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Assasins Code

Page 6

by Stephen Ashby

  I hooked up the barbeques to the tanks and opened the valves without of course lighting the burners. I dropped the igniter in the middle of the corridor and we fucked off back to the truck.

  I made a quick call to the client and told him to meet us at the school. I had warned him earlier to be ready for my call so he was there inside ten minutes. I pulled out my phone and opened the big bang app, it found the igniter straight away, I held the phone out to Mr Williams and said “Just press the bang button and you can go home to your family”

  He reached out with a hand that was shaking slightly then pressed the button. There was a huge flash we could see through the schools windows then all the windows blew out with a roar, the school was engulfed in flames and I could hear screaming from inside. It seems extreme pain could override the bombs effects.

  I told the client that if he wanted his daughter to forget the attack he should call me and I could arrange it, I assured him it was perfectly safe and pain free.

  “You’re talking about vampires I suppose” he said. Apparently the wealthy were plugged into the real world, unlike regular folks, who were kept in blissful ignorance.

  The client gave me a nod and drove home to hug his family. We piled into the truck and drove quietly away before the first responders showed up, we stopped at Cynthia’s to collect Roxy, Roxy wasn’t done yet so we spent half the day at Cynthia’s getting to know each other better. Around lunch time I hustled the girls out to the truck leaving an exhausted but smiling witch sprawled out in her bed. I dropped the girls off at home and drove to the diner to meet Fangster.

  I saw the Fangster sitting in a booth at the back of the diner with a friend as I walked in. I joined him in the booth and sat down “Mr Sampson, thank you for joining us” the us was another older distinguished looking vampire sitting next to him.

  “No problem, I was intrigued to say the least by our conversation” I said nodding to his companion.

  We shut up as the waitress approached, I ordered a steak sandwich with the works a side of fries and a large strawberry shake. She wobbled off on her high heels to get my lunch. “The situation before us is somewhat dire, this gentleman on my left is the current heir of the vampire nation”

  “Ok, so this is a political hit?” I asked.

  “Indeed, sadly the current king who has been an excellent monarch until recently has just started the change” I shuddered, I’d seen a vampire well into the change once before and it had given me nightmares for weeks.

  “I see you know what that means, unfortunately his mind has also started to deteriorate, he is calling for the vampire nation to rise up and take over the mortal realm and turn all humans into little better than cattle” he said with a sigh.

  “Fuck that for a bag of dog balls” I exclaimed.

  “Indeed, I don’t think he realises how powerful you humans have become in recent years” he sighed once more “sadly some of our people have started listening to his calls for war and are all for it”

  “So you want to install the heir as monarch and remove the current king?” I asked.

  “Absolutely, the heir of course is very much against war, we feel that with him in power the fools currently supporting the king will shut the fuck up” he said, it was a little odd to hear him swear so I knew he was worried about the situation.

  “It’s my understanding that the king almost never leaves his palace” I said.

  “Truth, but he has sworn to attend his great granddaughter’s recital in four days, we feel this would be an excellent time for you to act” he said with a raised eyebrow.

  “Sounds good” I pulled out my notebook and a pen and laid it on the table in front of him “I need you to give all the details you can, date, time, location, size of his security detail, anything you can think of that will help” he started writing and finally handed me back the note book.

  “How will you do the deed?” asked the heir.

  “I’ll go with a long range sniper shot, it’s safest for me to do this from a distance” I said.

  “I am not sure a bullet will have the desired effect” he said.

  “I’ll be using explosive rounds, it will turn his brain into porridge, there’s no coming back from that” I said with a smile “don’t worry he won’t feel a thing”

  “As usual you know your trade Mr Sampson” he took a final sip of his coffee and stood up to leave.

  “Oh one other thing, I’ll want to lay low for a few weeks after this, perhaps in the Bahamas’ “

  “I shall make the arrangements” with that that he smiled, they tipped their hats at me and walkeds out.

  I finished the sandwich the waitress had just dropped off and slurped down my thick shake. I was home a half hour later and poking Roxy awake a few minutes later, she growled at me and slapped my hand away “Where’s Jules?” I asked.

  “She went to the cop shop to quit and return her car, now let me sleep” I cuddled up behind her resting my dick between her arse cheeks and quickly fell asleep. It had been an exhausting couple of days.

  I woke up mid-afternoon and gave Roxy a quicky to get my heart pumping then went down to the armoury. Our next job was a grizzly shifter, he was a huge fucker and I was going to need some special ammo to take him down.

  I pulled out my gear and laid it all out on the bench, I had a roll of two inch tin strip a bag of thermite some plastic explosive, some impact detonators a roll of det chord and a box of three inch twelve gauge shells.

  I started by emptying the shotgun shells, the pellets went into a bowl while leaving the powder in place.

  Then I picked up a pair of tin snips and measured and cut some tin and rolling it up till it fit inside the shells.

