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Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1)

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by Jamie Salisbury

Chuck Lewis was my co-conspirator in running mergers and acquisitions. The two of us had gotten along like a pair of old shoes from the moment we met. Our ideas on how to do things were remarkably similar.

  A small, but muscular man, Chuck was a running fanatic. Rain or shine Chuck was always pounding the pavement somewhere in midtown Atlanta, training for his next race. He said it helped him focus, and was where some of his best ideas came from. Married, with two adorable daughters, Chuck may have seemed like just another lower management worker at a huge empire, but he had his own plans.

  “How’s that?”

  “Renee? His secretary? She called about a half hour ago and said Mr. Choice wants to meet with you again. Lunch in his office at twelve-thirty.”

  I shot him a look, one I hoped seethed of exasperation. There was too much to do today without Mr. Bad Boy meddling.

  “What? I would think you’d be bouncing off the ceilings, getting a callback interview and lunch with Mr. Choice. I know I would.”

  “Under different circumstances, yes. I simply don’t get him. There are others far more qualified. Why waste his time on me?”

  “Hmmm, perhaps there’s more than what meets the eye, Caitlyn. Do you know how many women would give their right arm to be in your place? Hell, Katie will be burning up the phone lines, wanting details. Enjoy! Remember, you can always say you had a private lunch with Apolo Choice.”

  Katie was Chuck’s wife. She was the daughter of another old, Atlanta real estate family. Like many young women of our times, she was educated, but still possessed the old southern charm her mama had taught her.

  “Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” I giggled, tilting my head. Every woman in the building would be green with envy.

  * * * *

  Twelve-twenty came far too soon. At least my headache had let up, and I was more focused than earlier. Checking my make-up one last time before returning my purse to its designated drawer, I grabbed a legal pad and pen and headed toward the bank of elevators. A wolf whistle emerging from Chuck’s office was his seal of approval.

  I stood and waited for a car to whisk me up to the executive suite. I tried not to glance at the woman who stared back at me from the shiny doors. Fortunately, I didn’t have a long wait. Most folks were at lunch or leaving, so the trip up to the thirtieth floor was quick.

  Exiting the elevator, I noticed Renee patiently waiting at her desk for my arrival. She flashed me a halfcocked smile, which made me wonder if I was late or had done something wrong. If I had, I was sure Apolo Choice would be the first to inform me of my misdeed.

  Renee led me once again to the ever-closed door, knocking before opening it. She held it as I walked past. Her face was impossible to read.

  And then, there he was, standing in front of the wall of windows just to the left of his desk. He was facing us, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his suit pants. His jacket hung open, showing off another crisp, white shirt. Drawn to those gray eyes, I made a mental note of how they matched the graphite color of his suit.

  The door shut quietly behind me as I stood in awe of this man, this sex god. He wore a lopsided grin on his bronzed face, as though he’d been through this scene before. Countless times, with a slew of women, no doubt. They all halted in their tracks, breathless at what stood in front of them. Oh yeah, he knew he looked good.

  He took a step forward. “Hello, Caitlyn, it’s nice to see you again.” He extended his arm toward a small table off to one side of the room. On it were two plates covered with silver cloches. Lunch was served, and whatever it was, it was a far cry from my usual pickings of salad or sandwiches. “I hope you’re hungry. I had Renee order something special.”

  “Yes, hello,” I replied as I made my way toward the food. “You didn’t have to go to such trouble. I would have been fine with a sandwich or something.” Suddenly, I was aware of him relieving me of my pad and pen. His long fingers briefly touched mine and sent my pulse coursing through me.

  Apolo pulled a chair out for me, pushing it in gently as I sat. Removing a cover, he leaned over and did the same with his. Two small steaks with asparagus and new potatoes.

  “I hope your steak is done the way you like. I took a gamble and had Renee order it medium rare.”

  “That’s perfect,” I replied nervously.

  He sat down across from me, his eyes sparkling as though amused by my manners. “This is lunch, Caitlyn. Simply a way to get to know each other, nothing more. Relax.” He lifted his white, cloth napkin and slid it onto his lap. His gray eyes twinkled, full of mischief.

