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Moonlight Mirage: Bandicoot Cove 2

Page 7

by Sami Lee

  It was the anticipation of afterward that had Mitch’s cock pulsing in his hand, that had that hand moving as though of its own accord—up and down, over and over again. In the water, Hayley arched her body, opening it to the man who stepped between her thighs. Mitch forced himself to believe the other man didn’t matter. Hayley was beautiful, and she was his. He would show her how completely he could make her his.


  This was just…foreplay.

  A moan fell out of Hayley’s lips as Ty entered her, a long, slow sound of pleasure that skittered over Mitch’s senses. If Butler had been anything other than gentle in his movements, Mitch might have given in to his instincts and beat the man to a pulp. But he rocked into Hayley with a hypnotic rhythm that made her eyes drift closed and her head fall backward. Her enjoyment was so obvious it delighted Mitch—and killed him at the same time.

  “Babe, you’re so tight and hot.” Ty’s pronouncement grated on Mitch’s nerves, even as it made his cock jerk. “You like how my dick feels inside you?”

  Hayley gasped as Ty shifted his hips, changing the angle of his thrusting. “Yes.”

  “Still wish he was the one fucking you, though. Right?”

  Mitch’s heart stopped beating in the moment before Hayley replied. She opened her eyes and glanced at Ty before turning her face away as though ashamed. “Yes.”

  “Shh, it’s okay.” Ty placed a kiss against Hayley’s temple, wrapping his arms around her as he continued to stroke inside her body. It was Mitch’s turn to look away. Witnessing the tenderness between them was worse than the sexual interplay. Yet at the same time Mitch was relieved—for Hayley’s sake—that Ty Butler was capable of showing that tenderness.

  “It’s been fun, hasn’t it?”

  There was a wistful note to Ty’s query. Hayley’s voice vibrated with a sadness to match. “It sure has.”

  Hayley’s gaze once again connected with Mitch’s, and he saw it all in her eyes. She might not love Ty, but the man meant something to her. He’d been a part of this transformation of hers, and because of that he would always own a piece of Hayley’s heart that Mitch couldn’t touch. The idea lanced him, but Mitch fought to accept it. If he’d embraced his feelings for Hayley two years ago she would never have gone off and met Ty, so the man’s involvement in Hayley’s life was Mitch’s own damn fault.

  Never again, Mitch assured himself. You’ll never let her go again.

  “Goddamn, Hales. I can’t hold on much longer.”

  Over Ty’s shoulder, Hayley surveyed Mitch, her gaze trailing over his open shirt and pants, coming to rest meaningfully on his abused hard-on. She said, “Then don’t,” and Mitch felt a surge of heat in his balls that made him grit his teeth. “Do it. Come for me.”

  As the pace of Ty’s thrusts accelerated, so did the movements of Mitch’s hand. He couldn’t help himself. Hayley was so damn sexy, so sure of her ability not only to please Ty but to drive Mitch to desperation while she did it. Her sexual confidence was a massive turn-on. That combined with the pure visual spectacle before him was enough to make Mitch admit he wasn’t in control of this—Hayley was. If she wanted him to see this through to the end, he would.

  “Hales, are you close?”


  Hayley’s gaze never left Mitch’s as she rotated her hips with a moan. Ty let out a litany of curses as he started to pound into her body, harder, faster. Mitch worked his cock, unable to stop himself. His balls were hot, his staff throbbing with the need for release. Dear God, he was going to enjoy turning the tables on Hayley. Next time she would be the one losing her mind. She’d be bound, helpless, quivering with carnal desires that only Mitch could satisfy.

  “Harder. Oh yes, please.”

  The word, the way Hayley pinned Mitch with a stare as she said it, had heat exploding inside him. As Ty groaned and pumped his hips in a wild release, Mitch swore and let the inevitable claim him. His seed shot out of him in a hot burst, spilling onto the sand at his feet. His eyes drifted closed, but he could sense Hayley’s gaze burning into him as he gave himself over to orgasm. Only then did he hear the gasping moans that heralded her climax.

  Chapter Seven

  “You need to leave, Butler. Now.”

