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Blood of the Dragon: BBW Paranormal Romance (Her Dragon's Bane Series Book 2)

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by Raines, Harmony

  “Why, Zoah? What does she have on you?” Serena asked. “Why hadn’t you already rescued Charlotte?”

  “I couldn’t find her,” he said, avoiding the question. “The more pressing dilemma we have is that if Tara is dead, we won’t be able to pass through the ward.”

  Serena’s face registered her shock. “I hadn’t thought about that. What is she dies? Won’t it just die with her?”

  “Do you want to take that chance?” asked Zoah.

  “It’s tempting,” said Serena.

  “No, we should help her.” Charlotte pushed herself away from Serena, dragging her bruised body towards Tara. “She’s tried to be kind to me while I’ve been here.”

  “But she’s the reason we are all here in the first place,” Serena insisted, still not buying Tara’s reasons for helping Samuel.

  “I don’t know why she worked with Samuel. But it wasn’t to take his plans to fruition. She stalled him when he wanted to hurt me.” Charlotte dropped her gaze.

  “Oh, Charlotte, I’m so sorry you had to get caught up in all this.”

  “It’s not your fault. She said my fate was bound up in it all too, not just yours.” Charlotte began to get up, while Connor and Zoah moved more rubble until they could squeeze through. “Come on, we have to get her to wake up.”

  Serena followed Charlotte over to where Tara lay, and between them they sat her up. Wiping her face, making sure her nose was clear, and then Serena searched for her pulse. It was weak, but even, she would probably make it, but they needed her to wake up quickly.

  “You need to get as far back as you can, but not too close to the rubble. We don’t know what’s going to happen.” Connor motioned for them to move.

  “What do you mean, what’s going to happen?” Serena asked.

  “The only way we’re getting out of here is through this wall. The church roof is falling in, it’s too dangerous that way.”

  “How are you going to get through the ... oh!” Serena realised what they were going to do. “Charlotte, help me with Tara. We need to get right back out of the way.”

  “What’s going on? How are they going to knock the wall down without a hammer of some kind?”

  “You’ll see. Just don’t be afraid.”

  “You mean, they’re going to change, into dragons, right here?”

  “Help me shield Tara. I guess we’d better try to save her.”

  They used their bodies to cover Tara, and Serena placed her arm over Charlotte, trying to protect her too. Tilting her head up she saw Zoah change into his other self, and was surprised how much smaller he was than Connor. The hues of his scales were tinged with blue, she had expected all dragons to be the same fiery red. But his smaller stature took nothing away from his fearsome presence. And the whole building shook as he rammed into the wall with his body.

  Bits of masonry fell down, but there seemed no damage to the wall itself. Serena could feel Charlotte trembling as the building shook again, and then suddenly a blast of cold air hit them, and it became easier to breathe. Yet any happiness was short lived, the building began to crumble around them.

  Connor grabbed Charlotte and hauled her to her feet, he shoved her towards Zoah who had changed quickly back, and was pulling bricks away. Serena watched him help Charlotte out, and even in the dim light, with fear hanging over them, she couldn't miss the way he touched her arm, gently, and with something bordering on reverence.

  “Her fate is bound to ours too.” Oh no, that was not going to happen, not while she had a say in her sister’s future.

  “What?” Connor asked.

  “Nothing. Let’s get this witch out of here.”

  Connor lifted her up, and carried her unconscious body out, with Serena in front of him. Once the were all outside together, they took off to put as much distance between them and the ruined building as possible. But then the dragons hit the ward.

  “You go on, get to safety.” Connor shouted, putting Tara on the ground.

  “No. We’ll wait, and all go together.”

  “There’s nothing you can do. Get away from here.” He knelt over Tara, and patted her cheek, calling her name. “Tara, Tara, wake up.”

  “Connor, please.”

  “Go!” he bellowed.

