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The Battle For A Home (Norman Genesis Book 3)

Page 15

by Hosker,Griff

  Hrolf the Horseman all enemies slayed

  With mighty axe Black Teeth stood

  Angry and filled with hot blood

  Hrolf the Horseman with gleaming blade

  Hrolf the Horseman all enemies slayed

  Ice cold Hrolf with Heart of Ice

  Swung his arm and made it slice

  Hrolf the Horseman with gleaming blade

  Hrolf the Horseman all enemies slayed

  In two strokes the Jarl was felled

  Hrolf's sword nobly held

  Hrolf the Horseman with gleaming blade

  Hrolf the Horseman all enemies slayed

  The wind took us the last thousand paces into the bay. Sven swung us around so that we would have an easy job moving the timber we had towed. We used the oars to back us in a little closer to the beach. As we hauled it ashore I saw that we had more than enough to build the keel of a drekar as well as enough to finish off the knarr. Sven was pleased, "Much of it is seasoned and they have even split some for us. This, though, is the most beautiful sight." He tapped a mighty oak which was longer than the hull of 'Raven's Wing'. "When this is seasoned we shall use it to make our new drekar."

  Harold said, "We will need more men here to help us finish the knarr and then we can begin work on the drekar."

  Arne said, "We will move here. I am eager to learn the art of shipbuilding. Besides, my wife might prefer it here."

  "I will come too, Arne."

  "Aye and me too."

  "And me!"

  Before we knew it half of the crew had decided to treble the size of my stad. Jarl Siggi asked, "Is this good, Hrolf? Will your wife object to so many people?"

  "It is not the number of those around us it is the quality and these are good people. She will be happy and this is wyrd."

  It took until early evening to haul all the logs up to the storage area above the high water line. The horses made it easier. The men who would return to live in the bay until the knarr was built left first. Jarl Siggi had to rest in my hall. His coughing was worse than it had been. I noticed that he coughed up blood.

  "Jarl Siggi that is not good. You should see Brigid. She is a fair healer." This was one of the many times I wish we had Aiden or Kara from Cyninges-tūn. They were not only healers, they were witches and had great powers.

  "I am old. This is nothing. When he spoke with me the priest of the White Christ told me that there is no cure for my illness. It is a punishment from the gods." He beckoned me to sit by him on the log. "You know that you are the son I never had do you not? I have watched you grow over the years and seen how men follow you. I would have been proud if I had a son who was half the warrior that you are. But I warn you beware of the Erikssons. Neither is whole and you are being blamed. I do what I can but I am an old man. Beware."

  "I will and I thank you. You are more than welcome to share my hall. Mary would enjoy it."

  He laughed, "I am an old and cantankerous man. I do not need to worry about the feelings of slaves. I like my own company. I enjoy thinking of those with whom we sailed. Jarl Blue Scar asked me to sail with his son and to guide him. I fear I failed there. You are my second chance and the fact that so many wish to live here with you is a good thing. I am happy."

  That night I told Mary all. She looked sad, "I feat that the Jarl has the coughing sickness for which there is no cure. My mother's father had it. He coughed more each day and we found him one morning, dead."

  "Perhaps we should send for Aiden the galdramenn."

  "There is no cure! The priests tried all that they could for he was a great lord and had fought alongside the Emperor Charlemagne."

  I was not convinced but I did not wish to argue with her. We spent the next day building huts for the clan who chose to live with us. When Brigid and Erik One Hand turned up, pulling a cart, I was surprised.

  Brigid shook her head, "Since Hildegard began brewing beer it has become a war and I am with child again. It is not worth it. You do not mind if we live here?"

  "Of course not. The men need their beer and Mary likes you." That would be the crucial factor. If Mary did not like them then I would not allow them to live here. I liked Karl Swift Foot but if he asked to live here I would say no. His wife had been one of Mary's tormentors.

  Sven and Harold spent the first two days choosing the wood that they would use to finish the knarr. They were particularly pleased with the pine they had for the mast. It was more than long enough and would allow Sven to make a strong mast. We had a second which made a perfect yard. I spent some time with them for I was interested in the building of a vessel. When I saw them with furrowed brows I became worried myself.