  Although he’d withdrawn from her body and refastened his board shorts soon after they’d both climaxed, Hayley sensed the tension that threaded its way through Ty’s body at Mitch’s autocratic demand. He turned to face Mitch. “Why—you gonna hit me again?”

  Hayley’s glance darted toward Mitch. Once again he appeared composed and in command, his clothes arranged neatly. If she hadn’t watched him masturbate to orgasm with her own eyes, Hayley would never have believed him capable of losing it that completely. This new piece of information was like another blow to her view of Mitch as the one man who never lost his cool.

  He’d hit Ty?

  “Don’t tempt me,” Mitch drawled. “Get away from her now, or so help me—”

  Ty’s caustic laugh cut off Mitch’s threat. “You know what, Wood? I’m not sure you’re good for her. I might have to stick around and make sure she doesn’t get hurt.”

  Hayley placed her hand on Ty’s chest. “Ty.”

  Ty turned back to face her and all the antagonism seeped out of his expression, to be replaced by tender acceptance. “Hell, I knew how things were going to go the second I saw you dancing with him last night, Hales. I just don’t feel like making it easy for him.”

  Hayley smiled sadly. “Then make it easy for me. For now, please. We can talk tomorrow.”

  “Ah, babe.” Ty sighed and brushed a hank of her hair behind her ear. “If that’s what you want.”

  Hayley nodded. “I’m sorry if I—”

  “Don’t.” Ty silenced her apology with a finger pressed to her lips. His grin was familiar in its brashness. “Nothing hurts me, Hales. I’m practically Teflon.”

  He placed a kiss to her forehead. Hayley closed her eyes and let her affection for this man flow through her. Affection, not love. Neither of them had allowed their mutual attraction to expand into anything more significant. Hayley couldn’t be certain of Ty’s reasons, but for her it had been because she’d already given her heart to somebody else, and she’d never really gotten it back.

  Ty turned away and strode out of the water, right by Mitch. Before he departed, he stopped and said over his shoulder. “I know what you think of me, but you’re wrong. I do care about her.” Ty flicked Hayley a glance, his lips tilting slightly. “If it doesn’t work out, you call me.” He winked and added, “Hot stuff.”

  As Mitch’s shoulders tensed, Ty’s smile broadened. Ratbag that he was, he’d tacked on the “hot stuff” just to piss Mitch off. Once Ty moved away, Hayley and Mitch stood facing each other in utter silence. Only the muted sounds of music filtering out from the hen’s night and the soft lapping of the water punctured the quiet. Suddenly hyperaware of her nudity, Hayley located her dress on a nearby rock and held it against her. Only then did she realize how badly her hands shook.

  Suddenly Mitch was walking toward her, apparently uncaring that his trip into the water soaked the legs of his trousers. The implacable lines of determination that marked his face made Hayley’s breath catch. Mitch said nothing as he closed the distance between them. He remained silent as he wound his arms around her and gathered her tight to his chest. Still without uttering a word, he slanted his mouth over hers and kissed every last ounce of breath from her lungs.

  Hayley’s pulse raced as his kiss claimed her. That’s what it was, a claiming. This was Mitch branding her, obliterating every last memory of the way Ty’s body had so recently possessed hers. The all-consuming power of Mitch’s kiss, the bold, sensuous thrust of his tongue, caused more of a physical response in Hayley than anything Ty had ever done to her. If there had been a shred of doubt remaining that she’d made a mistake in ending things with Ty, Mitch’s kiss would have eradicated it.

  With a primal growl that vibrated against Hayley’s l
ips and spread tremors through her entire being, Mitch tore his mouth from hers. His blue gaze appeared otherworldly in the strange blue light of the moon reflecting off the water. “Never again, Hayley.”

  Hayley wasn’t sure if he meant never again would she give herself to Ty, or never would she give herself to any other man. She found it didn’t matter. That kiss had emphatically reminded her that Mitch was the only man she’d ever wanted so badly her bones turned liquid from the pure intensity of it. She shook her head. Her reply was barely a whisper. “Never.”

  Abruptly, Mitch lifted her, cradling her against his chest. He carted her out of the pool, strode across the sand until he found the path that wound its way throughout the resort grounds. Her dress was crumpled between their bodies. She was naked and being dragged around Bilby Island by a man who appeared almost possessed with the need to reach his destination.