  “Serena, take Charlotte and run. Don’t let this all be in vain,” Zoah said, and the look in his face made her move. She took hold of Charlotte’s hand and pulled her along, away from the blazing building, which they could no longer see. Instead the image was one of calm peace, no clue to the fire that was razing the building to the ground.

  Connor and Zoah were gone too, hidden behind the spell made by the witch Tara.

  Chapter Sixteen - Connor

  “If this gets worse our best bet is to change, our other selves will be able to sustain the heat,” Zoah said behind him.

  “Do you think if the building comes down the ward will lift? It could be tied to the building itself.”

  “But the rubble will still be there, so the building will be to some degree. It’s risky. What we really need is for her to wake up.”

  They both looked down at Tara, who lay still, her skin deathly pale.

  “Want to try mouth to mouth?”

  “Not really,” Zoah answered.

  “Charming,” Tara murmured.

  “She’s awake.” Connor bent over her. “Open your eyes. We need you to remove the ward.”

  “Not so fast.” She fluttered her eyes open.

  Connor sensed trouble, and placed his hand around her wrist tightly. “What do you want witch? I knew one of your kind wouldn’t be helping us for free.”

  “How quickly you judge me.” She licked her lips. “I could really do with a drink.”

  “Then drop the spell and we’ll get you one.”

  “First we have a bargain to strike.”

  “A bargain. What kind of bargain?”

  The roof of the church collapsed inwards, a tremendous sound filling the air. “Do sounds travel through this?” Zoah asked. “Because if it does, we are going to be in the middle of a police zone fairly fast.”

  “To anyone mortal, this is just an normal night, nothing to see, nothing to hear. But once I drop the ward all hell is going to break loose. But the longer we leave it the better, after all we don't want there to be any evidence of dragons. People will talk.”

  “And on the subject of talking. What do you want?” Connor’s voice held more than a hint of aggression.

  “I only want one thing.”

  “Name it witch. Let us be done with your games.”

  “Tsk, tsk. It’s of benefit for you too, Mighty Dragon.”

  “Tell me,” he demanded.

  “You don’t want to lose your mate. Ever. I can help you with that.”

  “Talk plainly.”

  “I know a way of making her life as long as yours.”

  “I don’t believe you. My father tried everything, asked everyone. He couldn’t find a way.”

  “That was a long time ago. But time moves on, and new things are found. I can help you.”

  “The condition?”

  She smiled, “I always thought dragons were stupid.”

  “We’re running out of time.”

  “The condition is you take me with you.”


  “I’ll tell you once we’re on our way. That way you won’t bite my head off before we get there.”

  “I will do it as soon as we arrive instead. So it’s a deal.”

  “Now, now. That’s not nice. You will need my help to accomplish what you want. So don’t be too hasty in deciding my fate.”

  “And why should I trust you?”

  “Haven’t I proved my worth? If I had chosen to betray you, you would all be dead right now. Isn’t that right Zoah?”

  Connor turned his gaze on his brother. “What do you know about this Zoah?”

  “Oh, that’s right, he didn’t tell you who his informer was. Well, we had quite the little chat last
night, didn’t we young dragon?”

  “She’s the one who told you how to get in? And you didn’t want to tell me that?”

  “No. You wouldn’t have trusted her.” Zoah looked fiercely at his brother. “It’s turned out alright, so let’s just move on.”

  “You still should have told me.”

  “Come now, Zoah. Tell your big brother your reasons.”

  “Shut up,” Zoah snapped.

  “Then I’ll tell him. He was scared if this all went wrong you would have blamed him for trusting me. And Zoah hates being wrong, don’t you Zoah?”

  “You don’t know everything Tara.”

  “Really? I would beg to differ.” She smiled smugly, but still looked weak. “He didn’t tell you. And you are not going to tell Serena why we are going on our little trip.”

  “I don’t want to keep secrets from her.”

  “You don’t have a choice. Tell her and she lives a normal mortal life.” She looked at Connor’s face, the anguish registered there. “We have a deal then. Now, gentlemen, let’s get out of here.”

