Book Read Free

Role Play

Page 15

by Tu-Shonda L. Whitaker

She had fifteen minutes to quickly review today’s lesson on the Nat Turner Rebellion before her first-period history class bolted in. No time to pour over thoughts of Lorenz. He needed to be a distant memory. A steamy one-night stand. And that was it. No going back. There was enough happening with Monty. She didn’t need to add this to the list.

  But shit . . .

  Call him.

  She picked up her phone.


  She placed it back on her desk. Then walked over to the window and stared beyond the football field.

  “Let me tell you a story real quick.” She giggled, at the thought of Lorenz’s pick-up line.

  “How does the story end?” she remembered asking him.

  “Like this . . .”

  She felt the warmth of his kiss.

  Call him!

  She quickly walked back over to her desk, picked up her cell phone, and dialed his number before she changed her mind.

  He answered on the first ring. “Hey, you.”

  Play it cool. “Hey,” She said a little too quickly. Relax.

  “How are you?” he asked.

  I think he’s smiling. “I’m well. Thought I’d give you a quick call before my students came in. How’ve you been?”

  “I’m great now that you called, Miss Pryce. For a moment, you had a brotha thinking you had hit it and quit it.”

  She chuckled, “I thought about it.”

  “Oh word?”

  “Then I changed my mind.”

  “Well I’ll be sure to thank Oya for that.”

  They laughed.

  “When can I see you again?” he asked. “I’d love to take you out.”

  Butterflies danced in her stomach. “And I’d love to go.”

  “How’s this evening?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Perfect. I’ll give you a call around three.”


  The first period bell went off and the tenth graders burst into the classroom. Calls of “what’s up, Miss Pryce?” floated around the room.

  “The kids are here. I gotta go,” she whispered into the phone.

  “See you later, beautiful.”

  “Later.” Brooklyn clutched the phone to her chest, then released a breath.

  She placed her phone on her desk and looked out at her sea of students taking their seats. She clasped her hands together and said, “Karo! Kings and Queens, let’s get this marvelous day started!”

  Chapter 34


  Elle sat on the edge of the bed and watched her cell phone ring. She had a nine o’clock staff meeting at Each One Reach One, but that was two hours ago. Her assistant, Heather, had called her twenty times, left her twenty voice mails, and the house manager had knocked on her bedroom door, twice.

  Yet here Elle sat stuck on the same thought, wearing the same tattered gown. Drapes drawn. Lights dim. Furniture knocked over.

  A trace of Monty’s cologne lingered in the air while his clothes were strewn everywhere.

  Occasionally, she’d glance at the standing oval mirror, where slivers of sunlight filtered through the sides of the drapes and illuminated the glass, highlighting the stained mascara streaked down her cheeks.

  “Mom, the driver’s here to take us to school,” MJ said as he pushed the door open and peered into the bedroom. His eyes stretched with horror as he stepped completely into the room. “What did he do now?”

  “Who?” Elle stood up from the bed and forced herself to smile.


  Elle swallowed what she could of the iron fist weighted in her throat. She wiped the dried tears and the crust in her eyes away. “Oh baby, your dad’s fine.” She draped her arm around her son and pulled him close.

  “I said, what did he do? Matt and I heard yelling last night.”

  She squatted and faced him. “Mom and Daddy love you. It’s just that sometimes adults talk about things a little louder than they should.”

  “Like yell?”

  “Like yell.” She stood up. “But don’t you be afraid. I will always protect you. Now, you go and get on to school. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay, Mom. I’ll do that. But, Mom . . .”


  “You need a bath.” MJ pinched his nose, walked out of the room, and closed the door behind him.

  Elle couldn’t believe her life had come to this. She was failing at everything. Being a wife, a mother, and apparently, she smelled. She walked over to the chaise and sat down.

  Thoughts of Sheila ran through her mind.

  No. She shook them away and stared off into space, opting instead to wallow in the thought of how Monty was supposed to be her knight.

