Passion After Dark

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Passion After Dark Page 5

by J. a Melville

  “Fabian sent me. He heard about what happened last night and he’s worried you might be getting careless since you have such strong feelings for this woman. You know the rules Nicky. No one must know about us and sitting on someone’s roof until daylight is considered too risky. You know if you push your luck Fabian will stop you. Do you want to lose that?” She pointed to his tattoo and Dominick touched his fingers to it.

  “Would he really do that? He would take my tattoo?”

  Fran snickered. “You know Fabian Nicky. Don’t push him. You can’t beat him. He made us both what we are today and he can take that away anytime he wants to so be a good boy and keep him on side. I don’t need him chewing my ear off when he’s showing his displeasure with you.”

  She stood up, flicking her long black hair back over her shoulder. “Oh and Fabian said, you are to stay away from the woman for 5 days as punishment for running the risk of exposing yourself. Don’t argue with him on this one and don’t defy him Nicky. Do you want him to confine you to the dark?”

  Dominick cringed at her words. “Fuck no!” He snapped. God damn Fabian for denying him the right to see Allegra for 5 days. How was he going to stay away from her for that long?

  “Don’t you do something stupid Nicky. You know Fabian will find out, he always finds out.” Francesca’s voice cut into his thoughts, her tone filled with warning.

  “Five days Fran. How am I going to be able to stay away from her for 5 days? I need her, I need to taste her and dammit I need to fuck her.” He grabbed his rigid cock through the sheet.

  Fran laughed. “Would you like me to take care of that for you big brother or maybe you’d prefer to jerk off? Still knowing you, you’ll probably get off on suffering in silence, since you seem to have this attitude going that due to our lifestyle, you must be punished sometimes and denial of your body’s basic needs has always been one of your preferred methods of punishment, hasn’t it Nicky boy?”

  “Don’t call me big brother when you’re offering to give me what? A blow job, hand job Fran. You’re not really my sister after all but no, I can take care of myself, thanks for the offer though.”

  “Well I’m going Nicky. Be a good boy and stay out of trouble. Just go out to feed ok? Stay under Fabian’s radar or he will make you pay.” She blew him a kiss and walked out of the room and he listened as the front door opened and closed again as she left his home.

  Five days, five days without being able to see his bella donna. How was he going to survive that? He wanted to see her so much it was like a flame burning deep inside him. Fabian could be such an arse but despite him wanting to see Allegra with a desperation that almost made him risk everything, enough common sense prevailed to tell him to wait. To do as Fabian had instructed. Much as he wanted Allegra the price was too high to pay and Fabian would make him pay. There was no compromise with him.

  The need to feed was becoming stronger and Dominick knew if he didn’t get out and do so soon he would get too weak to feed or restrain his meal.

  He climbed out of bed and walked through to his ensuite off his master bedroom and after adjusting the water temperature to suit he stepped inside and began to scrub the sweat from his skin.

  His cock was still so hard and he tried to ignore its urgent demands but he couldn’t and feeling disgusted with himself and his weakness at giving in to his body’s demands, he began to work himself in and out of his firm grip.

  Harder and faster he moved, thrusting into his own hand in his quest to relieve the ache in his balls. Finally he felt himself on the brink of his release and as his cock jerked and began to pump cum out over the shower wall, he threw his head back, eyes closed, teeth bared and a feral animalistic growl made its way from his throat as he came hard.

  When he finally finished and opened his eyes, releasing the hold on his softening cock, he could taste blood and when he touched his fingers to his lips he discovered that during the throes of his desperate release he’d bitten his own lip and with a tiny moan of satisfaction, he licked it away until the blood stopped flowing.

  That small taste was all it took to get him ravenously hungry again and once he’d finished showering, he dressed in black jeans, shoes and another of his black shirts, slicking his hair back and tying it in a pony tail and finally ready to go and hunt, he let himself out of his Victorian styled home and disappeared into the night.



