Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1)

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Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1) Page 4

by Jamie Salisbury

  After more or less an hour on the road, Apolo expertly maneuvered the Ferrari into a brightly lit parking lot at the water’s edge. The crowds were thinning, as it was after ten in the evening. Leading me once again by the elbow through the parking area and to the front door, Apolo remained close. The undercurrent was very much apparent, by now.

  As we stepped out of the humid evening air and into the restaurant, I was amazed how out-of-place it seemed at first. A reminder of southern California, a state everyone wanted to visit.

  If I had been expecting Apolo’s brother, Tony, to be waiting for our arrival, I was to be sorely disappointed. I soon learned the younger sibling was off on a catering gig. Branching out in the precarious world of culinary arts was, at least in my eyes, a good thing.

  The evening wore on leisurely as we dined on fresh oysters flown in from some exotic location. Everything on and off the menu was the freshest Tony and his staff were able to procure. Off the menu was one of Tony’s trademarks. If you didn’t see it on the menu, you could ask and chances were you could have whatever your heart desired prepared.

  Our conversation revolved around anything and everything, apart from Choice Enterprises and Apolo’s much-known desire to have sex with me. That desire, however, was very much now becoming mutual. The talk was casual banter about our backgrounds, schooling, likes and dislikes. I wondered if Apolo shared the personal details of his life with all his dinner companions. He was a fiercely private man and at Choice Enterprises it was a given—if it wasn’t in his PR packet, it was off limits.

  We were seated at a table overlooking the lake, enjoying an after dinner glass of brandy. The restaurant was all but empty. A couple of customers still lingered, same as us. There was a sliver of a moon out, just enough to light the sky, but not enough to see across the water clearly.

  Apolo reached across and took my hand in his. Took it with dominance and an inherently sexual style. “Enjoying yourself?” he asked, his thumb rubbing the back.

  “Very much so. I like this side of you.”

  Out of nowhere, there was the shadow of a person standing next to us, in our private space. From the change on Apolo’s face, I had to guess it was his brother. His expression went from soft and lustful to indifferent, the same one he always showed to the world.

  “Has he persuaded you to make the trek to his floating palace? Just the two of you, for a leisurely nightcap?”

  I glanced across at Apolo then turned my head to the mirror image standing there. Anthony Choice was no more than eleven months younger than Apolo, but it didn’t matter. The pair could pass for twins.

  “Anthony,” I heard Apolo growl at his sibling. “Enough.”


  “I said, enough! Caitlyn, may I present my reckless, younger brother, Anthony. Tony, this is Caitlyn.”

  “Ah yes, the one you just promoted to Nick Jacob’s old spot. Congratulations and well done, my dear.” He started to extend his hand when Apolo cut him off.

  “You never learn, do you? Caitlyn, shall we go? We have a long drive back to the city.” I noted that he shot a look at his brother. One that screamed ‘shut the fuck up.’

  “Of course. Anthony, it was nice to meet you.”

  Like greased lightning, Apolo had us out of the restaurant. I was keenly aware, in the short time I had come to know him personally, that he shut down when he became displeased and changed the set up. That’s what he was doing now. Baby brother had reached in and invaded his private domain.

  He maneuvered the Ferrari onto the main road leading back into the small town. He sat at the stop sign, foot slightly on the accelerator gunning the engine with care. I gazed over at him, curious about what was running through his mind.

  “So, Apolo, you going to take me to this floating palace of yours or what?” I blurted out.

  My hand flew up to my mouth. Not in horror of what I’d just said, but to stifle a giggle. I couldn’t believe how brazen I had suddenly become.

  He was eyeing me with interest.

  “I mean, we both want to have sex…’fuck’ as you put it. We can’t go to my place—roommate. Your place is off limits—don’t want your staff seeing me there just yet. So, we either pull over and do it in this cramped piece of fine machinery, go get a room at one of the nearby hotels, or we take this party to your houseboat. It’s up to you. Balls in your court, so to speak.” I chuckled once again at my attempt at humor.

