was the rifle or the mercenary’s skin, Ellen pulled the gun back and swung again, this time knocking him so hard that he fell onto the floor.

  Ellen took this opportunity to assess the rifle in her hands. It appeared to be in solid condition. That meant the man’s skin must have taken the damage, not the weapon.

  Before Ellen had time to prepare, the woman pounced like a lion, tackling Ellen to the ground. The mercenary lifted her hands into the air and her fingernails suddenly extended into two-inch long blades.

  “No, no, no,” Ellen muttered to herself as the woman brought her hands down, ready to slice away.

  Ellen rolled out of the way at the last second. The woman’s sharp nails cut into the floor of the train, leaving a trail of five parallel scrape marks. It looked as if it had been mauled by a tiger.

  The woman now stood on one side of Ellen. The man stood on the other. Ellen was surrounded. She took a few steps to the side, leaning her body against a window.

  What are you doing? Yuri asked.

  I have an idea, Ellen replied.

  Care to share?

  No time.

  The woman charged first, ready to swing her sharp nails. Ellen spun out of the way, forcing the woman to miss Ellen entirely and swipe at the window instead. The window glass shattered as the mercenary’s long nails pierced its surface. Wind blew through the car as it sped through the tunnel.

  The man jumped at Ellen now. Using his momentum to her advantage, she grabbed ahold of his torso and forced him up and over the threshold of the window. She brought his body to the now-gaping hole and pushed him out. His head smashed against the surface of the tunnel wall outside the train. The man squirmed and struggled, but Ellen used all the strength she could to hold him in place. Sparks flew every which way as friction burned at his metallic skin.

  “Let go of him, you bitch!” The woman swung at Ellen again, this time cutting her straight down the back.

  Ellen shouted in pain and let go of the man. She doubled down. The woman raised her claws again, ready for another slice. As she moved in for another strike, Ellen repeated her trick, grabbing hold of the woman’s torso and forcing her body through the window. Just like her male counterpart, the mercenary squirmed and struggled, but Ellen held her in place

  After a few moments, the woman stopped moving. Ellen pulled the body back in.

  Both bodies were now motionless on the floor of the train. The metal on their heads was worn and smoking. They had almost literally been sanded down. Ellen could feel the heat from where she stood.

  “Thank god for friction,” Ellen muttered aloud. She felt exhausted.

  You’re hurt. That cut to your back went deep, Yuri said. I’m repairing it with nano, but you’ll need time to recover.

  “No time. Dave might be in trouble.”

  I’m tracking his movements, Yuri explained. He’s running, just like you ordered. He hasn’t stopped moving.

  “Tell me how to get to him. I need to find him.”

  On it. Plotting a course now.

  “Final stop,” stated a calm female voice as the maglev pulled into the next station.

  Ellen made
one last check to verify that the attackers were unconscious.

  Don’t worry. They’re out of commission. They both suffered major head trauma, Yuri explained.

  “Sorry, I guess I’m just a bit paranoid. It’s been a long time since I’ve dealt with this kind of shit.”

  I understand.

  The train doors opened. Ellen sprinted out of the train.

  Marking Dave’s location on your HUD, Yuri explained.

  A red arrow appeared on Ellen’s retinal displays, along with a map of the ship’s layout. Judging from the map Yuri provided, the route to Dave was simple enough. A long corridor ran parallel to the maglev tunnel. Following along the corridor would lead her right to him.

  Dave, this is Ellen. I’m out of the train. I’m coming to you.

  Seriously? You took care of both those guys just like that? Dave replied.

  I may have run their heads into the tunnel wall as the train was moving, Ellen explained.

  Shit, Ellen.

  Is anyone following you?

  Not that I can tell, but please get here soon. I don’t like being on my own like this.

  I understand. Stay in the corridor. Keep running the direction you’re going. We’ll meet in the middle.


  Ellen pressed on as fast as she could. With every step, she could feel warm blood soaking into her shirt. Her back still stung from the woman’s claw-like fingernails, but Ellen ignored the pain. There were bigger things to worry about.

  The farther she ran, the more populated the corridor became. After a few minutes, she was caught up in a crowd. She did her best to dodge the pedestrians, sliding in between them like a snake slithering through rocks.

  Dave drew nearer and nearer on her HUD. They would be together soon. According to the map, they were hardly over 400 meters apart, though Ellen could barely see anything through the crowd.

  He’s close, Yuri said.

  I know, but I want eyes on him, Ellen replied, searching frantically.

  Suddenly she saw him. Dave panted as he ran at full speed. His face was red. His jaw was open wide. He tightly held onto the pulse rifle with both hands.


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