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Page 10

by Paloma Beck

  Gemma was curious about something she knew the mothers could answer. “You know I’ve read a lot during my research. I know the books tell of a power exchange during the Pronouncement but I’ve already experienced so much rush in power. Could there still be more?”

  Both mothers laughed a bit before Chiara answered. “It’s even more so than the blood exchange but very little is written about it to maintain the solemnity of the event. But I’m sure you know that some of your powers will transfer to Seamus.”

  “The trouble is that the transfer is unique to the couple so there’s no way of knowing how each couple will be affected,” Abigail answered.

  “It is usually the gift most evident inside you,” Chiara added.

  Abigail continued, “Or sometimes it’s one you never noticed because your soul sin covered it up.”

  “It’s all fated by the Goddess,” Chiara confided. There was a peaceful silence as they each drank from their teacups.

  “I do have another question, something I can’t figure out and wondered if you had a theory, mother. Valendite Breeds can sometimes wait up to a hundred years at the age of maturity before they find their mate and begin to slowly age beside her. Yet three of us have now found mates that have been at the age of maturity only a few years. We ourselves are so young.”

  “I believe it may be part of the prophecy where you girls are concerned.”

  “And a bit of luck and circumstance,” Abigail added, “With so many of you now centered in one area, both women of the Magdalena Circle and Valendite Breed, you are discovering one another sooner. It has been centuries since so many of congregated.”

  “It is a sign of the changes to come. I believe our race will become strong again.”

  “There is so much unknown. I hope I can continue my research even now.” Gemma worried her bottom lip. “I don’t crave it like I once did but there’s still a piece of me that remembers the satisfaction I got from it.”

  “Of course you can continue,” Chiara assured Gemma while she placed a calming hand on her shoulder. “Why would you think otherwise?”

  Gemma shrugged. “There’s so much uncertain. And Seamus seems a bit old-fashioned.” Gemma blushed and looked at his mother from underneath the strands of hair hanging into her face.

  A deep clearing of a throat brought Gemma’s attention around to the door where Seamus stood with Truffle. Gemma’s little puppy had started to get used to Seamus and took to following him around over the last few days. Of course, the treats he was feeding Truffle were a big help.

  “A moment with my mate please?” Seamus asked the mothers who quietly left the couple alone.

  Gemma walked to him, needing to touch him whenever he was near. She leaned into him and felt the security of Seamus’ solid chest and the strength of his arms as they surrounded her. She didn’t have to wait long to wonder if he’d heard their conversation.

  “You think I would stop you from your work?”

  “No. Yes. I don’t know. Everything seems so uncertain. I’m trying not to worry. This kind of thing would’ve put me into an anxiety attack not too long ago. It doesn’t feel that terrible but I still feel a bit lost.” Gemma knew she was talking fast but she needed to explain how she felt. Seamus looked angry with her and she’d never seen him like this before.

  “I promise we will work everything out together,” Seamus explained, “I have to meet with Madden first. He wants to share some proposed changes to TEU with me. Plus, I never debriefed after that last mission. Once we do that, I’ll come back and you and I can talk.”

  “It’s fine. I’m actually going to a shop to pick out my dress while you meet with him.”

  “I’ll send Nicolaus with you. He’s been visiting his family and is stopping through here on his way back to the US,” Seamus brought her face up so her eyes met his, “It’s just a precaution to be sure you’re safe. Until we know we’ve eliminated this group after the Valendite Breed, I want to be extra careful.”

  “It’s okay. I don’t mind. I think Nico and I have become good friends.” Gemma knew she’d feel safe with him. “Plus, I’m sure he’ll enjoy the trip to the dress shop.” Gemma laughed at that thought and Seamus laughed along with her.

  “Did your mother set an appointment with the dressmaker?”


  “Then it’ll be a private showing. That’s perfect.” Seamus smiled as he stepped closer and stroked a finger gently along her jaw. “Remember everything we talked about. My job is one of discretion but now more than ever, we have enemies who would like to see us exposed. And those enemies wouldn’t hesitate to use any weakness against any of us.”