  Without uttering a single word, he bent over me and covered my mouth with his. Resisting never crossed my mind. I melted into him. I’d wanted him to kiss me all evening.

  Apolo Choice did not disappoint. I was instantly caught up in the moment as I felt his tongue outlining my lips before the two met and played their courtship ritual. The white glow of headlights behind us brought it to a thundering halt. He righted himself and engaged the clutch.

  “My houseboat it is,” he growled, pressing his hand on my thigh, in between gear changes.

  We continued traveling along the shadowy, two-lane road when suddenly he pulled the Ferrari over onto the side and stopped.

  “What? What is it?” I asked, peering over at his handsome face, which had now turned dark and brooding. Even in the soft light of the car’s interior, I could see his gray eyes were now intense.

  “We can’t do this, Caitlyn. Not tonight. Especially not at my houseboat.”

  “Why?” I was totally confused.

  “Because if I take you there, I can guarantee my brother will have made some calls to have paparazzi staked out waiting on us..”

  “Your own brother would do that to you?”

  “Yes, of course, he would. It gets his name in the newspapers, along with his new restaurant. I don’t want you to remember our first time like that.”

  Had to give the man credit for being a class act.

  “Rain check?” His lips sealed over mine, and we kissed as though we were long lost lovers.

  “But of course. Thank you, Apolo.”

  “I’ll always look out for you, Caitlyn. I will not have you, or whatever may transpire between us, put out there. What happens between us is between us. No one else.”

  “Thank you.”

  He turned, put the sleek sports car in gear, and headed us in the opposite direction toward Atlanta. We sat in comfortable silence, watching the Georgia countryside fly by. Before I knew it, we were at my apartment. He slid the Ferrari into the guest spot and shut off the engine. Unfolding his lanky body, he stood looking around him before he moved to my side.

  Opening the car door, he offered his hand as I slid my feet to the pavement. I stared up at him. This confusing, handsome hunk of a male species. One who was likely going to be the center of my universe very shortly. He guided me up the stairs to my front door, his hand never leaving the small of my back. His touch sent my body into overdrive.

  I fumbled around in my evening bag for the key. Taking it from my hand, Apolo inserted it into the deadbolt and opened the door. “I had a marvelous time, Caitlyn. I promise to make it up to you. Come to my office at seven-thirty on Monday. I’ll have some breakfast for us. I thought I should go over your compensation package and bring you up to speed on some projects Nick left behind.”

  I nodded. “Shouldn’t HR be the ones going over my compensation package?”

  “They will. There are simply some things that I prefer to handle myself, when it comes to my executive staff.”

  “Okay then, I’ll see you at seven thirty. Oh, and Apolo?”

  His gray eyes locked with mine. “Yes?”

  “I had a wonderful time.”

  “I trust it was simply the beginning.”

  “Don’t forget what I said about no personal or sexual encounters at the office, in yours or mine…”

  “I heard you. Now go. If you keep talking, I might just have to take you to your bedroom and show you a few things. Damn the paparazzi!”

  “Don’t flatter yourself, Choice. Have a good weekend. Don’t work too hard.�

  I climbed out of my heels as soon as I crossed the threshold and went in search of my phone charger and something to drink. Izzie, I noted, had left me another text.

  Seemed she knew who Tony Choice was and the bad boy that he could be. She warned me that he had leaked our late dinner at his new restaurant. After new clients, I mused. What I hadn’t expected was a photo, obviously taken with a cell, of the two of us quite intimately discussing something, and I knew it wasn’t what we’d just had for dinner. Meddling relatives. Never a good thing.

  A half dozen messages from my mother also sat in my inbox. Glancing at them, I chuckled to myself. She was so predictable. They progressed from having heard I was attending the fundraising soiree with a certain available tycoon to something along the lines of her being back in Atlanta, or en route, to rally her support against the tabloid fodder I had now become.

  Geez, the woman needed to get a life. I certainly didn’t need her meddling in mine. Anthony Choice was going to be challenging enough, without her advice.

