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Tied Between

Page 11

by Kira Barker

  I hadn’t even gotten ‘round to straightening so I could get up before Jack was leaning over me, using his body to keep me on the sofa should I try to evade.

  “Seriously? You come like, what, three times and then you’re tired? That’s not fair.”

  I shrugged, trying to inch away slowly from underneath him, which might have even worked if not for Simon suddenly moving closer, too, so that they had me wedged into my corner. There were worse places to find yourself in, really.

  “You don’t look that tired to me,” Simon observed. He glanced at Jack, then back to me. “In fact, just before you came, I had the distinct feeling that you’d do about anything just to get fucked hard and deep. I doubt that need has completely disappeared already even though you screamed your head off in ecstasy.”

  It was impossible to keep a straight face, so I didn’t even try. The smile I offered likely resembled a leer, but really, who cared?

  “If you’re so convinced of that, why don’t you act on it?” I asked.

  “Because we respect you when you say you’re too tired,” Jack offered.

  Keeping my eyes locked with his, I blindly groped for the waistband of his jeans, unzipped his fly, and reached inside, finding him already hard. “I’m not too tired for this.”

  I fully expected escalation to be a one way street from here, but not for the first time tonight, Jack surprised me when he—if reluctantly—grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away from him. He did it with an appeasing smile that turned hungry as he leaned closer, stealing a quick kiss from me.

  “Why don’t we take this into the bedroom? That way, if you’re really that tired, you can just roll over and sleep, you know?”

  “While you go on doing what ‘I’m tired’ usually turns into? Fat chance,” I replied.

  That made Simon laugh as he pulled back, letting me shimmy out from underneath Jack. “Don’t worry, I have absolutely no qualms keeping you up all night.”

  “You two say the sweetest things!” I trilled, then forced my—indeed tired, but not that tired—legs to propel me toward the hallway. Jack was right behind me but quickly ducked back into his room instead of following me into Simon’s, while Simon shut off the lights. By the time the guys joined me, I’d already disrobed—my yoga pants and tank lying on the floor where I’d dropped them—not bothering with crawling under the blankets. It was warm enough as it was, and, anyway, the guys would just have pulled me back out from under them in no time.

  Simon went about ditching his clothes as quickly as I had—only wearing a T-shirt and sweat pants it took him about as much time, too—while Jack shook his head in what could only have been comical frustration.

  “Really, where’s the romance in that?” he chuffed, and held out a bunch of papers to me. “I just remembered, got the results from my test back, and because you always want to read them even if I tell you that I’m clean, I’ll spare you asking.”

  “You’re so sweet,” I simpered, already scanning the print, then handed them back to him. “Your cholesterol’s a little high.”

  Jack stared at me cross-eyed, then checked the papers himself. “Still way below limit. I have no idea what you’re complaining about.”

  “But higher than your last test six months ago,” I pointed out.

  “Why do you know by heart how high my cholesterol levels are?” he asked, setting down the papers on a shelf before reaching for his own clothes. “Beside the point that it’s none of your business.”

  “Everything medical is my business, and I have a vested interest in keeping you healthy,” I informed him, scooting into the middle of the bed to make room for Jack. It was a large bed, but still not exactly made for three people. Stacking worked well, though.

  “You’re insufferable,” Jack grumbled, but the smile from before was back as he leaned over me and pressed his lips lightly against my jaw, then lower to my neck. “Promise you’ll never change.”

  “Speaking of changing,” Simon interjected what might have become an extensive period of not talking, making both me and Jack pause and look at him. “All three of us have now checked in clean, and since I presume that we’re still on board with not screwing anyone outside of our little triangle here“—he waited for both of us to nod—“does that change anything for us? We are running through boxes of condoms like candy right now, and while far be it from me to protest, if it’s not strictly necessary…”

  He trailed off there, looking mostly at me with only the briefest of glances in Jack’s direction.