  I trimmed off a little till I had a perfect fit then soldered the edges together. I slid the new cylinder out and sat it on the bench. I used a large hole punch to make a pair of end caps and drilled a hole in one then soldered the other to the bottom of the cylinder.

  Once it had cooled I jammed in a wad of C4 and flattened it out till I had a quarter inch layer in the bottom I worked a hole in the centre and inserted a length of det chord in the hole then pushed the plastic back in till it was held firmly in place. Next I added an inch layer of thermite and topped it up with ball bearings while holding the chord in the centre.

  I placed another layer of C4 on the top with a hole bored in it so the det chord could pass through then jammed a contact detonator into the hole so it was held tight against the det chord. The object of all this was the top layer of C4 would open up the fur and flesh so the bearings and thermite could be blasted inside by the bottom layer of C4 hopefully causing catastrophic damage.

  I checked my work so far, found it good enough for government work and soldered the cap on so the detonator was sticking through the drill hole. Lastly I trimmed some plastic off the top of the shell so it wouldn’t touch the blasting cap when fired and inserted the new slug back in the shell casing then folded the plastic back over to secure it all in place.

  I turned it over in my hand and inspected it closely, the detonator was sitting just below the plastic top of the shell so no chance of a premature detonation in the magazine I pronounced it excellent work and set it aside so I could make some more.

  When I had half a dozen shells I stuck them in my pocket and went up to the garage to find a suitable target. I selected a four foot square of plywood about two inches thick so placed that on a trolley and took it back to the elevator.

  I stopped at the armoury again to collect a semi-auto 12 gauge and back to the elevator for a trip to the range. As I was setting up the target Jules stepped over and joined me at the range. “What are we up to buddy?”

  “I’m testing some new ammo I just made” I replied.

  I lifted the shotgun and fired three rounds at the target Jules checked me with the scope “Sweet Jesus Bill, are we going after Godzill

  “Give me a look” I grabbed the scope and checked the target. Three fist sized smoking holes, way cool. I fired the last three rounds then we ambled down range to have a look.

  The target was riddled with holes that were still smoking, behind the target was six puddles of molten steel that used to be ball bearings.

  “Damn batman, how big is this next target?” she asked.

  “It’s a grizzly shifter, ten feet of teeth and claws and a truly shitty attitude” I replied.

  “What’s he been doing?” she asked.

  “The usual, attacking campers, stealing pic-a-nic baskets” I said with a grin.

  She punched me in the ribs, “Do all assassins have such an awful sense of humour?” she rolled her eyes at me.

  I went in for a grope quite pleased with my ammo and my sense of humour. After a roll in the grass I led her upstairs to the armoury and showed her how to make more of these incendiary shells. I left her to make some more and went up to the kitchen to start dinner.

  After we had enjoyed a boneless roast chicken roll I had roasted in my air fryer oven we hit the sack and went straight to sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I told the girls we would be vacationing in the Bahamas in a couple of days and they both squealed in delight then fucked me into a coma. I wasn’t complaining, not even a little bit.

  We spent the day going through the Kama Sutra for three, a special edition till towards evening I dragged Jules down to the armoury to arm ourselves for a grizzly hunt.

  We had a steak dinner at the diner then headed into the forest to set our trap, I carried my loaded shotgun over my shoulder and armed Jules with my 5.56 sniper rifle loaded with explosive rounds.

  We carried a tent and a small radio to the scene of the last attack and set the tent up before chucking the radio and a lantern into the tent. We went back around fifty yards and I tossed a rope up over a branch in a tall tree “Ok sweet cheeks shinny up there and keep a watch on my back” she climbed up and into a fork in the tree “If you see him coming up behind me fire a couple of shots into his face to distract him”

  “Got it” she called down.

  I settled in under the tree, I wrapped myself in a space blanket in an attempt to hide my heat signature. Roxy had told me that while bear shifters had crap vision they did see stuff in infrared. I then wrapped a camouflage tarp around me and settled in to wait.

  That was the one thing about being an assassin that I hated, the waiting for the mark to show up.

  A little over an hour later I heard a rustling in the bushes near the tent, this bear had grown fond of pigs in a blanket or campers in sleeping bags. I heard a loud roar then saw the bear slashing at the tent, I stood up and he saw me straight away and started running towards me on four legs. He stopped about thirty yards away and reared up on his hind legs, perfect.

  I lined up and shot one of his legs out from under him to slow him down, he collapsed back onto his fours and roared again only this time in agony. He was dragging one leg behind him as he came at me, so I shot him through the top of the head, now bear shifters have a couple of inches of bone in their skulls but the thermite charge went straight through and fried his brain.

  Jules joined me as I kicked the body over “Sweet Jesus look at the size of that thing” she exclaimed.

  I looked where she was staring “Damn, that’d make your eyes water”

  “And then some” she said.

  “You want to cut it off for a souvenir?” I asked.

  “Eew, gross”

  “I could make a mould and pour you a dildo” I said with a grin.

  “I’ll pass, thanks all the same” she responded.

