I Dreamed of Africa
Page 32
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First published by Viking 1991
Published in Penguin Books 1992
This edition, with new Postscript, published 1997
Copyright © Kuki Gallmann, 1991, 2007
All rights reserved
The moral right of the author has been asserted
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ISBN: 978-0-14-196640-3
*‘… the hour had come for remembrance
which saddens the heart of wandering sailors …
* ‘There goes my ship with black sails
with black sails over the wild seas.
My heart is wounded with a wound of pain
and you love to make it bleed.’ (G. Carducci, Passa la nave mia)
†… The flight of a grey kingfisher
continues the sweet song
and over the white sails
the sun gathers clouds …’ (G. Carducci, Jaufré Rudel)
* ‘Across the sky the clouds move,
Across the fields, the wind,
… Across the mountain, far away
My home must be.’
* ‘Who rides so late through the night and storm? It is the father with his child.’
* ‘I remember the old days, and I weep.’
*’Better to die while your head is still fair, and when you were cold, they laid it on the pillow, your mother combed the curly locks in waves gently, oh so gently, not to hurt you more.’
* ‘… and other things will speak with your voice: the lost horses of Autumn.’
*He was fair and handsome, with a gentle countenance …’
* ‘But time flies meanwhile, flies never to return.’
* Laurens van der Post, A Walk with a White Bushman.