  Being with him should’ve been a deep-throated, stomach-churning, and heart-stirring kind of love. After all, he was her man, and men were supposed to save you. She’d counted on him to make her whole and take the ragtag condition of the love she had to offer and fix the shit, so she could finally be good enough to be enough.

  He never did. Instead, he took flight to this bitch’s house, ejaculated his love into the folds of her pussy, and left it there.

  Now here Elle sat with nothing but his last name, a useless murder plot, and a trace of his goddamn cologne in the air.

  There was a light knock on the door. Elle yelled, “MJ, what did I say?” The knob twisted. “Go to school!” she said, as she flung away the tears that had inched down her cheeks. Before she could continue, the door opened. Sheila.

  “Elle?” Sheila stepped into the room, closing the door behind her and flicking on the light. Her eyes wildly scanned the place. “Oh, wow,” she said, more to herself than to Elle.

  Elle reached for her gold cigarette case on the nightstand and popped it open. She slid a long brown cigarette into the corner of her mouth, then grabbed the lighter.

  Sheila walked over to the light-gray tapestry drapes and pushed them apart. Bright California sunshine filled the room. She stood back and stared at the broken windowpane, peeked through the jagged glass. The housekeeper reached behind the bushes to pick up a pair of boxers, while the house manager stared in horror at the Escalade’s shattered windshield.

  “What in the . . .” Sheila shook her head, and her ponytail swung from one shoulder blade to the other. She turned around, brushed the bits of glass from the ledge, and sat down. She looked into the standing mirror and hooked into Elle’s reflection. “Soooo . . . I know it’s been a minute, but do you want to tell me what’s going on?”

  “It hasn’t been a minute. It’s been three years, six months, and about three weeks, but who’s keeping count?” Elle took a hard pull on her cigarette, then eased out the smoke.

  “Certainly not you.” Sheila paused. “And for the record, it’s been three years and seven months.” She gave a half grin. “I think.”

  Elle scanned Sheila’s reflection. She took her in from the crown of her head to the black pumps on her feet. “Doesn’t matter how long it’s been. What matters is that I told you we were through and I was done with you, so why, in all of the God-given things to give a fuck about, are you here checking on me?” She frowned and flicked ashes on the floor.

  “Heather called the governor several times this morning worried about you. He also called and didn’t get an answer, so he asked me to come here and see what was up. Therefore, this particular fuck was assigned to me. Plus, he needs you to get dressed and ready for a news conference. He wants you by his side in about an hour.”

  Elle looked over at the clock.

  One thirty.

  Sheila continued, “Now that that’s out of the way, do you want to talk about what went on here, get some things off your chest? Maybe you’ll feel better. Or do you just want to get dressed and come with me?” Sheila looked away from Elle’s reflection and over to the piles of clothes thrown around. “I’ll help you pick out an outfit, if you want. Your call.”

  Elle twisted her lips and held her burning cigarette between her ind
ex and middle fingers. “So, how long have you known?” she asked.

  Sheila’s chin dipped into her chest as she lifted her eyes and stared at Elle in confusion. “Known what?”

  “You know what I’m talking about, Sheila. How long have you known about that low-life skuzbucket sleeping with my husband?”

  Sheila paused. “Excuse me?”

  “Don’t play stupid. Six months? A year? Two years?”

  “How would I know that?”

  “That long, huh? Is that why you lied to me about being on his security team, because you couldn’t think of a way to tell me he was up to the same shit?”

  Sheila sighed. “I didn’t lie to you about being on the security team, Ellaina. I just didn’t tell you.”

  “You know as well as I do, a lie by omission is still a fucking lie! You could’ve simply opened your mouth and spit it out!”

  “Look, I’m not here to be a part of this melodramatic breakdown you’re having. I’m here to do a job—”

  “I’ve been reduced to a goddamn assignment now?!”

  Sheila hesitated. “You’re more than that, and you know it.”

  “I know what you said. Now will you answer my question?!”

  “I can’t answer your question because I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You’re on his goddamn security team, for Christ’s sake!”