  “I still have my IUD,” I pointed out, frowning. “But seriously, if one of you guys misses and I end up with an infection, I’ll—“

  “That’s one thing condoms won’t change,” Jack teased me, if with a placating smile. “But I think we are old enough to wash our hands and dicks when required, you know? And it’s not like you haven’t been complaining about the stench and taste of latex.”

  That confused me, until I realized that the last bit had been meant for Simon, not for me. At my surprised look, he made a face.

  “I just can’t stand giving him a blow job after he’s had a rubber on. I wouldn’t suck on your fingers right after you’ve taken off your gloves, either.”

  “Pansy.” I laughed, but leaned back to give that entire idea some thought. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d had unprotected sex. Come to think of it, I wasn’t even sure I’d ever had sex with anyone without condoms involved.

  “If you’re thinking the same thing as I am, I’m absolutely okay with cream pies,” Jack murmured into my shoulder, then quickly pulled away when I glared at him.

  “Yeah, like you won’t freak when anything leaks onto the sheets,” I huffed.

  “Can always change them,” he replied, but did look a little grossed out. I would never understand how exactly his ease and comfort where sex was involved worked with his neat freak habits. Simon didn’t even blink at the idea, but then again, he wouldn’t. I’d seen his list of past activities; there couldn’t be much out there that made him uncomfortable, basic hygiene standards notwithstanding.

  “So we’re doing this now? Having sex without condoms,” I clarified my question.

  “Sounds like it,” Jack replied. Instead of giving a verbal answer, Simon leaned over me and captured my lips with his, one hand stroking along the outside of my thigh before easing it to the side. Guess that was one way to respond—one I definitely approved of. I didn’t hold in the low moan that escaped me as I felt his fingers ease up the sensitive skin of my thigh, halting bare inches away from my pussy. I was almost disappointed when he pulled away, but as his hand stayed where it was, I couldn’t help but remain very hopeful for more to come very soon.

  “Anything you’d like to do tonight?” he asked, his voice husky, his eyes shining with lust.

  “You?” I only half joked, then turned my head to make sure that I was also including Jack in that. “But I really am kind of tired, so might be better if you keep the more strenuous stuff between the two of you, and let me benefit on the sidelines?” I certainly didn’t mind voicing my demands when I had them, but my mind was still floating on a cloud of endorphins that left the entire range of my desire sated, except for maybe the aforementioned deep, thorough penetration.

  Jack pursed his lips, but his face didn’t really tell me anything; the way he molded his hand to my breast and squeezed, gently but with insistence, made me wonder if he was opposed to that idea. But, no, I could feel his hard cock jump against my thigh as he shifted, making it obvious that there was not a hint of reluctance in him.

  And it wasn’t like—provided he could get it up again—he couldn’t fuck me after he was done screwing Simon.

  At least that was my guess how they’d work things out between them; not that they seemed to have settled on a dynamic where Simon was usually bottoming in a guy love sense, but he definitely seemed to mind less than Jack. And it was past midnight, and even if we were all worked up, I doubted anyone wanted to spend too muc
h time on this endeavor, which would have likely been required if Jack was the one getting it in the ass.

  “Anything particular on your mind?” Jack asked Simon, accepting my proposition to keep me out of the fray. Really, as much as I loved being the filling in their sandwich, the very idea made my legs and back ache, and not in a very erotic way.

  “Not really,” Simon replied, then cocked his head to the side, studying Jack. “Why do I get the sense you are asking for more than I think I just replied to?”

  Jack shrugged.

  “Let’s just say that I’d understand that you might need something specific after coming off your own high? Erin’s clearly not the only one still a little wide-eyed and easily distracted.”

  Simon’s smile grew at those words.

  “Probably not in the way you expect.”

  “Meaning?” Jack inquired.

  “I feel rather mellow right now. Quite the opposite from balking at the very notion of giving up control and letting you do whatever you want to do with me.”