  I was lucky I was so busy writing since it kept my mind off wondering if I’d ever see Dominick again. He had been my inspiration to get back to writing. The man was my antidote to my writer’s block and now I smiled as I stared at the thick pile of printed sheets stacked by my laptop.

  I had done it. I was finished the book. I’d been working on it days and most of the nights, living on only an hour or two of sleep and very little food other than junk food much to Cassie’s disgust. I had gone a few days without showering and I think even Salem and Beau were unable to handle being in the same room as me anymore and hadn’t come to lie in the study with me for two days now.

  It was exciting to call Frank and tell him that not only had I finished the two chapters I’d promised him, I’d finished the entire book and I grinned at the surprise then delight in my editor’s loud booming voice.

  “Well done my girl now when can you get it to me? You told me you would personally deliver it and I want you here ASAP Allie. I need to go over a few things with you and you’re going to have to think about getting over this aversion to being seen in public and do some book signings. You can’t hide from the media and your readers forever.”

  I groaned at Frank’s words. He was at it again. Did I really need to go out whoring myself? My books were selling well without me dressing in the loud shirt, lots of gold bling and pimping myself after all.

  “Can we have this discussion when I come and see you Frank?” I asked, not wanting to give him too much of an opportunity to continue badgering me.

  “Well when’s that going to be girlie? I need that book. The sooner we get edited and done the better. You can’t leave your readers waiting too long for the final book in the series. Studies have proven readers lose interest if the wait between books in the series goes on too long. So when can you come and see me?”

  I groaned at Frank’s pushiness. “How about tomorrow Frank? I’ll come in tomorrow and we can make a day of it if you have time.”

  “For you Allie, I’ll make time. You’re my star author after all. Be here at 9.30am sharp ok?”

  “Yes Frank. I’ll see you in the morning.” I assured him.

  “Don’t be late.” He said and hung up.


  The following morning early I got ready for my appointment with Frank going for an outfit that made me feel like a successful business woman or that was the theory anyway.

  I wore an emerald green skirt with a short sleeved matching jacket. The skirt came to mid thigh and the jacket was shaped so it curved in at the waist making me feel slimmer than I really was. I wore a cream satin camisole top underneath and cream high heel shoes but not quite as tall as the ones Cassie had forced me to wear the night we’d gone out.

  I slipped my USB stick plus all the pages of my finished manuscript into the special slim line case I had for transporting my works in progress and went into my bathroom to carefully apply some make up. I brushed my hair, tying it up in a high pony tail before gathering up my keys and with a quick pat for Salem and Beau I headed out to my car and started on the drive to Hobart’s city centre to see Frank.

  As I drove through Hobart’s version of peak hour traffic I kept glancing in my rear vision mirror as for the first time since the night I’d met Dominick in the club, I had that feeling like I was being watched and I expected to perhaps see the same car following mine as I made my way to Frank’s office but there was nothing unusual about the cars behind me.

  Once I reached Frank’s publishing company I parked in the underground car park of the building and as
I walked towards the elevators that would take me up to his office, I again had that feeling that I was being watched.

  I spun around scanning the car park but I saw nothing and no one other than the rows of parked cars. “You are losing your mind Allie.” I told myself and turned back to continue walking to the elevators.

  I kept an ear tuned for footsteps to indicate someone was behind me but all I heard was the clack clack of my high heels on the concrete floor of the car park.

  I rode up to the 5th floor which was where Metcalf Publishing was and when I stepped out of the elevator Maria the company’s receptionist greeted me with her customary smile and waved me through. “He’s waiting for you.” She said and went back to whatever it was that she was doing.

  “Thanks Maria.” I smiled at her and opened the door to Frank’s office where I found him with his back to me at his desk. One thing with him was he was like a big kid sometimes and used his office chair like an amusement ride, spinning around and around in it. This time he was facing the wall and talking to someone on the phone.

