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Dark Menace MC: Stone

Page 16

by Tory Richards

  “But how did Ronald know about my connection to Wildman?”

  Maddie shook her head against the pillow. “He didn’t. During his talk with the biker the subject of his severed fingers came up, and he told him that Dark Menace had come after him for payback, and had taken you as collateral.”

  It all made sense now. Once the Predators member had returned to Wildman he’d obviously relayed what he’d been told by Ronald. The mention of my name alone had probably spiked Wildman’s interest into finding out more. Especially if he’d been searching for my mom and me over the years.

  “Oh, God, Maddie. Ronald unwittingly got you kidnapped and himself killed without even knowing why.”

  “And told Wildman where you were,” she added apologetically. “Is, is he dead?”

  “No, honey. He got away, but don’t worry, as long as we’re here, we’ll be protected.” I knew that I had to tell her that we still had to pay back Dark Menace for the money Ronald had owed them, but there was no way I could tell her how Stone wanted her to do it. I would need to talk to him first, there was no way he could make her work off Ronald’s loan as a whore. It was because of me that he’d made that decision in the first place.

  “Do you feel strong enough to get a bath?”

  “Yeah. Whatever I was given has worn off.”

  “Good. Take a nice long bath and I’ll go dig you up some clean clothes.” I rose to my feet, smiling down at her. “I’ll be back.”

  I paused outside the door and took a deep breath to calm my nerves, realizing that I’d have to go to Stone’s room. The thought of walking in on him and Trudy made me queasy. I forced myself to take a step, and then another, until I was standing in front of his door. Raising my hand, I knocked.

  “Yeah?” he yelled without opening the door.

  “I, I need some clothes.” The door was yanked open and my gaze landed on the muscled beauty of his six-pack abs. He was naked from the waist up. Oh, God, his jeans were hanging low on his hips and opened, forming a long v that revealed a tuft of black curls. He stepped back so I could enter. “It won’t take me long,” I said, refusing to look him in the eyes.

  I couldn’t keep my gaze from taking in the bed, though, and almost released a breath of relief when I saw that it was empty. Thank God. I wouldn’t have been able to handle seeing Trudy there, looking all mussed up and thoroughly fucked.

  Maddie was a lot smaller than me, but she’d have to make due with a pair of my jeans and a t-shirt until we could make a trip to the house. As I layed the items over my arm, I reached for a few things for me. I could come back and get the rest later, when Stone wasn’t around. As I turned to leave I came to an abrupt halt, almost slamming into him. I caught my breath and glanced up reluctantly.

  His stony expression was unwelcoming and cold. He didn’t look like a man who’d been relieved. I didn’t know what to think about that. I only knew that his eyes were hard enough to cut, but I held his gaze as if my life depended on it. What gave him the right to be so judgmental, to glare at me and treat me as if I had a fucking disease, and to just give me away as if I were nothing? Because he was the president of a lawless motorcycle club? Had he never made a mistake or gone against someone’s wishes because he thought he had a better way?

  Well, he wasn’t God. I understood his need to punish me by lashing out and pushing me away, but he didn’t get to be the only one to dish out hurt and then stand back and observe the devastation. Something was happening to me, deep inside, and it was slowly crumbling the hurt surrounding my heart and replacing it with anger. I had to find my voice and show Stone that he wasn’t the only one who could use words to cause pain.

  As we stood there glaring at each other, I wanted him to know that what he’d done was going to cause him suffering, too. “I’m sorry for what I did, Stone, and I’m sorry if my actions caused Animal his life, and that’s something I’m going to have to live with. I made a mistake.” I wanted to ask if he’d ever made one. “I think I might have a way of getting the money Ronald owes you to you sooner, and in cash.”

  My ex, Jimmy, came to mind. He was wealthy, or rather, his family was. I knew that we hadn’t parted on good terms, but Jimmy had been drinking the day we’d parted, something he didn’t do often, and we’d been friends long before we’d become intimate. He was generally a nice man and not one to hold a grudge. Maybe he would give me a loan. The irony of asking him for a loan to pay back another loan wasn’t lost on me, but I didn’t know how long I could hold out watching Stone with other women.