  When Seamus stepped closer to Gemma, Truffle growled, began barking and scratching at Seamus’ leg until Seamus reached into his pocket and handed Truffle a treat. Truffle took his gift and laid by the doorway to munch on the treat. His eyes still never left Gemma.

  “You will spoil him,” Gemma admonished.

  “That just bought me a few minutes to kiss you,” Seamus spoke against her lips even as she opened them in welcome.

  * * * *

  Everyone arrived in two large Hummers as scheduled. After a casual lunch, Nico escorted Gemma and her sisters to the same vehicles they arrived in—only now just needing one—and drove them to the dress shop. Gemma felt more complete just being with her sisters again.

  “We can’t stay apart for that long again,” Gemma announced as they were well on their way into the city.

  “You were the one who went away on this research project,” Paige reminded her.

  “You’ve missed our little sister over here growing a little angel in her tummy,” Eloise rubbed Layla’s rounded stomach as she spoke. Eloise was nearly glowing as much as Layla.

  “Hey! I’m not that large yet,” Layla insisted before changing the subject. “Gemma, tell us about your time with Seamus. We know so little.”

  “And we definitely want to know more,” Sadie added.

  The sisters giggled but thankfully, the answer to her question would wait. They had arrived at the shop. Gemma tapped her purse remembering the tracker Seamus had placed inside should she be separated from Nico.

  “Tracker?” Eloise asked.

  “Yes. How could you tell?”

  “We’ve all got them now. Madden even gave one to each of the unmated sisters,” Eloise explained. “You’ll get used to it. Caedon is a Neanderthal on a normal day but with the heightened security on all of us, I’m fairly certain he’s placed one in every pair of shoes I own.” Eloise rolled her eyes but Gemma heard the affection in her voice.

  “Seriously?In your shoes?” Gemma laughed at Caedon’s ingenuity.

  “It’s the only thing he knows for sure I won’t take off.” Eloise shared in her laughter. It felt good to have some lighter moments with her sisters. Gemma had missed this.

  Gemma wondered if mated men actually forgot their mates were members of the Magdalena Circle and had their own powers. She felt certain she could defend herself if she really needed to. Between her strengthened powers and the self-defense classes her father had made them take as young girls, she could be pretty kick-ass if she needed to be.

  Lost in thought, the door suddenly opened and Nico informed them it was clear for her exit. She and her sisters filed out of the Hummer and headed straight for the dress shop where a tiny older woman was waiting.

  “You all must be Chiara’s girls. I have known your mother since she selected her own gown,” the elderly woman spoke in broken English.

  The sisters eyed each other suspiciously wondering if there was a story behind her statement. Their parents had wed more than one hundred years ago. This woman would’ve had to be…

  “Come, girls, let’s get you inside.” The woman introduced herself, “My name is Edmonda. Most people call me Donda.”

  “Thank you for seeing us for a private showing, Donda,” Gemma offered in greeting.

  “Nonsense. Anything for your mother,” Donda waved off the
thanks, again in her broken English.

  “Okay then. Let’s get focused,” Eloise spoke up. “I’ve brought a shoe I designed for Gemma to wear. She can use them while trying on the dresses.” Eloise handed the most spectacular pair of shoes to Gemma.

  “Eloise, I don’t know if I can walk in these.” Gemma shook her head even as she wanted to hug the shoes to her.

  “You’ll practice.” Eloise lowered her voice, “and trust me when I say that Seamus will not want you to take these off.”

  Donda clapped her hands to get their attention and unzipped two large bags to show the first two dresses. Both were in deep red, nearly purple and Gemma knew immediately that this was the exact color. And with that, the dress shopping commenced. Gemma tried on at least a dozen and felt like a fairy in each of them. Dress on. Walk, pivot, and walk again. Dress off. The process felt endless until Gemma looked at herself in a frothy skirted satin gown. It was the perfect gown for her. Never had she dressed in something so feminine. The gown hugged the curves of her breasts but then skirted out with soft ruffles and dark lace. When Donda laid a veil on her head to match, Gemma began to cry.

