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Fighting for Honor

Page 4

by Dani Wyatt

  I reach down and take her hand again, unable to resist the compulsion to be touching her.

  “Let’s go.” I lead us out the door of my apartment, having a hard time walking with the stiff erection painful against my zipper.

  This time, she twines her fingers with mine, and I know I’ll do anything to keep her with me. Even if it is the fight of my life.

  This is a fight I will never lose.




  I’ve been here at The Plainsville Pub for going on six hours now. Stone has barely left my side.

  More than that, when he is near me, he’s touching me.

  Somehow. In some way.

  His hand or his leg is connected to me every single moment, and in such a short time, as stupid as it might sound, I think I’m falling in love with him.He’s quiet, but communicates eagerly and clearly. His mother and father own the bar. They are kind and sweet and Stone is as attentive to them as he is to me, introducing me to them as though I was this incredibly important person in his life—not just some reporter he met a few hours ago.

  I’ve not felt this alive is as long as I can remember. I’m filled with a swirling combination of lust and hope. I’m interested in who he is, what he has to say. There’s a humming nervousness between us, yet a comfortable cadence to our conversation.

  Every time he touches me, my pulse quickens as though he’s touching my naked body. I’ve tried to stay professional, asking questions that would be relevant to the article, but I’ve failed.

  I’ve told him things about my life I should never tell someone I only just met, like how I live a few doors away from my Aunt’s flower shop and about my brother, his short-lived fighting career and how he’s now serving time for getting in with the wrong crowd. And I’ve asked him stupid things, personal things, like where he grew up and how he ended up here.

  And he’s answered every single one.

  I’m on the edge of telling him how I’m feeling, as crazy as that might sound.

  He’s huge and gorgeous and could have any women he wanted, I’m sure. Men like him don’t fall from the sky like raindrops. No. He’s calm and confident. Smart but not arrogant. He’s interested in whatever I say, not just waiting to reply and tell me more about himself.

  He’s kind to everyone around him in his own way, but under that calm exterior I see his eyes always scanning around as though he’s ready to pounce and protect in the blink of an eye.

  I’ve tried not to stare, but he’s caught me more than once. And when he did, I tried to pretend it was just a mistake, but the wry smile that twisted his sexy lips told me he may know better.

  Besides, a couple times he’s walked away to help his mother or to talk to a patron in the bar who called him over, and I caught him doing the same. The way my body reacts to him is unlike anything I’ve felt before. It’s as though we’ve been together before, in a past life—as dumb as that sounds—and I know the pleasure he can bring.

  I have never thought much about the whole love at first sight thing before, but it’s ringing more and more true each moment I’m with Stone.

  A couple guys had to be escorted out of the bar, and I should have been scared but I wasn’t. They had seen the video and thought it would be fun to come and mess with Stone, see if they could get him riled up, but he took care of it quickly and quietly and I never felt safer anywhere in the world.

  Now, it’s getting late, and I can’t stay much longer under the guise of my interview, so I lick my lips nervously as he makes his way back through the crowd after taking some pictures with some of the patrons, readying myself for the inevitable.

  “You enjoying your celebrity?” His mother, Caroline, leans over the bar as she grins at him, then turns and gives me a wink. Her silver hair hangs to her shoulders. She’s pretty, tall and thin with Stone’s dark eyes.

  He throws her a hard stare, doesn’t say a word, then looks at me as his mom chuckles before walking down to slide a bottle of Budweiser to a guy who seems like a regular.

  “I should be heading out,” I say, my tongue brushing my bottom lip. I want to stay, for him to tell me to stay, but I need to make my way home before I overstay my welcome. The bar is getting fuller by the hour and I know my boss will be looking for the rough notes from my interview. “You’ve got more than a full house here.”

  A heavy silence in the noisy bar hangs between us as I reach over and twirl my empty water glass on the wooden surface, my other hand in my lap as I rub my fingers together before flattening them on my thigh, trying to keep my calm.