  She stood up, and brushed herself down, then took an experimental step forward, flinching with pain, but covering it quickly to walk towards the magic barrier. They watched her stand before it, her eyes closed as she muttered a spell.

  “Now you may proceed.”

  They stepped forward, half expecting to be stopped in their tracks, but nothing happened. Looking behind them they could see the roaring flames eating the last of the church, and knew they were running out of time.

  Connor picked up the witch, and ran from the blaze, Zoah by his side. He hated the deal he had made, and the idea of lying to Serena. But it would be worth it if it meant Serena would be always there for their child. And for him.

  Chapter Seventeen - Serena

  Seeing Connor carrying the witch Tara had a peculiar effect on Serena, she experienced an emotion she had never thought she would feel where a man was concerned. She was jealous. Jealous of the way Tara had her arm draped possessively around Connor’s neck, jealous of the way she rested her head on his broad chest, and most of all jealous of the concerned look Connor had on his face.

  Had the witch cast one of her spells on him? Would she lose her dragon to Tara?

  He must have sensed her watching him, because he looked up and smiled at her, and the tight grip on her heart relaxed a little. He was hers, yet there was definitely something bothering him. A wave of sadness consumed her. This was not over. Samuel might be dead, his plans in ruins, but their lives were not going to be a fairy tale ending.

  As they ran down dark alley ways, heading towards the mansion and safety, she tried to find the strength to face whatever was to come. They had come this far, worked together to rescue Charlotte, and they would face the future together and conquer any danger that might come their way.

  Dear Charlotte. She had no idea what she was getting herself into. But if the witch was right, she really was up to her neck in this. Or perhaps Serena should send her away, remove all temptation away from Zoah. But that would wait for another day. Right now she simply longed to rest and feel safe in Connor’s arms.

  “Can’t you change and just fly us all out of here,” she heard Tara ask.

  “Nope. To many people will be awake and watching the flames light up the sky. We are going to have to do this on foot.”

  “It’s a good job you have such strong arms,” Tara said, stroking his muscles with her fingertips.

  Serena dragged her eyes away, knowing this was all for her benefit. And her dislike of the witch grew. She was manipulative, and self centred, everything she had done, all the ways she had orchestrated events leading up to this night were for her own gain. Serena only hoped she could uncover what that was before Tara did too much damage to the people she loved.

  By the time the mansion appeared in the distance, sounds of sirens could be heard behind them. In the sky helicopters circled, and Serena could only imagine the amount of cameras trained on this part of town.

  “We should walk, look natural. If anyone sees a group of people running away suspicion will fall on us, and once we’re on the road close to your home it wouldn’t take much for them to come knocking on your door,” Serena said.

  “You’re right,” Connor agreed, and then stopped and lowered Tara to the ground. “You’re going to have to walk.”

  “But my ankle,” she protested.

  “You can lean on me, but it’s going to raise questions if I’m carrying you. This way you can just say you twisted your ankle.”

  “Really. I much preferred been in your arms.”

  He looked at her, his eyes piercing. “Stop it.”

  “Stop what?” she smiled. “Ahh, I’m making your little sacrifice jealous.”

  “She knows you are nothing to me. But I’m fed up of listening to your remarks. If you want us to help you, then be nice.”

  Her face hardened. “You have a short memory.”

  His body stiffened, and Tara must have felt his anger palpable in the air, because she cowered away from him. “I guess dragons don’t have a sense of humour.”

  “Not where interfering witches are concerned.”

  “OK. I’ll play nice. You forget I’ve had to hide my true self for so long. It’s nice to be free.”

  “You went to him by choice,” Serena said, finding her voice at last. Her anger towards Tara ebbing away for now.

  “None of us are here by choice.”

  “Oh, really? Because I figured you’ve done all this for yourself, there’s something you want.”

  “Oh, so the little whore has a back bone after all.”