  That got a reaction out of him.

  “How?” he frowned.

  “That’s my business.”

  “Anything that concerns Dark Menace is my business,” he snarled. I could feel the heat rolling off him, he was that close, and he was too sexy. I wished he’d zip up his jeans or put a shirt on.

  “Look Stone, I have a friend with money, and I only now just thought about asking him. Maddie and I will be out of your hair as soon as possible.” Which reminded me, “Please think of something else she can do until we leave, she can’t be a sweetbutt, it will ruin her. Besides, she’s still mourning over Ronald.” Something flickered in his eyes. “What, did you forget that you weren’t the only one who lost someone close to you? I couldn’t stand Ronald, but Maddie loved him.” He stared at me for a long time, and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking.

  “She can wait tables,” he finally said.

  I watched his sensual yet firm lips form the words. Fuck, I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to climb all over his hard muscles, and more than anything else I wanted him to fuck me. I realized that the sooner I got away from there, the better.

  “Thank you,” I said softly, grateful for his consideration, and then the devil in me added, “While she’s waiting tables, I’ll be servicing Max.” I intended to walk away after that, knowing that I was playing with fire.

  A savage hiss escaped Stone, and I could see the fire snapping in his eyes. I should have known better than to taunt him. I became afraid when I noticed his tight fists hanging at his sides. Well, if my words had hurt, he deserved it.

  “Get out before I hurt you.”

  I wanted to ask why, since he was the one who’d pushed me away, but being the semi-smart girl that I was, I did the wise thing and walked away.

  He had hurt me by letting another man claim me.

  I was going to hurt him by reminding him of it every chance that I got.

  Chapter 19


  As soon as Rachel shut the door I slammed my fist into the wall. She could taunt me about Max as much as she wanted. I knew my brother. He had his fuckin’ reasons for claiming her, and if I knew him it was because of some misguided notions that he was saving her for when I got the bug out of my ass. Truth was, I could have Rachel anytime I wanted her, even as a sweetbutt, but I was so fucking angry over the fuck-up that went down with Wildman.

  I got that she thought her way was better, and I fucking got that she wanted to avoid bloodshed, but she had to learn this was the way shit went down for us. We were outlaws, and in a sick way we thrived on war between rival clubs, it was the way we resolved issues and proved who the alpha clubs were. There was a reason why women weren’t allowed to become club members. They made decisions with their hearts.

  Every. Fucking. Time.

  I turned from the door and went to my closet, quickly throwing on a black t-shirt, with thoughts of going to war with the Red Devils. Wildman wasn’t going to give up wanting Rachel, and I’d be fucked if I was going to live with the threat of that shit hanging over our heads. I was going to end that fucker if it was the last thing I did. Sooner or later, his luck was going to run out.

  My brothers were right. With Wild Marauders and Phantom Riders at our backs, if we didn’t take out the Red Devils we were pussies.



  When I entered the bar wearing my new corset-style dress I knew immediately that it was a hit. The clinging b
lack leather conformed to my curves like a second skin and stopped way above my knees. It laced up the front loosely, with plenty of skin peeking through without being indecent, though it was a teasing element that drew the men’s eyes there instantly. My breasts were all but spilling out of the top. I’d arranged my hair in a sexy, loose pull-up style that threatened to tumble down with every movement of my head.

  It was early still, but I could tell by the occupied tables and booths that it was already busy and would probably stay busy. I was glad I’d told Maddie that I’d work her shift. Walking into a biker’s bar was intimidating enough, walking into one that was already full and loud was down-right frightening. She knew how to wait tables, but she’d always worked in restaurants. Ronald had been the jealous-type and had forbid her to go anywhere near a bar.

  I managed to navigate through the catcalls and whistles and get to the bar without being physically accosted. Ty’s eyes were nearly popping out of his head as he watched me approach, and I smiled at his lusty, over-exaggerated once-over.