  “I am,” I lied. “Your invitation caught me off guard, that’s all.”

  We both said nothing, instead concentrating on the meal in front of us. I cut a piece of the meat and popped it into my mouth. The beef was so tender it almost melted away.

  I almost choked at his next remark.

  “Tell me, Caitlyn, are you dating, casually or otherwise? I don’t see an engagement ring, so I assume there is no one serious in your life.”

  “What business is that of yours? Besides none!” I shot back. I inhaled a deep breath and held it for a couple seconds, hoping I hadn’t overstepped some invisible line with my retort.

  “Curious, that’s all.” He eyed me from the other side of the table as I tried desperately not to expose myself to him. Again, his gray eyes seemed to dance in amusement at my reaction. “That’s what I thought. There is no one. Good.” The corners of his mouth curled up, and a faint smile appeared before he took a bite of steak.

  I noted the elegance with which he ate. He fastidiously used his cutlery in the European fashion now in vogue in our country. As at ease as he was, it was obvious the man had been schooled in the finer things from an early age.

  “Good, how? You’re my boss Mr. Choice, and I make it a habit never to date my employers or co-workers..”

  The air between us hung heavy. With what, I wasn’t quite sure, but if I had to guess by the dampness I felt between my thighs, I’d say it was pure sex.

  He chuckled, wiping the corners of his mouth. “That’s good to know, but if you haven’t already guessed, Caitlyn, I don’t play by the normal rules of society. I intend to take you out, and I intend to fuck you. End of subject. I was merely being courteous in asking if there was anyone else. Quite frankly, it wouldn’t have mattered.”

  “You…you condescending and arrogant son of a bitch!” I blurted out before I knew what hit me. “No one speaks to me in that manner, not even you, Mr. Choice.”

  “Apolo, please, Caitlyn.” A deep chuckle left the depths of his throat. Was he mocking me as well?

  “And…and don’t use that word around me again. It’s degrading!”

  “What word?”

  “You know exactly which word I’m talking about!”

  He chuckled. “Why?”

  “I just told you—it’s disgusting and degrading.”

  “Ah, yes, but isn’t that what all animals do? Call it mating, fucking, screwing. It’s all the same thing. It all boils down to making ourselves feel good.”

  “Or reproduce.”

  “That, too, but with humans it’s more about the pleasure one gets out of the act. For a man, it’s about getting a hard-on and slamming it inside a woman’s cunt until he comes. Pleasure. For a woman, it’s all about taking a man’s dick inside of her and getting the ultimate satisfaction…pleasure.”

  “Do you always look at sex so analytically?” I tried not to squirm in my chair. His words, the very cadence of his silky, lustful voice had me wet, and I’d be damned if I’d give him the satisfaction of knowing that his little lecture had me turned on. Quite turned on.

  “Always,” he replied, spearing a potato with his fork. “Now, come on, eat up.”

  Once again, we ate in relative silence. I tried my best to not look at him, but found it extremely hard not to. The man was like a drug, a dangerous drug. Finally finished, we moved to a small seating area. I chose the chair rather than the sofa. I didn’t trust him…or w
as it me I didn’t trust?

  He handed me a cup of steaming, hot coffee. I, in turn, set it on the table next to me to cool, afraid I would spill it. Every time he got too close, my body reacted almost violently.

  Sitting on the sofa, he oozed with sex, but kept his head firmly planted in business. “There’s a fundraiser tomorrow evening at seven o’clock.”

  “What? I have nothing to wear, and why in god’s name would you take me?”

  “I’ll have my car come around to pick you up, say, around ten tomorrow morning? That ought to give you plenty of time to find something suitable to wear. And you’re going because you’ve been promoted, Ms. White.”

  “But, but what if I don’t want the job?”

  “Too late now. It’s done. The only way out is for you to quit, and I know you won’t do that.”

  “You pompous ass!” I stood up, intending to walk straight out and back to my safe haven. But Apolo had it all worked out.