  Serena wanted to launch herself at Tara and rip her eyes out. Connor moved first though, he took a step away from Tara, and went to Serena, pulling her into his arms. “Let it go,” he whispered. “She’s really not worth it.”

  Tara wobbled, her weight on one foot. “Hey. I need a hand.”

  “You might need one, but you don’t deserve one,” Connor said. “I’ve known many witches throughout the ages, and you have to be one of the rudest. If you insult Serena, or Charlotte once more, you will not be welcome in my home. Do you understand?”

  Tara sighed. “Yes. Now will one of you help me?”

  “I will,” Charlotte said, stepping forward. “But only because you were nice to me when I was with Samuel. If you can’t behave better, then this will be the last time.”

  “Thank you, Charlotte. At least one of you has a little class.”

  “One more word, Tara. One more word,” Charlotte warned.

  Tara settled her weight against Charlotte, and kept her mouth shut. They walked slowly along the road to the house, none of them speaking. More than once Serena took a sideways glance at Zoah, who was very quiet, gazing stoically ahead. She smiled. Out of all the things that could have happened to him, all the horrible ways this day could have ended, she figured that seeing his mate for the first time was probably the worst. Later she would speak to him. Charlotte was only fifteen. He needed to keep his hands off her, or Serena would be clipping his dragon wings severely, not to mention castrating him with a blunt knife.

  “What are you smiling at?” Connor asked as the reached the gate.

  “I don’t know. It’s just funny how things turn out, that’s all.”

  “Funny isn’t always the way I’d describe things.” He entered the code, and the gates opened to let them in. One by one they trailed in, all exhausted and dirty from the smoke and the dust.

  “Can you lock the witch in the cellar?” Serena asked. “I think it’s the only place for her. I don’t trust her.”

  “Neither do I. But if it wasn’t for her we wouldn’t have got out of there alive.”

  “Or been in there in the first place.”

  “It’s done. She had her reasons. She said if she’d told us things wouldn’t have turned out like they have.” For the first time she noticed how tired Connor looked, and sad when he added, “I might never have f
ound you.”

  “True.” Serena tried to shake off her bad mood. “She’d better not expect me to be grateful though. That is never going to happen.”

  “I think she knows that.” He let them into the house.

  The other three were walking a little way behind, Charlotte looking even younger than her fifteen years, her face pale and drawn. Hating having to go anywhere near Tara, Serena went back and helped her sister. Wordlessly she looped Tara’s arm over her shoulder and supported her as they reached the house and went inside the sanctuary of the dragon's home.

  “Wow,” Charlotte breathed as they reached the great staircase.

  “Serena said you’d like it,” Connor said.

  “It’s amazing.”

  “Perhaps ... when you're feeling rested, of course, I could give you a guided tour.” Serena had never expected to hear nervousness in Zoah’s voice. His brashness seemed to have faded in the presence of Charlotte.

  “I’d like that,” Charlotte said, smiling at Zoah.

  Serena kept silent, she would speak to Zoah later, remind him of Charlotte’s age. They no longer lived in the middle ages when teenage brides were given to men. There was no way Charlotte was going to be a virgin sacrifice until she was eighteen. No scratch that, thirty at least...

  “Come on, let’s get you washed and into bed,” she said to Charlotte. “Zoah, perhaps you can take Tara to wherever it is you’re going to put her.” She slipped away from the witch, who collapsed down onto the stairs.

  “Can you find her a room?” Connor said to his brother. “Serena, why don't we take Charlotte to your room.”

  “Great. That’s what I was thinking.” Serena wrapped her arms around Charlotte again, and held her close. “I can’t believe you're here, and safe.”

  “Neither can I. It’s been forever since I’ve had a proper bath. There was nowhere to shower properly at the church, and I hated having to take my clothes off to wash. There always seems to be some old man or other watching. Disgusting.”

  “You’re not keen on old men then?” Serena asked, making sure she caught Zoah’s eye as she spoke.

  “No. They’re weird, and crusty.” She shuddered.


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