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Assasins Code

Page 11

by Stephen Ashby

  I was making plans in my head, I’d need a bigger bed in the van and maybe a bigger van as well.

  Chapter Twenty Five


  At breakfast in the morning I explained a couple of things to Roxy “As my apprentice you’ll only get twenty percent of each job” she started to pout at that “don’t worry baby, you saw that pile of jewels and cash the other day, we split all bonuses three ways plus the council pays a premium for special jobs” she brightened considerably at the memory.

  “Hey Jules” she asked “how much have you put away so far” she asked eagerly.

  “A little over a million, plus my new car, a load of walking around money and a safe deposit box stuffed with cash” Jules smiled happily.

  “Holy crap you’ve only been at this a couple of weeks” she gasped.

  “Yeah and most of that was in the Bahamas’ getting fucked senseless” Jules laughed happily.

  “I can’t promise the same returns but six hundred thou will make a good start on your offshore account” she squealed happy as I’d ever seen her she leaned over and kissed Jules then sat down in my lap for some luvin’.

  I took her to Joshua’s place first and he was happy to set up her laptop, while we both enjoyed our coffee. Later we headed to the bank where we were met once more by the flunky and soon had her accounts set up, her debit card in hand and a safety deposit box stuffed with cash.

  I transferred her six hundred thousand bucks while we were there and she squealed happily again as she checked her balance on her phone. Next stop was Wilhelm’s to organise her first rifle and a couple of hand guns.

  He greeted Roxy with his arms wide “Hey gorgeous, how ya’ doin sweet tits’?”

  She bent down and gave him a hug then she punched him in the guts when he squeezed her arse but they both stepped back laughing uproariously.

  “So what do you need today?” he asked holding his stomach, Roxy had a wicked right cross.

  I gave him a list of weapons which included a 7.62mm military long gun. I wanted some diversification in my back up and there was a reason this calibre was popular with the military types.

  He measured her up with the laser then took an impression of her shooting hand. We left him to it after I picked up Jules .38 and my 22/250 hand guns, the tranq gun was still on the bench in pieces so we left that till later.

  Roxy wanted her Mercedes now so we went to the dealers and she soon came out screaming down the road in shiny black soft top with the wind blowing in her boobs.

  The sales girl was staring at the twins and licking her lips. The test drive took a little over an hour so I guessed they’d stopped somewhere for a fuck, I’d show her where the steam cleaner was when we got home so she could clean her seats.

  She followed me to the forger’s lair and we got her documents in the works, I picked up Jules new passports and driver’s licenses while we were there then home to go through the current jobs.

  “Can we do the hookers next?” she asked as she sat in my lap and I fondled the twins.

  “No baby we need to be fair so we do a job for Jules next” I said.

  She sighed, “Ok that sounds fair”

  I’d just picked another mob hit and was about go find Jules when my phone rang, it was Josh, so I answered before it went to voice mail “Hey dude what’s up?” I asked cheerily.

  “Bad news, I’m afraid the guy that put out the hit on that greedy mobster is pissy about you cleaning out the safe, he’s putting out a hit on you” he sighed into the phone.

  “Shit did he put through you?” I asked.

  “No a colleague called me with a heads up, he can give you twenty four hours to make it go away before he puts it out for bidding” he said.

  Josh sent the contracts to whichever hitter he felt was best suited for the job but others sent the contracts to everyone in their contacts list and waited for each hitter to bid on the job.

  I preferred Josh’s method as I didn’t like playing games with my job. And while most professionals would shy away from taking a job on fellow professional some of the young guns he no doubt had in his contact list would jump at the chance to make their bones.

  “I assume you have a file on this fucker” I said.

  “It should be in your inbox. . . now” he hung up after some good wishes and I went to print it out.

  “This a freebie, do you mind helping out baby?”

  “Cost you a blow job” she smiled up at me.

  “Yeah yeah, let’s see what his habits are” I sighed.

  He owned a restaurant in little Italy that he visited every day for lunch and to count his profits. The place was in a quiet street and according to the file was only frequented by mobsters, any tourists that wandered in were quickly shown the door and told to fuck off.

  He usually stopped to talk to his minions on the way out and smoke a fat cigar after his spaghetti feast so I decided on a drive by as collateral damage wouldn’t be an issue.

  It was late in the afternoon so we would have to do the job tomorrow at lunch time.

  I led Roxy down to the armoury to begin her training, I handed her a pair of Mac 11’s, popular with gangbangers and up and coming mobsters. It was a bit smaller than the 10 and chambered for a 9mm round. I left off the suppressors and she started waving them around and shouting “Pew, pew” and grinning like a loon.

  “Please a little decorum baby, this is a serious business” she pouted at me.

  “Aw you’re no fun” she complained.

  These were easy to handle single handed, Roxy was a strong lassy and could easily handle the recoil.

  I grabbed a half dozen mags and led her down to the range, “Ok babe, new lesson” as she set herself at the firing line. “I want you to sit down with your legs crossed, you’ll be firing from inside a car”

  She sat down and started grabbing for the mags eager to get started on the fun part.