  Hayley seriously hoped nobody got in his way.

  Before long, Mitch located the patio of his room. He never lost his grip on Hayley as he stepped over the low railing and slid open the glass door that led into his suite. Once inside, he stalked to the bed and promptly deposited her on the mattress with an undignified plop. He moved to the minibar. When he returned, he switched on the bedside lamp and Hayley saw he carried a bottle of whisky.

  In the light, she could she how everything in his stance radiated tension. “Did you enjoy torturing me?”

  The barely leashed fury underpinning his question sent a shiver racing over Hayley’s spine. “You could have stopped me anytime you wanted.”

  “You didn’t want me to stop you.”

  “Maybe you don’t have any idea what I want.”

  Mitch’s eyes narrowed, their blue glittering. With no more warning than that, he bent down and nudged her shoulder with his, until she fell back against the mattress. He was on top of her in an instant, his clothed body covering her naked one. He used one of his large hands to trap both of her wrists above her head while with his teeth he pulled the cork from the bottle of alcohol. The strong aroma wafted out, assaulting Hayley’s senses.

  “I hate that I can still smell him on you. I’m going to wipe every trace of him from your body tonight, Hayley. Starting now.”

  He dripped some of the scotch onto Hayley’s breast before dipping his head to lick it off. The combination of wetness and heat made her squirm in decadent pleasure and arch into Mitch’s mouth. Dear God, his mouth…he worked her nipple with his lips and tongue like a man who knew all her secrets. When he brought his teeth into play in a gentle scrape, Hayley cried out.

  Her heart pounded in anticipation as Mitch splashed more of the drink on her stomach, following the rivulets down with his lips. When he dripped whisky onto her slick folds, Hayley gasped at the slight burn, her hips bucking. She let out a long, keening moan when Mitch lowered his head and lapped at the combined flavor of the alcohol and her own juices.

  Hayley’s thighs fell open in immediate acquiescence, allowing him full access to her feminine spaces. Mitch added two fingers to his offensive, burying them deep inside her channel and plunging them in and out. He bathed her in whisky and drank it from her, licking and sucking and fucking her with his fingers until her eyes grew heavy-lidded and a moan fell out of her mouth.

  She was moving toward a fast, furious climax when, with a long, parting lick, Mitch lifted his head and stared into her face. “What was that you were saying about me not knowing what you want?”

  “Uh…” Had she really said that?

  “You don’t value your freedom as much as you pretend you do,” Mitch accused as he continued to slowly—too slowly—pump his fingers into her. “What you want is to be taken, to know what it’s like to feel owned, totally possessed by another person. I’m right, aren’t I?”

  He was half right. What Hayley had always longed for was to know how it was to be owned and possessed by Mitch, only Mitch. It frightened her how much she wanted his love. Yet she knew she wouldn’t stop what was about to happen. She’d never been so turned on in her life.

  She tried to project some flippancy, but the thickness of her voice probably gave her away. “A deal is a deal, Mitch. I said I’d let you do whatever you wanted.”

  His smile was knowing. “This has nothing to do with the deal. You’re so wet my fingers glide right in and out of you with no trouble at all. How does it feel?”

  Hayley swallowed to keep from begging him to replace his fingers with his cock. “Good.”

  Mitch’s smile widened, as though he knew her answer was the understatement of the year. “I’m going to enjoy making you beg, Hayley.”

  She whimpered her disappointment as he levered off her to stand by the bed. Discontent turned to anticipation when Mitch started releasing the buttons of his shirt with jerky movements. He growled, “Lie back in the middle of the bed.”

  There was no refusing him, not when he used that tone of voice. Hayley’s heart pounded as she shuffled to the center of the mattress and lay down with her head on the pillow that Mitch must have used the night before. It smelled pleasantly of his spicy aftershave.

  Mitch walked to the foot of the four-poster bed, shucking his shirt as he moved. Hayley’s mouth dried out at the sight of him shirtless. The lines of his upper body were lean yet corded with latent strength. His arms were toned with muscle and his chest was smooth, his taut abdomen the same save for a small swirl of golden hair that encircled his navel and disappeared into the waistband of his trousers.

