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Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1)

Page 12

by Jamie Salisbury

  “No, you just stay there. You look like you need to rest and regain your strength. While you lay here all comfy, I’ll see what I can find us to eat. That is unless you think you have it in you to go upstairs and change.”

  “Hmmm, why do that? You’ll just have my clothes torn off of me as soon as we finish eating.” He winked and lifted the glass to his lips, trying to hide a lustful smile.

  Shaking my head, I left him and continued to the kitchen. I pondered all the selections in front of me. Whatever I wanted to fix, chances were I could find the ingredients in stock. Finding some steaks, I pulled them out of the refrigerator. Simple enough—steaks, some sort of salad, and potatoes.

  The kitchen was so huge that it took me a few minutes to find everything I needed. With everything prepped and ready to go, I placed the fries in an oven to bake. Where we would eat was my next thought. I knew I didn’t want to use the dining room. It was massive for just the two of us. Recalling a small table in the room he was last in, I grabbed silverware and a few other things and went in search of it.

  I found Apolo with his laptop, pouring over a spreadsheet or something. Was the man’s mind ever not in business mode? He gazed up over the top as I walked past.

  “I thought we’d eat in here. Unless of course, you’d rather eat in the dining room.”

  “Whatever you want to do is fine by me.”

  “Okay, it shouldn’t be too much longer.” He was lost. His mind was on what was in front of him. I stood there another moment.

  Then, he looked up. “I’m sorry, did you say something?”

  “No. It shouldn’t be long. I’ll bring it to you when it’s ready.” I smiled, turned, and headed back to the kitchen.

  When I brought our plates piled high with steak, fries, and salad, Apolo was still working. Seeing me, he shut the computer and sat down. We ate in relative quiet, with the exception of his occasional remark about how good things were. I was a little perturbed at how quickly he could go from sexual lover to business guru.

  “Apolo, I know tomorrow is a huge day, but do you think you could put business aside for the evening? Let’s watch a movie together or something. Once this starts, times like today are going to be sparse.”

  He shook his head, grinning. “I’m sorry, Caitlyn. Force of habit, I suppose. But you’re right.”

  “Is there any movie in particular you’d like to see?”

  “Why don’t you choose?” he replied, taking a mouthful of steak. “As long as it’s not some tear-jerking chick flick. By the way, I love what you did with the steaks. Very tasty.”

  I ended up picking out The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Probably not the best of choices for Apolo. I lay with my head in his lap. Every now and then, I’d hear him grunt or make some other sort of rude noise, with a comment to match. But I made it through the movie, determined he was going to learn to be normal, even if it was only for a couple of hours.

  When we finally made it to bed, I don’t think either of us really slept much. Too much excitement.

  Like clockwork the following morning, Apolo was shown into the governor’s office for a last minute, private meeting. As I waited on them to finish their talk, I walked the perimeter of the ante-office, studying each of the portraits. Georgia landscapes, early paintings of Atlanta when it was still known as Marthasville.

  Finally, I sat down on one of the finely appointed antique chairs. Opening my purse, I discreetly checked my cell phone for calls and texts. My mother, of course, had no fewer than four. Izzie had left a congratulatory one.

  I knew Apolo had been in touch with his own parents. He had tracked them down and given them the news about becoming a U.S. senator. They insisted they were cutting short their vacation in the South Pacific to return for Apolo’s swearing in. It’s not often you have a son who’s a senator. I made a mental note that we needed to find out how many people would be allowed to attend the ceremony.

  After waiting a half hour or so, the door to the governor’s inner office opened and one of his advisors stuck their head out and motioned me inside. I walked through the door and into all sorts of bright lights. Cameras and media from all over flooded the room. They must have come in through a separate entrance. I craned my neck for a glimpse of Apolo, who was standing next to the governor beside his desk. Seeing me, he said something to the older man and walked my way.

  “I’m sorry you were kept waiting, angel. The governor went on a little longer than I thought he would.”

  “That’s fine. He has quite a collection of old art and photographs to look at.”

  “Well, I want to introduce you and then show you where to stand while he’s doing his official stuff. I told him I would like some photos taken with you in them, as well.”

  “That isn’t necessary, Apolo.”

  “Yes. Yes, it is. You’re a part of my life and this new phase.”

  “Okay, okay. I guess I better get used to it, huh?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Even in the throng of people surrounding us, his scent permeated my very being. I’d know it anywhere, across a room or right next to me. He was in my blood like a bad drug, and I was addicted. Just standing next to him soothed me.

  After a quick introduction to the governor and photos of the three of us, along with a throng of onlookers, I was whisked to one side as the photo shoot continued with just the two men. I stood just out of camera range, watching as the governor made his announcement to the television stations covering this. Of course, Apolo was pressed with questions, and he graciously responded, just like the savvy, media mogul he was.

  In the privacy of the back of the Bentley a little more than an hour later, the two of us let out a huge sigh of relief. The news was now official and things were already changing.