  He’s standing in front of my bar stool, and he’s so huge it feels like I’m sitting on the floor. I see the twitch of muscles in his chest and arms as though he’s waiting for something to happen or holding something back from happening.

  I didn’t understand the term ‘alpha’ before I met him. Not entirely, at least. There’s no amount of showiness to him. Even with his quiet strength, I’ve watched how other men tend to move around him. The few assholes that came in here to make trouble, he still managed to make sure they understood he would have no problem making them his next beatdown, and in the end they all capitulated and found their way to the door.

  “Stone.” His father yells, waving him over from the back of the bar. “Need your help over here! The damn water line to the ice machine is spraying all over the place!”

  He holds a finger up when I begin to speak. “Stay right here. I mean it this time. I’ll be right back, we’ll go get your stuff from upstairs. Together.”

  He leaves me gap-mouthed as he runs back to his father and disappears. His mother leans on the bar in front of me, smiling.

  “He’s a good boy. That fighting he’s not who he is. I hope your article doesn’t paint him as something other than a good man who protects his family.” I worry my teeth into my bottom lip, unsure what to say when she waves a hand in the air. “You’ll do the right thing. I see it in your eyes.”

  As I start to reply, Stone re-emerges, and Caroline turns around and starts to laugh. When I see him in the light I understand why and can’t stifle the giggle that releases from my lips.

  He comes around and leans down to my ear. “I knew I needed a cold shower.”

  He’s dripping freezing cold water on me from his hair, his face...he’s soaked nearly to his knees, but his words only send heat coursing through my body.

  I glance at his mom, who’s cleaning a glass and laughing as Stone reaches down for my hand.

  “Come on. Upstairs.” There’s a hardness in his words that makes my stomach flip, but I follow behind him as we head out of the noise of the bar toward the backstairs again.

  There are a few guys blocking the way in the back hallway as we approach, and Stone stops a few feet in front of them. “Excuse us.”

  It’s not loud. Not threatening in the usual sort of way, but the men sidestep and back-step like the red sea parting for Moses.

  One of them looks at me hard, up and down, and Stone presses me behind him and practically bumps his chest into him.

  “Something wrong with your eyes?” Stone grits out, low and slow, and the guy looks at the floor, raising his hands in surrender without another word.

  “That’s what I thought.” Stone turns back to me. “Up.” He motions for me to go in front of him as he releases my hand.

  A few steps upward there’s a soft touch on my back, then it lowers to the top of my ass as we work up the rest of the stairs and he opens the door to the apartment, half pushing me inside before closing the door behind us.

  When I turn my head, I see his hand on the deadbolt and then hear the clunk as he locks the door.

  I take a deep breath, wondering for a moment if I’ve made a terrible miscalculation, watching as this enormous man who could easily overpower me with one hand cuts off any means of escape.

  As if that wasn’t enough, he reaches down and strips his t-shirt from his torso, tossing it on the floo
r before walking to me, looking down and motioning toward the sofa, a thick cream rug spread in front of it.

  “Have a seat. I’m going to get a towel.”

  I swallow hard, letting my eyes drift up and down his exposed flesh. I’ve only ever seen a body like this in magazines or in the movies. Like he’s some new Snapchat filter that makes you look like you’ve been chiseled from marble

  He moves quickly toward a back hall as I settle myself on the leather sofa, and when he comes back out I’m glad I’m sitting down.

  He went to get a towel alright. He’s rubbing it over his wet hair. But down below?

  He’s wearing a pair of gray athletic-type shorts, which hang to just above his knees and low on his hips, no sign of the boxers he had on before. But that’s not what has me nearly choking as my cheeks feel like they’re being burned by red-hot coals.

  Right there, unmistakable, is the outline of a dick so big it looks like it has been Photoshopped in.

  But it’s real. And growing.

  The look on my face must match the shock I’m feeling, because he runs a hand down his still damp chest before asking, “You okay?”