  “I work in the office, and I’m only with him if he has a political event during the day! That’s it. Whatever he does at night, or any low-life shit you claim he’s up to, I’m not privy to that.”

  “So, what you’re saying is that you’ve known he was fucking her for a while, huh?” Elle stared off into the distance, her cigarette burned down to a butt. She sucked the last bit of nicotine from it, before dropping it into a glass of water on the nightstand. They paused and watched it float.

  Sheila continued, “I know I hurt you when I didn’t tell you I was working for the governor. But I swear, I didn’t know I’d been reassigned until that day. Yes, I should’ve told you as soon as I found out. I’m sorry I didn’t. But . . . it was the opportunity of a lifetime. I said yes because I didn’t look at him as your husband. He was the governor, duty called, and he needed me.”

  “He needed you?” Elle whipped around toward Sheila, stood up, and pointed into her face. “No, I fucking needed you! You were the only person I could turn to. The only person who knew me, really knew me! Not only as my lover, but as my goddamned friend! You were the one person I could disconnect from everything and run off with, even if it was for a moment. I want that shit back! I need that! Fuck what he needs!” Hot tears filled her eyes and she fell back into her seat.

  Sheila huffed. She slid off the ledge and crouched in front of Elle. She held Elle’s chin in her hand and settled into her gaze. “I miss you too. God knows, I think about you every day, and I want you back. Life is not the same without you. I’m sorry I hurt you.” She pressed her forehead against Elle’s.

  “Do you know that bitch was at my event?” Elle asked.

  “What?” Sheila blinked.

  “Monty’s whore.”

  Sheila swallowed. The look on her face revealed she was at a cross between wanting to be sympathetic and being in disbelief that, after all this time, they were finally breath to breath, confessing the words of their heartstrings, yet Elle had just pissed on their moment with more about Monty.

  Sheila stood up and returned to the ledge.

  Elle said, “I couldn’t believe it. I did my best to stay calm and pretend not to know who she was, so I wouldn’t cause a scene. And do you know what that muthafucka did?”


  “Monty approached her.”

  “In front of you?”

  “No. I went to the bathroom, and when I came out, he was gripping her by the wrist.”

  “They were arguing?”

  “Looked that way to me.” Tears welled in Elle’s eyes and fell down her cheeks. “I’ve tried so hard with Monty. God knows, I wanted desperately to be the right measure of a wife, a friend, a lover. I followed his lead, let him direct my path. Became who he wanted me to be.”

  “Why did you do that?”

  “I have no fucking idea. All I know is that I allowed this motherfucka to kidnap the real me and walk off, leaving me with this pathetic bitch in the mirror.” Elle pointed to her reflection. “Meanwhile, he’s with her.”

  “Is that what you two were fighting about, her?”

  Elle nodded. “I should’ve killed him.”

  “Shh.” Sheila held an index finger to her lips. “Don’t say that.”

  “Why not?”

  “For one, you don’t mean it.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “And for two, it’s a crime.”

  “Is it?”

  An awkward silence hung in the air.

  “I just don’t know what I would’ve done with the body,” Elle said.

  “That’s because you’re not a killer. Now, enough of that. Get up and get dressed. The governor needs you.”

  “Didn’t I just say, ‘Fuck what he needs’?”

  “Ellaina, let’s go.” Sheila held her hand out.

  “No, Sheila!” Elle said as she swatted Sheila’s hand away.

  Elle huffed. “And you shouldn’t want me to go, after what I just told you he’s done to me!”

  “Ellaina, cut the dramatic bullshit!”

  “I’m not being dramatic! This is my life!”

  “Would you just get showered and dressed? I don’t want to hold this conversation anymore. I’m done with it.”

  “You’re done with it? Didn’t you just ask me to tell you how I feel?” Elle shook her head in disbelief. “So, you just gon’ come up in here and add to the list of what’s already fucked up in this room. I swear, somehow, someway it always ends up being about you, doesn’t it, Sheila?”