  Jack actually looked a little surprised at that, but I wasn’t. It made me remember that one time after a scene when Simon had insisted on pretty much cuddling with me in the shower, feeling the need to physically connect on a much more intimate level than we’d connected in the playroom before. The memory made me smile, but also sent a twinge of pain through my heart that I tried to ignore.

  “So what you’re really saying is that you are both too lazy to do anything and I have to do all the work?” Jack said.

  “Pretty much, yeah,” I agreed, sharing a grin with Simon.

  “Suckers,” Jack grumbled under his breath, but he didn’t really sound too despondent as he moved off the bed, then waited for both of us to scoot over so he could slide in behind Simon on the other side. I remained lying on my back, half-pressed into Simon’s torso, stealing another kiss from him while he waited for Jack to get the lube.

  “Thank you,” I whispered against Simon’s lips, loving the way they quirked up. “Thank you for that truly marvelous experience tonight. I feel like I should show my gratitude in a more visceral way than just with words.”

  Simon snorted good-naturedly, and the sound morphed into a low groan when Jack did something I couldn’t see—besides sink his teeth playfully into Simon’s shoulder. A glance down between our bodies revealed Jack’s fingers playfully massaging Simon’s balls before they disappeared from view.

  “Glad you had a great time,” Simon replied, making me focus on his face again. “I did, too.”

  “Understatement of the month,” Jack provided helpfully, before his mouth returned to explore the column of Simon’s throat. Simon’s grin was answer enough, but while his lids grew heavy, his eyes were still focused on me.

  “What do you want me to do now?” I asked, feeling need and arousal slowly push away the lead that had settled in my muscles.

  Simon’s gaze turned half-speculating, but whatever had crossed his mind, it didn’t make it past his lips.

  “Just relax,” he said, his hand ghosting up my thigh until his fingers reached my pussy. I let my thighs fall apart farther, but even if his tentative touch was nice—very nice, indeed—it wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind. Not that I knew what that useless space between my ears was good for right now, but this wasn’t it. I thought about protesting, but then Simon’s lips were brushing mine, his tongue seeking entrance, and it wasn’t like I was going to deny him. Letting my eyes drift shut, I blindly felt around for his cock, running my fingers down his abs until they found their goal. His hips bucked forward into my grasp, a low moan rumbling in his chest. That was more like it.

  I felt his body tense as his fingers stilled, then dropped away for a moment as he re-adjusted his position relative to Jack’s. Curiosity got the better of me—I could always devour Simon’s mouth even when we weren’t screwing around, but it didn’t happen that often that the guys were getting it on right in front of me—so I abandoned his lips in favor of trailing kisses along his jaw, then down his throat, halting for a moment to nip at his collarbone. Over his shoulder I quickly made eye contact with Jack, who looked rather amused by the fact that I wasn’t happy to just remain cuddled up against Simon. Rolling my eyes at him, I shimmied lower, leaving a wet, hot trail down Simon’s chest and stomach until I got closer to more interesting territory. My hand never left his cock, still stroking him slowly, loving the sensation of soft skin stretching over so much taut muscle and flesh.

  Jack was busy lining up his lube-slicked cock with Simon’s anus, but he was only too happy to wait for me to give him a few good strokes with my other hand, not quite incidentally getting it nice and wet. I let go and reached for Simon’s balls instead, closing my fingers gently around them as I rolled onto my stomach, then took his cock into my mouth just as Jack slid into him. Simon let out the most delectable sound, his fingers finding and tightening in my hair, keeping me in place as he thrust in deeper.

  It was as if he’d flipped a switch in my mind. One moment I just lay there, caressing him playfully but without any real intention of doing more than support work; the next, I found my body and mind come alive with need—not my own need, but the need to serve him. To let him use me however he wanted, take his pleasure from me. That very thought made my vaginal muscles clench so hard that I had to rub my thighs together, seeking friction. Only that I didn’t exactly want to be fucked, only if he wanted to hold me down and take me. It was a heady feeling, foreign but at the same time familiar. And it felt so fucking good that it made my nipples and clit tingle, my throat lock up, and cold shudders run down my spine. Until then I’d thought it completely impossible that I could come from giving oral, but it felt as if he’d somehow tapped right into the live wire my body had morphed into back in Beth’s dungeon, right before I’d pretty much lost my mind.

