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Alex & Clayton

Page 16

by John Simpson

  “Okay, sounds good. Gotta go, I have two customers waiting to pay.”

  “Later, gator!”

  ALEX hung up and went back to the sofa where he was drinking his second cup of coffee of the day. As he thought about his conversation with Clay, his mind drifted back over the winter months. They had continued to date as they’d agreed and had a pretty wild time in bed, but Clay wouldn’t give up his virginity until they became lovers.

  The winter passed quickly, and Rehoboth came fully alive. Alex and Clay usually went out on Saturday nights because Clay’s store was closed on Sundays. With the new schedule, Sunday and Monday nights were the prime times for dates and fun. It was only another four months until Alex’s birthday, and he hoped to get the answer to his question. Until then, he’d try to behave himself, but there was no harm in looking.

  Alex finished his coffee, changed into shorts and a T-shirt that showed off his physique, and walked to the boardwalk. Several hot guys checked him out discreetly on the way, and all Alex could do was smile at the attention he was getting. When he arrived on the boards, it was crowded, and he took a slow walk around, looking at the water and the guys on the beach.

  He still hadn’t arrived at “Poodle Beach,” which was the gay beach at the far end of the boardwalk. He decided to walk down and see how full that part of the beach got during the day. As he walked, his eyes wandered, checking out the men passing by. He began to see the wisdom of Clay’s approach to this issue. If it wasn’t for Clay, Alex would have already locked in a date for the night by now.

  As it was, he simply enjoyed looking, and finally, he arrived at the beach. He stopped and leaned against the railing, looking at the house on the other side, which he had considered buying when he first arrived in Rehoboth. From the second floor balcony, he would have had a bird’s eye view of the gay men on the beach.

  The beach was full already, and it wasn’t even eleven o’clock yet. Men of all shapes, sizes, and colors lay or sat around on the beach in various colorful bathing suits from board shorts to Speedos and thongs. Thankfully, the thongs were on men that should be wearing thongs. It was exactly like being the proverbial kid in a candy shop. Everywhere he looked, manflesh was to be seen.

  He removed his sandals, went down to the beach, and worked his way toward the waterline, getting a closer view of the men on display. There truly wasn’t a straight person to be seen at this end of the beach, and Alex smiled thinking how that was more than just convenient. It must have made hooking up or dating that much easier for everyone. Several guys said hello to him on the way to the water, and Alex smiled back while giving the greeter the once over.

  By the time he hit the water, he needed to cool off. His hormones were rising fast, aggravated by almost being able to smell sex in the air. He waded about a foot into the surf and watched the guys frolicking in the cool water. For Alex, the water was too damn cold for swimming, but he wasn’t twenty and planning a glorious exit from the water onto the sand. That was a sight everyone was sure to check out because of the way a bathing suit clung to everything when it was wet.

  Alex wasn’t watching where he was walking and banged right into a guy doing just that: putting on a show as he walked out of the water.

  “I’m sorry. I should pay attention to where I’m going instead of watching the beauties on the beach,” Alex said with his award-winning smile.

  “That’s alright. If someone has to run into me and almost knock me over, at least it’s a hot guy,” the twenty-something replied with a big smile.

  “That’s sweet of you, thank you. Might I also add that you are one fine-looking young man yourself? Surely someone’s watching us jealously this very second.”

  “No, not really. I broke up with my boyfriend about four months ago, and I’m free and single. By the way, I’m Kevin,” he said as he held out his hand.

  “Pleased to meet you. I’m Alex, and I live here in Rehoboth.”

  “That must be sweet for ya! Get to see all these hot guys every summer.”

  “Actually, this is my first summer, so it’s all new to me.”

  “A man as fine as you must be married or have several boyfriends, right?”

  “Not really. I have someone here that I see, and we’re considering making it permanent, but he wanted to wait until the summer had passed to see if I still wanted to settle down.”

  “Oh? How’s that working out for you so far?” Kevin asked with a smile.

  “So far? Hell, summer just started!”

  “Do you go to the Blue Moon?” the hot little blond asked.

