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Sarah's Coming Out

Page 5

by Sammie Joyce

  They gravitated towards each other, an unspoken pull between them as their lips met again. This time, the kiss felt hot. Passionate. The warmth she felt turned into a burning heat, slowly spreading through her body and devouring her. Her desire for Shane grew, and as their kiss deepened, she felt that desire echo back from the other man as they both slipped into the bliss of kissing each other.

  As soon as Shane's lips moved to her neck, Sarah knew she was lost to this man. She couldn't stop her feelings or what was about to happen between them. It was fate. She wanted Shane more than anything. She moaned softly as the delicate kisses were spread over her sensitive skin, giving her pleasure she’d never experienced before.

  Sarah reached forward, needing to feel ever closer to the man. Her hands ran across his shirt and desperately, she pulled at the fabric, lifting it enough to slide her hands underneath and to gain access to the firm skin of his stomach. She ran her hand over his hard muscles and up to his chest, trying to tell him with her actions that she wanted this. She wanted him.

  "Sarah... are you sure?" he asked, pulling away to catch her eyes again, to check that she really wanted this. But all he saw was raw desire. "I... I don't want to hurt you," he whispered, looking at her sincerely. That was the last thing he wanted. He leaned his head against hers for a moment, trying to catch his breath.

  "You won't," she replied because deep in her heart she knew Shane could never hurt her, not ever. She felt safe. She felt wanted. She felt special.

  Shane let out a breathless laugh. "I didn't mean..." He trailed off with a smile. "So innocent," he whispered as he cupped her face and kissed her softly again.

  Sarah looked at him, confused for a second. She wondered what he meant, or if maybe this was all in her head. Did he really want her as much as she wanted him? She hoped so because she ached for him.

  "What I meant was, you know I'm a bear, but what you don't know is that it's so easy to lose control around you. You make me desire so much. I don't want to lose control of my bear and hurt you - I could hurt you by accident," Shane explained, already feeling guilty about it though it had not happened yet. It was one of his biggest fears to hurt those that he loved.

  Sarah's heart palpitated, almost beating out of her chest as she finally understood. Shane did want her, he wanted her so much that he was worried he would lose control and hurt her. The thought of being that wanted was such a pleasant one. "Shane," she said softly, "I believe in you. And I trust you."

  Sarah locked eyes with Shane as she slowly and deliberately climbed into his lap, letting him know that she truly wanted to be his. Her hands found her way to her chest and she unbuttoned her blouse, slowly exposing her lacy bra to him with every button she opened until finally, she pulled the material off and let it fall to the floor.

  Shane's eyes were all over her, devouring the sight of her, committing it to memory. He reached and touched her waist. Her skin felt soft and smooth under his rough hands. Without hesitation, he removed his own shirt and then sat up, pulling her more securely into his lap, bringing their bodies together for the first time. Both of them gasped in surprise at the feel of the other.

  They kissed deeply, getting lost in the feeling of each other and before long, Shane's hands were on the straps of Sarah's bra, skilfully undoing the clasp and exposing her gorgeous breasts to him for the first time. His mouth was on her immediately, taking one of her beautiful rosy pink nipples into his mouth and teasing the tip of her nipple with his tongue. He sucked lightly, letting his tongue swirl against the sensitive bud and Sarah cried out in pleasure.

  "Please, oh, Shane, please," she begged him, arching her back and pushing her breasts at the man who was so effortlessly taking her apart.

  "Patience, my sweet," he teased, giving the same attention to her other nipple and delighting in the way she panted, squirming on his lap and moaning at such gentle, wonderful touches.

  Shane was already so hard, his cock aching where it was trapped underneath her. Sarah was so impossibly beautiful that he couldn't stop the natural instinct of rocking his hips upwards, grinding his hot, hard cock against the covered warmth between her thighs.

