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Fair-Weather Friends

Page 6

by ReShonda Tate Billingsley

  “Okay, okay,” I said, breaking out in a huge smile. “He is cute, isn’t he?”

  They squealed, dancing around like I had just said I was going on a date with Ne-Yo or something.

  “What’s the big deal?” I asked.

  “You, finally admitting what we’ve known all along,” Camille replied.

  “And that is?”

  “That you’re feeling C. J.,” Camille said matter-of-factly. She put her hands on her hips. “So, what are you going to do about it?”

  I hadn’t thought that far. “Nothing,” I said. “I mean, there’s really nothing going on with us.”

  “That kiss wasn’t nothing,” Alexis said.

  “For real,” Camille added. “Y’all making out in public like you some hoochie mama,” she joked.

  “We were not making out,” I protested. “He just kissed me.” I smiled again, recalling the way C. J.’s lips felt against mine. “He did say he wanted me to be his girl, though.”

  Camille raised her eyebrows like she was waiting on me to continue. “And you told him yes, right?”

  “I didn’t tell him anything.”

  “Well, you’re going to call him when you get home and tell him yes, right?” Alexis prodded.

  I thought about it for a minute. “Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t.”

  “Girl, you’d better call that boy,” Camille said. “I saw him give you his number.”

  “Okay, Inspector Gadget. How do you know what was on the paper?”

  “What else would he be stuffing in your pants?” Alexis replied.

  “Unless he was just trying to cop a feel,” Camille added.

  I threw up my hands as I started back toward the parking lot. “What? Are you guys spying on me or something?”

  “We weren’t spying. We were coming to meet you and just stayed back to give you some privacy,” Camille said, trying to sound all innocent.

  I tsked. “Mmm-hmmm, stayed back just far enough to be able to hear.”

  “Well, of course,” they replied in unison.

  We all busted out laughing. I was surprised because I was feeling better than I had in a long time. I was chillin’ with my best friends and, from the looks of things, headed toward a new love. Life couldn’t really get any better than that.



  I took in every inch of Kalvin. He was so fine, it wasn’t even funny. His hair was braided back into tight zigzag braids. He wore Sean John jeans, a bright yellow Sean John T-shirt, and the newest Jordans.

  I’d been through my share of boyfriends, but if I could make Kalvin mine, he’d top any other guy I’d ever dated.

  “Here’s your Spanish homework.” I smiled as I handed Kalvin the paper. I’d spent all last night making sure it was perfectly done. I’d purposely missed two questions so the teacher wouldn’t get suspicious, but the rest of it I was sure would garner him an A.

  “And here are my boxers.” He held them up with both hands.

  “Oh my God.” I quickly grabbed them and stuffed them down in my bag as I looked around nervously. The fact that I had to ask for them in the first place was embar-rassing enough. I didn’t need him flashing them right there in the hallway for the whole world to see.

  “What? You’re afraid someone might see you collecting boys’ boxers?” Kalvin laughed.

  “Please, it’s bad enough I have to do this silly stuff.” I shook my head as I zipped up my bag. One girl had already seen them and was looking at me crazy. I shot her a look that told her to mind her own business.

  “Oh, it’s no big deal. Everybody knows it’s all part of your pledging,” Kalvin said.

  I sighed. “Everyone’s not supposed to know about our pledging.”

  “Well, they do.” Kalvin lifted his left hand to move a strand of hair away from my face. “So, tell me, why does a pretty girl like you want to be a Theta Lady anyway?”

  “I just do.” As cute as he was, his gaze was starting to make me uncomfortable. He looked like he wanted to tear my clothes off right then and there, and I didn’t like that.

  “I’m sure you gave a better answer than ‘I just do’ when they asked.”

  He was now running his hand up and down my arm. I kind of eased away from his touch. “I just like what the Thetas are about,” I said.

  “So do they make you get with guys or anything like that?” he asked. His voice was husky as he looked me dead in the eye.

  “Excuse me?” I cocked my head. “What did you just say?”