  Chapter Seven


  All of my clothes had been packed early that morning. As usual, Apolo’s magical elves saw that everything was moved over to his mansion. While excited for this new adventure in my life, I was also finding myself a bit apprehensive. It was all happening so fast. Just a short time ago, Apolo had promoted me to his right hand. Now, we’ve revealed ourselves as a couple, and we’re going to Washington.

  I had gone upstairs to change when I noticed all my things waiting for me. As some political big shots had invited us to a small gathering and dinner this evening, Apolo saw no reason for me to be anywhere but with him.

  “You never cease to amaze me, Choice.”

  “How’s that?” he asked, walking in the dressing room behind me. He had pulled his tie loose, as well as his crisp, white shirt. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me closer. “And I always intend to amaze you, Caitlyn.”

  I could feel his breath in my ear, making my hair stand on end. “How all your magical little people just do what they are supposed to do. Like magic. I never see or hear you giving orders to your staff.”

  “That, my dear, is part of the secret to a well-run ship. Everything is done without anyone knowing.”

  “Well, you’ll have to teach me. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to change and relax before all the hub bub starts again.”

  “Hmmmm. I take it that’s your way of discreetly telling me no sweating between the sheets this afternoon?”

  “You catch on fast. I can’t imagine you don’t have a ton of other, more important things needing your attention.”

  “Yes, I do. However, nothing is more important than you. Always remember that, especially now as we begin this new change.” He relaxed his grip on my waist and proceeded to kiss me on the cheek. Walking a few steps, he began to take off his clothes, choosing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt in their place.

  “Do you know who’s going to be at this party this evening?”

  “Yes, mostly local and state politicians. I have the list downstairs in my study. Why don’t you join me when you’re ready?” He turned to leave.

  I scurried toward him, planting a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll see you in a few. An
d Apolo?”


  “Thanks for showing some self-control. I know you’ve got a hard on as big as the size of Georgia for me. Just thanks.”

  Instead of saying a thing, he merely threw back his head and laughed. A low, lusty laugh. One that I’d come to know and love.

  I joined him a while later. He was behind his enormous, wood desk. Mahogany if I had to guess. Seeing me enter the room, he began to get up.

  “Sit. You don’t have to get to your feet every time I walk into a room. Although, I will admit I find it sexy, not to mention satisfying.” I grinned and sat myself in one of the two wingback chairs that sat in front of the desk.

  “And why do you find it sexy and satisfying?”

  “Oh, I don’t know…makes me feel as though I’m a queen or something. You know how some men are today…makes me wonder if their mother ever taught them manners.”

  That laugh again. “You are a queen, Caitlyn. My queen. And don’t ever forget that. There’s a small refrigerator behind my desk in the cabinet. If you’d like something to drink…”

  “A bottle of water would be nice. Need to hydrate myself, you know. For tonight and the plane ride tomorrow.”

  “Yes, about tonight,” he replied, turning around. I heard what sounded like a door open and close. Then, he maneuvered back to face me, passing a bottle of water my way. “Here’s the list. It’s a little bigger crowd than I first thought, but I must play the game.” He lifted a piece of paper from the desktop and handed it to me.

  I took the page and scanned it. No huge surprises. Apolo had been right, just local politicians. A few statewide ones, the governor, and his wife. “Save this,” I said, waving the list. “Now that you’re a public official, you need to learn to save each and every document. Memoirs and stuff, you know.”

  He flicked me a grin. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course, you can. What’s on your mind, besides the obvious?”

  “I was thinking about staff for Washington. How would you feel about Renee coming along as my secretary? She’s been with me for years, and she knows my work habits quite well.”

  “If Renee wants to make the move, that’s fine. I sort of thought you’d inherit the late senator’s staff.”

  “Well, there are a couple of his key staffers that have indicated they’d like to stay on, at least through the transition. The rest have moved on to new positions.”

  “Well, there you go. I know it will be a big adjustment, as it will be for all of us. But if anyone can do it, it’s Renee.”

  “Thank you, Caitlyn. I would just feel better knowing I have one familiar face on my staff. And you don’t have to worry about Renee learning her way around Washington or the capital. Her father worked for Jimmy Carter.”

  “Really? I didn’t know that.”

  “It’s not something she likes to disclose, but yes. She spent a good part of her childhood here.”

  “Even better. Perhaps she can steer me in the right direction as I get started.”

  “Yes, I’m sure she’d love to help you as well. Have you decided what you want to do?”

  “First, I want to feel my way around. You know, visit various government branches and businesses. Things key to what we’ve discussed.”

  Apolo and I had spent hours since he had decided to accept the position…since he told me of his own disability…discussing what sort of charity-type things I could get involved in. That the Apolo Choice name could be linked to. Part of it would be to set up a foundation of some sort. One that would help out less fortunate people with disabilities.

  Even though the Americans with Disabilities Act had been passed there was still a mound of daunting paperwork for people to get through. Or it simply wasn’t well known what sources were available to the disabled. Apolo wanted to change that, which is where I come in.

  “You will be wonderful, Caitlyn. I’m sure Renee will be able to assist you in finding places.”