  But Simon didn’t fuck my mouth, didn’t shove me over that impossible cliff. His fingers loosened after a few seconds, then stroked down to my cheek, cradling, soft, even pushing me off his cock again. Gazing up along the lines of his body, I saw that his eyes were closed, his features relaxed except for that little frown line between his brows that spoke of some measure of concentration going on as he made himself relax as Jack started to fuck him slowly. There was none of that tension that was always there when he got that look in his eyes, a single gaze enough by now to make me at least aware that I should snap from foulmouthed lover into obedient submissive mode—or bear the consequences when I didn’t. No, he looked happy and content and so fucking cute that it annoyed the hell out of me.

  I crashed right out of that moment—whatever that had been—as quickly as I’d succumbed to it, leaving a stale taste at the back of my tongue. I couldn’t say why—of all the things he’d done to me, stroking my cheek tenderly had never before drawn my ire. In fact, most days I longed for that quality of touch with a bigger part of my soul than I let myself realize. But now—

  Now it was the polar opposite of what I wanted, but as whatever had been gripping me faded away, I couldn’t even bring myself to instigate a change in behavior from him. It was like a bucket of ice water to my flaring desire, pretty much dousing it completely. Not exactly on a physical level—I was still wet, and my vagina reminded me in no uncertain terms that it had remained vacant much too long tonight—but that intense need was gone. I could still appreciate what was going on right in front of me—including Jack’s balls lightly slapping against my fingers—but it was mostly a clinical interest now. So they were fucking. Big deal.

  I idly wondered if I should get up, use the toilet one last time and turn in for the night. They’d have more room to maneuver without me, that was for sure.

  Simon’s lids fluttered open, and for a moment I hoped that he would see that twisted kind of frustration now coming up inside of me, but his gaze was glazed over, lost in lust. His fingers skimmed to my shoulder, then along my arm where they tightened, pulling lightly, urging me up. I followed along, crawling back up the bed until I was
stretched out alongside him. He briefly flashed me a small smile, then reached for my hip to roll me onto my side, using his arm to pull me flush against his body, my back colliding with his chest. Hot lips skimmed along my shoulder to my ear, kissing and licking softly, while nimble fingers parted my labia so he could slide his cock along, not even halting at my entrance before he pushed into me.

  Physical pleasure heightened all over my body, but my mind remained pretty much blank, except for the nasty voice at the back of my head cackling at me. Just to shut it up, I jerked my hips back, making Simon’s cock thrust deeper into me, but it barely registered. Grabbing for his hand on my hip, I brought it up to my chest, using my own fingers to make his dig into my breast. He got that clue all right, massaging my needy, aching flesh, nimble fingers plucking on my nipple until it was rock hard—but it was nowhere near what I really wanted. His motions were too slow, too tentative, too loving—and even when I came maybe five minutes later, thanks to some repetitive motion of my own fingers, it was barely more than a “blip” on the emotional landscape of my sex life.

  It even left me so disinterested that I didn’t bother about what grunting, moaning, and groaning was going on behind me. I just closed my eyes and waited, kind of drifting off as Simon’s warmth remained around me, but no more. I felt him shudder and release into me, idly wondering if that should have been more of an event than it was. Probably. Then again, it didn’t feel that different on my end. My thighs were drenched and sticky either way.

  Exhaustion came creeping in, bringing with it that blanket of oblivion that made my scrambled thoughts come to a halt, then swept them away completely. I vaguely felt movement around me, warmth disappearing then reappearing, a warm, wet washcloth tidying up the mess around my lower body—Jack, if I wasn’t completely wrong, making sure that I did not stain the sheets too much in my lack of giving a shit about them.

  Then I really fell asleep, welcoming oblivion with a vengeance.


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