  “Holy fuck,” he said when I was within earshot. “I take it that you’re working Maddie’s shift tonight?”

  “Yeah, she needs a little down time from all the chaos that’s been in her life the last few days. I hope you don’t mind.” It occurred to me then that I’d made the decision to take Maddie’s place without asking for permission. I frowned. “Maybe I should go make sure it’s okay with your boss?”

  Ty shook his head. “Naw, honey, Prez pretty much lets me run the bar, and I say it’s okay. You look hot, by the way.”

  “I’m hoping for a lot of tips,” I said by way of explanation, teasingly.

  Ty laughed. “Oh, you’ll get plenty of tips, along with a lot of other shit. You run into trouble just yell.”

  I nodded. “I guess I should get busy.”

  “Take the booths. Lulu and Rhonda, cover the tables. Your first break is at eight.”

  Four hours away. “Okay, I’m off.”

  “And, honey—” I turned to look back at him, “Don’t take shit off of anyone.”

  I gave Ty a last smile and got to work. Waiting tables was a more difficult than waiting behind the bar because of all the walking and maneuvering that was involved. I gave up trying to avoid the butt slaps after a wild dance step landed me onto the lap of a seriously old biker. We both laughed, and with a wink I jumped off his lap and continued on. Slaps on the behind were expected with the job, and I grew numb to them after a while. It was the lingering fondles, and the hands moving under my skirt and between my thighs that pissed me off.

  Once in a while I glanced over at Lulu and Rhonda and saw that they were getting far worse, so I kept my mouth shut. Ty was keeping an eye on all of us, and the few times that we made eye contact he’d give me a wink as if to say that I was doing okay. But as the evening went on, the men got drunker and rowdier, and their advances began to make me feel uncomfortable. I was glad to see eight o’clock come, and scooted my ass to the kitchen to get something to eat for Maddie.

  “Hey, let me in, I brought food,” I called through Maddie’s door after knocking on it.

  She opened the door with a big smile, and then I watched her eyes get big. “Wow, you look sexy.” Then her gaze dropped to the tray in my hands. “I’m starved!” she admitted, turning toward the small table in the corner. “But there’s no way I can eat all this.”

  I chuckled. “I hope not, sis. I brought enough for us both.” I sat down with a long sigh and slipped off my heels. “It’s a good thing you’re not out there tonight. Busy as hell.” I reached for one of the sandwiches.

  Maddie was already taking a bite out of hers, and out of nowhere she said, “It’s going to take us forever to pay back the money Ronald took.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that,” I responded around my own bite. “Actually, I just thought about it today. I’m going to ask Jimmy for the money.”

  “But you broke it off with him.”

  “I broke off our relationship, not our friendship. I think he’ll loan us the money and then we can get out of here.” Even as I said it, something twisted in my belly. “We’ll go to your dad’s, find work there, and pay Jimmy back.”

  She swallowed and took a drink of her soda. “What about Wildman? Won’t he still be after you?”

  With a sigh I leaned back in my chair, suddenly not hungry anymore. “Probably.” I didn’t want to totally freak her out. “I don’t know what else to do, Maddie. Maybe I should just disappear, change my identity.”

  “So don’t you think that you’ll be safer remaining here?”

  I knew that I would be. I only wished that I’d figured that out before I’d fucked things up. “I gotta get back.” I got to my feet.

  “But you just got here!” Maddie rushed out.

  “I know, honey, but it took me ten minutes of my break to put this together, and they’re busy out there.” I reluctantly put my heels back on. “I’ll see you later.” I wasn’t sure how much later because I wasn’t sure where I was spending the night. Would Max insist that I sleep in his bed? After what he told me I didn’t think that he would, unless he wanted to keep up pretenses.

  As I made my way down the hall I couldn’t help but notice Stone’s regular booth was occupied by a biker. The closer I got, I was able to see that there were other bikers sitting there, too. Their gazes latched on to me as I neared the table, they mumbled to each other, and something about their smiles told me whatever was said was about me.

