Passion After Dark

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Passion After Dark Page 6

by J. a Melville

  Suddenly he threw back his head and shouted something I couldn't make out and I felt him pumping into me, spilling his seed deep within my body. My cunt responded, clenching around him, milking him of every last drop and he collapsed over me as I lay back on the bonnet of my car.

  My rasping breathing sounding unusually loud in the quiet car park and he raised his head looking deep into my eyes, the piercing blue of them trapping me in their gaze and I was unable to look away. I cursed that his face was still in shadow from the lights behind him and wondered why his eyes were still so bright, so intense despite not being able to make out his features properly.

  Suddenly his head lowered and he nuzzled my sensitive neck with his lips. I shivered from his touch and sighed softly, just before his teeth sank deep into my neck. Oh my fucking god, it hurt, it hurt so badly but damn it was also turning me on and what the fuck was he doing? He was biting me?

  I groaned from the sensation. It was a mix of pleasure and pain as he sucked and gulped at my blood like a starving animal. I could feel the warmth of my blood running down my neck and for a brief moment the crazy thought entered my head that I was going to end up with blood all down the front of me but as if sensing what I was thinking his tongue came out and licked up the blood as it started to run down towards my breasts.

  I screamed, partially from pain and fear but the pleasure, fuck me, the pleasure was intense and before I knew what was happening another orgasm overwhelmed me, making me scream again.

  He reared back to look at me, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, the tips of gleaming white fangs showing where his lips were parted slightly. I looked at him, knowing I should be scared, but I couldn't look away, he was amazing, he was gorgeous and he was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen even though I still couldn’t see him properly.

  I couldn't believe it though, I'd just been fucked by a vampire! At least I think I had. It didn’t seem possible. They weren’t real surely? Still, he stood before me and he had fangs, dammit gleaming white fangs and my blood was on his lips and those eyes of his, those magnificent eyes that glowed almost, no, hang on, they were glowing. They were more purple now. Did my blood make them change colour? This was crazy. I was lying on the bonnet of my car after having spent the day with Frank and I’d just had sex. That alone was a miracle, that I had it on my car was surprising, but to have had it with a vampire? That couldn’t be real. I had to be dreaming surely?

  I tried pinching myself and yelped with the pain but he still stood before me, I was still on the bonnet of my car with my skirt around my waist. Suddenly that much sank into my confused brain. Damn and he was looking at me, this god like creature was looking at me as I lay, legs spread his cum trickling out of me and he looked like he was staring at the most precious gift but it was just me. Nothing precious, just ordinary old Allegra.

  I blushed at how I must look to him and I sat up. Something must have clicked in my brain because suddenly I felt afraid. This was not a normal situation at all and I hopped off my car, staggered slightly and when he reached out to steady me, I screamed and backed away from him.

  With one eye on him I hastily picked up my scattered clothing and dressed as quickly as I could, buttoning my jacket to cover the damage done to my blouse.

  “Leave me alone. Don’t touch me. Who the fuck are you? What do you want? Don’t kill me.” The words tumbled from my lips as I backed up, just wanting to get in my car and get the hell away from him. Although a part of my brain was questioning my sanity that I’d want to leave this stunning looking man, no, hell no, he was no man, this gorgeous vampire, yes, face it Allie, he’s a vampire, part of my brain thought I was crazy for wanting to leave and part of it thought I was just plain crazy, but it was hard to ignore what had happened and when I glanced in my car’s side view mirror, I could see the puncture marks on my neck and the blood that had congealed over the holes.

  “Don’t be afraid il mio amore. It’s me, Dominick from the club. Please tell me you haven’t forgotten me.” His deep husky voice stopped my panic attack instantly and I felt a shiver go through me at that sexy voice that made me weak at the knees just hearing him speak.

  “Dominick?” I stared at him in shock and wonder. It was him, the voice alone gave him away but in the dim lighting I couldn’t see his face properly as he had been in the shadows the whole time. “You…you’re…you’re…a vampire? I can’t see you properly, turn into the light. I want to see your face.”

  I saw the flash of his perfect white teeth and he reached out to take my hand and turned with me until one of the few dim light bulbs in the car park lit up his features. My god, it was him, all 6 foot plus of sheer masculine beauty. His black hair gleamed under the light and he still had that sexy facial hair and those lips, his eyes, dammit everything was so perfect.

  He smiled again and I noticed his fangs were gone which was a relief since it was easier to pretend he wasn’t what I knew he was when I couldn’t see the fangs.

  I should be thankful actually. I’d watched enough vampire shows and movies and they looked scary when they were feeding. Their faces would go all lumpy and bumpy and freaky but Dominick just looked like Dominick with fangs.

  Suddenly I wondered if I was going to turn into a vampire now too. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be one. They couldn’t go out in daylight and the blood diet, damn, I hated the taste of the blood in my mouth when I got a nose bleed.

  “Am I going to turn into a vampire?” I asked and Dominick laughed.

  No bella donna. I would have to drain you almost completely and you would have to drink from me. I can sip from you and not kill you so don’t worry about that.”