  * * * *


  I knew the attraction between Caitlyn and I was there immediately. I just never expected her to be such a worthy opponent. She is unlike any woman I have met. A delight. She speaks her own mind and is certainly not afraid of letting me know what she will and will not tolerate in the way of advances.

  She is also the perfect person for the position. I never thought twice about promoting her. I fully expect she will be able to hold her own with any man in or outside of Choice Enterprises. I anticipate great things from her. Together, I believe the two of us will make not only a formidable partnership at the helm of my empire, but one outside the office.

  The damn woman arouses me like no other has in years. All I have to do is see her, and I’m hard. Her scent, the cadence of her voice, the ever-so-slight Irish accent makes my body hum in need.

  She was the essence of perfection Saturday evening, mixing and mingling with all the many guests. I was totally blown away by how elegantly she spoke to the crowd after my introduction and announcement of her promotion.

  Lust got the better of me afterward. I had no business taking her to Anthony’s restaurant. I knew in the back of my mind that he would catch wind we were there and come make some sort of scene. Which he did. I merely wanted a quiet, out-of-the-way place to have dinner privately with Caitlyn. A place free from prying eyes. I knew where the evening was headed, and I wanted to show the respect she deserves. Instead of taking her to the nearest hotel.

  I was hesitant to take her to my houseboat, and thank God. I made the right decision not to take her there. To delay our desires until another time. Afraid that Anthony would indeed alert the media. By the time we were in the Ferrari, Caitlyn could have asked me to pull over, and I would’ve fucked her right there on the side of the road. That’s how badly I had wanted her at that moment. The smell of sex had lingered in the car.

  First and foremost, I must deal with Anthony and his childish behavior. He thinks he is invincible, but he’s not. I hated to end my time with Caitlyn, but Anthony must be dealt with. I will not have him ruining things before they even get good and heated.

  I left a voice message, as he was not answering his cell phone. No big surprise. He knew he was crossing the line last night with his rude remarks and innuendos.

  “Anthony, pick up. I expect to see you at my house in no less than two hours. Don’t try my patience.” That ought to suffice. He’ll be there, trying to make up, trying to smooth things over between us. He should be able to tell, even on a voicemail, that I meant business.

  When I arrived, like clockwork, Anthony was there, sitting in my favorite drawing room as though he owned the place. He had that smug look on his face, but it quickly disappeared once he saw I was in no mood for his behavior.

  “So, how was the beautiful Ms. White, big brother?”

  “None of your damn business! Caitlyn White is my Executive Vice President. That’s all you need to concern yourself with. My private life is off limits. Even to you.”

  “Jeez, Apolo, she’s gotten to you already. She must be something.”

  “Anthony! Listen to me and listen to me very carefully. Stay out of my affairs. If I hear so much as a peep, an innuendo, or a rumor about something going on personally between Caitlyn and me, well brother, let’s just say, watch your back.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “No. Just some brotherly advice. Heed it well.”

  “Hoo hoo, she has gotten under your skin. So, did you take her to the houseboat? You must have taken her somewhere, because you’re wearing the same clothes you were last night.”

  I shook my head. That was Anthony, self-centered and never listens. “Did you not hear a word I just said to you?”

  “Okay, okay. You win. Tell me one thing, though. Did you share your little secret with her?”


  “Must not have. Unless she ran like hell, like all the others?”

  “Out! Just get the hell out of my house. I try, I really try, Anthony, but you think you can just go through life as though someone owes you something. Well, if anyone owes anything, it’s you! Now, get out of my sight, and heed my words well, brother.”

  The man is infuriating! I’m going to have to have Jacob get someone on him. I will not allow him to ruin my life once again. Not this time. Not with Caitlyn.

  Chapter Three


  Waiting at the top of the escalator early Monday morning, I was met by a pair of Choice security detail. I assumed it had something to do with parking under the building, as I had noticed a brand new reserved spot just for me as I cruised by. I parked instead close to where I usually did. Apolo’s black BMW sat next to the vacant, unused space.