  “This is the one,” Gemma called to her sisters as she exited the fitting room to stand before her sisters and get their opinion. Her normally loud sisters were completely silent as they took her in—even Gracie who had been distracted earlier was now smiling.

  “It’s stunning, Gem,” Paige said.

  Donda spent another few hours on Gemma’s measurements and then fitted her sisters with matching dresses. As they waited, Gemma saw Layla and Gracie sitting in the large picture window looking out and wandered over. The others were still deciding which dress style they preferred.

  “You might think Mating is the perfect life, Layla, but it terrifies me. I’m not certain I can do it. What if I don’t want to mate? What if we are the prophecy and I am forced to live a life I’ll despise?” Gracie sounded so afraid that Gemma couldn’t help but reach out and touch her as Layla embraced her.

  “The Goddess doesn’t give us a mate who isn’t perfect for us in her eyes, Gracie,” Gemma quietly assured her.

  “When it happens, you’ll simply know what’s right,” Layla added.

  “I can truly tell you that until it happens to you, there is no way to know how it will be. Even after all my research, it took me by surprise.” Gemma could sense Gracie’s discontentment and sought to ease her.

  “That’s not so reassuring, Gem,” Gracie shook her head. “Look, I don’t want to talk about it. You’re both right. Whatever is intended to be will be. Isn’t that what mother taught us to believe?”

  “Yes but something tells me you still don’t believe it.”

  “Just know we love you, Gracie, and we’ll always look out for you,” Gemma gave her a final squeeze and then stood to return to her sisters. By now, they had to be ready to return home. Gemma was certainly ready to see Seamus again.

  Chapter Nine

  Seamus stood in the middle of a small circle formed by hedges and a dormant herb garden. He and Gemma had chosen a small Pronouncement held here at her parent’s ancestral home since Gemma was still becoming familiar with being around so many people so often. His little mate was most definitely a quiet person who preferred solitude but they would learn together to make their life together perfect for both of them. Seamus’ family, including Donovan, and Gemma’s sisters, along with their mates, surrounded him.

  Nico watched from the third floor terrace with a long-range weapon at the ready should anything happen. Seamus had learned that Abdul-Nassir had discovered their existence and had been working on recreating the virus that originally changed the Valendite Breed. They needed a breed male to complete their work. They also needed a woman from the Magdalena Circle. That put each of the Sinster sisters in danger since it would be easy to find them now that three had mated TEU agents. Madden had increased security on each of them.

  They’d done everything they could to prepare for all possibilities and today Seamus planned to put all that aside to enjoy this moment. He had found his mate and he wanted to shout it from the mountaintops. Gemma was his perfect fit, his other half, his life.

  Everyone most important to Seamus and Gemma was here with them today and it made it that much more important that they be protected during the ceremony. First thing in the morning, Madden would return to the US with Layla and the unmated Sinster sisters where Gage was already working on securing their home. Seamus and Gemma would join Eloise and Caedon, along with his parents, at the newest TEU compound. They would be moving to Pianosa. Her parents, as well as his, would be returning home. Spread out, they were safer until the risk passed. So for now, Seamus would treasure this time that they were joined together to celebrate his Mating.

  The grounds were scented with lavender and other herbs. It reminded him of their arrival here and his need to care for Gemma. He was happy and at peace. Tiny white lights sparkled from the hedges and brightened the area while the early evening glow of twilight, the traditional time for a Valendite Pronouncement, brought out songs of the night creatures. He hoped Gemma would see everything as charming as he did.

  * * * *

  Gemma took deep breaths as she looked around at all of Seamus and her families. She knew she’d found the perfect mate-or that the Goddess had-when she thought about how Seamus’ ability to be so laidback was beginning to rub off on her. Now if only her neatness could rub off on him. Gemma smiled because even that thought didn’t dampen her love for him. Her powers tingled like electricity as she thought about what was to come. The Pronouncement meant they would transfer their powers and truly share the essence of who they were.