  "Is there a problem?"

  "Not yet but there will be. We can make do with a stone anchor but they are not very strong. We need a metal one and Bagsecg is running out of iron."

  The Land of the Wolf had abundant iron but here there was none. "When the knarr is finished we could sail it to the Sabrina. There are many iron mines there and they always need coin."

  "We will need much for we will need two anchors for the drekar."

  It was a relief to actually have the men working on the knarr. We swarmed over her like ants. We were strong men and most of the work required strength. Anything which needed skill was the province of Sven and Harold. They took a whole three days making the steering board. While they did that we made it watertight with tarred wool. We had a spare sail we had taken from the Franks but we would need more. Time passed quickly and soon it was almost harvest time. The tar had had four days to set but Sven and Harold were still nervous as they launched it in the bay. We had yet to step the mast and this was merely to see if she floated and if there were weaknesses. Unlike a drekar once the mast was up and in position it would not be taken down. A knarr was too small to carry spares. If she lost her mast... she was lost. Skutal and Sigurd acted as crew. They knew the waters of the bay better than any. Using two of the drekar's oars they sculled around the bay until they were all satisfied.

  Rurik and the rest of the crew went with Sven to bring around our drekar while Harold, Sigurd and Skutal erected the mast and yard along with the sail. She was ready. Her first voyage would not be a long one and she would have a consort. Harold, Skutal and Sigurd would crew her with Einar Skutalsson and Einar Sigurdsson as ship's boys.

  When 'Raven's Wing' arrived she was crewed by fewer men than I had expected. Jarl Siggi was on board but he did not look healthy. Ulf Big Nose stormed ashore. Rurik and Arne helped the jarl on to the jetty.

  "What ails him?"

  "It is the coughing sickness. Only his slaves and Bagsecg and his wife had attended him. The rest kept clear. The majority of the clan said that they did not wish to travel. It was bad luck with the Jarl ill. When he died they would elect another jarl to take his place."

  I could not believe it. They were willing to let the Jarl just die. "Take him to my hall. Mary will care for him. We should go back and teach those ingrates a lesson."

  The Jarl stirred and shook his head, "No Hrolf. This is wyrd. My slaves are with me. I will not be a burden."

  "Jarl Siggi this is not right."

  He passed out again. His slaves carried his chest ashore. "Take it to my hall and take orders from my wife. She commands in my absence."

  After they had gone I said, "Have we enough men to go to Ċiriċeburh?"

  Ulf Big Nose said, "We have nothing to lose. Jarl Siggi gambled that by allowing them to keep some of their treasure we would benefit with a harvest. That gamble has not failed. If it does then we decide what we do." He turned to Sven, "You need to test the knarr do you not?"

  He nodded, "Of course."

  "Then this is as good a voyage as any. If we leave before dawn we can be back after dark. What say you? Shall we go on the morrow?"

  I stood straighter, "We will and we will do this for the jarl."

  I left the others to load the knarr and the drekar. I headed back to my hall. Mary came out and she looked pale, "He is close to dea
th, husband. If he were of our faith I would have sent for the priest."

  "Then keep his sword by him at all times. That is our priest!"

  For once she did not argue. "And what shall I do about the slaves?"

  I pointed to the abandoned farmhouse. Its roof and walls still stood. "Let them sleep there."

  "But it is said to be haunted."

  "They do not know that and besides there is nowhere else. We will have to build another hut."

  She shook her head and laughed, "Once there were but three of us and now we are a village."

  "I am sorry."

  "No, this is meant to be and they are good people. Christ told us to share what we had. You may be pagans but I am a Christian still."

  Just then Siggi Bagsecgson ran up, "Hersir, my father said could you bring your horses. He wishes to leave the stad but they will not let him. Ketil and Knut have him. He is a prisoner."

  "Gilles go and fetch Rurik, Arne and Ulf. Tell them there is trouble and we are needed. Young Siggi, go and ask my wife for some small beer for you. You have run hard."