  When he heard the door go he turned and his face lit up when he saw me. “Mark I have to go. My next appointment’s just arrived.” He said to whoever he was talking to on the phone. Well, Mark apparently whoever Mark was.

  Frank got off the phone and stood up to walk over to me. He was a big man, not only fairly tall but solidly built with thinning sandy blonde hair and reading glasses that he wore perched on the end of his nose so he could peer over the tops of them for the times he wasn’t reading something.

  “Allie my girl, you’re early, good, good, I do like punctuality.” He reached out embracing me and I could smell the smell of his tobacco from the cigars he liked to smoke on occasion. “So where’s this masterpiece of yours. Don’t keep me waiting. Well no longer than you’ve already kept me waiting with all your talk of writer’s block.” He frowned over his glasses at me and I rolled my eyes.

  Frank was always one for drama. I hadn’t made up the writer’s block to piss him off, it had been genuine and chances were I’d still be staring at a blank computer screen if it hadn’t have been for Dominick and that short moment in his arms suddenly being my inspiration and the key to unlock my writer’s block.

  “Bloody hell Frank, I did the best I could ok? Here’s the manuscript and as I said on the phone, this isn’t the two chapters I promised you, this is the whole finished book.” I said proudly as I opened the case containing the sheets of printed paper that made up my third and final book in the Kiss Me series I’d written.

  “Well pull up a chair girlie while I have a glance through it all. Of course you’re going to have to be patient. I want to fix some of this today if it needs fixing so I hope you’re not in a hurry to get out of here?” He raised his eyes from the manuscript and peered at me again.

  “Do your worst Frank. I’ve got all day.” I flopped down on a chair and began the lengthy process of waiting while Frank read enough to give me something to work on.

  To save time and to give me something to do as he made small changes and thankfully they were small changes here and there, I slipped my USB stick into his laptop and started making the changes as he highlighted them.

  We worked steadily all day working as a team, only stopping for morning tea and a late lunch. Despite Frank’s manner sometimes, he did know his job and we worked well together.

  It was just starting to get dark when we finally called it a day and with the remaining few chapters of manuscript left for Frank to read and me armed with what I still needed to change, I packed up, grabbed my USB stick and left the office, taking the elevator down to the car park where my car was parked.

  Chapter Five.

  The lighting was dim in the car park when I stepped off the elevator and started walking to my car. The clattering of my high heeled shoes sounded loud as I was the only one still there, well apart from Frank’s car and another one. The other car was something exotic and sporty looking and when I got closer, I could see it was an Audi R8. It was black and even the windows were tinted so dark they appeared black. It was stunning and yet slightly disturbing as well.

  Suddenly I had that feeling again, that one of not being alone and I picked up my pace, hurrying towards my BMW that was parked at the furthest end of the car park. Typical that I was at the furthest darkest part of the car park but I hadn’t considered that I could be heading back to my car in the dark when I’d parked it this morning.

  Just as I got to my car, a man appeared by my side and when I turned to face him, my eyes widened at the sight of him. He was the most stunning man I'd ever seen before, well what I could see of him in the dim lighting anyway.

  He kind of reminded me of Dominick but that was crazy as there was no way it could be him. That gorgeous example of the male form had made no attempt to find me in the time since I’d seen him that night and why would he? There was no reason for him to turn up in the car park now either for that matter but that didn’t stop my heart from beginning to hammer in my chest as I gazed up at the man in front of me.

  Dressed all in black, black jeans that hugged his body lovingly, black shirt with the sleeves rolled back revealing strong arms and opened at the neck enough to show some of what looked like a barbed wire tattoo running across his upper chest.

  He was tall, well over 6 foot, his hair gleaming black and long with that carefully styled, just got out of bed look.

  Even though his face was shadowed by the lighting behind him I could see his eyes were a piercing blue. So much so, they appeared to glow and I felt the impact of his stare right through to my soul. Fuck but he reminded me of Dominick. What were the chances that two men could be so stunningly handsome, so incredibly sexy?