  “Your loss” I said “let’s put the gear back in the car and fetch the body bag”

  “Aren’t we going to bury him?” she asked.

  “Nah, the council doesn’t like me leaving shifter bodies laying about in case someone trips over one and the cops start checking DNA”

  “Oh right so supernatural’s have funky DNA?” she asked.

  “The funkiest” we had reached the car by now and stuck the rifles in the rack in the back of the cab, I chucked the ripped up tent and other stuff in the back and pulled out a body bag. As we rolled the stiff into the bag I noticed two suppurating wounds, one in his shoulder and another in his upper thigh.

  “The plot thickens” I said in my most portentous voice.

  “What?” I pointed at the wounds.

  “Shifters have amazing healing abilities, these should have healed hours after he got them, these must have caused by silver that’s still in there” I said.

  I pulled out my hunting knife and started digging out the bullets, I held the first one out to Jules and she shined her flashlight on it. “Looks like silver all right”

  I dug out the second one “This is why he went nutso the pain alone would have fucked him up, but with these wounds he wouldn’t have been able to change back so the bear gradually took over” I said with a sad shake of my head.

  “Wow that truly sucks”

  “If I’d known about this I could have brought my large tranq gun and maybe helped him, with a cock like that he’s probably got fifty ankle biters running around wondering where their meal ticket disappeared to”

  “You’re a bit of a cynic aren’t you?”

  “It gets worse, this means someone with knowledge of shifters is hunting them on purpose”

  “Oh dear, that doesn’t sound good”

  We had dragged the body back to the truck and were loading it in back by now.

  When we took off for the council I said “The last time I did this I got rousted by the cops”

  “What happened?” she asked wide eyed.

  “I shot him in the face with a tranq pistol loaded with sleepy time and forget me juice, then I left him in an embarrassing position”

  “You really are a bastard you know”

  “I told you before, you have to take your fun where you find it” I said smiling broadly.

  We made it to the council house without getting hassled by Jonny law and were met by the same two enforcers as before.

  My buddy that had tried to steal my fee last time came over fangs fully extended he reached in the window I had my pistol in my hand when my buddy Fangster popped in behind him grabbed him by the back of the neck and slammed his face into the roof of my truck breaking off both fangs. “Hey dude watch the paintwork” I said trying unsuccessfully to look serious.

  He leaned in and took a closer look at my rusty roof while holding the now toothless vampire at arm’s length. He raised an eyebrow at me. “Very amusing I am sure”

  “So your conversation with fangless there didn’t take” I said.

  “It would seem not, please excuse me a moment if you will” he said as he turned to El Stupido to face him. “You understand you only get one warning, yes” the idiot nodded and tried to look brave. Fangster reached back then punched his hand through his chest and ripped his heart out, I could hear Jules gagging in the seat next to me.

  He dropped the body on the ground and looked over at his partner “Be sure to dispose of both bodies in the crematorium Hector”

  “Yes boss, right away boss” I could see he was deathly afraid of him.

  “Oh I have some disturbing news, the bear was shot with silver bullets that’s why he went batshit, some cunts hunting shifters”

  He face palmed “I will get our investigators on this immediately, this is disturbing news indeed”

  As we drove away Jules said “That was really gross, how could he do that?”

  “It’s simple, vampires are apex predators, so discipline is critical, if he were to show any weakness he wouldn’t survive the week” I explained.

  We made it home, I pulled Jules into the shower for
some sexy fun time and finally joined Roxy in bed where we snuggled up and fell asleep.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I woke up with Roxy molesting me shamelessly as she bounced up and down in my lap she asked “So how did last night’s job go” she was squinting her eyes and only half focused on the conversation.

  “Very well, the new ammo worked a treat, the bear dropped like a bad habit” I said with a note of strain in my voice.

  “That’s nice, oh god I’m getting close” she gasped.

  After Roxy had had her wicked way with me the three of us had a shower together, this took about an hour but was well worth the extra effort.

  We had a big fry up for breakfast, sausages, bacon, tomato, eggs and mushrooms.

  Afterwards I led Jules to the garage and poured her into my 65 Mustang Shelby, I had the supercharger option added after I’d bought it and loved driving this car through speed traps and flipping the cops the bird as I disappeared into the distance.

  “So where we off to today?” she asked.

  “We need to see my armourer, listen he’s a dwarf not a vertically challenged human but one of the race of weapon smiths that have been haunting the underworld for millennia”

  “Cool, what’s he like?”

  “A total cunt, he’ll try to embarrass you by commenting on your arse and no doubt your tits, try to ignore him, trust me his wife’s even worse”

  “Sounds lovely, I suppose he’s the best at his job though”

  “Absolutely, none better”

  We pulled up outside the old gits cave entrance a few minutes later and strolled in Wilhelm greeted us near the start of the cavern complex “Bill, good to see you, you tall streak of shite” he shouted at me.

  “Good to see you too short arse” I said with a big smile.


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