Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1)

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Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1) Page 5

by Jamie Salisbury

  “That’s one of the things that intrigued me about you, Caitlyn. You stand up for yourself and what you believe, and you won’t let a man dictate to you otherwise.”

  “Then, we’re okay.”

  “Hmmm, yes, for now. I agree we need to keep our focus on transitioning you into this position. I have a lot of plans for you. We’re going to make one hell of a team. I apologize. I merely couldn’t keep my hands off you. Not after the other night.”

  “Thank you, and apology accepted.”

  “I’m going to let HR go over everything else in your package. They’ll set up an appointment for a company physical, unless of course you’d feel more comfortable with your own doctor. Either way, I have no problem with that.”

  “I’d rather use my own doctor. I’ve gone to him for years.”

  “You are on birth control of some sort, aren’t you? Because if not, you need to be. I so hate using condoms. Don’t you?”

  “Jeez, Apolo, you certainly don’t mince words, do you? But, yes, I am on the pill. It is good for other things besides birth control.”

  “I find no reason to beat around the bush. Honesty is the best policy. Come on, eat up. I have a few other things to go over with you before turning you over to HR.”

  The day was a blur. I would be surprised if I remembered half of what had been thrown in front of me. Papers to sign, appointments to be made. Finally, in the sanctity of my own private executive bathroom, I shut the door, determined to take a ten-minute break. Just for me.

  I made a note that my mother had left no fewer than four text messages today. She wanted to get together for dinner, lunch tomorrow, anything. Just so she could get me alone and question me. Geez, the woman needed to get a life. Not that she would. Not now. If I knew her as well as I thought I did, she was probably already picking out wedding locations.

  Shaking my head, I made my way back to my office. Apolo had scheduled a meeting for me and another one of the executive staff at four. It was quarter to. I started to clear the papers off my desk, intending to put them in my briefcase and take them home to finish reading.

  There was a commotion outside, and the next thing I saw was my mother charging through the door, Renee right behind her.

  “I tried to stop her, Ms. White, but she forced her way in.”

  “I’m her mother, and I have a right to speak to her or see her. Especially when she isn’t returning my messages.”

  I blew out a deep breath and shook my head, “It’s okay this time, Renee. It’s not your fault. She’s pushy like that. I’ll have a talk with her about how to get an appointment or get a call through.”

  Renee nodded and left, closing the door behind her. If there was one thing I had figured out in this short time, it was that Renee was loyal, to Apolo and now to me as well.

  “Okay mother, what is it you want. This is my first day, and I’m swamped.”

  “What do I want? I’ve texted you for the past two days, and you’ve had the courtesy to respond to only one of them. I was just worried.”

  “If you’d read my reply, you’d have known how busy I knew I was going to be and that I would be calling you this evening. You weren’t worried. You merely want to know all the details of my evening with Apolo Choice.”

  “Well, it’s not every day a daughter of mine goes out with one of the most influential men in the country, not to mention world. And one of the richest, too.”

  “And as I told you, it was to a fundraiser, a way for him to announce my promotion. There was nothing more to it, Mother. Understood?”

  “Oh no, you’re not going to do me like that, Caitlyn White! I saw the pictures and the fodder about the two of you and what went on afterward.”

  “Mother, if you believe everything you read, you’re going to be sorely disappointed,” I replied.

  Just as I did, Apolo stormed through the door. I didn’t think he was angry, but then, I couldn’t tell. He was a hard man to read.

  “It’s okay, Apolo. I was just giving my mother a lesson in office etiquette. Mother, this is my boss, Apolo Choice. Apolo, my mother, Susan Pickett White.”

  “I know all about you, Mr. Choice, and your ways with women. Just because I’m older, don’t think I don’t keep an ear to the ground. Especially when it comes to my daughter.”

  “Mrs. White—”

  “Apolo,” I interrupted, grabbing hold of her shoulder. “My mother was just on her way out, weren’t you?”