  “You heard me.” The smile was gone from his face now and he looked serious as a heart attack. “I mean, they got you approaching guys for their underwear and all. I’m just wondering what else they have you doing. Or who they have you doing.”

  I know I was feeling Kalvin and all, but I surely didn’t want him thinking this was that kind of party. I didn’t try hiding my frown.

  “They don’t have us doing anyone. We just do stupid tasks, but nothing like that,” I snapped.

  “Well, I heard some pretty wild stories.”

  “Well, you heard wrong.”

  “Dang, baby, chill,” he said, holding up his hands like he was surrendering. “But I sure do hate that the rumors aren’t true.” He moved in closer to me. I put up my hand to hold him off.

  “Wait a minute. You need to slow your roll. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I’m not even like that.”

  Kalvin backed up and laughed. “Whatever you say.”

  I didn’t know if he was being sarcastic or what, but our Spanish teacher appeared in the doorway, motioning for us to go into the classroom.

  Kalvin walked ahead of me, bouncing to his seat at the back of the classroom. Suddenly, he wasn’t as cute as he was before.

  I let out a disgusted sigh as I followed him into the classroom. I knew Tori had a bad reputation, although I didn’t know how much of it was true. But now Kalvin had me wondering. On top of everything else, did I have to be concerned with messing up my name just because I wanted to be a Theta?



  I was so sick of doing stupid stuff, I didn’t know what to do. It had been a whole week of dressing crazy, doing whatever the Thetas told us to, and just basically running around like fools. Thank goodness it was all coming to an end tomorrow. That’s when we were supposed to have our initiation ceremony and officially become Thetas.

  But we still had to get through today. And as I stood inside the front office, willing up the power to go outside, I had to remind myself that it was almost over. We were supposed to meet the Thetas after school in the courtyard. I knew they were going to make the most of this last day. Especially Tori.

  I glanced over and saw Jasmine and C. J. walking toward the courtyard. They were smiling and laughing. “They make such a cute couple,” I mumbled to myself. I was so happy for Jasmine.

  I knew they—and almost everybody else on campus—were coming to the courtyard to watch this little show we had put together to salute our big sisters. It was supposed to be our “coming out” show, even though we weren’t officially in.

  I was just about to text Alexis to find out where she was when I saw her come running down the sidewalk. She’d parked in the back of the school so the Thetas wouldn’t see her coming in. We’d agreed to meet in the office.

  “Girl, I’m glad you made it. I was just about to leave you. You know how they get when we’re late,” I told her.

  Alexis was out of breath. “I know. My fourth-period teacher made me stay after and go over my essay with her. I just knew I was gonna get a ticket the way I was racing to get over here.”

  I looked toward the courtyard. “Well, it looks like we’re the last two. Let’s go.”

  Alexis and I made our way over to the rest of our pledge sisters who were already lined up in the courtyard. Tameka frowned up at us as we passed her.

  “You guys are about to get us all in trouble, being late,” she hissed.

  I rolled my eyes. Just beca
use she was probably the first one here didn’t give her the right to be getting mad at us.

  Alexis and I didn’t say anything as we took our places in line. Tori walked to the center of the courtyard.

  “Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining us as we present the newest Theta Ladies,” she announced. We had to be careful to make sure there was no sign of hazing so we didn’t get in any trouble, but the school did allow us to have “presentation shows,” which is what this was considered.

  Tori had made it clear beforehand that even though she would act like we were already members when she announced us in front of all the students, we hadn’t made it in yet. That didn’t happen until the special initiation dinner tomorrow night.

  Tori introduced us one by one to the crowd of students that had gathered. After that, we sang some stupid song, then did a quick step. The whole thing lasted about fifteen minutes.

  I was grateful when I saw the crowd of students start to disperse. I’d noticed Angel standing way off in the back by herself. Performing in front of her made me extremely uncomfortable. I wished she would at least talk to me so I could make sure she was okay.

  Jasmine and C. J. were standing right in front of the crowd and I just knew she was going to have something smart to say as Alexis and I approached her.