  Sarah felt the impossibly large and hard bulge between her thighs as he rocked upwards and she gasped in surprise. "You feel... you feel..." she muttered, her words lost. "God, Shane, you're so..." she managed to gasp out, slowly growing addicted to the feeling of rubbing herself against him. His clothed cock felt like heaven against her pussy, even through the layers of clothes. It made her dizzy with desire.

  Shane chuckled. "I am a bear, you know," he joked and Sarah smiled, her lip caught between her lips as she thought about what it would feel like to have something so hot and big inside her.

  She didn't have to wonder for long because Shane spun them unexpectedly, knocking the wind from her as she suddenly found herself staring at the ceiling and the bear hovering above her. He ripped her bottoms off in one smooth motion and she found herself naked, her skin on display for the man, her nipples hard and her pussy wet from his touches.

  Shane needed to feel her. All of her. He ran his hands across her soft thighs and towards her heat. He slipped his fingers into her wetness, her skin soft and silky and scorching hot from her arousal. Sarah's legs widened at the touch as his fingers gently rubbed through her slick pussy and pushed inside her, to where she needed him the most. She cried out in bliss at the feel of him. His touch was perfect for her aching pussy.

  "Shane, Shane," she cried out, already feeling herself spiralling as pleasure curled in the pit of her stomach and in her groin. "Please... I need you," she cried, desperate to feel closer to him.

  Shane removed his fingers slowly and then shimmied out of his clothes, settling naked between her spread thighs. Her eyes were all over him, from his beautiful face to his muscled torso, all the way down to where his cock hung hard and heavy. He was bigger than anyone Sarah had ever seen and the thought that his beautiful cock was going to be inside her in a short moment was so much to comprehend.

  "Are you sure?" he asked, a little hesitant, worrying if he would fit inside her but she nodded and looked up at him in desire.

  Unwilling to say no to such an invitation, Shane gripped his hard cock and slowly, he pushed the thick length into her scorching heat. The two of them moaned in unison at the sensation. It was like they were made for each other. It was perfection.

  It didn't take long for the two of them to start moving together, their hand's clasped together as they kissed and moved together as one. Each of them gripping at the other with an increasing need as they grew ever closer to completion.

  Shane grew more confident, Sarah was more sturdy than he had thought and she seemed to be able to cope with the demanding thrusts from the bear inside of him. He let go of the worry and pounded into her relentlessly, causing the woman to cry out in ecstasy as he touched all the right places inside her, stretching her perfectly and bringing her a pleasure that she hadn't known could exist between two people.

  "Sarah," he moaned, groaning as he grew desperate as he neared his climax. He held back, wanting to bring her to completion before he came inside her. He kissed her neck, moaning into her ear, "You're so fucking beautiful," and that was it, the feel of his soft breath on her ear in combination of such beautiful words while her body was being worshipped so completely proved too much. Sarah found herself moaning uncontrollably and gripping at Shane's shoulders, her nails leaving scratches in their wake as she scrambled for purchase as she came, wetness flooding from her and pussy throbbing as she orgasmed.

  Shane wasn't too far behind, the feeling of her tightening and contracting around his sensitive cock was what tipped him over the edge - feeling her pleasure was the ultimate turn on and it was impossible to hold back. He fucked her hard until pleasure exploded through him and he came, pumping hot come inside her pussy and satisfying her in a way she hadn't know she needed.

  The lay in an embrace for a long time, still connected by body... and by heart.

>   Sarah snapped back to reality. Her body was hot from thinking about all of the things that he could do to her. She wasn’t happy that she was being held hostage again. But she didn’t mind being in the same room with Shane. He was handsome and rugged, and she couldn’t stop drooling over him.

  “I don’t have a lot to eat here since I’m practically never home. But I hope this will do,” he said as he walked in with a plate of sandwiches, a bottle of white wine under his arm and two glasses between his fingers. He set everything upon the table and she reached for one of the sandwiches. They were plain but they tasted so amazing. She devoured hers in just a couple of seconds and grabbed a handful of chips.