  “No, I wasn’t!” she retorted. “Caitlyn—”

  “Mother, give it a rest. I promise to call you this evening. Don’t nail me down on a time. We’ll plan to go out for dinner. That’s the best I can do. Now, if you’ll excuse me, this is my first day, and I have people to meet and things to learn.”

  Renee popped her head in as though on cue to escort my mother from the building. I nodded in her direction and turned back toward my desk.

  “The reason I actually came in here, Caitlyn, was to introduce you to another member of the executive staff,” Apolo said.

  “Yes, of course. Who is it?”

  “Don Turner. I believe you’ve met him before when you were downstairs. Don works a lot with the acquisitions department.”

  “Yes, of course. That’s why his name is so familiar to me.”

  “He’s in my office. Shall we? Oh and dinner tonight?” He extended his arm. I caught a whiff of his cologne. It wasn’t the same as what he’d had on the other night. This was much more subtle. More musky, more masculine, more raw.

  I didn’t have a chance to respond to his request. No sooner than we left my office, we were at his threshold. He pushed open the door and seated in front of his desk was Don Turner. Ah yes, I did remember Mr. Turner. Prick, male chauvinist, and from the look on his face, I should probably add none too happy that he was passed over for this promotion. Passed over for a woman. This ought to be interesting.

  “Caitlyn.” Apolo proceeded to the other side of his desk. “I’m sure you remember Don Turner from when you were down in acquisitions. Don, Caitlyn.”

  “Ah yes, nice to see you again, Ms. White. And congratulations on your promotion. I’m sure you’ll be fantastic at whatever it is Mr. Choice has in mind for you.”

  Oh wow! Let’s cut to the nasty, sexual undertones right out of the gate! Yep, still the same prick, and one I wasn’t going to be able to let my guard down around. If my instincts were right, Don Turner would be trying to oust me before I got my seat warm.

  The next hour was spent pouring over a project left behind by my predecessor. When Apolo wasn’t adding his concerns or comments to the conversation, I noted he was quietly observing how Don and I interacted with each other. If I were a betting woman, I’d have to say Don had the losing straw. His snide comments did not go unnoticed by either Apolo or myself. As soon as he left, I let out a deep breath. It had been a while since I’d dealt with a man so obviously jealous of a woman. I silently noted by the clock on the wall that it was well after five. Since Apolo had followed Don out of the office, I was curious as to whether he was quietly confronting Don. Maybe dismissing Renee for the day? She had been there since early this morning.

  “You handled Don very well, Caitlyn. That was a side I haven’t seen.” He walked over to the credenza. He slid open a door and pulled out a liquor bottle of some sort. I couldn’t tell what it was from my vantage point. He collected two crystal glasses from the top and strode over to his desk again. “I think we’ve earned this.”

  He unscrewed the bottle and poured two good shots, one in each glass before handing one to me. It was Scotch. Very expensive Scotch. Bowmore single malt.

  I graciously accepted the snifter from him. I needed it after the long, grueling day I’d had. “Thank you.” Taking a long swallow, I found the whiskey to be smooth and mellow, not biting. “If I can be a little bold, I’d say that Mr. Turner is not too thrilled that I got the promotion.”

  Finishing off his Scotch, swallowing the last as though he were enjoying liquid go
ld, he placed the glass on the desk in front of him, cocking his head. “The problem with young pups like Don Turner is that they feel because they go to college and get their Masters in business before they’re thirty, the world owes them the moment they hit the job market. He’s still wet behind the ears, Caitlyn. He needs to pay his dues, first.”

  “And if he doesn’t?”

  “If he wants to stay here, he’ll have to. The under-thirty billionaire’s are few and far between. The quicker he learns that, the more apt he’ll be to move up the corporate ladder.”

  “And how old were you when you made your first million?”

  “Million. That’s so yesterday. I was a billionaire by the time I was thirty. I won’t even tell you what they’re predicting my worth will be for my fortieth birthday this year.” He snickered. “Now, enough about business. I want to show you something now that we’re alone.”