  “What?” I asked as soon as I was in front of her.

  She smiled. “I didn’t say a word. I told you, if you like it, I like it.”

  “Thanks, Jasmine,” I said. “That means a lot.”

  She nodded. “But y’all were kinda tight out there,” she replied, making reference to our step show.

  “Yeah,” C. J. echoed. “You girls had it goin’ on.”

  Both Alexis and I blushed. I was about to say something else when I saw the smile fade from Jasmine’s face. I turned to see what she was looking at. Tori was sashaying toward us.

  “Hello, Jasmine,” she said, her gaze fixed on my friend. “Bet you wished you’d never quit now, huh?”

  “Really I don’t,” Jasmine coolly replied.

  “Whatever,” Tori replied, flicking her hand.

  “Tori, come on, chill out,” Alexis finally spoke up. “Jasmine was just congratulating us.”

  Tori scowled at her. “Do I need to remind you that you are not a Theta yet?”

  Alexis backed down. I was shocked that she’d even said anything. She usually tried not to ruffle any feathers. But I guess she was just getting tired of Tori, too.

  “You know, Alexis, don’t even sweat it,” Jasmine said. “Tori doesn’t faze me at all.” She casually turned to C. J. “I gotta go. I have study hall. So I’ll talk to you later, okay?” She smiled warmly at him before walking off.

  Tori finally noticed C. J. and looked him up and down. “What’s up, C. J.? Dang, you’re looking good.”

  C. J. stared at her, a confused look across his face. “I didn’t even know you knew my name.”

  Tori put her hand to her chest, feigning shock. “Why, C. J., I’m hurt that you would say something like that.”

  “Yeah right, Tori.”

  “So, it’s like that?” Tori laughed. “Whatever.” She was about to walk off when she stopped, and looked skeptically at Alexis.

  “You know, since you wanna talk back to me, I need you to entertain me.” She looked like she had some diabolical plan dancing in her head.

  “Entertain you? How?” Alexis asked, her voice shaky. I didn’t know what Tori was up to, but it didn’t sound good.

  Tori glanced back at C. J. “Go give C. J. a kiss.”

  Both my and Alexis’s eyes widened in horror.

  “Excuse me?” Alexis said.

  “I didn’t stutter,” Tori snapped. “Kiss C. J. now. And on the lips. A French kiss.” She smiled.

  “I’m not doing that.”

  “You will if you want to be a Theta.” Tori folded her arms across her chest. “And you have one minute.” Several other Thetas had started to gather around. I was hoping somebody would step in and say or do something. But as usual when Tori was on a rampage, nobody said anything.

  Alexis looked at me, her eyes tearing up. I knew exactly what she was thinking. C. J. was Jasmine’s man and that meant he was off-limits, even for a pledge prank.

  “Tori, chill,” C. J. finally said.

  Some guy standing behind C. J. pushed his shoulder. “Man, don’t be a punk. That girl is fine.”

  “Yeah,” another boy echoed. “Man up!”

  “Shoot, I’ll kiss her!” somebody else yelled.

  “Shut up!” Tori snapped to the onlookers. Her eyes tore into C. J. “If you want Alexis to make it into the Theta Ladies, you’ll let her plant one on you. Good grief, it’s just a stupid kiss.” She spun to Alexis. “Do it now!”

  C. J. looked like he really didn’t want to do it. He really didn’t know Alexis, and all the boys standing behind him, egging him on, was getting to him.

  Alexis slowly walked up to C. J. She had her head lowered and she looked like she was desperately fighting back tears.

  “Jasmine ain’t even here. Dang,” Tori spat. “Just kiss him and get it over with. And I wanna see some tongue. Not those old grandma kisses.”

  “Tori …” I spoke up, trying to plead with her.

  She cut her eyes at me. “You’re not a Theta yet either. So I suggest you mind your business.” She turned back to Alexis. “If I have to tell you one more time …”

  Alexis raised her head, her eyes meeting C. J.’s. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, then leaned in and quickly kissed him on the lips before backing up.