  “Oh good.” I breathed a sigh of relief then started laughing, my laughter building until I was buckled over and crying from laughing so hard. I was worried about not turning into a vampire? This whole situation was bizarre and whether I’d turn was my only concern?

  “What’s wrong Allie? What’s so funny?” His lips curved up as he watched me coming apart, laughing uncontrollably.

  “Oh just the irony of this situation Dominick. I’m worried about turning into one of your kind but the whole situation is funny and not in a good way either. We had unprotected sex. Am I going to end up pregnant with a vampire child or something?”

  Dominick burst out laughing and the sound of it was rich and smooth over me making the hairs rise on my arms in reaction. “No bellezza. You can’t get pregnant. I’m dead remember? My sperm is dead. The blood is what keeps me alive, or in this state of the undead.”

  So that’s why he felt so cool to the touch. Not cold, just cool and I realised he wasn’t breathing either. That’s why he hadn’t been panting like me during the incredible sex we’d just had. Oh god, the whole thing was freaking me out but it was him. The man, no vampire, he was a vampire who had plagued my thoughts for several days and who had helped break my writer’s block. I should be terrified but it was hard to feel much besides lust when I looked at him. He was such a stunning thing to see. I could stare at him all day and night.

  “So no pregnancy, well that’s a good thing. How come you have colour? The vampires on TV are pale.”

  He grinned again, flashing those perfect teeth. “I’m from Italian decent Allie so becoming a vampire doesn’t change the colour of my skin and I can go out in the sun but I have to be careful I don’t spend too long in it. This.” He pointed to the tattoo on his neck. “This is my freedom. This is what allows me to walk in the daylight without dying.” He cocked his head to one side as he studied me and I melted that little bit more under the stare of those amazing eyes of his. “Just how many vampire shows have you watched il mio amore?”

  There was that thing again. He said something in another language. “That would be Italian you idiot.” My inner voice rudely reminded me. What was he saying? I so badly wanted to ask him but I was too scared to do so.

  “I’ve watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer and True Blood. God when you vampires die, do you do it the nice litt
le puff of ash way like in Buffy or do you go all icky and gooey like in True Blood?” I asked.

  Dominick simply raised one perfectly shaped black brow at me a smile of amusement curving his lips and those eyes of his gleamed brightly down on me. “You are a delight bellezza. If you must know and I’m hoping you don’t intend testing my response on me, but it’s neither of those, we simply burst into flames, a quick flash is all it is and then we vanish, nothing left at all.”

  “Wow, that could be awkward depending on where it happened and the vampire could start a fire bursting into flames like that but of course he or she wouldn’t get the blame since they disappear and the whole being dead thing kind of gets them off the hook too I guess, but awkward for the person who’s left trying to explain it all.” I mused and jumped slightly when Dominick gave another loud burst of laughter.

  He reached for me, pulling me close, his hand cupping my chin and raising my face to his. His eyes shone brightly as he stared at me and I was unable to look away. I could feel his pull, that something that he had, that magnetic hold over me almost sucking me in, drawing me to him and I could do nothing more than watch as his face lowered to mine and his lips closed over my parted lips as he drew me in closer for a kiss that made my knees give way and he had to tighten his arm around me to stop me from ending up in a puddle at his feet.

  He deepened the kiss until his lips parted mine and I felt his tongue in my mouth curling around mine and with a small groan in my throat, I kissed him back with all the pent up emotion he brought out in me.

  As my excitement rose, I could feel his erection against my lower stomach and I arched into him, suddenly desperate for him again. What was this hold he had over me? We were in a car park where anyone could suddenly turn up and I was ready to tear his clothes off him, mount him and ride him like my fucking life depended on it.

  Finally the realisation that Frank could suddenly turn up penetrated the desire clouding my brain and I pulled away from Dominick breaking the kiss, gasping as I drew air into my starving lungs.

  “What’s wrong cara? Why did you stop? I want you again. I need to fuck you again.”

  I felt my insides melt at his words and just that voice of his saying them was almost enough to make me say to hell with it, to hell with who might see us and hell yes, go for it Mr, but I didn’t because enough commonsense prevailed for me to know I didn’t want Frank to see me spread out on the bonnet of my car having sex.

  “I can’t do this here, I’m sorry but my editor is still inside this building, that’s his car.” I pointed to it. “I really don’t want Frank to see me in the middle of something with you. I’m sorry.”

  “Can I come home with you cara? I can’t let you go, you are in my blood now. We have a connection and although you may not feel it right now, you will.” He raised his hand to run a long, cool finger down my cheek and I shivered as sparks shot out from his touch against my skin.

  “Oh god.” I thought to myself. I was feeling it already. This man was making me feel all sorts of emotions and something told me I should be afraid of him because of what he was but a part of me knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I don’t know why I felt so confident of that but I just did.

  “I don’t live alone Dominick. I have a house mate. You might have met her the other night if you hadn’t disappeared the way you did.”

  “I know that cara, I saw your house mate. The lady with the terrible timing. She interrupted us as I was trying to get to know you. I spent the evening watching you, did you know that? I know you felt me, you were looking around all the time.” He caressed my cheek again and I stared at him wide eyed.