  “I hope you’re not too fond of this dress.”

  The ripping sound that rent the air made Hayley start. She stared in astonishment as Mitch proceeded to tear the garment to shreds. Realization began to dawn when she noticed he’d turned her dress into several long strips of midnight blue silk. Four, to be precise.

  One, she presumed, for each arm and each leg.

  Oh boy, oh boy.

  Her heart hammered as anxiety darted through her. She’d never been tied up before. Exactly how far into this whole dominant thing was Mitch? What if he did something she wasn’t prepared for? Did he like to inflict pain? Would she enjoy it if he did?

  What if she couldn’t please him?

  “Spread your legs.”

  Her sex performed a rapid clutch and release in response to his demanding tone. Hayley watched Mitch’s face as she did his bidding, easing her thighs apart. He didn’t take his eyes away from her for a second. The tense lines around his mouth were the only indication that restraining himself took effort. “That’s good,” he growled softly.

  Then he moved toward her right foot.

  The brush of his fingers against her flesh raised goose bumps, but he didn’t touch her anywhere other than her ankles and wrists as he bound her to the queen-sized bed’s four posts.

  By the time he drew tight the last knot Hayley’s pulse was racing in her ears and her nipples were beaded to fine points. She eyed Mitch’s taut chest as he leaned over her and had to lick her lips to wet them. “Do I have to call you master?”

  He seemed a little surprised by her question, even a bit amused. “That won’t be necessary.”

  No, she supposed it wouldn’t. There wasn’t any doubt who was in charge here, or who was mastering whom.

  When she was spread-eagled and firmly secured to the bed, Mitch stepped back to admire his handiwork. He walked around her, his gaze burning Hayley’s skin. She could do nothing to hide herself, nothing to stop him looking his fill.

  The thought shot a thrill through her blood and made her nipples stand to attention.

  Mitch noticed the reaction and remarked, “You like being bound.”



  Instinctively Hayley tried to shrug but she couldn’t because of how she was tied. “I don’t know.”

  Moving to the foot of the bed, Mitch bent down and placed a tiny kiss to the very tip of her toe. “Think harder.”

  While he waited for her reply, he brushed his lips lightly over her instep, causing
a shiver to rack Hayley’s body. Usually her feet were ticklish, but now all she felt was an unadulterated sexual response. When he swirled his tongue around the point of her ankle, her sex pulsed.


  He actually wanted her to answer his questions coherently. Hayley searched through the fog in her mind for a response that would satisfy him. “I like being exposed.”

  She felt his lips curve against her calf. “My little exhibitionist. What else?”

  Formulating words became increasingly difficult when Mitch’s mouth moved up and up, his lips searing a trail from her calf to her inner thigh. “Um…anticipation. I don’t know what you’re going to do to me, and it’s exciting.”

  “What about the fact that I can do whatever I want and you can’t stop me? Is that exciting?”

  The underlying threat in his words made her heart skip a beat. It also made her pussy writhe in a delicious undulating motion. She knew Mitch would never physically hurt her, but the sheer vulnerability of the position she was in highlighted his strength and power while making her feel small and intensely feminine.

  It shouldn’t have thrilled her, but on some primitive he-man, me-woman level, it did.


  Mitch’s mouth hovered over her pussy. The breath he released when he spoke her name was a warm, teasing caress on her damp folds. “Yes, it’s exciting. You can put any part of your body into any part of mine—your tongue, your fingers, your cock. And I want all of it. All of it.”

  Her words pulled a guttural sound from his throat. He lowered his head and rewarded her candor with a long, slow lick that bathed her clit in sensation. Her spread-eagled position left her wide open and available for Mitch’s caresses, and he took full advantage. His eyes remained open and fixed on hers as he suckled her, and watching him do it was almost as arousing as having him do it.

  When he slowly penetrated her with his finger, Hayley tried to arch her back to invite a deeper invasion. She couldn’t because of the bonds. All she could do was lie still and feel every nuance of pleasure that Mitch delivered and hope to hell he didn’t stop.


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