  “French kiss.” Tori giggled. “Don’t you know what a French kiss is?”

  Alexis sighed, then leaned back in, kissing him again. This time she parted her lips and let her tongue quickly intertwine with C. J.’s.

  She stood back after she was finished and turned toward Tori. “There, are you happy?” Her voice was about to crack.

  Tori leaned over and looked across the courtyard. Jasmine was standing there, her mouth open, her backpack hanging loosely by her side. I could see the shock on her face as she looked back and forth between C. J. and Alexis.

  “Jasmine!” Alexis held her hand up to her mouth. “Oh no!”

  Even from across the grassy courtyard, I could see Jasmine’s chest heaving up and down. She shook her head in disgust, threw down a cell phone she was holding in her hand, then spun around and raced out of the courtyard. C. J. took off after her, calling her name as he tried to catch her.

  A wide smile crossed Tori’s face. “Did you ask me was I happy?” she said, glancing in the direction Jasmine had run. “Very. I’m very happy. I just hoped someone would tell her. The fact that she saw it is gravy.” She turned back to Alexis. “Congratulations, Alexis. It looks like you do have what it takes to be a Theta.”



  If either of them knew what was good for them, they would get out of my face.

  Both Alexis and C. J. had been calling me all night. Then Camille had played stalker at school all day today. Even Tameka had followed me during lunchtime trying to talk to me. But I wasn’t trying to hear nothing none of them had to say.

  Alexis kissing C. J. was the ultimate low, and nothing any of them said could change that.

  I knew they were going to try to use tonight’s Good Girlz meeting to beg my forgiveness. But they might as well not even waste their breath.

  As I suspected, Alexis, Camille, and Tameka were standing by the door as soon as I walked into the room.

  Alexis had tears in her eyes. I shot her a look to let her know I wasn’t moved.

  “Just let me explain,” she whimpered.

  “Explain what?” I angrily shrugged. “Let me guess: the Thetas made you do it.”

  Alexis lowered her eyes to the floor. “They did.”

  “And of course, being a Theta is more important than our friendship. More important than me getting hurt, right?”

  Tameka took a step toward me. “Come
on, Jaz. You know Alexis didn’t mean anything. It’s all just part of the process.”

  “Uggghhh!” I huffed as I stomped over to the window. “I am so sick and tired of hearing that mess about it being part of the process.” I spun around to face them. “What part of ‘I don’t care what the Thetas told you to do’ do you not get? What you did was foul. Low-down! If I hadn’t forgotten to give C. J. back his phone, I would’ve never come back. What then? Would you all just have pretended it never happened? You know someone was bound to tell me!”

  Tameka walked over to the window and stood in front of me again. “It was just a stupid kiss. You know it didn’t mean anything,” she said.

  I bit down on my bottom lip, trying to keep from going off. “Tameka, you would want to get out of my face.” I finally replied through gritted teeth.

  I guess my expression told her I wasn’t playing because she backed down.

  I looked at Camille, surprised that she hadn’t said anything yet.

  “Jasmine, you don’t know how sorry I am,” Alexis repeated for the twelve thousandth time.

  “Put on a new song because that one is getting old,” I replied.

  “But it’s the truth.” Alexis wiped away the stream of tears trickling down her face. “You know I love you like you’re my blood sister. And I would never intentionally hurt you.”

  I angrily rolled my eyes. I was mad as all get-out, so why in the world did I find myself feeling sorry for her?

  “Why?” I asked after staring at her for a few minutes.

  “Nobody even knew you and C. J. were together,” Tameka interjected.

  I cut my eyes at her. “Stop talking to me, Tameka.” I turned back to Alexis. “Besides, Alexis knew. Didn’t you?”

  She nodded.

  I was tired of arguing with them so I just threw up my arms. “That was messed up what you did, Alexis. You let Tori play you. She was just trying to hurt me and you helped her do it.”

  Alexis nodded again like a child being scolded by her parents.

  “It wasn’t like that,” Camille finally said. “I think Tori’s demand caught Alexis off guard and she didn’t know what to do.”


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