  “That was you I sensed? I still had that feeling when Cassie and I got home. You weren’t at my home though so why did I still feel like that?”

  “I was at your home. I followed you cara. I watched you all night until just as the sun was starting to rise. You are so beautiful, so perfect.”

  I stared at him in amazement. This god like stunning creature was telling me I was perfect and beautiful. Was he nuts? Did vampires have poor vision maybe? As I looked at him, suddenly what he’d just said sunk in and I felt my face burn with embarrassment. He’d watched me all night?

  “Oh my god. You watched me all night?”

  He grinned. “Yes bellezza, all night and I saw you and it turned me on so much I masturbated outside your bedroom window. I’m sorry. I hope you don’t mind but it turned me on so much to watch you and all I wanted was to be there with you and making you come rather than that plastic man you keep in your drawer.”

  I stared at him in shock but rightly or wrongly a part of me got excited at the thought of him being so turned on by watching me that he’d had to jerk off. How he’d got up to my bedroom didn’t bear thinking about though but maybe he was really agile or something?

  I realised he was still staring at me waiting for me to respond. Should I take him to my home? There was no point in worrying about him knowing where I lived as he already knew and he hadn’t come after me all week so I figured I could trust him.

  “Please cara. I want you and I need you. Let me come home with you.” He asked again and with one look into those stunning eyes of his I was lost.

  “Ok.” Was all I could manage and I watched as those perfect white teeth of his were revealed again when he smiled his approval at my response to him.

  “Thank you cara. Shall we go then?” And all I could do was nod in agreement.

  Chapter Six.


  Dominick would have breathed with relief at Allie’s agreement to let him come home with her if he breathed that was. He could pretend to breathe of course and in public situations he would do so in an attempt to not draw attention to himself.

  He so badly wanted his bellezza in her home and in her bed as his need for her was like a fire burning through his body. Sex with her was better than he could have imagined and he knew as he had brought her to orgasm and felt her coming apart under him that she was his but when he lost control and filled her with his essence, he knew that he was hers every bit as much as she was his.

  He knew she didn’t understand yet exactly what her role was in his existence but she would in time. He just had to be sure he didn’t rush her and frighten her. She had taken finding out he was a vampire surprisingly well but he had to be sure she didn’t reveal that information to anyone, not even her house mate. That could be very dangerous if revealed to the wrong person and would bring Fabian’s wrath down on him for sure.

  If Fabian wanted to, he could deny him access to Allie and take away his tattoo. With both gone Dominick wasn’t sure he’d want to go on. There would be nothing in this endless life for him.

  He turned his attention back to the woman before him and reached out to touch her smooth cheek again. “I know you have your car and what an accommodating car it is.” He grinned at her, watching as she blushed when her eyes drifted to the bonnet which still bore the evidence of their mutual release on the shiny red paint. “I too have my car with me so I shall follow you to your home cara, ok?”

  “So you drive then?” She asked and he laughed.

  “What do you think I do cara?”

  “Well you’re a vampire, can’t you fly or turn into a bat or something?”

  “You watch too much television Allie. I don’t turn into a bat and I can’t fly. I do have the ability to move very quickly and I rarely drive but I followed you here and I needed to not draw attention to myself and I think people seeing a man running after a car at high speed might draw some attention, don’t you think?” He smiled again.

  “Just a little.” She grinned.

  “I can jump higher than a person and can climb with an agility that isn’t human cara, that’s how I got onto your roof to watch you from your bedroom window.”

  “How is it that a vampire can have sex Dominick? Let’s face it, the man gets an erection from blood flow to his cock and your heart doesn’t beat, right?” She raised an eyebrow looking to him for
confirmation and he nodded. “So how does a vampire get an erection?”

  “It’s all to do with the blood cara. It’s life for you and for vampires. Take it away and we both die. Mine is just a slower, wasting away kind of death. Without regular blood to feed off I lose my basic functions. I can’t walk, talk, eat and I can’t have sex. I would simply slowly and painfully die the death that there is no coming back from and I would be nothing more than a withered dried out shell of a body.”

  “Do you kill people to feed from them?” She asked and Dominick knew her question and his answer was an important one.

  “Yes cara, when I first was turned I did but now I have control and know how much of a person’s life force I can take without doing them harm. Did I not demonstrate that with you?”

  He watched her face as she digested what he was saying. He hoped she wouldn‘t be repulsed by what he had confessed to her but he wasn’t going to lie. Of course when Fabian had first sired him he’d been unable to control his thirst for the blood and had gone too far, killing some people. Slowly he’d learned to control it and Fabian had helped him to learn how far he could go, just how much he could take from a person and his sire had cleaned up the mess he’d left behind, covering their tracks so no one would come looking for them. He knew that was why Fabian was so particular about no one knowing what they were, not doing anything to draw attention to themselves as it was the safest way to live. Dominick had had no problem complying with Fabian’s rules until now, until he’d seen Allie for the first time and suddenly all that he had done over the years to protect himself and those he cared about was put in jeopardy by his overwhelming need for her. His realisation that she was the one who was meant to be with him for all eternity.

  “Shall we get going now cara if you still trust me to be in your home with you?”


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