  “Thanks. I’m a little nervous about it. I have so many ideas, Apolo. I’ve never had the free rein to just do something I feel passionate about.”

  “Don’t be nervous. I won’t let anyone push you aside. They’re going to find out, and find out fast, just what a powerful couple we make.”

  “Apolo, about all that. You do know it’s going to come up about us not being married.”

  “What are you saying? You want to get married?” He flicked a grin across the desk at me. “Just say the word, and I’ll make it happen.”

  “Oh no you don’t, Choice. I just want us to be on the same page when we do get asked about the matter.”

  “If, and only if, the subject comes up, we will say nothing more than that we’re in a committed relationship.”

  “But what if whoever’s asking pushes the point?”

  “Then tell them that when the time is right, we plan to marry. Right now, we’re focused on getting me settled into my new job as a senator. That should suffice.”

  I blew out a breath. I had to make sure we were both thinking along the same lines. Plus, I wanted him to ask me formally, if that’s where we were headed. “Good. That will work. Because you do know you have to ask me to marry you first? Oh, and you have to ask my father. In person.”

  “Consider it done. Oh, and about your father? I’ve arranged for him to be in Washington for my swearing in. I thought you’d like to have him a part of it. Being that we’ve invited your mother. He assured me the two of them would be civil.”

  I felt tears well up in my eyes and tried to push them back so he wouldn’t see them. “Thank you. That means a lot to me. It will to him, as well.”

  “I aim to please, angel. Anything else on your mind?”

  “No, not that I can think of. At least not now. Thank you for bringing my father over. What about your parents?”

  “They will be arriving Thursday. They’re flying straight in. I thought we’d have a private dinner with them, if they’re up to it, Thursday evening in our suite. We could invite your parents if you wish, but your father and I discussed perhaps the three of us getting together on Wednesday evening.”

  “Your schedule will allow all this private stuff?”

  “Damn straight, it will. I don’t officially become a senator until Friday afternoon. I want you to meet my parents before the show begins. And I know you’d like some time with your father.”

  “Thank you, Apolo. It means a lot, as it will to my father. Did you invite my mother to this dinner with Pop?”

  “No, I thought you’d want some one-on-one time with him. Without your mother. I put your father up at the Watergate, same as us. That way the two of you can spend some time together without having to run across Washington. My parents will be there too.”

  “Pray tell, where did you put my mother and your brother?”

  He began to chuckle. “At the Hyatt. I figured if your parents want to meet, they can make their own arrangements. As for Anthony, he won’t like it, but as he’s not paying for it, he’ll say nothing.”

  * * * *

  That evening, we exited the Bentley and walked into the exclusive Buckhead restaurant chosen to host this soiree. Apolo had decided on a charcoal gray suit for the evening with a lighter gray shirt. A majestic purple tie set it all off. I wore a new, simple, black dress. It was one Apolo had sent to our suite on our recent visit to Washington. I wore a string of pearls my father had given me along with matching earrings. Simple, but elegant.

  People thrust their way towards us, congratulating Apolo. He kept a hand either placed in the small of my back or on my arm, guiding me along. I was pleased to see that I was accepted alongside him. Out of the corner of my eye, I spied my mother. I was sure she had done her best ‘poor, pitiful me, I want to be part of my daughter’s new life’ routine on some unsuspecting gentleman. I raised my hand and smiled in acknowledgement. She did the same, beckoning me over.

  I leaned up and whispered into Apolo’s ear as we were about to be inundated with admirers
once more. “Do you mind if I go over and say hello to my mother? Since she went to all the trouble of conniving some poor soul on the list to bring her along.”

  “Of course not, angel. I’ll be along in a moment. We should be about to go in for dinner any time. I’ll come rescue you.” He kissed me on the cheek, and I proceeded toward the small group gathered around my mother. No doubt she was telling anyone who listened that it was her daughter with Apolo Choice. Her future son-in-law.

  “Caitlyn,” she gushed, bussing me on each cheek as I stood next to her. “I believe you know everyone here. Where’s Apolo?”

  “Over where you saw us. He’ll be by shortly.”

  “This is so exciting, Caitlyn. You must be walking on clouds.”

  “I’m walking on something.” I admitted, amazed by her good behavior. I stood and chatted with her, her well-connected gentleman friend, and the couples directly around us.

  Hearing the announcement to proceed to dinner, I looked to my mother. Her gaze was elsewhere. I turned in hopes that it was Apolo on his way over. Instead, I was rendered speechless by what I saw.

  It was Apolo alright. Engaged in a very private conversation with a stunning, longhaired blonde. I cast my stare quickly to my mother, as though asking what I should do. Or if she knew what was going on.

  Whoever this woman was, Apolo was not happy she was there. At least that’s what his body language said. As usual, he was cool to whoever this woman was. He must have felt my eyes on him because he looked away from this interloper and toward me. He quickly said his goodbyes to her and strode over.

  “Caitlyn, Mrs. White, are you ladies ready to go into dinner?”

  Mother looked none too pleased, but I blew it off. Obviously, the woman was someone important in politics. She was just a little too close to him for comfort while engaging him in conversation.


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