  Sheila chuckled in disbelief and giving Elle a dismissive wave, she said, “Stop playing damsel in distress. This is not about me. This is about you. You’re pissed because Monty isn’t a superhero and you’re just as broken as the day I left you on the beach. But that’s your fault, not mine and not Monty’s. You are no victim, Ellaina. You knew Monty wasn’t shit when you married him. And you knew he wasn’t triple shit when you had two boys by him, so what the fuck is all this production for? This is not Broadway. You are the governor’s wife, and guess what? At this moment, this is business and duty calls.”

  Elle did her best to brush off Sheila’s verbal assault and said evenly, “You wouldn’t understand any of what I’m going through because you’ve never had a husband, or a wife, or anyone who liked you enough to choose you. As a matter of fact, last I checked, you had two dogs run away, so they didn’t take well to you, either. Therefore, you wouldn’t know love if it spit on you. So don’t tell me shit about my husband or what I already know. Go work on you.”

  “I see clearly why Monty is in love with someone else!”

  “How dare you!” Elle flailed an arm in the air.

  “No, how dare you!” Sheila screamed, then paused. Her jaw clenched as she lowered her tone and said, “What is wrong with you, Ellaina? Huh? How do you think I feel standing here in love with you and you’re crying over a motherfucker who doesn’t even appreciate you or know how to treat you? Knowing that first it was your parents and now it’s Monty that you’re choosing over me. When I have given you everything—” Sheila held her fingers out and counted on them. “Gave you my time, my love, my life. Ever since we were sixteen, I have been in love with you! Always patching you up. I’m tired of that shit!” Sheila huffed, walked in a small circle, then faced Elle again. “You’re one selfish, miserable—”

  “Get out, Sheila!”

  Sheila hesitated. “You’re right. I need to leave, because honestly, I don’t give a fuck if you make it to the news conference or not. I came here because I had a job to do. I did it. The rest is on you. Good day, Ellaina.” Sheila clicked her heels over to the
door, opened it, and there was Elle’s mother, Violet. Live and in living color. Dressed in a muted gold skirt and matching jacket. Full snarl on her face and a Bible in her hand. Both women stood there, as if remembering the last time they’d laid eyes on each other.

  “Doth mine eyes deceive me?” Violet gasped. “Ellaina-Marie, is that really back?” She peered at Sheila. “I know I told you to stay away from my daughter?”

  “I’m leaving,” Sheila said, brushing Violet on the shoulder as she passed by.

  “And that just tried to kill me on its way out of here!” Violet stepped completely into the room and slammed the door behind her. “Is that what’s really been going on around here with you?” She dropped her Bible onto the unmade bed. “Is that the reason I’m getting these calls?”

  “Her name is Sheila. And she is not responsible for any of this, your precious son-in-law is.”

  Violet took in the broken window behind Elle. “What happened here last night? Did someone die?”

  “Mother, please.”

  “When is the last time you bathed? I get a frantic text from my grandson that he’s worried. And from what I can see and smell, he should be.” She walked over to the floating cigarette butt and slapped a hand over her mouth. “You have turned into a chain-smoking maniac. Dear God, your teeth—all that good money on braces down the drain.”

  “Mother, what do you want? I am in no mood for any of this.”

  “Ellaina-Marie, I thought for sure you were done with fishing through women’s panties!” She kicked around the clothing on the floor. “This must be cleaned up right now!” She looked back at Elle. “Tell me, right now, in the good name of Jesus, what am I witnessing?” She took another look around the room. “Where is the maid?” She turned back to Elle. “Answer me!”

  “Mother, you can leave.”

  “I come here to give you some motherly advice, and this is what I’m greeted with?”

  “I don’t want to hear it.”

  “And I don’t want to hear that you’ve been sitting here for what seems like days, unclean, and chasing women again. Do not be misled by the devil, for in the valley of flesh is man’s damnation.”

  “This is not about Sheila! Monty’s in love with another woman!” she blurted. “A low-down gutter-snipe-trampy-bitch!”


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