  He smiled at me, his teeth very white in the poor lighting and when he reached out and touched me, his fingers were cool against my suddenly flushed and heated skin. Something about him was drawing me in, attracting me to him, making me want him like I'd never wanted any man before.

  I didn’t know what it was about him but the longer I stared up at him into those mesmerizing eyes of his, the more turned on I got and it was like I couldn’t look away and I sure as hell wasn’t going to be able to say no to the lust I saw burning in his gaze. Fuck but this gorgeous creature wanted me?

  He reached out, pulling my almost boneless body towards him, one hand cupping the back of my head, tangling his fingers in my long brown hair, immediately messing up the high pony tail I had worn it in and his lips dropped to mine, parting them with his tongue before plunging inside to duel with mine, in a kiss that was so erotic, my nipples became erect and almost painful against his hard chest, moisture pooling in my panties, soaking the fabric.

  His hands moved down my body, cupping my ass through the tight skirt I wore, dragging me hard against him, where he ground his erection into me and I whimpered with my growing excitement, my case falling from my fingers to hit the car park floor, but he didn’t seem to notice and I didn’t care as all my attention was focused on him.

  I slipped my hands into his thick, silky hair, gripping handfuls of it and holding him closer so I could deepen our kiss even more. He was so cool while I felt like I was on fire, a fine film of perspiration breaking out all over my body, my breathing becoming erratic.

  He moaned against my lips, suddenly pulling away, before lifting me and placing me on the bonnet of my car. He dragged my legs apart, his hand diving under the hem of my skirt, grabbing the delicate fabric of my lacy panties and tearing them away from my body, holding them to his nose, to breathe deeply where they were wet from my arousal, before he tossed them onto the ground.

  My jacket went flying, my blouse was torn apart, buttons shooting off with the force and my bra disappeared without me even noticing until he stepped forward, between my widely spread legs and lowered his lips, to suck one tight and straining nipple into his mouth. With every tug on my breast from his lips, I felt the pull low down in my body, causing my pussy to clench with excitement.

  His hand disappeared under my skirt again, his fingers finding my clit where he started circling it, pressing against it until it became a hard little nub under his fingers. He then slipped a long finger inside me, sliding it in and out of me until he was slick with my juices. He pushed another finger inside me, then another, the pressure filling me and stretching me, causing me to moan with the pleasure of them teasing that sensitive place inside me.

  Just when I thought I was going to explode, he shoved my skirt up until it was around my waist, the bonnet of the car cool under my ass. I was pulled forward until I was balancing right on the edge and I dropped back onto my elbows, my hair flowing around me on the shiny red metal. Fuck I was going to do this, I was going to have sex, the first sex I’d had for as long as I could remember.

  I closed my eyes, trying to control my ragged breathing and heard the sound of a zip being opened. He’d opened his fly and then suddenly he was back, his fingers pushing into my soaked pussy and I contracted around him, my cunt greedy and needy for him. God but I needed this, I needed this so badly.

  He grabbed my hips to steady me and lunged forward, thrusting deep into me, his rock hard cock filling me completely. I groaned, my internal muscles closing around him and it was his turn to moan, before he began to thrust slowly.

  I wrapped my legs around his hips, coaxing him to move faster, to thrust deeper, and he didn't disappoint. He started to move harder and deeper, faster and faster until he was slamming into me, his cock hitting my cervix, over and over again, which was so intensely pleasurable I groaned in response.

  I could feel my passion rising, sensed my impending orgasm and the air filled with the sounds of my moans, my harsh breathing and the slapping of skin against skin as my dark and mysterious stranger fucked me.

  He reached between our bodies, pressing his thumb against my clit and with a loud, keening cry, my orgasm hit me, my body shaking, my muscles clenching around him, my juices flowing, soaking him, soaking me, running down between the cheeks of my ass and onto the bonnet of my car.


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