  He watched her eat and she found it kind of weird. But she was too hungry to care. He barely touched his food and just sipped his wine, probably to calm her nerves.

  “Better?” he asked with a smile.

  She nodded while she was finishing swallowing.

  “Good. I think it's time to tell you what has been going on,” he said.

  She sat comfortably situated, settled into the couch. She crossed her legs over each other and waited patiently for him to tell her what he wanted her to know.

  “Okay, here goes,” he said. “You’re a shifter. That means you can change into a creature. I’m known as a were-bear. When I change, I turn into a grizzly, the other men on my team are shifters too. Except for Dimitri, he’s a vampire. All of the things you’ve been experiencing, especially the night at the diner was your first change and your body’s reaction to it. Most people turn during their first time during their teen years but for some reason, you turned really late and we still don’t know why. A shifter’s parents usually teach you about all of these things,” he said.

  Sarah was shocked. She had known she was different, but she never thought in a million years that she was a shifter and that even existed. She looked into Shane’s face and recognition slammed right into her. All the questions she was going to ask him didn’t seem as important as the fact that she knew who he was.

  “I know you,” she said as she leaned over to him and stared intensely into his eyes.

  “What do you mean?” he asked nervously.

  “The day in the woods, on the bridge. You’re the bear that saved my life and tried to save my parents from that rogue bear. Was he a shifter too?” she asked.

  Shock filled Shane’s face and he moved backwards in confusion. “You’re the girl from the bridge?” he asked her.

  “Yes,” she answered without another word.

  “I knew that I knew you too. But I couldn’t figure it out. I’ve seen you every night in my dreams since that day. I felt so guilty for not being able to save your parents, that I left you an orphan that day, but I couldn’t change back in front of you. I knew that you wouldn’t understand. And that rogue bear wasn’t a shifter, he was a regular bear with a vendetta that I still don’t understand,” he said.

  “Why do you feel guilty? You did your best to save my parents. I have wanted to find you for so long and to thank you for what you did.”

  “How did you know it was me?”

  “You’re eyes. I recognized them,” she said. “And, I see you every night in my dreams too. I haven’t been able to forget about you since that day in the forest.” She looked down at her hands. “But, if my parents were shifters, why didn’t they teach me any of this?”

  “I just found out that information today,” he said. “So, the other men who were after you work for a mad scientist named Dr. Ranson. He was the one who wanted to take you to his lab and study your genetic makeup. However, we found out that your parents that were killed on that fateful day weren’t your parents, they adopted you and that the Dr. had staged the accident that led to their deaths. He made that bear go rogue.”

  “What do you mean they’re not my parents? And why would he do that?” she asked. Her mind was swimming right now. Her whole identity had been challenged in one day. She really didn’t know how to react to any of it.

  “We think it was because he wanted to see if it would make you shift. Sometimes, catastrophic events can cause someone to shift unexpectedly.”

  “Wait, did you say that Dr. Ranson was the scientist’s name?”

  Shane nodded. “Does that name ring a bell? Do you know him?”

  “I know of him. But I don’t know him personally. My parents worked for him at his lab for a time. Do you think my real parents might be out there? Do you think they could help me figure out what I am? Or do you know what I am?” she asked again. There were a million questions running around inside her head.

  “We know that you are a shifter, but we don’t know what kind of shifter…We have no idea how or why you shifted into a rat because there are no other were-rats out there that we know of. I think this is why he wanted to test your genetic makeup. We think that you are special to the shifter race and for that, we need to ensure your protection and safety. We don’t let anyone mess with our own,” he said. “As far as your parents still being out there, we can only look for them and we will help you the best way that we can. We have an endless supply of resources at our disposal.”

  “Who are you guys?”

  “We are a government-funded agency that helps protect shifters and other paranormal creatures. We want to make sure that we fit in nicely with the human race without harming them. We also are the keepers of a lot of paranormal information that can be utilized to help around the world.”