  "I would come back with you."

  "No, your father sent you so that you would be safe. Did the other men know he sent you?"

  Shaking his head he said, "I crept out. They did not see me. They were arguing when I left."

  I went to the stables and began to saddle Dream Strider. When I had finished I saddled Night Star. The other three arrived with Gilles. "Has Gilles told you?"

  "Aye he has." Ulf had his shield and his sword. "Let us finish this."

  "Do we not need more men?"

  "We do not go to war. We go to make things right."

  "Gilles, stay here and look after my wife. Tell her we will have more guests before dark."

  "I can come with you. I am a warrior and I can fight."

  "I hope that the five of us can prevent a fight."

  Ulf rode Night Star. Arne and Rurik rode bareback. I led the two new mares and Ulf the two ponies. It did not take long to reach the palisade. They had not left a watch and I could hear raised voices. Einar Bloodmark and Sven Guthrumsson were holding Bagsecg while Vermund Squint Eye hit him. His face was already a bloody mess. Anya, Bagsecg's wife, held her children about her. I saw their eldest son, Beorn Bagsecgson being restrained by Karl Swift Foot.

  As soon as we entered they stopped and stared at us. Knut had a crutch as did Ketil. They both stood, "What brings you here to our stad?"

  Ulf threw his leg over the front of Night Star's neck and landed easily on his feet. He strode over to Ketil and without warning brought his fist back to smash him in the middle of his face. He flew backwards and lay in a heap. "I should have done that years ago! This is not your village it is our village."

  I had walked over to Karl Swift Foot. I did not need to say anything. He looked shamefaced, let go of the boy and backed away. I turned and led the youth towards the three who held his father.

  Ulf said, "Who gave you pair the right to give orders?"

  "The Jarl is gone! He will soon be dead. The clan have elected me Jarl."

  Ulf burst out laughing, "A one eyed hamstrung runt as a jarl? Have you lost leave of your senses?"

  I had reached Vermund Squint Eye. His hand began to move towards his belt. "Draw that sword and I draw mine. When I draw Heart of Ice there is always blood. Ask Knut One Eye. Do you wish it to be yours?" He backed away; I looked at the two who held Bagsecg. They released him and he fell. "Beorn, go to your father."

  Ulf said, "Our blacksmith wishes to come to our hall. We will escort him there. Does anyone object?"

  With Ketil still unconscious and four of them cowed by me there was no support for Knut who tried to make the best of it. "Take him. We have more warriors coming from Dorestad. When their drekar gets here we will see who rules this island. Their leader, Guthrum the Skull, will destroy you and your lickspittles!""

  Ulf laughed again, "If they are runts like you one good fart will blow them back to Frisia!"

  "Rurik and Arne fetch the cart. The mares can pull it. Anya, you and your children ride the ponies. Beorn, put your father on Dream Strider."

  "I can walk." His words came out slurred through his bloody mouth.

  "I know but I say you shall ride." Ulf and I went to the smithy. The only things which Bagsecg would need would be his anvil and his tools. When the cart was brought the four of us managed to get it in the cart. We laid the tools around it. I saw my half finished helmet. I knew it to be mine as it had a golden cross. I put that and the other half finished items in the cart. We could not take the metal. We would have to get some more.

  I could see that Knut was becoming increasingly angry at his impotence. I watched him as the horses began to pull the cart away. I walked over to him, "As far as I am concerned you are a nithing. Stay away from my stad. You are not welcome."

  He laughed at me, "When my new men get here we will see who rules this island."

  Ulf and I walked at the back of the family. He gave his horse to Anya. "We cannot take all the men to Frankia."

  "I know. They will be up to mischief if we do. You will need to go for we must have someone who speaks Frank."

  "Then let me just take the knarr. We do not go to fight anyway."

  He nodded, "That makes sense. Take the best men."

  "I will."

  "And I pray that Sven and Harold have made a sound ship else it will be a short voyage."

  When we reached my hall the women came to Anya and her children. They gave them comfort. The men looked to Bagsecg and his injuries. He was a tough man but they had given him a severe beating.