  “Slow down cup cake, now listen close, when a gangbanger does a drive by his iddy biddy hardon tends to get in the way which is why they shoot more civilians than enemies”

  “Ok so how do I avoid that” she asked finally starting to take this seriously.

  “Take a deep breath and release it before you start shooting, take your time but don’t miss the opportunity, I’ll be driving slowly so you should have the time you need to do the deed”

  “Cool, can I have some bullets now?” she was making grabbing motions at me.

  I gave her yet another eye roll and handed her a pair of magazines. “Let’s try one gun at a time first” she completely ignored me and started spraying bullets from both guns all over the place. She looked at me a little shyly.


  “Did you listen to a word I said?” I asked, rather exasperated with the silly bitch.

  “I’m sorry, let’s try that again” she laid down one of the guns and I handed her another magazine.

  She held it with both hands and was soon hitting the designated target, she switched to one hand and emptied the magazine.

  “Much better” I leaned down and gave her a kiss and squeezed her boobs, I handed her a pair of magazines and she was soon obliterating the targets.

  She was really excited and jumped me for a tumble in the grass.

  I took her up to the armoury after she had emptied all the magazines and her confidence had improved. I showed her how to strip one of the guns and she followed along with the other then we cleaned them both and put them back together. I checked her weapon and it looked fine so I gave her a kiss and cuddle as a reward and she wriggled like a puppy getting it’s tummy rubbed.

  It was getting late so we rounded up Jules and went out in Roxie’s new car for dinner at Barclays. We enjoyed a huge seafood platter and sat back to digest our meal. Jules spoke up “I think I should come with you tomorrow, two heads are better t
han one after all”

  I thought about it for a moment “Ok one gun each will make it more accurate”

  “Don’t worry honey” piped up Roxy “we get paid in blow jobs” she grinned happily.

  “I want mine in advance” said Jules. We headed home so I could start paying my debts.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  After a quick shower in the morning I took Jules down to the armoury and collected both guns then down to the range so she could get used to the recoil. I handed her one of the loaded machine pistols and she started firing at the closest targets. She was way more focused than Roxy and quickly had the gun well controlled and on target.

  I let her run through another magazine then upstairs to collect Roxy, as soon as I handed Roxy her gun she started waving it around and shouting “Pew, pew” again.

  I was at my wits end with Roxy and snapped at her “Cut that shit out, that’s a loaded semi-automatic weapon you’re holding. Treat it with the respect it deserves” she pouted and started to sulk “if you shoot my dog I’m going to uber pissed”

  Roxy was a couple of hundred years old even though she looked like a teenage cheerleader with massive tits, but she could put on the sulky toddler as well as any brat. It was both cute and incredibly annoying, but Roxy knew how much I loved her and played me mercilessly.

  She sighed then started to look a bit sorry, Jules went over and whispered something in her ear, they both giggled and looked over at me, great now they were plotting mischief against me. At least she’d stopped waving the fucking gun around. I pulled a bunch of sandwiches out of the fridge I’d knocked up last night and put them plus half a slab of beer in the cooler along with some ice.

  “Erm Bill, are we doing an assassination or going on a picnic?” Jules asked.

  “I don’t want to get caught up in some movie style car chase with the mobsters spraying the streets of the city with bullets. I’ve rented a small warehouse not far from the restaurant so we can hide till nightfall”

  “He really is quite clever for a human” said Roxy, I flipped her the bird then picked up the cooler and headed to the lift with the girls following close behind. In the garage I went over to a long tarp covered shape in the back and started pulling off the tarp.

  “Cool, when did you get a stretch limo?” asked Roxy who remained blissfully ignorant unless it was food or sex related.

  “I liberated it from a mob boss in another city when he tried to stiff me on my fee” I replied happily.

  “So why are we using this piece of crap instead of one your race cars?” asked Jules.

  “With a little luck we could trigger a short bloody mob war” this had been my plan with the drive by all along as this was popular with both punk wanna be gangs and the mob. I waved my clenched fist in the air “he’ll rue the day he tried to fuck with Bill Sampson” I got eye rolls from both sides after my short rant.

  “Come on ladies lets hit the diner for breakfast” I dumped the cooler on the back seat for later and climbed behind the wheel.

  We had a leisurely breakfast till Roxy whined at me, “Biiiil, I’m horny again”

  “Come on then, Jules can take care of you on the way” I paid the bill and girls leapt into the back of the limo to start molesting each other while I drove to the warehouse and opened the roller door high enough to drive the limo in later. I climbed back into the limo and drove to the restaurant, I parked around the corner to wait for my nemesis to arrive.

  It was a couple of hours before noon but he sometimes showed up early so we had no option but to wait. I sent a small flying drone out to watch the front of the restaurant then sat back to wait. The girls were still busy in back and making quite a bit of noise at it which was causing some tightness in my trouser area.