  I can’t tell if he’s joking with me or not. If he’s trying to make me feel uncomfortable or silly.

  “I’m fine. I just feel a little overdressed all the sudden.” I reply, trying to lighten the moment and give myself a breath to figure out what is happening here.

  “You’re dressed just fine. Although I would be lying if I said I hadn’t imagined you wearing less. A lot less.”

  My face is on fire as he takes another step toward me and the rigid outline of a thick cock presses out on the gray fabric.

  “As a matter of fact...” I watch his jaw muscles tighten and every magnificent ripple of muscle in his body looks charged and ready to fight. “Pretty much all I’ve done since yesterday is think about you.”

  I do my best to keep my eyes on his face, but fail as he gives me a hard stare. My gaze drops lower, lower, to that now-thick outline of his growing erection, then lower still to take in what is showing of his thick muscled thighs.

  My mind races, trying to think of the correct response, but before I can mutter something unintelligible, he puts the cherry on top of the cupcake.

  “Naked.” He seems absolutely uninhibited, speaking in a voice like he’s telling me about the weather.

  What is going on?

  “I...I...” Stuttering, I find my voice then half snap back at him. “I haven’t thought of you at all.”

  His eyes narrow and I can tell he’s not buying it.

  “I think that’s a lie. You shouldn’t tell lies, Maggie. I think you owe me an apology. And the truth.”

  My mouth drops open as he shifts his stance in front of me, his hardening cock growing another inch in the few seconds I dare to stare. It’s hanging halfway down his thigh now and it’s like looking at the sun. I have cock spots in front of my eyes when I blink.

  “Sorry...” I start, barely at a whisper as he tugs his lips to the side, slowly shaking his head.

  “Nope.” He shakes his head.. “A quick I’m sorry doesn’t cut it..” He moves forward, crouching down in front of me, leaning into the sofa with his fists on either side of my thighs.

  I glance down, his shorts riding higher, and I catch a glimpse of the massive knob head of his cock, a sheen of wetness glistening over the tip.

  “Maggie.” My name is thick and slow on his lips, but I don’t dare look up. His eyes are hypnotic and I’m already so far under his spell it feels magical and dangerous. “Look at me.”

  Fingers come to my chin and press upward, my eyes taking that long, wonderful road of his body until they light on his face, and through the danger I feel secure and safe, even though there is chaos running riot inside of me.

  My heart is in my throat when I see what I hope is desire in his eyes. He’s taking me in as though I’m as hypnotizing to him as he is to me.

  Part of me is screaming that I’m in too deep, that I need to scramble up and away from whatever this is. That he can’t see in me what I see in him, and I’m heading for disaster. But my hands have a mind of their own, running up his forearms to clutch just above his elbows, holding on for dear life.

  I want to feel every inch of his hardness against my softness. To know what that feels like, even for a minute of sheer stupidity.

  “Tell me the truth. Since you left here yesterday, have you thought of me?” He pauses as I nod, then finishes. “Are you wet right now?”

  God. I can’t believe this.

  Against my better judgment I nod again, words eluding me. It feels so hot in here, like the fire raging inside me has set every exposed beam and bare floorboard ablaze. A bead of perspiration trickles down between my breasts, and I shiver at its coolness against the warmth of my flesh.

  “You have to know you’ve made me hard, Maggie. Since I saw you yesterday, my dick has been out of control. And just so you know, that’s never happened. Ever.”

  I’m so wet I’m scared I’m going to soak right through my panties and one false move will have me sliding right off the leather sofa.

  I’m leaned back as far as possible into the cushion as Stone presses farther forward, his hand moving from my chin to cup my cheek, my heart racing, my palms sweaty.

  I can feel my clit.

  I mean, not like touching it. It’s like it’s alive on its own. Throbbing along with my pulse, beating like some house music baseline deep inside me. My nipples are so tight I know they are about to pierce right through my bra and poke his unbelievably sexy eyes out.