  “Yes, I am, thank you. You will find your office down the hall. Renee will show you to it. As we were having lunch, all of your things were moved upstairs.”

  “I have no say in the matter?”

  “Of course you do, Caitlyn. I would have expected you to be grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

  “Hmmmph.” I stormed towards the closed door, which was immediately opened by Renee, as though on cue.

  “Go ahead and take the afternoon off, Caitlyn. Go to a spa, relax. Remember my driver, Jacob, will pick you up at ten sharp. He’ll take you to Phipps Plaza or Neiman’s. Don’t worry about paying for anything, everything will be taken care of. And Caitlyn?”

  “What?” I fumed, turning around one last time. I immediately melted at what I saw. He had removed his jacket and was rolling his sleeves up his forearms. The damned sex god.

  “Try not to go out and have too good a time this evening. We have work to do tomorrow. I’ll see you then. I look forward to it.”

  Renee led me to what was now my office. As I entered, I noticed a small box on the desktop. Walking closer, I peered inside to find my purse and all my personal effects from downstairs. Shaking my head, I sank into the leather chair and drank it all in. This couldn’t be happening.

  “Is there anything I can get you, Ms. White?”

  “No, thanks though, Renee. I’m just going to put this stuff away and then take Mr. Choice up on an afternoon off. I have the feeling there won’t be many of them after today.”

  I watched her walk through the door, pulling it shut behind her. Still too stunned by what had just transpired, I sat, trying to gather my thoughts.

  Sitting up, I scooted the chair closer, grabbing the box and setting it on the floor. I never had been one to have a lot of personal stuff in my workspace. A photo of my dad, one of my mom, and another of Izzie and me on a cruise we had taken together the winter before. Looking around, I made a mental note that this space was going to need some T.L.C. For now, the credenza behind my desk would suffice.

  As soon as everything was placed where I wanted it, I scrutinized my new domain. I needed to see Chuck before I left for the day. Though Mr. Choice may be a man who got his way, the way he had moved me was disrespectful to my co-workers. Especially my partner, Chuck. Grabbing my purse off the desk, I opened the door, deciding all this could wait until Monday.

  “I’ll see you Monday, Renee. Have a good weekend.” I nodded at the woman as I passed her desk. I assumed she was going to function as my secretary as well. I couldn’t see where Renee would need help. She seemed quite capable.

  “Thank you. And Ms. White?”

  “Please, call me Caitlyn, Renee.”

  “I will, thank you. And congratulations on your promotion.”

  “Thank you. I think.” I grinned at her and walked on toward the elevator.

  Punching the button for the car, I stood and waited. I dared not look back. I was afraid he might be there. Once it arrived, I stepped inside and punched the button for the acquisitions floor. The ride down was a little too fast for me to collect my thoughts. Getting off, I made my way to Chuck’s office and stuck my head inside the door. He was sitting in front of his computer, fast at work on something.

  Seeing me, he stood, a broad smile coming over his face. “Well congratulations, Madam Vice President. You certainly made an impression on Mr. Choice.”

  “I don’t know what he sees in me, Chuck. And I’m sorry for the way this came down. I had no idea he was going to have someone gather my things like that.” There was no way I’d share the conversation that had transpired over lunch. Not suitable for other people. Except Izzie. She’d get it.

  “No problem. I guess once you accepted, he wanted to get you into your new digs as soon as possible.”

  “That’s just it, Chuck. He never offered me the position. He merely told me he’d promoted me. There was no middle ground.”

  “Sounds like Apolo Choice. Don’t fret, Caitlyn, you’ll do fine. Just remember us little people down here in the salt mines when you’re upstairs with the moguls.”

  “I could never do that. Mergers and acquisitions is far too important to Choice Enterprises.”

  “Well, like I said, you’ll be fine. Katie said to tell you she wants the scoop, lunch sometime, just the two of you?”

  “Sounds like a plan, tell her we’re on as soon as I get settled in. I guess I’m going to head out. I’ve got the afternoon off to goof around, and I intend to do just that.”

  Chuck came around his desk. He hugged me like you’d hug your sister. “Congratulations again. You’ll be great, Caitlyn. Don’t ever doubt yourself.”