  “Ms. White,” the taller and older of the two men said flatly. “Not to alarm you, but Mr. Choice wanted me to make sure you were given your key to the executive elevator.” He held in his hand something few had the privilege of owning, and now I was one of those handful of folks.

  “Thank you, um, Mr.…” I extended my hand, shaking his before accepting the key.

  “Eric, Eric Jones, Ms. White. It’s no trouble, and Mr. Choice insisted you be escorted upstairs the first time.”

  “Very well,” I sighed, as I relented my independence to the trusted employee of Apolo’s.

  Upstairs, Renee had already arrived and was hovering, waiting for my arrival. As soon as she saw me, she corralled me, as though she had done it a thousand times before, to Apolo’s office door. No time to go to my own and leave my things. Nope, I was to make my entrance as punctual as everything else in his life.

  “Mr. Choice is waiting. I’ll have breakfast sent in as soon as it arrives. There’s coffee on the credenza on the far side.”

  “Thank you, Renee,” I replied, as she hustled me through the door and into the inner domain of one of the most powerful men in the world.

  There he sat, looking as though he’d stepped out of the pages of a men’s fashion magazine. Our eyes met briefly as Renee shut the door behind me. Fire was already igniting from the sparks of electricity in the room. Laying down a stack of papers he had been reading as I entered, he raised a hand and beckoned me to sit in one of the leather chairs placed strategically before his desk.

  “Good morning, Caitlyn. Please, sit. I trust you had a good weekend?” The corners of his mouth curved up as his gray eyes bore into my soul.

  “Yes, it was. Despite the fact my mother got wind of our appearance at the fundraiser Saturday night, it was quiet.”

  “Ah, yes, your mother runs with the social elite, doesn’t she? I’d forgotten. We’ll have to talk about that. Share war stories.”

  I put my hand over my mouth to stifle a giggle and a yawn at the same time. Just then I remembered what Renee had said about coffee and turned toward the direction of where it was supposed to be. “Can I get you a cup of coffee, Apolo? Renee said she’d brought some in.”

if you don’t mind. Add the half-and-half to mine, please. I like my coffee the way I like my women—dripping in cream. I certainly would have loved the taste of yours the other night.”

  I was speechless, thank goodness I was facing away from him and hadn’t started pouring coffee or else it may have ended up all over me. I finished preparing our cups and walked back to his desk. I dared not make eye contact. It was bad enough that my body was giving me away—my panties were soaking wet in just the two minutes I’d been in his presence—I didn’t need my face doing the same.

  I passed his mug across to him. “This enough for you?”

  “Yes, thank you. If you’re ready, let’s get started.” He never allowed me the chance to reply, just dug his heels in and began going over my compensation and other executive perks. I was thankful to be sitting down when he slid me a paper detailing my financial compensation and benefits.

  I sat back in my chair, dazed at what he was telling me. Never in my life had I heard such figures. It had to be a dream, a damn sex-filled dream, starring Apolo Choice. “I hate to interrupt you, but you aren’t really suggesting paying me that much money?”

  “Of course I am, Caitlyn, you’re second in command of Choice Enterprises now, and you should be compensated as such. In fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret.”


  “You’re receiving exactly what Nick Jacobs was making when he transferred to London. I decided if I was hiring a woman, I was going to pay her equally to what I’d pay a man. Get used to it.”

  A knock at the door and Renee had our breakfast brought in on a cart. Eggs, bacon, sausage, and fruit. I was sure this wasn’t the norm. Suck it up, Caitie, and live the dream. This is what you spent all those years in college for.

  Alone again, Apolo changed the subject by entering my space, kissing me passionately, and kneading my breast as his tongue traced the seam of my mouth.

  I pushed him away to his designated spot across from me. “I thought we agreed the other night—business stays business. No groping. None of this. That’s strictly for after-hours. If you can’t respect my rules, then we’re going to have a problem.”


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