  “I’ve been known to go there. Why?”

  “Just thought we could have a drink and talk some more, that’s all. I’ll be there from around six on.”

  “Okay, Kevin, if I can, I’ll meet you there at six. Don’t get sunburned,” Alex warned as he began to walk away.

  Kevin just smiled and watched Alex’s ass as he walked away.

  Alex was all hot and bothered from the encounter; the young guy just oozed sexuality. Once more, Clay’s warning and advice came screaming back to Alex as he headed for a set of stairs that would take him back onto the boardwalk. He’d had enough for the first day, and he needed a cold shower.

  If this is what the entire summer was going to be like, maybe he should just avoid the beach altogether unless he was with Clay. Even though he and Clay had good bodies, they couldn’t compete with twentysomethings. And the guys that were eighteen and nineteen… forget it! They were perfection personified body-wise, which is all you need if you just want a quick screw. At that moment, Alex realized he no longer had anything in common with an eighteen-year-old or even those up into their twenties.

  Alex thought about Kevin’s pecs and abs all the way home and found himself sweating from more than just the temperature. When he got home, he took a cold shower, which helped. When he got out and dried off, he decided to stay naked. Why not? It was his house, and no one could see inside unless they were peeping.

  He grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator and went into the living room. He sat down in a chair by a window that was high enough that no one on the street could see in. He sipped his beer as he watched the guys go back and forth out front. His mind drifted back to the boy on the beach again and before he knew it, he was fully erect.

  “Damn! Why did I have to go to the beach today?” he said out loud.

  As the day wore on, Alex continued to think about the boy, and at five thirty, he found himself going up the stairs and dressing. He put on an old Capitol Hill Police T-shirt, nice-fitting shorts that showed off his main asset, and sandals. He sprayed a touch of Polo cologne on his neck, grabbed his wallet and keys, and headed to the Blue Moon.

  When he got there, the place was already packed with the afternoon T-dance crowd. He worked his way through the masses until he got to one of the two bars and ordered a beer. He looked around to see if Kevin was there but didn’t spot him.

  He decided that if Kevin didn’t show up by the time he finished his beer, he would leave. A couple of guys tried to strike up a conversation with Alex, but he brushed them off saying he was watching for his date.

  When he tipped the bottle all the way back and drained it, he headed for the exit. Kevin was fighting his way into the crowd when he spotted Alex coming directly at him. When they met in the middle, both men were smiling.

  “So, you decided to meet me after all, huh? I wasn’t sure you would,” said Kevin.

  “I usually come down here about this time for a beer anyway. In fact I was just leaving,” Alex replied.

  “Oh, don’t do that! Stay, please?” Kevin pleaded and then looked down at Alex’s bulge, making sure Alex saw him.

  Alex’s dick reacted to the obvious come on, and he lost the will to leave.

  “Okay, let me get a beer. What do you want? You are over twenty-one, right?”

  “As of last Thursday. I’ll have a cosmo, please.”

  “Cosmo it is. Why not stand over there so I can find you wi
th the drink?”

  “You got it, babe.”

  Alex was like a sixteen-year-old in lust. He ordered the drinks nervously and tipped the bartender five dollars. He turned around and saw Kevin where he’d left him, but two guys were talking to him.

  Alex worked his way over and gave Kevin his drink.

  “Well, excuse me, guys, but my date is here,” Kevin said, and the other guys smiled and walked off.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” Alex said.

  “Yeah, I did. When I meet a guy, I intend to be with that guy. Those two just want me to be the meat in their sandwich.”

  “That’s very adult of you,” Alex said.

  “Adult? You think I’m just a kid, don’t you? I’d like to show you how much I’m not a kid.”

  “Oh? And just how would you do that?”

  “By dropping these shorts and letting you see what I’ve got packed away in them. Also, by showing you that I know what I’m doing in bed. You wanna fuck?”

  “Kevin! Is that the way you usually come on to guys?” Alex asked.

  “No, not at all. I only come on this way with men I wanna make love to. I like you. You’re hot. You’re not a kid, and if that T-shirt is more than just decoration, you’re just my type of man.”