  “I’m not sure what’s going on here...” I squeak, wanting to stay, wanting to leave, but Stone just tips his head to the side.

  “I am. I want you, Maggie. I thought maybe yesterday was some crazy offshoot of the adrenaline from the fight. But when you came through that door today, what I felt yesterday multiplied a thousand-fold. I knew. But, I’ll also tell you the truth...fuck, I’ve never been so nervous to tell the truth before. I never cared if the other person felt the same. I do with you. So much I don’t understand it.”

  Our eyes lock together as I open my mouth to reply, but there’s only silence. I want to tell him I’ve never felt this either. I want to tell him, I’ve barely kissed a boy or a man before. That I have no idea what I’m doing but I’m willing to learn.

  As though he senses my conflict, his hands slide to my upper arms, clenching me and pulling me up from the sofa with him.

  Our bodies smash together. His hard muscle against my soft breasts. I feel his thick erection grind against me, his breath warm on my lips, and I want so badly to kiss him, but I feel frozen in the disbelief of the moment.

  “I’ve never felt this either.” I finally manage. “I’ve never...”

  His eyes light up and he asks. “You’ve never what?”

  The room stills. Silence hangs between us as I run my hands up his bare chest, feeling his heartbeat, then wind them around the back of his neck, finding the courage to tell the truth.

  “I’ve kissed a boy before. That’s all. I’ve never...” I look down. “I’ve touched you more than I’ve ever touched anyone.”

  A groan rumbles from his chest and he presses our foreheads together. “Jesus, Maggie. You are everything. You will be my everything. I can feel it.”

  “I want that.” I admit, and as crazy as this is it’s true.

  We stand for a long moment, then, as if a switch has flipped, Stone crushes his lips to mine and my mind goes blank. His tongue is inside me and I imagine what it would feel like between my legs.

  Tongue-fucking me.

  God, I’m so dirty. Who knew?

  As we kiss, I squeeze my thighs together as Stone’s mouth and hands take control.

  He growls as I moan, on the verge of an orgasm already, and he drops a hand, dragging the hem of my skirt upward and driving his fingers between my thighs.

  When he feels my heat and soaking arousal, he bites my bottom lip.

/>   “I need you, Maggie. I never needed anyone.”

  His fingers plunge under the edge of my panties into my slick opening, dancing there until my mind goes blank and his thumb plays my clit.

  Back and forth. Back and forth.

  I wrap my arms tight around his neck as an orgasm starts in my toes and runs riot upward until I’m moaning into his kiss, barely able to stand.

  He holds me steady as I ride out the bliss, pulling back from our kiss to look down into my face.

  “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen...” He takes a deep breath, opening his mouth to finish, when there is a loud pounding on the door of the apartment and a frantic voice comes through.

  “Stone!” It sounds like his mom. “Come downstairs! Quick...”



  ANYONE WHO SAYS HAVING fifteen minutes of fame is fun, they are lying.

  All I wanted fifteen minutes ago was to keep kissing Maggie for the rest of my fucking life.

  Wait, that’s not completely true. I wanted to kiss her everywhere. To know what her sweet pussy tasted like. How it would feel to have her groan out my name as her feet wrapped around my ass, pulling my loaded cock deep inside of her, begging me for my cum.


  I got two of the three assholes from yesterday back in the bar, letting me know in no uncertain terms we would have another round.

  That part didn’t bother me so much. Who cares, another fight, I’d hate it but I’d do what had to be done.

  But, it was what happened when I came down the stairs, Maggie trailing just behind me as I held her hand that tore my world apart.

  She stopped in her tracks, backpack on her back, laptop in her hand. When I turned to look, I saw unmistakable fear and recognition in her eyes. Her body language told me this was not her first face to face with these two.

  Both of the fucks looked at her, then at each other, and grinned. Before I could ask Maggie what the fuck was going on, they were bowling up on me and Dino, fingers in my chest, blathering on like brainless buffoons about how they were going to fuck me up on film.


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