  He rose from his black, leather executive chair and moved in the direction of the wall that separated our two offices. He beckoned me with his hand. “Come.” By the time I reached him, he had opened a hidden door. Lights automatically came on as I stepped inside the room.

  At first, I was quite uneasy with what was going on here. Was what my mother said true? Did Apolo have some hidden kinks I knew nothing about?

  “What is this place?” I cautiously asked. I looked about, and it dawned on me what this place could be used for.

  “It’s not what you’re thinking, Caitlyn.”

  “And what am I thinking?”

  “The expression on your face gave you away the moment you set foot in here. This is my safe room…yours, too, now.” He chuckled, low and lustful. “What did you think you were in, some sort of hidden play room?”

  “As a matter of fact…”

  “No, it’s not that. It’s a safe room. You’ve heard of them haven’t you?”

  “Yes, of course, I have.” He was standing in my personal space now. I could feel his breath on my neck as he stood beside me. “Who?”

  “Who knows about this? Just me, Jacob, and now you.”

  “Renee doesn’t know it’s here?”

  “No, Jacob and I felt the fewer people who knew of its existence, the better. I also have one at my home here in Atlanta.”

  “But why?”

  “I’m a powerful, rich man, Caitlyn. The two can be a dangerous combination in the hands of the wrong people. Better safe than sorry, I always say.”

  “I didn’t realize…”

  “There’s enough food and water in here to sustain up to four people for up to a month. It also runs on its own generator and has its own communications system, just in case the power to the main building is cut. I could go on about all the safety features, but I don’t want to bore you.”

  “This is amazing, Apolo. Have you ever had to use it?”

  “No, thank goodness. But it’s here just in case. Remember that. Memorize the access code.”

  I walked around the room. While it wasn’t huge, it was big enough that a small group wouldn’t get on each other’s nerves too fast. Naughty, erotic thoughts crossed my mind as I glanced over at the large mattress situated in one corner. My entire body tingled as Apolo pulled me back into reality.

  “Well, I think I’ve kept you long enough. How about we call it a day?”

  “Yes, that sounds like a good idea. My mind is still swirling with everything that’s gone on.”

  A low, lustful chuckle escaped his throat. “Come, get your things. Let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving.”

  * * * *

  Maneuvering his black BMW through the busy Atlanta streets, Apolo dumbfounded me when he pulled into the parking lot of one of the most iconic fast food establishments in the city. He drove around to the car service area, found an open space, and parked.

  Shaking my head in disbelief at his choice for dinner, I let out a giggle. “Of all the places to eat in Atlanta, and we come here? I like your style, Choice.”

  “It might surprise you to know I’ve been coming here for years. No chance of someone recognizing me or us together. Marvin here has been taking care of me for a long time.”

  A tall, rail thin, white haired elderly gentleman approached the car, a huge smile on his face. “Evenin’, Mr. Choice. What’ll you have—the usual?”

  “Yes, the usual for both of us, Marvin. Oh, and a helping of chopped onions, too.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll have it out to you in just a couple of minutes,” he replied before turning to walk back toward the building.

  “I hope you don’t mind me ordering for you.”

  “No, but pray tell, what is the usual, Apolo? No chili dogs, I hope.”

  “No chili dogs. Not at this time of night. Just cheeseburgers, cheese dogs, and onion rings, with a coke to wash them down.”

  “You had me with the onion rings,” I quipped, flashing a grin at him. God, this man could make greasy fried food seem erotic and sexy.

  Having removed his suit jacket before getting behind the wheel, Apolo rolled the sleeves of his pale gray, oxford shirt up his forearms. While I’ve always had a thing for men’s forearms, Apolo’s unhinged me completely. They were tanned, muscular, and strong. And forceful, attached to those hands. I quickly looked away, afraid he would be able to read my thoughts.

  “Like what you see?”

  “Apolo, please…”

  “What? It’s after normal office hours, and we’re not at work. I was simply making a harmless remark. Look at it this way—we’re getting to know each other first before having sex. We both agreed the other night, remember?”