  Truffle pushed against her leg as if trying to nudge her along. Gemma walked slowly in the gorgeous-but deadly-heels Eloise had designed for her.

  “Are you doing okay, my beautiful daughter?” Chiara looked her usual stately self, sheathed in a green dress with sparkling jewels around her neck. Nevertheless, she couldn’t hide the look of concern she held for Gemma. Chiara took Gemma’s hand and squeezed gently.

  “I truly am, Mother.” Gemma allowed a single tear to escape before fighting them back. Then she looked to her father who stood on her other side. Tony took her hand and rested it in the fold of his arm so that they could walk into the circle as three. Her parents would present her to Seamus, as was tradition.

  Gemma turned her gaze straight ahead to where Seamus stood. She knew it would be easiest if she concentrated on him. Seamus’ handsome features would always amaze her no matter what he wore but it struck a special chord to see him in the traditional clothing of the Valendite Pronouncement. She knew he wouldn’t wear clothing like this normally and wondered if he too felt a bit out of place. His pleated sand-colored trousers and off-white shirt draped from his body. Still Gemma could see his rugged form underneath. Seamus left the collar of his shirt purposefully unbuttoned to expose his neck to her as a sign of his willingness to give himself to her.

  Seamus’s glassy green eyes captured hers. “Are you all right?” He spoke to her through their bond.

  At first, his voice startled Gemma but then she took comfort in it. “Definitely,” she smiled.

  She heard her sisters’ voices join her own thoughts. Her palms were sweating and she was thoughtfully keeping her breathing steady. When Gemma heard her sisters, she drew strength from their connection. “Well done, Gem, you did it,” encouraged Sadie. “I am so proud of you,” shared Layla. “I promise he’s going to love those shoes,” said Eloise before her own mate poked her. “I want details later,” added Paige. “One more down,” Gracie sighed. Seamus’ grin grew wider and Gemma heard his voice enter the chorus in her head too, “I heard all of that, ladies. And I catalogued some of that information for later.” The shocked looks her sisters shot at him were priceless. Gemma fought back a laugh.

  Finally, they reached the place where Seamus stood. Her parents placed her hands in Seamus’ before they moved to the circle’s perimeter with t
he others. Gemma stood alone with Seamus inside the circle in the most serious moment they’d had together and she soaked in the significance of this moment. For the rest of their time, this is how it would be: the two of them surrounded by the people who loved them.

  The women of the Magdalena Circle called up their powers and summoned a swirling mist to surround Seamus and Gemma. Gemma heard the quiet chanting around them as Seamus raised his voice loud enough for all those gathered to hear, “I am honored to make this Pronouncement on behalf of Gemma and myself.”

  Then Seamus kneeled before her. He bowed his head as a sign of his respect for her. After a moment’s pause, Gemma carefully followed him down onto her knees, taking special care not to catch her heels in her dress now gathered beneath her. Once settled, she placed her hands in Seamus’ to form the symbol of an unbreakable link between them.

  The soft chanting from the Magdalena Circle women rose louder now. The colorful smoke became denser. It swirled in shades of purples around Gemma and Seamus until they were alone inside the haven created for them.

  Seamus used his teeth to score both of their wrists. Each drank from the other as they remained kneeling a fingertip apart from one another. They both sipped softly and then silently licked the puncture points closed with their tongues. As they remained staring at one another, it was a true communion of their souls. The chanting grew even louder now and the smoke ever more vibrant with sparks of electric light bursting from the circle.

  Gemma felt a twinge as an active current rushed through her. Her eyes widened and Seamus reached towards her, his hands on either side of her face, and kissed her with great reverence. Gemma smiled as Seamus pulled away and looked into her eyes. She was cocooned by love and safe. She didn’t need control, she was free from greed, and she was complete. Everything was truly as it should be.



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