  "One on one I would have had them! They are cowards. They hit my son and it distracted me. When I am well I will show them how I can fight!"

  "Get well and decide where you want your smith. We have all the time in the world."

  He suddenly saw his cart. "My iron! Where is my iron?"

  "We will get you more. It seemed better to get you away from them first."

  "What do you know of these Frisians?"

  He told me and my heart chilled. We had more enemies now than we had before and fewer warriors to fight them.

  Chapter 13

  We left Sigurd and Skutal at my home. I took Rurik, Erik, Arne and Gunnar Stone Face. For what we had to do this was more than enough. Surprisingly Sven and Harold were also both happy. It would give them the chance to tease the faults out of the drekar and we would have a large crew in case there were problems. The previous night I had sat, for most of it, with Mary at Siggi White Hair's bedside. He was awake, most of the time, and in pain. We talked. When we spoke it seemed to ease his pain. Mary showed a side I had not seen before. She was caring and she was patient. As we headed north I reflected that I had made some good decisions in my life but Mary was the best.

  It felt strange to be on a knarr and not a drekar. We had named her after Jarl Dragonheart's daughter, 'Kara'. She was a volva and we thought it would bring us good luck. I stood, at the bows of the tubby ship which seemed dangerously close to the waterline. We had two ship's boys and they were perched precariously on the yard. It was an easy motion and we sat on either side of the bows. There was no figurehead and we had a fine view of the coast ahead. Sven was testing our new ship and he put her over gradually to run parallel with the coast. The knarr could sail, almost into the wind but her speed was half that of the drekar.

  "What did Bagsecg tell you of the Frisians?" Arne Four Toes was at the steering board with Sven and I stood with them.

  "It was the day we were hewing wood. A strange drekar pulled into the bay and Vikings disembarked. They were old ship mates of Vermund Squint Eye. Knut and Ketil took them into the Jarl's hall as though it was theirs. They stayed until noon and then left. That was all that Bagsecg knew."

  "But you have worked out the whole story?"

  I nodded, "Aye Arne. They have made a bargain with them. They give them the island and they acknowledge Knut as Jarl."

  "He has one eye and is hamstrung!

  "And he is a fool. They will take the island and then take over the stad. It is why I left most of the men with Ulf. I feared that if they left they might do harm to our families."

  "Then the sooner we return home the better."

  Sven and Harold had us shift the ballast about in the bottom and seemed happier with the trim of the vessel. She appeared sound and we had no need to bail. There were no leaks. She appeared responsive to the steering board and our shipwrights were happy.

  "I am confident we can build a drekar now."

  "Do we need to? We can barely crew the one we have."

  Sven shook his head. He knew 'Raven's Wing' better than any man. "She has suffered too much damage over the years. She is a fine vessel but she is old. Jarl Thorfinn Blue Scar sailed her before he gave her to his son. I would not take her through the dangerous waters off On Walum again."

  I nodded, "And Bagsecg needs iron. We will have to sail to the Sabrina."

  "Then we must take this vessel."

  We sailed in silence for a while. It was not truly silent. There was the creak of the sail and the snap of the sheets. There was the splash of the waves on the bow but those noises seemed to be natural and faded out of hearing. A master sailor like Sven could feel the wind and adjust the steering board without even thinking about it.

  It was Rurik who stated what was obvious to us all, "We cannot stay on our island with the Eriksson brothers and a ship load of Frisians. We have families. We are too few to sail and leave men to guard our homes."

  "I agree but wherever we choose our home there will be danger."

  "I fear Vikings. I do not fear Saxons or Franks."

  "We could return to the Land of the Wolf."

  I nodded, "We would be welcome and it is a land that I love. We would be safe. However Bagsecg left there to make a name away from his father and I wish to have land where I can raise horses." I shrugged, "When we return I will ask the Jarl to hold a Thing. This is a decision for the clan."

  "I fear we are a clan no longer. That which bound us is gone. When the Saxons slew the Jarl they tore the heart from our people."


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