  “I retired from the force at an early age.”

  “Even better. So that’s why you live here year around, eh?” Kevin asked.

  “Yep. Wanted to get away from official Washington and be where there was sun and water.”

  “And men?”

  “Well, that doesn’t hurt.”

  “So, why don’t we finish these and go to your place so you can teach me any tricks that I don’t already know?” Kevin asked as he ran a hand over his crotch.

  Alex froze. For the first time in his life, he didn’t know what to do with a proposition. Here was a young guy, hot as hell, horny as hell, asking to be taken. The guy was several years his junior, and there was the Clay situation to be considered. But Clay had reserved the right to play around this summer, so Alex didn’t see why he should let this opportunity pass him by.

  “Sure. I wanna see what you’re bragging about in those shorts,” Alex said as he looked down at Kevin’s bulge.

  They worked their way out of the Blue Moon and headed up the street. Alex sincerely hoped that he didn’t run into Clay at this moment.

  “How far is it?” Kevin asked.

  “In the next block.”

  “Great. Can I ask how old you are for the hell of it? It doesn’t matter because you’re hot, but I’m curious.”

  “I’m forty-two,” Alex lied.

  “Cool, so you’re double my age exactly. You’ll be the oldest dude I’ve ever made it with.”

  Alex’s ego took a slight hit. “I’ll try not to fall asleep on ya,” he said with a frown.

  The kid laughed out loud. “No, dude, I’m not knocking on your age. Like I said, you’ve got tons of sexual experience, and I’m looking forward to seeing what you can do. ’Sides, no one falls asleep while I’m having sex with them!”

  When they arrived at the house, Alex opened the door to let Kevin go first and then looked around on the street to see if he could spot Clay. He went in, closed the door, and the kid threw his arms around him and kissed him.

  “Whoa, guy, we barely got in the door. You want something to drink in the bedroom?”

  “Just your jizz, man.”

  “Well, I’ll get two beers, how about that?”

  “Not for me. I’m strictly booze. ’Sides, I don’t need anything.”

  ALEX came back with his beer, and they went up the stairs. When they went into the bedroom, the kid whistled at how nice it was.

  “Very masculine, I like it!” he said as he kicked off his sandals and shucked down his shorts. He peeled off his shirt and stood in the middle of the room naked with a sizable cock swinging.

  Alex was stunned. The guy was more gorgeous with his clothes off than he ever imagined. Kevin had every right to brag about his body. Alex had seen his guest’s pecs and abs earlier in the day, and his sexual organs were just as beautiful.

  “So, you like?” Kevin asked as he waved his hand down his body like a model on the Price Is Right.

  “Oh yeah, I like very much,” Alex replied.

  Alex pulled his T-shirt over his head and found Kevin standing directly in front of him.

  “Let me take off your shorts,” Kevin said as he grabbed Alex’s bulge.

  He knelt and removed Alex’s sandals and then took off his shorts, leaving Alex standing there in a pair of sexy AussieBum underwear. Kevin stood up and pushed Alex’s shorts down to the floor, and Alex stepped out of them.

  “Man, you are nice and hung. And those balls! You got nice low-hangers.”

  “Thanks. Show me your ass,” Alex commanded.

  Kevin smiled and turned around slowly, revealing a perfect bubble butt that screamed for attention.

  “Wow, kid, you got some ass on you. Is it well used?”

  Kevin turned back around and replied, “By a very select few. I’ll have to add you to that short list.”

  They fell into bed, and each man showed the other what he had in his bag of sexual tricks. Two hours later, they lay spread-eagle on the bed, breathing heavily, covered in sweat.

  “Dude, you sure throw a mean fuck into a guy’s ass, you know that?” Kevin asked.

  “It’s been a while since I had a good piece of ass, and your ass demanded it. I wasn’t too rough on you, was I?”

  “Rough? Hell, I like it rough, and you had a long way to go to hit my limits on rough. I’ll tell you this: I’ve never been screwed in so many different positions. You suck cock pretty damn good too! How was I? Did I do you right?”