  Sarah stood up and started to pace the room. So, she was a shifter. That means she could turn into a type of animal, but she turned into a rat yesterday. Was this because she had wished that she was smaller? Panic started to hit her and all she wanted to do was put her head into the sand and hide from all of this. But she knew that she had to be strong and keep going. She was going to have to face this head on, no matter what. She didn’t have any other choice.

  “Oh my God…I know why you’re so special,” he said.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked confused. He had just said he didn’t know!

  “You just turned into an ostrich, then back to a human, then a bunny and then a lion. All within a couple of seconds of each other,” he said.

  Complete surprise rushed through her. “Are you kidding me?” she asked. “I changed to all of those things? What kind of shifter am I?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never seen that before. All I know is that you change into whatever animal you need to in regard to your circumstances. This is why you turned into a rat that night. You wanted to be small, didn’t you?”

  “I did. That was insane.” She sat down on the couch and rocked back and forth. Anxiety started to take over because she was so overwhelmed.

  “Now, I want to know who your parents are. They must be some amazing creatures,” he said. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that,” he said when he saw the look on her face.

  “No, it’s okay. I know what you meant. I just miss my parents every single day and the thought of having other parents somewhere out in the world is terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. I wonder what they are like. I always knew that I was different than my parents. We never saw eye to eye, but they loved me, and I loved them, and I would still love to have them back in my life,” she said.

  Shane moved closer to her and put his hand on her shoulder. She wanted him to do more but she knew that he probably wanted to act professionally in this current situation. A hug would feel nice right about now.

  He must have felt what she did because he moved his hand. “Sarah, I would. You know, given our current situation. It wouldn’t be right if moved forward because technically I’m still on a mission. I can never mix business with pleasure. I hope that you understand,” he said.

  Sarah was a little disappointed, but she did understand. He probably didn’t really like her anyway. All of the signs that she had thought she saw were only just in her head. She needed to keep telling herself that. He was being nice because he had an obligation to protect her. He ha
d an obligation since the day on the bridge and she knew that the dreams he had about her were because of his guilt for letting her parents die. No, letting her adoptive parents die. All of this was mind-boggling.

  She picked up the glass of wine and threw it back. She needed something to numb the pain that was going through her. She needed time to process this and she needed to be alone.

  “Do you have somewhere I can lie down? I’m feeling tired and a little overwhelmed,” she said.

  He got up from the couch. His movements indicated that he was glad to have something to do besides continue this uncomfortable conversation.

  “Yes, I do. You can lie down in the guest room,” he said.

  He led her to the back of the house and she followed behind him. She watched his shoulders bulging through the back of his shirt and it brought up the attraction she felt for him. She needed to repress those feelings. Why did her body keep reacting to something she knew she couldn’t have? She was going to have a long talk with herself when she was in the room alone.


  Shane closed the door behind her and walked back into the other room. It has been a crazy couple of days and he didn’t know how to react to it. Sarah was the girl from that fateful day on the bridge. She was the girl that he couldn’t get out of his head. The one he dreamt about every night. His instincts must have known that because of how his body was responding to her. He wanted to do things to her that were not possible in their current situation. He was her protector and was still on a mission until the immediate danger had lapsed. He had done most of his job by telling her who he was and what she needed to do. He told her that the team would help her in whatever way she needed.

  The incidents of that day came back to his mind and so many questions had been answered. But more had come to light. He now knew what was wrong with the bear and that he had been tampered with. No bear would attack someone that wasn’t in their territory or who meant no harm to them. What other part did the scientist have in this story? He staged the accident that killed Sarah’s parents. Or well, the parents that Sarah thought was hers. Now he had learned that her adopted parents had worked for Dr. Ranson. Did he have a part in her not being with her birth parents? Were they still alive? Did he harm them too?


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