  “Yes, I remember. It means a lot to me that you care enough to shield me like you are.”

  “I care for you more than you realize, Caitlyn. I want you to enjoy our relationship and feel safe and comfortable. There’ll be plenty of the media in due time. Like I told you, we’re going to be a powerful couple together.”

  Before I could respond, Marvin headed our way with a tray packed full of food. “Here comes dinner, Choice. Go easy on the onions, will ya? They tend to make kissing a little less romantic.”

  He chuckled as one hand reached into his pocket. He pulled out a roll of cash.

  Marvin set the tray down. It smelled wonderful. “Will that be all, Mr. Choice?”

  “I think we’re set.”

  Apolo handed the older gentleman a fifty dollar bill. No wonder he was so good. Mr. Choice was an excellent tipper.

  “Thank you, sir. I’ll check back on ya’ll in a little while. Enjoy your dinner.”

  Accepting my drink and onion rings, I settled in and enjoyed every bite. We sat in comfortable silence as we ate. Every now and then between mouthfuls, one of us would make some off the cuff remark about nothing in particular.

  “You know, feeding me all this stuff, you’re going to make me have to hit the treadmill for an extra half hour.”

  “But it’s worth every bite, treadmill be damned.”

  “Easy for you to say. You’re a man. Food doesn’t seem to have the same effect on you.”

  “Perhaps on a younger man. I have to watch what I eat and exercise.”

  “Where do you work out? A gym?”

  “No, well, yes. I have my own gym at home.”

  “Of course, you do,” I teased feeding him an onion ring from my dwindling stack. I was very near my limit.

  “I have a personal trainer as well. He’s on call…because of my schedule. If you’d like, I could set you up with him. He could recommend someone for you, if you’re not comfortable with him.”

  “Baby steps, Choice. I’m not big into the whole gym thing. My treadmill does just fine.”

  “Oh, but it’s so different in the privacy of your own home.”

  “We’ll see, okay?”

  “Fair enough.”

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m stuffed.”

  “As am I. But I see neither of us left any leftovers.”

  “No chance of that happening.”

sp; A few minutes later, he headed the BMW back toward the office to my vehicle. We sat silently, trying not to recognize the sexual aura in the car. It was there, no doubt about it. Pulling into the space next to mine, he shut the engine off before turning to me.

  “Thanks for dinner. I enjoyed it.”

  “You’re more than welcome, Caitlyn.”

  His lips slanted over mine in an instant. What started out as a slow, passionate kiss turned into something bordering on erotic as we both explored the depths of each other’s mouths. Finally breaking free, he pecked my cheek and ear. “This is the hardest thing I’ve had to do, but I will do it,” he whispered.

  “Thank you, and by the way, Choice? It’s no easier for me, either.”

  “Well, come on, let me see you to your car so that you can get home. I’m sure your roommate is wondering where you are.”

  “Oh, she knows, but I do need to get going. HR gave me a ton of papers I know they want yesterday.”

  * * * *

  According to the clock in my dash, it was nine forty-five when I shut the engine of my Honda off in front of my apartment. Izzie was home. I caught a glimpse of her as she scurried away from the sliding glass door. Grabbing my purse and briefcase, I groaned as I bent back up.

  Izzie opened the front door, a glass of wine in one hand and a smirk on her face. “Rough first day, dear?”

  “You have no idea,” I joked. “Is that for me, or are you going to pour me one while I grab a shower.”

  “Oh no, you’re not getting off that easy. I didn’t figure you’d keep normal hours, but I’ve had to deal with your mother. So, sit your ass down and spill, girlfriend.”

  I kicked off my heels and let them fly where they may. My briefcase and purse got dumped next to a chair as I sat my butt down and waited for my drink. “Was my mother here before she barged into my office, or after?”

  “She did what? Izzie stuck her head around the kitchen corner. “No, it must have definitely been before, otherwise she would have been ranting a lot more than she was. And she’d probably still be here, waiting on you.”


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