  “I have no complaints about your skill in lovemaking. I came so hard I thought my balls were gonna fall off. You really impressed me by taking all my cock down your throat. You are what they refer to as a ‘great fuck’!”

  Kevin smiled. “Good, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I have to say, you’re not the best I’ve ever had, but you’re damn close to it.”

  Kevin rolled over and kissed Alex, patted his cock, and jumped out of bed. He hit the bathroom, came back, and began to dress.

  “Where you going? Thought maybe we’d have another round in a while,” Alex said, leaning on his elbows.

  “Nah, sorry, can’t do that. I’m due to meet a bunch of friends to go dancing. I’m sure you’re not interested in that.”


  “Look here, dude, thanks for a great late afternoon roll in the hay. You’re terrific. Hope to see you around.”

  And he was gone.

  Alex heard the front door close, and he lay there disappointed that he didn’t get to enjoy the kid one more time.

  Chapter Fourteen

  OVER the next three weeks, the memory of Kevin began to fade from the front of Alex’s mind and take up residence in sexual escapades of the past. He and Clay had four dates, and things seemed to be going along nicely until at dinner one night, the conversation turned to men.

  “So, you haven’t told me what you think of Rehoboth Beach in the summer months. Have you noticed all the hot guys?” Clay asked.

  “Noticed? How can you not notice? They’re everywhere. Yeah, it’s a different kind of town when the population doubles, and there’s young flesh everywhere. Lately, though, I’ve been staying in, doing a lot of reading. I picked up some damn good books from your shop the last time I was in to buy.”

  “Good, always glad to hear that. Have you met any of our tourists?”

  “Not really. I’ve talked to a few, but nothing extensive to where I know anything about any of them. How about you?”

  “Nope. I’ve been working long hours at the shop, shipping books bought over the phone, and having the occasional date with you, that’s it. Considering where we live, I’m having a very boring summer. I haven’t been out for drinks since our date where we danced for a while.”

ell, how about going out tomorrow night then? We’ll go to the Blue Moon for drinks and dancing. Sound good?”

  “Yeah, sounds very good. I’d like to see more of you, Alex. I find I miss you when I don’t see you at least every other day. Does that sound stupid?”

  “Not at all. I’m always thinking about you and feel the same way. Your birthday is coming up next week, and I’ve got to make it special for you,” said a smiling Alex with a sparkle in his eye.

  “Look, don’t go to any trouble, please. Let’s just go out for dinner, that’s enough,” Clay replied.

  “Maybe enough for you, but not for me. You leave it to me.”

  ON SATURDAY night, Alex knew the bars would be full, so he was glad Clay was right on time at seven. Both had grabbed something to eat at home, and they had planned to go up on the boardwalk after dancing to get ice cream, so they walked directly to the Blue Moon.

  When they entered the bar, it was as packed as they’d thought it would be. Alex got their drinks, and they huddled off in a corner with Clay’s back to the entrance. They talked about the day and how the weather was turning hot when a pair of arms wrapped around Alex, and a cute young guy kissed him on the cheek.

  “Hey, stud! I miss you and can’t stop thinking about the time we were together. You busy later?” Kevin asked with a smile.

  “Oh, hi! Um, didn’t we talk on the beach one day?” Alex asked, hoping Kevin would take the hint and go away.

  “Talk? If what we did was what you call talking, then I’d like to talk with you again!”

  Alex saw Clay’s face turn ashen. Clay looked like someone had hit him over the head with a chair. He put his drink down and started to leave without even looking at Alex.

  “Clay, wait, it’s not what you think!” Alex said lamely.

  “You don’t know what I think at the moment!” Clay replied angrily. “Enjoy your twinkie!”

  As Clay pushed his way through the crowd, Kevin yelled after him, “Hey, I’m no twinkie!”

  “Oh shut up, Kevin! You had no way of knowing, but you just blew apart an important relationship between me and my friend there. If you’ll excuse me, I need to see if I can fix it.” Alex threw his drink into the trashcan, fought his way through the crowd, and went after Clay, leaving Kevin standing there wondering what the deal was.


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