  A stretch limo pulled up about half an hour before noon and a tall fuckwit in a shiny shark skin suit stepped out and stepped straight into the restaurant. I shouted at the girls who seemed to be taking a break “He just arrived, we have forty five minute there about before we hit him, best you pull your panties up and get ready”

  I could hear them getting sorted out in the back and we waited some more, close to an hour later he stepped out and lit a fat cigar. I started the car and put it in drive before pulling out into some light traffic and cruising down to the restaurant.

  I slowed in front of the restaurant and a couple of goombah’s stood up and looked at us suspiciously, one of them clutched at his groin and made thrusting motions with his hips when he saw the girls in the back of the limo. He was the first to die as both girls started spraying bullets at the idiot, I looked over and saw the mob boss doing the funky chicken as we cruised slowly past.

  Job well done as I sped off down the street towards the warehouse, I drove straight inside and hopped out to pull down the roller door. It wasn’t long before I heard some powerful cars roar past outside no doubt some out of work minions looking for revenge.

  Now some of you might be wondering how it is I’m getting all this work from the mob when back in the old days they would have done their own killing. They had made so much money from the drug trade that they could easily afford my services which allowed them to have solid alibis for when the cops kicked the doors in.

  Also they’d gotten a bit fat and lazy so my profits were up which I wasn’t about to complain about.

  I moved back to the limo and shut off the engine and climbed in the back for our much anticipated picnic. We drove home after nightfall, the girls were in high spirits still drinking beer in the back and laughing about the hit. We went straight to bed after feeding Sam and making a fuss over him.

  Chapter Twenty Seven


  I woke up in the morning with a desire for fresh fish. I checked the clock Sunday, way cool, day of rest and all that. The day the big guy decided to pull a sicky and kick back with some alien porn and a beer and let his new world turn down below.

  Apparently this all happened a couple of years ago science notwithstanding. So let’s take the boat out and drink some beer and have sex in the sun. Is that another cocktail, who cares, I picked up my phone and called Cynthia.

  “Hey sweety what you up to today?” I asked.

  “Nothing much, cooking up a couple of potions on the stove, why?” she replied.

  “I’m taking my boat out today, bikinis, sunshine, lots of coconut oil, slippery breasts” ok I was getting hard again so tried to draw this to a close.

  “Hmm, sounds like fun, I’ll just turn off the stove and get my swimmers on, where shall we meet?”

  “We’ll see you at the back of the yacht club in an hour, ok”

  “Absolutely, can’t wait” she hung up and I got busy rousing the girls.

  I shoved my grumbling apprentices towards the shower and went up to the kitchen to get some bait for my lobster pots and my fishing gear.

  I was sticking a large bowl of salad into the cooler with the champagne and beer and pouring ice over everything, the cooler had wheels so it was easy to drag around even when full of booze. The girls wandered in a little later, Roxy was wearing the smallest bikini I’d ever seen that could still be called a bikini and not bare arsed naked.

  Jules was only slightly better so I went over and pinched a prominent nipple each.

  “Ouch, bastard, why do we need bikinis today, it’s not like someone’s going to complain at the pool” asked Roxy rubbing her boob.

  “We’re taking the boat out fishing, you’ll need the bikinis at least till we get past the breakwater” they’d probably be naked as soon as I cast off but whatever.

  “Cool, you’ve got a boat, does it have a bathroom? I’m not shitting over the side of the boat” exclaimed Jules.

  “I’m pretty sure it’s a rule that all rich bastards have a boat and yes it has a shitter and showers and beds and pretty much anything you can think of” I sai
d eyeing her tits again and wondering if we had time for a quicky. I checked the time and started chivvying the girls toward the lift so we could get going and meet Cynthia.

  Sex would have to wait until the girls were covered in coconut oil and good and slippery, damn my hardon wouldn’t quit today.

  I let Roxy drive while I molested Jules in the back seat, I pulled up my shorts when she parked at the club and we climbed out to go find Cynthia. She was sitting on a low wall watching all the rich boys flex their store bought muscles and fat wallets at her trying to lure her onto one of their boats.

  She jumped up and gave me a big hug and a kiss, the girls joined us and I started getting hard again. I could sense the disappointment from the watchers but fuckem’ I’m not a sharing kinda guy.

  We hurried to the boat to get this party started, I had a hardon you could beat whales to death with and wanted to get away from prying eyes.

  I loaded the cooler and Jules took the salad bowl into the cabin and stuck it in the fridge, I got the diesels started and we cast off and headed for the breakwater. Cynthia was writhing around on a sun lounge while Roxy and Jules rubbed oil all over her body, focusing on her tits and pussy.

  As soon as I cleared the breakwater and we were in open water I pushed the throttle half open checked the radar was clear and set the auto-pilot. I slid down the ladder from the flying bridge and jumped on top of a super slippery Cynthia.

  Then I fucked Roxy to balance things out and went up to check our location, we were close to the reef that I had been aiming for so had a look at the depth sounder as the bottom started to rise and topped out about fifty feet below the keel.

  Perfect, I pulled a couple of pots out of storage and loaded the bait traps then tossed them over the side. I set the float on my rod so the bait would stay just above the reef and avoid snags then baited that and dropped it over the side, we were drifting south along the reef so we would have about two hours till we reached the other end of the reef again.


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