  “I won’t. I just need to get used to Mr. Choice and his blunt method of speaking.”

  “Go on. Get out of here before you have us both bawling.” I looked up at him and noted that his eyes were moist. The two of us had been through a lot over the past years. I wondered who would take my place as his co-worker.

  * * * *


  All I want is merely an assistant, with the title of Executive Vice President attached to it. Someone who can take over and run things when I’m out of town or occupied on complex projects. I had decided as soon as I promoted Nick Jacobs and sent him to run the London branch that I would promote someone from within.

  The interviews have gone on now for a couple weeks. It pleases me to no end to know the quality of people I have working at Choice Enterprises. It’s going to be a lot harder to narrow my search down to one.

  Jesus H. Christ, how could I have missed someone as talented, and not to mention as beautiful, as Caitlyn White? Her personnel file says she’s worked here for four years. Her latest position is co-manager of the merger and acquisitions department. I have a vague recollection of seeing her at a meeting there.

  Damn! There would be no way a man could miss this redheaded, green-eyed temptress. The lady had me as hard as granite the moment I laid eyes on her photo. I’ve had Renee schedule an interview for me. I must meet this woman. Trouble is, I’m already envisioning doing much more with Ms. White than having a simple conversation.

  I’ve never had time for a serious relationship. Not really. Not since Delphinine, and she ran screaming away from me as fast as she could. That was a long time ago, and I’ve learned since then not to get too close. But Caitlyn? There’s something about her photo that brings long forgotten feelings out of hiding.

  Upon our first meeting, I knew the moment I swung my chair around to face her that I wanted Caitlyn White in my life. My body hummed in ways it hadn’t before when we shook hands. I had to sit back down so she didn’t notice what she was doing to me.

  Once she left my office and I had time to collect myself, I buzzed in Renee. I had found my assistant. Caitlyn White would be my next Executive Vice President. What I now needed to do was to put the wheels in motion.

  “Renee, I need for you to find out what Ms. White likes to dine on. Discreetly, of course. Then, I want you to set up a lunchtime meeting with her. Order the fin
est. We’ll eat in my office.”

  “Of course, Mr. Choice. Anything else?”

  “Yes. I’ve decided Ms. White is the one. I will need for you to arrange to have her things moved up to her new office while we are having lunch.”

  Renee has been with me long enough that I don’t have to sit down and explain a thing. I merely tell her what I want, and she sees that it’s done. Or she does it on her own, without my asking.

  Ah, Ms. White is going to be a formidable advisory. She is also going to be more than worth the chase. She is quite feisty, opinionated, and is certainly not afraid of speaking her mind with me. Something I find highly refreshing, as most women simply agree with whatever I say.

  I made it known that the job was hers. I also let her know that I intended to have her in my bed. In spite of her protests of not sleeping with co-workers or bosses, it was quite evident—the attraction between us is mutual. I could tell she was as aroused as I was at the thought of the two of us twisting the sheets.

  That, however, won’t happen in the true sense of the word for a while. I must take it slow with her, let her know I want her, lust after her. Caitlyn White is not a woman I want to lose. I see her fulfilling much more than my desire for a one-night stand.

  Starting my company, and growing it to the size it is today, was like an obsession to me. I had always had a plan, a roadmap if you will, of what I intended to do with my life and career. I knew I did not want to work for anyone else. Being my own boss, my successes and my failures were a driving force.

  I looked at some of my contemporaries—Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs—some without a college education. I knew I was every bit as smart and driven as any of them. If they could succeed and succeed so well, then, dammit, so could I.

  After my accident, I began to map out quietly what I wanted to do, how I intended to go about making it successful and so on. Failure never has been and never will be a word in my vocabulary. By the time I’d finished my rehabilitation, my business plan was complete. I was ready to get started.

  I could have gone to my father for some start-up capital, but I didn’t. He would have gladly given me whatever I needed with his blessing. Instead, I took my business plan in hand and began approaching various banks and lending institutions. I was pleasantly surprised at how well my ideas were received.


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