  I’d made up my mind to just walk past, but the one sitting on the edge of the booth snagged my attention. “Hey, beautiful.”

  I paused, smiling, my gaze moving around the table at each man. As I’d approached the booth there had been one back turned to me, but now the man met my eyes. I shouldn’t have been surprised that Stone would be there, it was his booth, but I was still taken aback. I ignored the way his gaze swept over me, and barely acknowledged that his reaction revealed that he liked what he saw, turning to the man who was still grasping my wrist. “Can I get you something, handsome?”

  He was handsome, too. About my age, he was dressed in leather biker gear, tattoos everywhere, and with a mop of blonde hair. His blue eyes were mesmerizing, his smile even more so. The grasp on my wrist was gentle. I didn’t recognize him, but that really wasn’t unusual, a lot of bikers from other clubs came into the bar.

  “You available?”

  It took me a second to realize that he was serious, but instead of losing my smile I purposely made it bigger, knowing that Stone was watching. “That depends on what you want. Light laughter filtered among his friends. I didn’t dare look at Stone.

  “Baby, the second you walked around that corner, looking all soft and sexy in those ‘fuck me now’ heels I got a hard-on.”

  I forced a husky laugh, knowing that I was playing with fire, but I couldn’t care less. “So, you’d like to bend me over this table and fuck me good?”

  The men sitting with him hooped and hollered. I finally chanced a glance at Stone and found his expression looked as if it were carved in granite. The glare in his eyes and the way that he held himself revealed that he was ready to act if I went too far. Inside I relished his reaction, because it proved that he wasn’t immune to me. He might hate me, but he still wanted me. That fact turned me on.

  Handsome biker raised his brows at my comment, but before he could say anything I added, “Sorry, handsome. I belong to Max. He’s the only one who’ll be pounding his cock inside my wet cunt.” I cringed at the crudeness of my words. I wasn’t used to talking dirty like they were, but I’d wanted to plant that visual in Stone’s head. “If you’d like a drink or something to eat, I can help you with that.”

  “Bring us a fuckin’ bottle of bourbon and some glasses,” Stone snarled. “And send for Rita. Tell her to get her ass over here.”

  Oh shit! The second I turned my smile disappeared. I’d gone too far. Stone was going to make me eat my words by playing with Rita right there in front of
me. I knew I couldn’t handle that. Fuck! My intentions of making him jealous had backfired. I’d planted a visual of me and Max fucking in his head, and now he was going to give me the real thing with Rita. When would I ever learn to keep my mouth shut?

  Ty met me at the bar. “You’re playing with fire, honey.”

  “What gave it away?” I snapped back.

  He gently placed his hand over mine. “The tears in your eyes.”

  I pulled my hand away. “Stone wants a bottle of bourbon and some glasses.” As Ty moved to get them I used the time to calm myself down. He brought back a tray with the items and put it on the bar in front of me. “Do you know where Rita is? He wants her.”

  “She’s off tonight.”

  “Well, I’m guessing he doesn’t care.”

  Ty shrugged. “I’ll call down to the girl’s apartment and see if she’s around.”

  I didn’t care. I turned with the tray and walked with my head held high back to Stone’s booth. They seemed to be in deep conversation when I reached them. Without speaking, I set the bourbon and five glasses on the table. I could feel Stone’s gaze on me, but I refused to look at him. Picking up the tray, I was anxious to get away from there.

  “Pour for us, babe.”

  What the fuck? I wanted to pour the whole bottle over his head, but knew that I wouldn’t, and I couldn’t refuse his order. I spun back around and reached for the bourbon. It didn’t take me long to fill the glasses, and when I began to hand them out I started with Handsome Biker. Each man mumbled thanks, and then I got to Stone. I didn’t want to get close to him, so I leaned from where I was and placed the glass in front of him.

  His eyes were on me, I could feel their heat, and from my position I knew that he was getting a good view of my cleavage. Heat crawled up my neck and into my cheeks, and I bit my lower lip. The man knew how to get under my skin. Our gazes finally connected and I was determined not to look away first.


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